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11, NOVEMBER 2000


A New Approach to the Design Optimization of HEMT and HBT for Maximum Gain-Bandwidth of MSM-Based Integrated Photoreceiver and Its Noise Performance at 1.55 m
Nikhil Ranjan Das, P. K. Basu, and M. Jamal Deen, Senior Member, IEEE
AbstractA new and simple approach has been proposed for the design optimization of devices using PSPICE, and it has been applied to the design of high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) and heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) for the maximum gain-bandwidth (GBW) of a front-end integrated photoreceiver that uses metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) structure as the photodector at 1.55 m. The standard high frequency circuit models are used with some important modifications to simplify the model equations. The results of the optimized design show that the gain-bandwidth of the photoreceiver can be raised to a very high value compared to those of nonoptimized structures. Finally, the sensitivity of the integrated photoreceivers are calculated for a bit-error-rate of 10 9 . Index TermsGain-bandwidth, HBT, HEMT, integrated photoreceivers, modeling, MSM photodetectors, noise, optimization, photodetectors, photoreceivers.



NOMENCLATURE Total of layer thicknesses (HEMT) InAIAs donor layer thickness (HEMT) Effective total thickness (HEMT) Effective 2DEG thickness (HEMT) -L (HEMT) Spacer layer thickness (HEMT) InAIAs top layer thickness (HEMT) Equivalent input rms noise current Mmobile carrier conc. in collector (HBT) 2DEG carrier density (HEMT) Equivalent circuit parameters Saturation velocity Collector-base depletion thickness (HBT) Emitter-base depletion thickness (HBT) Width of gate (HEMT) Diffusion coefficient of InGaAs electron (HBT) Heterojunction bipolar transistor

High electron mobility transistor Debye length Gate-to-drain (bottom of ohmic contact layer) spacing (HEMT) Emitter width (HBT) Gate length (HEMT) Metal-semiconductor-metal Doping density of donor layer (HEMT) Collector layer doping density (HBT) Minimum detectable optical power Base length (HBT) Emitter-base separation (HBT) Emitter length (HBT) Drain-to source voltage at saturation (HEMT) Effective gate-bias above threshold (HEMT) Base thickness (HBT) Permittivity Quantum efficiency Low-field mobility

I. INTRODUCTION HE DESIGN of optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) photoreceivers has in recent years attracted a great deal of interest from researchers around the globe [1][5]. These photoreceivers are not only important in high-speed optical fiber communication links [6] in computers, but also find applications in chip-to-chip interconnection in computers [7], [8], and in areas such as medical imaging and linking of massively parallel processors and mainframe computers. An integrated photoreceiver mainly consists of a photodetector (PD) and a high-gain high-bandwidth electronic amplifier. Device technologies used to date include avalanche photodiodes [9], [10] and p-i-n photodiodes or MSM photodetectors coupled to either HEMT or HBT-based amplifier circuitry. For very high-speed applications, the MSM-PD has an edge over p-i-n photodiode, because the areal capacitance of the former is lower than that of a comparably sized p-i-n PD. As the sensitivity and bandwidth of the photoreceiver depends on the total input capacitance, a very low value of detectors capacitance is desirable. In addition, MSM-PD is easily integrable with either HEMT or HBT structures [11]. Also, monolithically integrated


Manuscript received December 8, 1999; revised April 19, 2000. This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada and the University of Calcutta, India. The review of this paper was arranged by Editor P. K. Bhattacharya. N. R. Das and M. J. Deen are with Electrical and Computer Engineering, CRL 220, McMaster University Hamilton, ON, L8S 4KI, Canada (e-mail: P. K. Basu is with the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta, Calcutta 700009, India. Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9383(00)09647-7.

