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Caruso ENGL 1102 13 February 2012 Osama bin Laden: The Beginning of the End Osama bin Laden, the most notorious terrorist over the past two decades, saw his life come to a crumbling end on May 2, 2011. The Federal Bureau of Investigation had a 25 million dollar bounty for his head making him the most wanted man in the world.1 He was the founder of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda, which was responsible for the attacks on September 11, 2001. Osama bin Laden claimed full responsibility for the attacks on that dreadful day and his death was an assurance to the American people that their country was strong and will continue to fight for freedom as long as it stands. The number of American causalities on September 11 was 2,977. Bin Laden successfully brought down the Twin Towers, took out a part of the Pentagon, and United Airlines flight 93 crashed in a field in Shanksville,2 Pennsylvania. Flight 93 was supposedly headed for the White House, United States Capitol Building, or another building in Washington D.C. Flight 93 was prevented because of the patriots for America deciding to stand up and fight the extremists, causing them to miss their initial target.3 In 2004, Osama bin Laden admitted, for the first time, to ordering the Sept. 11 attacks and accused President Bush of misleading the American people4 (Baier, McCaleb, and Persky par. 1) in a televised report. Bin Laden claimed the attacks were the Americans fault, because we allow freedom and allow Israel to do whatever they want. He also said he wanted to help the Americans know how to prevent another attack and thought that

Simpson 2 President Bush was weak and didnt know how to protect his own people. Years after the attack on September 11th, Osama bin Laden was in hiding. The only time his face was shown was when he released a video to Al- Qaeda to relay to America. In many of the videos, there were mountains in the background as proof that he was in hiding.5 Bin Laden spent the last decade of his life in fear of being captured or killed. It has been figured that he had been living in his compound around 2007 in Abbottabad, Pakistan. There were videos of him that showed him watching President Barack Obamas inauguration, which gave proof he was there before 2009. American officials assume that during the last five years, Bin Laden recorded about a half-dozen audio messages a year from inside the house(Bumiller par. 19).6 Osama bin Laden was living with two guards, his three wives, and the upwards of 10 children.7 He had never been seen living in his compound all the years he lived there. The world's most wanted terrorist lived his last five years imprisoned behind the barbed wire and high walls of his home in Abbottabad, Pakistan, his days consumed by dark arts and domesticity (Bumiller par. 1). The last years of Osama bin Ladens life could not have been fun, knowing everybody in the world wanted him to be captured or killed. Bin Laden two guards were Tariq and Arshad Khan. The two brothers were the only people who ever left the compound to get food and do various work for bin Laden. They lied to the neighbors about how they bought the house and how they came into money. The neighbors around the compound always thought that the Khan brothers were always just quiet people.8 The only way of communication inside the house was through CDs and thumb drives. The brothers would get them for bin Laden, and he would sit on his computer all day reading intelligence and plotting more attacks for Al-Qaeda.

Simpson 3 During President Bushs era, he started gathering important Intel on bin Ladens hiding. After Bush, President Obama was pursuing the fight to get bin Laden even harder. Many people do not know this, but President Obama gathered sufficient knowledge of bin Ladens whereabouts from some of the worlds most notorious terrorists. Much will be made of the fact that the original tip came from detainees at the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. There is no evidence that good intelligence like this was the result of secret detentions or abuse and torture. Everything suggests the opposite (DOOBL par. 4). This was the start of a tip and a promising lead. President Obama and C.I.A. director Leon E. Panetta also used a doctor that was working on bin Ladens family. American officials have said that the doctor, Shikal Afridi, had been running a phony hepatitis B vaccination program as a ruse to obtain DNA evidence from members of Bin Laden's family, who were thought to be holed up in the Abbottabad compound (Mazzetti par. 7).9 The doctor went into the compound a few times but never actually saw bin Laden inside of the compound. These two leads, along with a few others, began the end for bin Laden. May 2nd, 2011 is a date to be remembered forever for the victory of freedom and the end to a terrorist powerhouse. A day that is heavy on American hearts but also an assurance that justice has been achieved. President Obama and Leon E. Panetta were deciding what to do in the situation room, Panetta made the call to go for the rain, not President Obama.10 There were 79 people involved in the Osama bin laden raid.11 The team that raided the compound and killed bin Laden are unofficially called Seal Team 6.

