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Q1.Do you cheat? If so why? Analysis According to our research survey we observed that 70 % of the male and 90% of the females cheated in their examinations, people quoted various reasons for their cheating which included motives like passing the exams, finding an easy way out to get good grades, getting an edge over competitors lastly lack of preparation in exams which forces them to cheat in the exam. There are many reasons why some students cheat in exams which include being afraid of failure, having no ability, and wanting to take risks sometimes. Q2.What are the means of cheating you use? Analysis There are many popular ways for students to cheat in exams. Some students take their notes into the examination rooms while others ask their friends by whispering during the exams. And some students just try to copy the answers of students who sit in front of them. Some other students went further by saying that they used telephone as a mean to cheat in exams. Sit next to the person you want to cheat from. If there are different versions of the test, either mix them up while they're being passed out or sit diagonally behind the person you want to cheat from. Crib over the desk before the exam starts. Write on your hands or arms and hide it from the professor with hand position or sleeves. Calculator: programmable calculators can hold text, formulas, even pictures. Q3.Does the present academic system makes adjustments for fair marking system? Analysis The survey shows that a greater majority of people do not consider the present educational system to be fair.With up to 80% of people thinking that the present marking system is bias and discriminates on the basis of gender. While 20% of people consider it to be just. Generally examination system in Pakistan needs improvement which may take years to bring about the change. Most of the people pointed out the flaws in the examination system which needs proper amendments. Amongst other reasons given by the people for the marking system to be not fair includes bribery which is a very common practice used to increase a student's marks. People track the Invigilators and pay them for giving 1|Page


good marks to a student. Moreover there is no operating body which governs the system of examination as a result cheating is rampant. Q4.What measures can be taken in order to improve the present academic system for justified academic system? Analysis This question was designed to study the various preventive measures taken in order to have a fair educational system. A number of measures were suggested by the people which included: Use of multiple versions of the exam, so that no one is seated next to, in front of, or behind a student writing the same version. With everyone in the room writing the same exam, four versions are needed Use randomized assigned seating for midterms. Many classrooms have labeled seating; this makes it easier to assign students to random seating. The procedure is easy to implement by posting students' IDs and assigned seats outside the classroom shortly before the exam or possibly displaying them on the overhead projector as students enter the classroom. If a person discovers cheating, report the incident to the disciplinary officer in the student's faculty. Avoid gender discrimination. Conducting online examination Enhance understanding the concepts then rote learning the concepts. To avoid this people should have no access to the person checking the papers Examination centers should be improved. High quality staff must be appointed. Rules should be made strict. Q5.How fairly does the recent ad of DJUICE named khamoshi ka boycott depict the present scenario of our country? Analysis Telenor Pakistan has announced its new philosophy towards its youth brand djuice to reaffirm its commitment to the young people of Pakistan. The new philosophy, which empowers young people to speak out and take action against social injustices, comes with the tagline Khamoshi ka Boycott. The event comprised the unveiling of the new identity of the brand and a discussion among the audience on speaking out about the social problems they see in their everyday lives. Varying degree of opinions from people were received on this question while some believed that Telenor Pakistan also seems to have joined the club of revolutionaries. It has blended its commercial targets with social injustice in Pakistan. Its recent campaign Khamoshi Ka Boycott is educating young people to stand for their rights against all odds and injustice that they come across in their daily lives. Djuice says Its about coming 2|Page


together to make things happen for the positive, for you, for the youth. Various other issues such as Booti Culture are highlighted in the ad. Some of the respondents said that the commercial proved to be one-of-a kind as the ads aired nowadays are usually dry and follow a conventional pattern. The format of the commercial is colorful and eye catching with the message communicate to the audience in a simplistic manner rather than showing some pretty faces dancing to a song yet making no impact. The ad is one of those which leaves a mark on the minds of the viewer and enables them to ponder over social issues like cheating which is rampant nowadays. Q6.Will this freedom of speech help to uncover issues which were previously suppressed? Analysis Mixed results were seen to this question. While some of the people were unaware about the pros and cons of freedom of speech on social issues, on the other hand majority of the people were in favor of this freedom of expression. One of the most important functions of freedom of speech is that decision-making at all levels is preceded by discussion and consideration of a representative range of views. A decision made after adequate consultation is likely to be a better one which less imperfectly mirrors the opinions, interests and needs of all concerned, than a decision taken with little or no consultation. Thus freedom of speech is important at all levels in society. Freedom of Expression enables one to express his/her views both a basic human right and a bedrock principle of democracy. If people are denied the right to speak their minds, something essential to their sense of autonomy is removed. Q7.Do you plagiarize assignments and projects? Analysis The results showed that plagiarism of assignments and projects is more common in males than females.30% of males said that they did not copy assignments from folks or net while 70% admitted that they did plagiarize. The scenario on the women side depicted similar results too. The widespread use of the Internet has increased the incidence of plagiarism. Students are able to use search engines to locate information on a wide range of topics. Once located, this information can be cut-and-pasted into their own documents with minimal effort. Plagiarism can be divided into three basic varieties: 1. Using another person's words without giving them credit. 2. Taking another person's ideas without giving them credit. Students often think that by paraphrasing, they can avoid plagiarism. However, simply changing words