00189383/00$10.00 2000 IEEE



structures have the advantages of small parasitics [12], compactness and high reliability. Considering the role of photoreceivers in current fiber-optic communication systems, optimization of the photoreceiver components and the entire photoreceiver is a very important issue. For optimization purposes, various device parameters can be tailored by exploiting the fabrication technology. In fact, experimental researchers may use their knowledge and insights to tailor devices parameters directly to produce devices with good performance. However, this becomes a difficult task in most cases because the devices parameters are interdependent, hence cannot be controlled independently. This might mean several fabrication attempts to produce optimized structures and devices, but cost and time involved now become a serious concern. However, both the cost and time can be significantly reduced and the task simplified if model equations and interrelations among the parameters are known. Then an analytical and/or computational techniques can be used in an efficient manner to show how the device parameters can be tailored for structures with optimum performance. This approach can be a powerful guide to experimental researchers and device manufacturers in creating monolithically integrated photoreceivers for desired optimum performance. In the present paper, such a novel approach has been proposed to get an optimum design of a HEMT and of a HBT for maximum gain-bandwidth of the MSM-HEMT/HBT integrated photoreceiver. Although the MSM-PD alone has a very large bandwidth [13], the overall bandwidth is severely limited when it is integrated with the electronic preamplifier. Therefore, a good design of HEMT and HBT is more important, and we have tentatively assumed a given design of the MSM-PD. The MSM-PDs capacitance has been assumed to have a value of 24 fF, the feedback resistance in the transimpedance preamplifier is kept at 500 , while the load resistance is chosen as 50 . As usual the preamplifier is configured in the transimpedance (TZ) configuration. The structure is assumed to be grown on an InP substrate and the operating wavelength is 1.55 m: that for minimum attenuation through currently used optical fibers. Very preliminary results have already been reported [14]. The remaining sections of this paper are organized as follows. In Section II, a qualitative description of the new approach is given. The practical application of the technique has been discussed in the following two sections. Section III starts with the basic structure of HEMT. A simplified version of its model is discussed next. Then, the HEMT design is optimized for maximum gain-bandwidth of the integrated photoreceiver. Similar studies are made in Section IV for the HBT. Here, the result of the optimization is also compared with that of an unoptimized design. In Section V, the noise analysis of the photoreceivers with optimized preamplifiers are discussed. Application of this approach in other areas has been indicated briefly in Section VI. Finally, in Section VII, the conclusions are given. II.

Fig. 1. Cross-sectional (layer) structure of HEMT integrated with MSM-PD (not shown).

device under study. The circuit model elements are expressed in terms of various device parameters (e.g. geometry, doping density, etc.) by using some good model equations. It may so happen (which is quite often in electronic devices) that the device parameters are not independently controllable in practice, and are often related in a complicated manner. Thus, interrelations are to be found using suitable computer programming as in Sections III and IV. These elements form a set, and they are to be always used in the analysis as a set. The circuit is analyzed using PSPICE, and the various device parameters are used as the parameters for the analysis. The parameters are then varied in a systematic but allowable manner to get the desired performance from the device. It must be remembered, however, that the device parameters should not violate the practical feasibility. Thus, it becomes a very good tool for design optimization that employs both analytical and computational techniques within the framework of experimental realization. The potential of the technique can be understood when one deals with practical devices. In the next two sections, we show various important considerations for actual devices and the implementation of the technique to get maximum gain-bandwidth of an integrated photoreceiver which consists of MSM as photodetector and HEMT/HBT as preamplifier. III. HEMT PREAMPLIFIER A. Structure The cross-sectional view of the layer structure of a basic HEMT used for integration with a MSM-PD (not shown) is depicted in Fig. 1. The thicknesses of the top undoped InAlAs ), n InAlAs donor layer , undoped spacer layer ( and effective thickness of the two-dimensional layer (2-D) electron gas (2DEG) are indicated. The layer labeled as PD-layer is the active layer of the MSM-PD. Two other dimensions of the structure, namely, the gate length and the separation between the gate and the bottom of the ohmic and contact layer for the drain (or source) are denoted by , respectively. It is to be mentioned here that incorporation


The method to be described here is a simple one. Though it is essentially a simple technique, its implementation is quite involved because it requires a good equivalent circuit model of the




Fig. 2. High frequency equivalent circuit model of HEMT. The intrinsic device network model is inside the dashed region.

of a few other layers may improve the design performance. We are, however, interested in evaluating the performance of the basic structure shown here. B. Model We employ the high frequency equivalent circuit model of HEMT given in [15] for our analysis. It is shown in Fig. 2. Inside the dashed region is the intrinsic equivalent circuit based on the charge control model. The circuit elements shown there depend on various device dimensions and doping level of various layers. The intrinsic circuit elements are taken from [15] with important modifications where appropriate. For example, in [15] should be changed to (1) to take into account the effect of differences in relative perand ) of different layers and the mittivities ( thickness of the top layer. The external parameters are mostly contributed by various parasitics, and the evaluation of these parasitic elements is a very difficult task because it involves the calculation of distributed parameters by transmission line analogy [15], [16]. One of the main purpose here is to obtain approximate and simplified relations taking into consideration the major contributions from device parameters. So, experimental data [17], [18] are used to obtain some empirical relations for these circuit parameters. Depending on the quality and nature of fabrication of the device (e.g., thickness of the metallization layer, etc.), the experimental data may vary to some extent and the model will then need some modifications. Thus, we take the worst case values for the parameters obtained from the experimental data to ensure reliability of the study. and come Assuming that the major contributions in from the width of the device along with some constant factors, and respecthose are represented by tively. The gate resistance appear in a different manner due to the . Simnature of current flow and may be given by and [6], [18] are given by ilarly, and respectively, while analytical relations for and , are given in [15]. is chosen tentatively the same . The output conductance parameter has been taken as [18]. The design equations are shown in Table I for as ready reference. The submicron gate length should not be
Fig. 3. Schematic ac circuit of MSM-HEMT in a common-source transimpedance configuration.

