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Council for Mineral Technology

Developments in Ore Sorting Technologies

5 June 2009 Carl Bergmann Specialist: Research


Current status and description of electronic sorting Modern sensor types Latest developments and improvements X- ray transmission : Commodas Ultrasort X-ray fluorescence : Rados

Some history
Both conductivity and photometric sorters 1970s Remnants of old radiometric sorters at some Witwatersrand gold mines Optical sorters with line scan cameras since 1990s Estimated 300* sorters in ore and minerals sorting worldwide (excluding diamond fluorescence sorters) * Source: Commodas/Ultrasort and Rados

Sensor based sorting applications

Industrial Minerals

Base Metals

Precious Metals

Diamonds & Gems

Diamonds Tanzanite Emeralds


Calcite Feldspar Dolomite Talc Quartz Magnesite Salt

Iron Manganese Copper Zinc Nickel Tungsten Slag

Gold Platinum

Uranium Coal

Sensor based sorting principles

1 Material feed 2 Vibratory feeder 3 Free fall acceleration 4 Sensor - Line scan camera(s) 5 Data processing 6 Air pressure valves 7 Accept stream Reject stream 8 Network interface for central control

Available Sensors within the Electro Magnetic Spectrum

10-12 Gammaradiation X-ray Ultraviolett (UV) Visible light (VIS) Near Infrared (NIR) Infrared (IR) Microwaves 10-11 10-10 10-9 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 Radio waves 101 102 Alternating current (AC) 103 104
EM (ElectroMagnetic sensor)

Range of sensors
Sensor/ Technology
RM (Radiometric) XRT (X-ray transmission) XRF COL (CCD Color Camera) PM (Photometric) NIR (Near Infrared Spectrometry)* IR (Infrared cam)* MW-IR (heating in conjunction with IR)*

Material Property
Natural Gamma Radiation Atomic Density Visible Fluorescence under X-rays Reflection, Brightness, Transparency Monochromatic Reflection/Absorption Reflection, Absorption Heat conductivity, heat dissipation Sulfides & Metals heat faster than other minerals

Mineral Application
Uranium, Precious Metals Base/Precious Metals Coal, Diamonds Diamonds Base/Precious Metals Ind. Minerals, Diamonds Ind. Minerals, Diamonds Base metals Industrial Minerals Base Metals Industrial Minerals Base/Precious Metals


Base Metals

* Under development

Lessons learnt - General

Feed Preparation!
Defined size class ranges Clean surfaces Monolayer of particles Predictable trajectory Interparticle crushing may give better liberation leading to a lower percentage of composite stones
Crusher A 38.39 0.89 5.08 1.76 5.14 2.79 45.95 Crusher B 37.58 0.99 4.55 1.78 0.76 0.96 53.38

Rock type Chromitite Pyroxenite Pegmatoid Anorthosite Light Contacts Dark Contacts <20mm fines

ROM distribution 42.89 1.08 5.37 1.9 6.97 4.4 37.39

Lessons learnt Optical Sorting

Wide range of ambient temperatures in South Africa: affects the illuminating light colour which changes the way the particles are seen so: Fluorescent lights Also: Clean, dry, oil-free, rust free air compressed air for the valves Needs relevant skills level to operate and maintain Water cooled fluorescent LED lights

Some improvements General

Developing technology
Faster computer speed More robust construction (Commodas/Ultrasort merger)

Run of Mine (ROM) Series

Industrial Processing (PRO) Series

Gem Stone (GEM) Series

Image improvement new lenses

New lenses (2009)

Old lenses

Image improvement new lenses

Old lenses

Blue Shadow

New lenses (2009)

Better texture recognition


Slow motion video Optical Sorting

Latest Pro Series Sorter at Mintek

XRT Sorter at Mintek

Throughput 16 40 tph Size Range -40mm +10mm Compressed air 55 kW ;pressure 8 bar

XRT Images

Low-Grade Sulfide Ore

MediumGrade Sulfide ore

Massive Sulfide ore


Rados Introduction
Developed in Russia Direct XRF assay of particle surfaces Mechanical ejectors no compressed air Extremely robust Modular units

RADOS clip

Rados Sorter Internal view

Ore Feed Chutes XRF Sensors

Mechanical Actuators

Rados XRF Sorting

RADOS Model Particle Size Range Throughput (tph) SRF4-050M SRF4-150M SRF3-300M 60mm +10mm -150mm +30mm -300mm +150mm 35 10 20 25 35

49 plants in Russia and neighbouring countries 2-5 elements measured simultaneously per particle Sorting rules are easily set, product and waste grades are measured Due to be installed at Mintek later this year

Bank of 6 Rados Sorters




Sensor Based Sorting is still a developing technology that is rapidly evolving. Improvements are continually being made in terms of sorter robustness and measurement sensitivity. A very wide range of sensors are now available and in development and is predominantly represented by Commodas Ultrasort X-Ray transmission sorting has particular promise in the field of dry coal sorting. For other silicate minerals, the current top size that the Xrays can pass through is around 40mm The Rados X-Ray fluorescence sorting technology, developed and operated in Russia, will soon be available for local testing.

Thank you

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