Shamrock Star: Farmers Market Farmers Market Farmers Market Farmers Market

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Westfield Schools

Shamrock Star
Volume 4 March

Ninja Fruit NinjaTest your Skills

By:Nicky Robinson
Do you think youre a ninja? Do you like fruit? Well combine the two and you get fruit ninja! Fruit ninja is the game of challenge. You use your finger to slice fruits in half that fly up out of nowhere. There are also bombs. If you slice a bomb the game is over. There are several different modes you can play in like Zen and arcade mode. You can unlock different blades and backgrounds too. This game can be very entertaining. You do get awards for playing a certain amount of days in a row, slicing multiple fruits in a row, and by getting a certain score on certain modes. You can unlock different blades and

Farmers Market
By: Kaelyn Billstrand and Anna Berndt
Its time for everyone to start prepping for Westfields Farmers market! Now is the time to start planting the crops and making the products. This year it begins on Friday, June 1, from 4:407:30. If you want to participate in the market, you can start a booth, volunteer, or buy some items when it begins. If you want to start a booth all you need to do is go to: http:// wp-content/ uploads/2012/01/2012_ Westfield_FM_Applicatio n12.pdf to fill out an application. Participating in the Westfield Farmers market is a great way to show support for your

Dear Catherine and Cara

Dear Catherine and Cara, So everyones signing up for spring sports, including me. Im super nervous! Is there any advice that you can give me to train for the sport? Signed, Athletic Newbie Dear Athletic Newbie, First thing youll have to work on is conditioning (getting in shape). The day before a meet you want to make sure you drink lots of water to keep hydrated. Lastly, try to make friends with the people who are going to be on your team. Good Luck, Catherine and Cara

Dragster Cars By: Anna Berndt

As many of you know all 7th grade science classes get to make dragster cars. Classes get to race against each other until they receive a class champion. You get to go through the whole designing, planning, and building process. You get to split up into teams and design a car built to win! I loved that we got to personalize our cars! exclaims an anonymous commenter.

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Tyra Banks Wrote a Book!

By: Megan Jones
Tyra Banks is a model, has been on some TV. Shows, and now runs Americas next top model. And now she has written a book. And I have read it. This book is loosely based on Tyras own experiences and I would hope so too because it is fantasy. Its not even typical fantasy and I dont know if, actually, it is really more sci-fi and fantasy mixed. The main character of the book is Tookie de la Crme and she is very unique. She is gangly and tall, while her younger sister, Myraccle, is very pretty and gets all of the attention from their parents. Up on a hill is this big place called Modelland that every year girls get chosen to go to and they compete to be one of the 7sevens special celebrities. The only celebrities besides past 7sevens. Well, Tookie ends up being chosen with four other unique girls that arent usually the type to be chosen. Well, they all end up friends and are on this hard journey to seucced in Modelland against all of the other people yadda yadda yadda. Now, under all of this there is much more going on. This guy, from a near by basically men Modelland, except not as promoted, is paying attention to Tookie. And this lost very special super model has turned up and his hiding something, and doing strange things. Besides all of this, the book is very strange. When I was reading it I just kept thinking weird, weird, when is there going to be a point. Well, eventually its not weird anymore its just oh, yeah, that person does have a hand for a head. Why wouldnt Tookies mom carry around a plastic doll? Yes, Modelland sounds like a strange place and, hey it is, but read it and you wont care anymore. Now, wait. Is this book good or bad? Did I like it? Sure I liked it and fully believe you should read it, but whether you would like it depends on how weird you are. I am plenty weird and I found this book weird so you can decide that for yourself.

Movie Reviews By: Aaron Arlington

Poll: What are 3 Movies you want to see that are released in 2012?

#1 Vote: Hunger Games and The Avengers, each with 11 Votes #3 Vote: The Dark Knight Rises with 9 Votes #4 Vote: Act of Valor with 5 Votes #5 Vote: G.I. Joe: Retaliation and Ghost Rider 2 with 2 Votes

Attention 7th graders, pick Up a Digital Design Application from Ms. Staub! Applications are due soon!

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Document X, Chapter 3
Chapter Three

Seventh period went by as a blur because everyone was eager to get home. Maddie boarded the bus to go home and, fortunately, she was the first one off, so she didnt have a long wait. She hopped off the bus, and headed to her front door. Just as she was turning her key in the lock, she heard her parents arguing, or having a discussion, as they liked to put it. She had listened in on these discussions before, so she knew exactly what to do. She made as much noise as possible as she entered the house, making sure to do the same when she pounded up the stairs. Once she was inside her room, she turned on her radio. She cranked up the volume so that it was noticeable enough that her dad shouted from his office to turn it down. She turned down the radio so it was just barely audible from downstairs. She was now positive that her parents thought she was relaxing in her room. Maddie crept down the stairs and swiftly passed her dads office where the argument was taking place. She went into the kitchen where she grabbed a clear drinking glass. She passed the office again and went into the room directly next to it. She quietly closed the door behind her. She placed her glass open-side first onto the wall nearest the office. She could easily hear the voices on the other side. I dont know what were going to do, but the police are on the job. Theres nothing we can do now but wait! She heard her dad yelling at her mom.