very small to cause short channel effects, thus ensuring the validity of the model. In the present study, the minimum value has been chosen as 0.08 m, though realization of much of shorter gate length have already been reported [19], [20]. C. Design Optimization As mentioned earlier, we aim to optimize the gain-bandwidth product of MSM-HEMT photoreceiver in which the HEMT amplifier works in a common source transimpedance configuration (see Fig. 3). The HEMT design parameters are altered to achieve optimized performance. It appears from the model that the total thickness of the layer should be kept as small as permissible. of the uniformly doped The effective minimum thickness donor layer is given by (2) is the 2-D electron gas (2DEG) sheet carrier concenwhere versus tration per unit area. We have obtained a plot of for InGaAs/InAlAs heterojunction as shown in Fig. 4, following the method outlined in [21] for AlGaAs/GaAs system. The values of material parameters such as effective mass, , etc., are taken from [22]. conduction band discontinuity The present work is based on a self-consistent solution for assuming that only two subbands in the triangular potential well



Fig. 4. The 2DEG sheet carrier density (n ) in InGaAs layer as a function of donor density ( ) for different spacer thicknesses.

Fig. 5. Variation of spacer thickness.


with donor density for three different values of

in InGaAs are occupied by the 2DEG. The plots in Fig. 4 are . It appears obtained for different values of spacer thickness that the absence of a spacer layer would give a minimum, but then the mobility will decrease, thus reducing gain-bandwidth. may now be The minimum thickness of the donor layer for various spacer layer thickdetermined as a function of nesses. The minimum thickness of the donor layer, however, by an amount , the Debye length, should be greater than which is given by (3)

is approximately given by half its peak value. Then, the drain-tosource voltage at saturation is given by [15] (4) being the low-field electron mobility ( cm /V-sec). with , termed as the effective gate bias, is the gate-to-source voltage in excess of threshold voltage and is given by the relation (5)

is required from the end of the debecause an allowance for pletion region to the beginning of the neutral region. The minis the sum of and , i.e., . imum value of is also deAn estimation of the 2DEG layer thickness . sired; this however depends on the spacer layer thickness The total thickness comprising of these layers are denoted by . A plot of and for three different spacer thicknesses are shown in Fig. 5. and , we note that To investigate the contributions of affects both the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, while affects mainly and significantly the intrinsic device network parameters. As the channel length for such designs is very small ( deep submicron), the carrier velocity in the channel becomes has a major role a function of channel length [23]. Thus, in determining the speed of the device. For the present design, is very essential. knowledge of the saturation velocity However, it is difficult to obtain because the electric field in which the electrons are moving is nonuniform in nature. We assume, following other authors [24] that the saturation velocity

The MSM-PD to be used in the analysis has been represented fF), and by a current source in parallel with a capacitor ( the HEMT preamplifier is in common source transimpedance configuration. For a practical donor concentration of cm , various parameters are varied in a permissible manner to get the maximum gain-bandwidth (GBW) product of the phoand , our PSPICE toreceiver. Regarding the variation of results show that the lower these values are, the better is the GBW product. However, as mentioned earlier, we have chosen 0.08 m as the minimum value of . , most of the authors do not mention its value. Regarding It has been seen, however, as a drastic step by some authors that can be decreased to a very small value using suitable recess time during processing [25]. But its practical realization in the context of the devices reliability is a serious concern. Considering this aspect and that the breakdown voltage is not very as 0.2 m. Delow, we have used the minimum value of and , also changes. For a standard value pending on



Fig. 7. Cross-sectional view of HBT-section of an integrated MSM-HBT.

the emitter width and the doping density of the collector are region supporting the collector-base depletion region the key parameters in the design of a good preamplifier.
Fig. 6. Gain-bandwidth product of MSM-HEMT as a function of width (z ).

