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Modak !

During Ganesh Chaturthi, Ganapati is welcomed into millions of homes and is adorned and worshipped,For 10 days each year. We lovingly prepare his favourite food, especially modaks which are steamed dumplings made of rice flour and filled with jaggery..

Rice Flour - 1 cup Water - 1 cup Ghee A pinch of Salt For filling: shredded Coconut - 2 cup Jaggery - 1 cup Cardamom Powder - 1 tsp

For the filling: - Heat a pan and put jaggery in it - When jaggery starts melting, add 1 tsp Ghee and coconut to it - Mix well and cook on medium heat for 5-6 mins - Add cardamom powder - Filling is ready, keep aside to cool For the covering: - Boil 1 cup water, add ghee to it - Add rice flour to boiling water and stirring continuously - Add salt, mix well and cook covered for 5 mins - Remove from heat and knead well into a soft flour when its hot

- Divide the dough into small balls - Roll each ball just like puris - Place this on the mould and add some filling to it - Bring together the ends in form of plates and form a tip and seal - Repeat the procedure for rest of the modaks - Put these modaks in a steamer/cooker

Undrallu !
The recipe that should Specially prepared on ganesh chaturthi. Ganesha's Favorite recipe, he loves them..

Ingredients: Rice Rawa - 1 cup Jeera - 1 tsp Chana dal (Senaga pappu) - 1 tbsp Salt - to taste Method: - Soak chana dal in water for atleast 10minutes. - Heat about 1tsp of oil add jeera. - Add 2 cup of water and bring to a boil. - To it add salt, soaked chana dal and slowly add rawa. Stir continuously to make sure that there are no lumps. - Cook until the mixture comes together and looks like upma. - Let this mixture cool.. - Make small balls of the mixture and steam them for about 10 minutes in a pressure cooker.

kudumulu !
Kudumulu is a traditional recipe. And also a very special sweet For my brother "ganesha".

Ingredients: Rice flour-1 cup water-1 cup a pinch of salt. For filling: chana dal -1 cup jaggery -1 cup 6 cardamom powder Method: - pressure cook chana dal to 3 whistles, till the chana dal is firmly soft. - In a mixer, take the cooked dal and Add jaggery and grind to smooth, solid and it has to hold the

shape. - Take Rice flour to it add water , a pinch of salt to make dough.- divide the dough into small balls Make flat round puris and fill it with chana dal mixture - and fold into the round shape - Steam these in a cooker.

senaga guggillu !
Senaga guggillu is nutritious and full of protein and fiber. It is a Great snack item..

Ingredients: Senagalu(black chickpeas) seasoning (talimpu): Mustard Seeds(aavalu) -1spoon Black Gram(urad Dal) -1 spoon Channa Dal -1/2 spoon

Cumin Seeds(jeera) 1 spoon Red Chillies -4 Curry Leaves Hing(inguva) - Small pinch Oil / Ghee for frying -2 Spoons Method: -Soak the Whole brown senagalu overnight & Boil in cooker upto 3 whistles -Add oil to the pan and add seasoning ingredients to it,when they splutters add cooked senagalu & salt -stir it for 5 mnts..

pulihora !
Pulihora is an traditional andhra recipe.

Ingredients: Tamarind paste -1 cup White Rice - 2 cups Red Chillies - 3 oil - 3 tbsp Green chillies - 5 Curry leaves Asafoetida - pinch

Mustard - 1 tsp Cumin seeds - 1 tsp groundnuts 1 tsp turmeric Salt to Taste Method: - Heat oil in a pan on medium flame,add mustard seeds ,urad dal, chana dal, peanuts, whole red chilles and fry till light golden brown. Add ,asafoetida. - Add green chillies, curry leaves, turmeric, tamarind pulp, salt and cook for 10 mins. -When the mixture becomes thick, turn off the heat. Add rice and mix well. Adjust the seasoning and serve.

Daddojanam !
Daddojanam is a tasty traditional dish. It is easy to make.


cooked Rice -1 Cup Curd ( yogurt) - 2 cups Oil - 2 Tbsp milk - 1/4 cup green chilies - 3 chana dal - 1 tsp urad dal - 1 tsp mustard seeds -1 tsp finely chopped ginger - 1 tsp. salt to taste chopped coriander leaves Method: -In a pan heat 2 tbsp of oil. - Add mustard seeds ,chana and urad daal. - After a minute, add in the ginger, coriander and green chilies. wait for a minute and Add to the rice. - to this add curd( yogurt) and milk.

gaarelu !
Minapa Gaarelu is the perfect festive recipe &favourite of many people.

Ingredients: Urad dal - 2 cups Onions - 1 Greenchilies - 3 Coriander leaves Curry leaves Ginger - small piece Salt to Taste Oil for frying Method: - Soak urad dal for 5hrs. - Grind urad dal with adding few drops of water. - Cut the green chillies, ginger, onions, coriander leaves and curry leaves and add required salt in the batter, and mix it well. -Heat oil in a pan and make the batter in the shape of vada and drop it in the oil and fry it till it turns golden brown on both the sides.

Payasam !
Payasam is a sweet , tasty , yummy and tempting dish .. which is called as Food of the Gods.

Ingredients: Rice - 1 cup Jaggery - 1/4 kg Milk - 1/2 ltr Cardamom powder Cashews Raisins Ghee - 4 tblsp Method:

-Wash and soak rice in water -Take milk in a heavy bottomed vessel and let it boil and add the rice to it stirring continuously, till it thickens and the rice gets cooked. -Now add the jaggery and mix well till it dissolves. -Finally add ghee, cardamom powder, fried cashews & raisins

Ganesh chaturthi Naivedyams !

We Celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi along with some delicious and yummy food. Our Ganesh Chaturthi Naivedyam section contains a variety of traditional Recipes. Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated to mark the birth of Lord Ganesha.

Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in many parts of India. The festival is celebrated for an odd number of days. The idol is worshipped everyday as long as it is in the house, and different sweets are prepared in the morning and evening as prasadam.

Ganesha's favourite sweet is the modak, undrallu and kudumulu. On Ganesh Chaturthi, people visit each other's homes, and serve a variety of things to their guests, ranging from Chickpea flour(kadle hittu) and fruit salad to chana guggillu(boiled black chickpeas). On the day of the visarjan, Ganesha is big goodbye with pulihora,curd rice..

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