Do the police care whats going to happen to this family if they dont find it? her mom said, through tears. Theyre doing their best! Im just as worried about this as you are, but theres nothing we can do! Greg, are we going to have to sell the house? Maddie gasped. She hated even the idea of moving. I dont think so. It depends on how easily I can find a new job. It would be ideal of they found the money. Lets go check on Maddie and tell her what happened. When Maddie heard this, she quickly, but quietly, rushed out of the room and made it to the top of the stairs just before her parents emerged from the office. She made sure they hadnt seen her before rushing into her room and plopping on her bed. She could hear them walking up the stairs when she realized she still had the glass in her hand. She threw it under the bed just as her parents walked into the room. She tried to keep a calm, straight face. She didnt have to, because her parents were concentrating on other things. Maddie, we have some news, said her dad solemnly. What is it, Dad? Maddie replied, slowly piecing together what her dad was going to say. Her mom was standing beside him, her face sad and tear-stained. The bank has been robbed. Maddies dad worked at the Silver Creek Bank, the only in bank in the small town of Silver Creek. She knew that robberies were bad, especially for banks, but she also knew that they were easily taken care of. Isnt the money insured? she asked.
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It was, but thats not the problem. Do you remember last night? How could she forget? Her family had plans that night, but her dad was late. Her mom made a big deal about it, and the plans were cancelled. Yeah. You were late. Yes, I was late, but I tried not to be. If I hadnt rushed, oh, stupid, stupid! he said, slapping his hand against his forehead. What happened? I I was stupid enough to forget to turn one of the security cameras on as I was leaving, and it happened to be the one that monitored the bank vault. Now the bank manager is saying that it was my fault the bank was robbed, and if the money isnt found in a week, I lose my job. Will the police find the money? Thats hard to say. They havent found it so far. What will happen if you lose your job? she asked, even though she knew the answer. She just wanted to make sure her parents didnt know she knew. Well, he started, sitting down next to Maddie on her bed, I will have to find another job. If I cant find one here in Silver Creek, Ill have to look in other towns, and we might have to move. No, we cant move! Not now! The school year just started! Ive just come back from the first day of eighth grade! Tears welled up in Maddies eyes.

Maddie, I know youre upset, and your mother and I dont want to move either. I never said we were leaving for sure. Nothing is set in stone. But, if we do end up moving, youre going to have to help us. We will need all the help we can get. Maddie nodded slowly. Her parents left the room. She sat on her bed, trying to think of ways that could get her family out of the awful situation. But, just like her dad said, there was nothing they could do but wait. ~~~~~~

The next day at school was hard for Maddie. She couldnt stop thinking about the robbery, which made it hard to concentrate on schoolwork. She decided she would talk to Bethany during lunch about it. It might help her feel better. ~~~~~~ Can you believe that creep? said Bethany, as she took her place next to Maddie at the lunch table. Do you know what he said to me during language? What did he say? He called me Bethy! I wont even let you call me that let alone Jackson Reed! Did someone say my name? said Jackson, approaching the girls table. Somebody kill me. Kill me now, groaned Bethany as Jackson sat down across from her.

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I just want to apologize for what I said first period. I didnt know it ticked you off. There are ways of finding that out, Jackie. I believe the cavemen invented this neat little method of asking. Well, sorry! Goodbye. You can leave now. If youd notice, all the tables are filled up. It looks like Ill be sitting here for the rest of the lunch. Then consider yourself a wall. Oh, come on! Hush! Walls do not speak. Now, Maddie, you look like you wanted to tell me something. Yeah, um, will you tell me how you know every single time? It might have something to do with being friends since infants, and it also might have something to do with the constant twisting you are doing to your poor pony-tail. Whoops. You know too much. You are going to seriously scare people when you get older. She already does! exclaimed Jackson. You really arent very good at this. You are a wall. Walls do not speak, move, and are perpendicular. Sit up straight! Ill pass, thank you.

March News

Hey everybody! Its Pi day and spring is coming! Go out and enjoy the 80 degree weather! The band contest concert is today! Also, there are parent-teacher conferences tomorrow on the 15th. On Friday, its flex day so no school! Theres also even a band competition! On Saturday, the 17th theres a computer drive as well as a band competition. On Monday the 19th, theres a book fair! Theres an Academic Team Bowl on Thursday, the 22nd. On the Explorers team in Science, you will do a lab on Wednestest on Friday, the day, the 21st and a 23rd. Thats all for now!

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