Lesson Plan Collision

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Identities : School Name Subject Topic Grade/ Semester Standard competence Basic competence Indicators SMAN 3 Padang Physics Collision XI / 2 1. To analyze physics phenomenon of the world and its regularity in mechanical particle. 1.7 To show the relation between the concept of impulse and momentum to solve the collisions - To integrate the energy and momentum conservation law for the variety collisions
- Applying the momentum conservation law to solve the problems

Time Allocation

: 1 x 20 minutes

B. Learning Objectives : After following learning process, the students are expected to be able to: 1. Mention kinds of collision. 2. Distinguish inelastic collision, perfectly and partially elastic collision. 3. Apply the concept that connect to collision. C. Learning Materials Collision There are three kind of collision : 1. Perfectly Elastic Collision
' v1' v 2 ' m1v1 m2 v 2 m1v1' m2 v 2 ......( 1)

' v1' v2 1 v1 v2

Restitution coefficient (e) = 1

The example of perfectly elastic collision is the collision between two bodies, which are among the spring.

2. Inelastic Collision In a completely inelastic collision, after collision both objects move together/ merge and have the same velocity so that it holds that: ' v1' v 2 v '

m1v1 m2 v 2 (m1 m2 )v '

' v1' v2 0 v1 v2

The example of inelastic collision is a bullet is shot into balistic oscillator and the bullet nests within it.



The velocity of bullet when it is shot is : Where: = The velocity of bullet when its shot m1 = mass of bullet m1 = mass of block g = gravitational acceleration h = vertical height of swing 3. Partially Elastic Collision ' v1' v2 0 e 1 ' m1v1 m2 v 2 m1v1' m2 v 2 The example of partially elastic collision is a ball that falling free from a certain height and collides with the floor. After collision, the ball is bounced back and reach the lower height. The coefficient of bounced restitution is:

h1 v1 v1 h1 Where: h1 = heigth of object before collision h1 = heigth of object after collision

D. Learning Method In this material, the teacher will use several methods. Those are: 1. Explanation 2. Discussion 3. Demonstration E. Learning Activities Num Stages of Learning Time(minutes) Pre Activities 1. Teacher opens the lesson with greeting and checks the 5 students attendance list. 2. Teacher reviews the last lesson 3. Teacher tells the learning objective and delivers the scoupe of learning Whilst Activities 1. Teacher explain about collision. 10 2. Teacher asks student to make group and do the experiment. 3. Teacher do reinforcement for the experiment. Post Activities 1. Teacher asks a student to conclude the lesson. 5 2. Teacher gives small evaluation 3. Teacher gives homework for the students 4. Teacher tells the learning material for next meeting

F. Learning Resources 1. Reference 1. David Sang. 2007. Physics 2. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pages 11-21. 2. Purwoko.2009. Physics For Senior High School Year XI. Jakarta:Yudhistira. Pages 125-155. 3. Sunardi. 2007. Fisika Bilingual untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI. Bandung: Yrama Widya. Pages 211-254. 2. Learning media 1. Powerpoint Slide

G. Evaluation 1. Evaluation techniques : Writen 2. Evaluation tool : Essay Test 3. Item : 1) A ball fall down to the floor. The initial hight is 36 m and then it reach 9 m. What hight will be reach if the ball fall down from the initial hight is 32 m? What is the restitution coefficient? 2) A block of 2 kg in mass slides rightward at a velocity of 10 m/s along a smooth table and collides with another block of 8 kg in mass that is at rest. If the rightward direction is taken as positive and the collision occurs in perfectly elastic way, determine the velocity of each block after collision!

Known, The Headmaster of SMA N 3 Padang

Padang, April 2012 Physics Teacher


Ade Mayasari NIM. 12720

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