B. Model The high frequency (HF) equivalent circuit model of HBT [26] used for the present analysis is shown in Fig. 8. As before, the region inside the dashed boundary represents the intrinsic device model. An important purpose of the present section is to compare the results of an optimized design with that in an earlier published work [27]. So, our model equations here are derived from the data used in [27]. We first try to remove some incompleteness in that study and to form a good model of the HBT. This gives us a result close to those actually reported there. For example, the PSPICE data for bandwidth is given there as 5.63 GHz with no mention of simulated gain. With our model equations, we have obtained bandwidth as 5.4 GHz using the simplified network equivalent circuits and as 5.3 GHz using Fig. 8. These differences are not significant. As mentioned earlier, in obtaining the models, we consider the major contribution from different device parameters along with constant factors. The data for the model variables are taken from [27] as mentioned above. Assuming a negligible lateral is given by [26] voltage drop, the emitter resistance (6) and this is valid when the emitter length does not exceed a maximum which we have assumed as 10 m [26]. In obtaining the relation for , we have simplified the expressions given in [26] and taken the fact that the effects of for practical values of is 1/6 of the sum of and [28]. This emitter width on gives us (7) Similarly (8)

of d (20) and using arbitrarily, we see that the m (see Fig. 6), maximum gain-bandwidth occurs for and this gives a gain of 387 and a bandwidth of 8.38 GHz. mS. The gate-to-source This optimized design has bias and the drain bias under saturation are given by 0.62 V and 0.58 V, respectively, taking into consideration the effect of series resistances of the device. A small deviation of the design values will not affect the performance significantly, and the potential lies in that the result gives a good idea for high performance device fabrication to start with. As there are no GBW study on similar structures known to the authors, the result cannot be compared directly. Some authors report data with more than one stages or with special stages of detection instead of performance of a single stage as assumed by us. The study presented in the next section will show, however, the effectiveness of the present study as that will be compared with other known results for nonoptimized structures. IV. HBT PREAMPLIFIER A. Structure A schematic layer structure of basic HBT used for integration with the MSM-PD (not shown) is given in Fig. 7. Here, the heterojunction is formed by the large band-gap InAlAs layer and the small band-gap InGaAs base layer. The p-base layer is heavily doped to reduce its sheet resistance. The various , physical dimensions shown are the base layer thickness , collector-base deemitter-base depletion layer thickness , the emitter length , the base pletion layer thickness and the emitter-to-base contact layer separation length . These dimensions along with other parameters such as




Fig. 8. High frequency network equivalent model of HBT. Inside the dashed region remains the intrinsic device model.

assuming a fixed thickness of the collector contact layer [29]. directly under emitter can be apThe parasitic capacitance [24], and the capacitance proximately given by directly under external base layer is . The [27], where drain conductance parameter is chosen as , the transconductance and other intrinsic circuit elements are mostly given by relations in [26]. All the design equations are summarized in Table II. C. Design Optimization The various design parameters are tailored to change the HF network parameters so that the maximum gain-bandwidth product is achieved for MSM-HBT integrated photoreceiver with the HBT amplifier working in common-emitter transimpedance configuration [Fig. 9]. It is quite obvious from the expression for the intrinsic network-equivalent parameters that the base layer thickness (W ) should be reduced to a very small value in order to decrease the base transit time, and thus to improve the HF performance. The base doping should also cm ) to reduce the sheet resistance and be very high ( hence to reduce the transit time further. However, there is a lower limit to the base layer thickness which is governed by the , through saturation velocity and the diffusion coefficient the relation [24] (9) for such submicron structures is cm /s The value of , can be determined for the de[27]. Knowing , however, is controlled by the collector-base depletion sign. . As mentioned earlier, can be approxlayer thickness imately taken as half the peak velocity calculated for various sample thicknesses. It must be mentioned here that the current where is the mobile carrier density in the device is . On increasing and concentration and must be less than can be increased, thus inhence , the transconductance creasing gain, but then, there is a penalty in the bandwidth since also increases. An optimum the base charging capacitance value is obtained through the maximizing the gain-bandwidth product.
Fig. 9. Schematic ac circuit of MSM-HBT in common-emitter transimpedance configuration.