The official name of the mission was Operation Neptune Spear and bin Ladens target

name was Geronimo. A few minutes into the raid the Navy Seal took a shot that killed bin Laden along with one of his wives caught in the crossfire. It's dark; there's been a

Simpson 4 lot of bullets flying around, a lot of bodies dropping; your mission is to capture or kill Bin Laden; who knows what he's got tucked in his shirt?' said Don Shipley (Bumiller par. 6). The mission lasted only forty-five minutes and was played out into perfection.13 The mission to kill Geronimo was completed and the highly experienced team did their job.14 The team was shocked because bin Laden had no escape routes, no fake rooms, nothing that would try to trick a unit that would raid the compound. They also found various electronics that led them the U.S. to believe that he was still involved with operations of Al-Qaeda. Bin Laden's death is an extraordinary moment for Americans and all who have lost loved ones in horrifying, pointless acts of terrorism (DOOBL par. 11).15 His body was buried in the ocean to be respectful of his religion. The U.S. still wont release pictures of his actual body and there are conspiracy theories talked about throughout it all. The scariest terrorist of modern time had finally died after ten years of hiding; closure had finally been brought to in so many hearts.16 The aftermath of Osama bin Ladens death was seen and heard all around the world. People felt assured that the most dangerous terrorist was dead and his organization Al-Qaeda was done.17 The U.S. was not happy with Pakistan because they felt they gave them no compliance throughout the whole operation process. People were celebrating the streets in the U.S. whereas others personally affected mourned over their loved ones and how it has affected their lives. The death of Osama bin Laden was an proof to people throughout the world that the world on terror was far from over, but a victory for freedom was achieved and will be fought for in the future.

Simpson 5 Bibliography Bumiller, Elisabeth. Gall, Carl. Ottamasood, Salman. Shane, Scott. Mazzetti, Mark Schmitt, Eric Rohde, David Khan, Ismail. "Bin Laden's Secret Life in a Shrunken World." New York Times 08 May 2011: 1. Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. Bumiller, Elisabeth, Mark Mazzetti. "In Bin Laden's Compound, Seals' All-Star Team." New York Times 05 May 2011: 14. Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 7 Feb. 2012. Mazzetti, Mark. "Panetta Cites Pakistani's Role In the Search for Bin Laden." New York Times 29 Jan. 2012: 9. Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. Baier, Bret, Ian McCaleb, and Anna Persky. "Bin Laden Claims Responsibility for 9/11. Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos & News Videos. Oct.-Nov. 2004. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. <,2933,137095,00.html>. "The Long-Awaited News: The death of Osama bin Laden reflects strong leadership and painstaking intelligence work." New York Times 03 May 2011: 22. Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 12 Feb. 2012.

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Nobody has ever claimed the reward because nobody on the team wanted to take credit for the shot. They were just happy the mission was executed to full perfection. 2 The Twin Towers were the most notable part of September 11th. When people think about that grueling day, the picture of them falling down appears in so many peoples heads. 3 Had it of hit the White House or Capitol Building, it probably would have been the biggest catastrophe in U.S. history. 4 This asserts the beginning of the end for bin Laden after he admitted it. 5 The search for bin Laden was on, and there was one thing we needed to do. Kill him. 6 It was said that inside the house bin Laden still made an attempt to run Al-Qaeda. 7 One of bin Ladens wives, three others, one who was said to be his son died in the raid. 8 They were a big deal in bin Laden being caught along with detainees at Guantanamo Bay. 9 The Khan brothers and the doctor all add different views to the final end to Osama bin Laden, because they were directly related with his death and hiding. 10 This is something that really makes me angry with President Obama supporters, they all claim that he was the one that got bin Laden, but really it was Panetta. 11 My character is going to be Panettas best friend, Jack Killman, who is a U.S. Navy Seal that led the team to capture or kill Osama bin Laden. 12 Killman is leading the team, and made the shot to kill Osama bin Laden. 13 In my story, there is going to be a huge fight between Al-Qaeda and the Navy Seals. 14 Seal Team 6 was the highest rated Navy Seals team in America, they were not even known of existence until Operation Neptune Spear. 15 People in the United States will never be the same after 9/11. It was the most tragic day for U.S. citizens. It single handedly destroyed the U.S. economy and brought us into a cold war. Thousands of troops have died, many kids have been raised without a father in the homes, all because of the terrorist act of one group, AlQaeda, led by bin Laden. 16 Im pretty sure every American can vividly remember the images, the day, and exactly what you were doing on 9/11. 17 Al-Qaeda, has said to avenge his death and attack the U.S. again. It was also said that there was going to be an attack on the 10-year anniversary, but it never happened.

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