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Use-case Diagram:
The payroll use cases in our system are: 1 .Login 2. Add employee 3. Update employee details 4. Delete employee 5. Calculate salary 6. View employee details 7. Logout

Calculate & print payroll

Add employee payroll

Maintain employee details Payroll Operator Remove from payroll

Modify payroll amount Edit employee within payroll

Manage tax rates

Class Diagram:
The class diagram is a graphical representation of all the classes used in the system and their operations, attributes and relationships. The payroll system makes use of the following classes: System Employee details Employee salary

Component View:

Payroll Processing

State chart Diagram:





Activity Diagram:
ADD EMPLOYEE DETAILS: This module caters to the needs of the administrator in adding new employees entrance to that particular concern in a flexible and efficient manner. This module needs to be updated only whenever a new entry comes into role lest this module task is to ensure in any list of the concern correspond to the similar data if not it indicates that there is an error.

New Appointment Dept Transfer

Branch transfer

No new Appointment

Add details of new employee to DB

EDIT EMPLOYEE DETAILS: This module is used to edit employees personal details as the name implies. This particular field needs proper data feed and maintenance because if any edition is not updated properly then it may result in a poor result.

Update individual employee details

Update dept wise employee details

Update the edited employee details

Maintain employee records within DB

MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE DETAILS: This module is responsible for maintaining the employee details of the concern (i.e. personal information) for effective manipulation of the pay details of that particular employee. This module needs utmost care and this is one of the most important modules of this entire System as its failure could have a great impact on the entire System.

Employee Id_no Employee name

Basic Pay

Employee Dept &designation Personel Details Gross Salary


Rebates & Concession

MANAGE TAX SALES: This module takes care of the frequent changes that are made by the government and its impact are readily absorbed by the System as it is designed in such a way to adapt to future changes. This particular module also needs frequent updation has its own impact on the entire structure of this System.

Emp Details

Basic Pay <5000


No tax

Basic Pay >5000


tax=10% of annual income

Basic Pay >10000


tax=20% of income

Calculate tax amount

Enter the details in payroll

Enter the DB

MODIFY PAYROLL AMOUNT: This module adheres to modification made to the amount which is to be mentioned in the payroll of various employees. This modification does may be done periodically. Hence this module needs constant updation and this facility is taken care of.

employee details

Promotion Yes No demotion No Suspension Yes Yes

Increment basic pay

Decrement pay

Calculate amount for suspended days


Reduce amount from payroll

Call gross salary

CALCULATE PRINT PAYROLL: This module is mainly focused with the pay details of the employees alone. The main task of this module is to compute the pay details of the concerned employee and printing it. This module needs to access the payroll databases to retrieve the pay details of the particular staff.

Employee details

Working days

Yes Overtime Hrs No Leave taken Yes

Calculate the amount for hrs Add amount to net salary Calculate amount to nature of leave

No Add/Sub amount to nature of leave Calculate the gross salary Print gross salary

REMOVE EMPLOYEE DETAILS: This module makes sure that whenever any employer resigns or quits or is fixed the employee database is updated approximately. This is the prime task of this module. The updation is made in such a way that it is reflected in almost all the departments of the concern to make sure that the updation has resulted in a universal issues(throughout the concern).

Employee Details


Service retirement NO Voluntary retirement Yes No Yes Natural/Accident al death Yes No Update transfer details in DB

No removed of details

Remove details from DB

Sequence Diagram
A sequence diagram represents the sequence and interactions of a given use-case or scenario. Sequence diagrams can capture most of the information about the system. Most object-to-object interactions and operations are considered events and events include signals, inputs, decisions, interrupts, transitions and actions to or from users or external devices. An event also is considered to be any action by an object that sends information. The event line represents a message from one object to another, in which the from object is requesting an operation be performed by the to object. The to object performs the operation using a method that the class contains. It is also represented by the order in which things occur and how the objects in the system send message to one another. The sequence diagram for each use-case that exists when a user logs in, adds, views, updates or deletes records in the system.

Employee Accept employee details

Payroll details

Verify employee details

Maintain Employee details

Create employee details

Calculate payroll details

Manage tax rates

Print pay details

Add /Rem Employee

Edit details in DB

Modify &print payroll details Verify payroll calculate

Issue salary

Collaboration Diagram:

1: Accept employee details 5: Calculate payroll details 6: Manage tax rates 7: Print pay details 8: Add /Rem Employee 10: Modify &print payroll details 12: Issue salary Employee

2: Verify employee details 3: Maintain Employee details 4: Create employee details 9: Edit details in DB 11: Verify payroll calculate

Payroll details

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