The emitter-base depletion region thickness also has an important role in determining the bandwidth of the receiver. is preferred for larger bandwidth, but it has an adLarger verse parasitic effect to reduce gain. Here, this layer has been kept fixed at a particular value (200 ) as in [27]. The anal, the better is the perysis show that the lower the value of can be made very small, we do not go formance. Though below 0.1 m, which can be easily achieved with current techand the lowest nology [30]. We have tentatively used value for it is 0.5 m, though HBTs with smaller emitter geomand etry have recently been reported [31]. In the analysis, are varied in steps of 0.5 m, and 0.1 m respeccm , for different tively, while is varied in steps of , and . sets of A plot of maximized GBW under the constraints discussed is shown in Fig. 10. It shows a peak above, as a function of and it occurs when m, at m, cm , and . The collector is assumed to be completely depleted and the collector current for this optimized design is 5.6 mA. The base-emitter bias voltage, considering its voltage drop in the series resistance , is 0.87 V while the collector-to-emitter bias voltage is 1.05 V, assuming doping of collector layer as cm . The gain and bandwidth for this optimized structure are, respectively, 287 and 14.37 GHz, which show that the GBW here is much higher than GBW in [27], even if we assume that PSPICE gain in [27] is the same as the calculated one. The collector current there is 7.5 mA. Thus, it may be noted that even with a lower collector current, a better gain-bandwidth can be achieved from



VI. OTHER APPLICATIONS The techniques and results presented here can be extended to other integrated photoreceivers which uses different configurations and/or different structures. For example, the same approach can be applied to cascoded configurations or other complicated representative photoreceiver circuits for optimization. Instead of lattice-matched HEMT, Pseudomorphic HEMT (PHEMT) can also be used as the amplifier, as this structure has recently attracted the interest of researchers because of its better performance [15]. One of the most important areas of application is the optimization of PIN-HBT integrated photoreceiver which is the choice of many system designers at present. In this case, a suitable equivalent circuit of PIN is to be used and then model equations for the equivalent current source and other passive elements in that circuit are to be derived in a similar manner as indicated for HEMTs and HBTs. In this integrated structure, some variable device parameters may be common to both PIN and HBT, but the approach can be applied unaltered. So, the PIN-HBT integrated system can be optimized by controlling the common as well as individual device parameters, assuming a fixed exposed area for incidence of light signal on PIN photodetector. VII. CONCLUSION A new approach to the design optimization of devices has been discussed and employed to HEMT and HBT for maximum gain-bandwidth product of the MSM-HEMT and MSM-HBT integrated photoreceivers. For this purpose, the appropriate HF equivalent network models have been analyzed using PSPICE. In obtaining the dependence of external network parameters on various design parameters, an experiment-based simplified model has also been proposed. The design results give high device performance without violating the practical feasibility. The small fluctuation of the design results will not affect the device performance significantly. These may be very useful for the experimental researchers to fabricate HEMTs and HBTs for near-maximum gain-bandwidth performance of the receivers. The main features of the present method is that the approach is basically a simple one, but it takes into account the interdependence of different network parameters, and relies on experimental data. Examples are given to show the potential of the method and as it appears, the gain-bandwidth, and in particular, the bandwidth increases to very high values, even using basic CS and CE modes. If other configurations like cascoding are used, the performance will be even better. A comparison with an earlier study on HBT shows that even at a lower collector current, a better gain-bandwidth can be achieved by the optimized design. This lower current operation has an added advantage of lower noise for the MSM-HBT. The noise analysis of the photoreceivers with optimization shows that MSM-HEMT has better performance than MSM-HBT due to the presence of significant noise due to base current in the latter, and also that the change in design may affect only the performance of MSM-HBT because other than the base current, the most significant contribution to noise comes from the constant feedback resistance. The approach described in this paper can also be extended for optimization of other devices

Fig. 10.

= 0:51 m.

Maximized gain-bandwidth product as a function of x


the optimized devices. This obviously shows the potential of the present study. V. NOISE PERFORMANCE In this section, noise performance of the optimally designed integrated photoreceivers will be investigated. Contributions from all the parts of the receiver have been considered for analysis. The total noise is expressed as an equivalent input of a noiseless receiver. From the rms. noise current knowledge of this current, the minimum optical power that can be detected as a signal at 1.55 m, can be obtained using the relation [32] (10) where is the quantum efficiency of the photodetector. In dehas been assumed riving this relation, a bit-error-rate of and analysis has been made using Gaussian statistics. The input rms noise current has already been derived in [33], [34] for both MSM-HEMT and MSM HBT receivers. It has been assumed in the analysis that the input pulse is nonreturn to zero (NRZ) coded while the equalizer output is a full-raised cosine pulse. Assuming that the dark current can be reduced to a negligible level through passivation on MSM-PD, and further that in a HEMT, the gate leakage current may be ignored, a plot of (when ) as a function of bit-rate is given in Fig. 11. The minimum detectable power for MSM-HEMT receiver is 24.98 dBm at 10 Gb/s and 22.80 dBm at 20 Gb/s while the corresponding values for MSM-HBT are 24.05 dBm and 22.48 , the feedback resistance, predomidBm. It can be seen that nantly affects the noise in both types of receivers. That the total noise in MSM-HBT is usually higher than in MSM-HEMT, is due to the fact that the shot noise arising from base current in HBT also plays a major role in determining its minimum detectable power. After 25 Gb/s, however, the HEMT drain current noise becomes significant and MSM-HBT performance is now better.



including the integrated PIN-HBT photoreceiver, which is the choice of many system designers. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Prof. D. Mukhopadhyay of the Department of Telecommunication Engineering, Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India, Prof. J. D. Alamo of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the reviewers for their helpful suggestions. REFERENCES
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Nikhil Ranjan Das born in Calcutta, India. He received the in physics (with honors) from Krishnath College of the University of College in 1982, the B.Tech. and M.Tech. degrees in radio physics and electronics from the University of Calcutta in 1985 and 1987, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Calcutta. His Ph.D. work was on submicron structures of semiconductors. He joined the Department of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta, as a full-time Lecturer in 1994. He also worked as a visiting Lecturer at Jadavpur University, Calcutta, in the Calcutta University Computer Center, and in the Electronic Test and Development Center, West Bengal, for some time. His research interests include semiconductor nanostructures, optoelectronic devices, and control systems. He is currently on leave working as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, on the design, simulation and optimization studies of photodiodes and photoreceivers for applications in fiber-optic communication systems. Dr. Das is a recipient of the National Scholarship. He is a life Member of the Indian Physical Society, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, and Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (IETE).



P. K. Basu received the B.Sc. (with honors) in physics from Presidency College, University of Calcutta, in 1963, and the B.Tech., M.Tech., and Ph.D. degrees, all in radio physics and electronics, from the University of Calcutta, in 1965, 1966, and 1971, respectively. He joined the Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta, as a Lecturer in 1971, where he has been a Professor since 1986. He spent the 19721973 academic year as a Post-doctoral Fellow at Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium. During 19771978, he was with the Physics Department, Wuerzburg University, Germany, as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. His research interests include transport and optical processes in semiconductors, and semiconductor nanostructures, as well as optoelectronic materials and devices and optical communication. He has more than 90 research publications in reviewed journals and numerous conference publications. He is author of Theory of Optical Processes in Semiconductors: Bulk and Microstructures (Oxford, U.K.: Oxford Univ. Press) Dr. Basu was awarded the INSA Research Fellowship by the Indian National Science Academy, instituted in the golden jubilee year of INSA (1984). He is a Fellow of IETE, India, Optical Society of India, and a Member of the Indian Physics Association and Indian Physical Society.

M. Jamal Deen (S81M86SM92) was born in Georgetown, Guyana. He received the B.Sc. degree in physics and mathematics from the University of Guyana in 1978, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and applied physics from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland, OH, in 1982 and 1985, respectively. From 1978 to 1980, he was an Instructor of Physics at the University of Guyana, and from 1980 to 1983, he was a Research Assistant at CWRU. He was a Research Engineer (1983 to 1985) and then an Assistant Professor (1985 to 1986) at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA. In 1986, he joined the School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada, as an Assistant Professor, and since 1993, he has been a Full Professor. In summer 1999, he assumed his current position as Professor of electrical and computer engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada. He was a Visiting Scientist at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council, Ottawa, ON, in summer 1986, and he spent his sabbatical leave as a Visiting Scientist at Northern Telecom, Ottawa in 1992 and 1993. He was also a Guest Professor in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, in summer 1997, and a CNRS Scientist at the Physics of Semiconductor Devices Laboratory, Grenoble, France, in summer 1998. His current research interests include integrated devices and circuits; device physics, modeling and characterization; and low power, low noise, high frequency circuits. Dr. Deen is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, the American Physical Society, and the Electrochemical Society. He was a Fulbright-Laspau Scholar from 1980 to 1982, an American Vacuum Society Scholar from 1983 to 1984, and an NSERC Senior Industrial Fellow in 1993.

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