around or substituting synonyms is not enough - credit must always be given to the author. 3. Citing sources that you never looked at, or making up references. This form of plagiarism is likely to occur when a student is required to have a certain number of references in their paper. Instead of doing research on their own, students may be tempted to steal another person's sources. Q8.What shortcuts are adopted by students in order to cheat? Analysis The survey revealed various means of shortcuts which included the following: Asking a class fellow Scribbling notes on hands Taking cell phones in examination Copying others work Internet PDAs Saving slides in mobiles Q9.Is there fair distribution of work in your teams? Analysis The results showed that 30 % of the males agreed that there is fair distribution of work in teams while 70% disagreed to it. While 40% of the females said a yes to the statement and 60 % disagreed. Understanding among team members is a necessity in every team for every member to be able to work in the best of his abilities. Everyone must be open to new ideas and suggestions. Everyone must have the capability to understand people. It is in keeping the communication lines open that the team can more efficiently achieve its goals. Every member is accountable not only to his team but to all his other work mates. We are not responsible only of ourselves. It is everyone's responsibility to keep others informed. Keenness is the final key in working as a part of a team. It is more than enthusiasm. Enthusiasm comes before doing the actual work. This keenness - this intensity, is manifested while going through the work itself. It is what pushes us to move on and keep on working until we are finally done. Q10.Teamwork; a nuisance or greater idea generation. Briefly comment. Analysis



This question helped us study the way the people viewed working in a team. A team building success is when your team can accomplish something much bigger and work more effectively than a group of the same individuals working on their own. There is a strong synergy of individual contributions. But there are two critical factors in building a high performance team. The other critical element of team work success is that all the team efforts are directed towards the same clear goals, the team goals. This relies heavily on good communication in the team and the harmony in member relationships. If all the above factors are kept into consideration then it will lead to greater idea generation. There will be many situations in which you need to give feedback to others in the team. Like, they have just written a draft of a team paper, and you need to suggest changes and point out problems. Q11.Does making class attendance mandatory has an impact on the performance of student? Analysis Research indicates that attendance is statistically significant in explaining class grade and overall performance of students. 60% of the females said that mandatory class attendance has an impact on the students while 40% disagreed to it. On the other hand there was an equal ratio of males agreeing and disagreeing to the statement. Students who miss class frequently significantly increase their odds of a poor grade in a given course. At a minimum, the research supports the idea that faculty should strongly encourage attendance with quality teaching. Certain course practices can be used to encourage attendance. Testing extensively from material presented in class rather than material from the text can encourage better attendance. The use of in-class quizzes and other exercises will reward attendance. Encouraging a greater commitment to the course by requiring more homework and reading will make students more likely to attend the class. Q12.What positive or negative impact it can have on the students? Analysis The questionnaire showed that most people believed that class attendance can serve as a tool to build students discipline. Classes are scheduled that students have to build good habits of organizing themselves and arranging their schedules wisely if they want to succeed in their studies. In the long run, students will benefit from those habits in that they will become well-organized and expectedly more prepared to face professional world which demands punctuality, efficiency, and effectiveness. If students are free to choose whether to attend classes or not, they tend to attend only classes which interest them and skip classes which bore them.



Fact shows that most universities decide to make class attendance mandatory because they are aware of the benefit students can gain from class attendance. Not only does that policy help students to concentrate on their studies, but it also instills good habits to prepare students to enter professional world. Finally, students are already adults. As adults, they should hold responsibility for what they do. Students are no longer children for educators to force them sitting in classes obediently. If they find it unnecessary to go to classes, they could stay at home or do something else. Generally, at university, students have to learn how to live independently and responsibly. Thus, they should be allowed to decide whether or not they attend classes regularly. Q13.Have you ever been caught while cheating? Analysis The results showed that: 90% of the males were never caught while cheating 10% of males were caught cheating 70% of females were never caught while cheating 30% of females were caught cheating. Q14.What were your feelings? Analysis Most of the people who were interviewed said that it takes time for a feeling of shame or guilt to go away. They feel guilty and embarrassed that other students saw them cheating. Students who cheat may feel worried about getting caught. Whether they are caught or not, these students may feel guilty, or embarrassed, or ashamed or all three. Students who get caught cheating might be given a "zero" score on the assignment and have their parents contacted. Worse than the bad grade may be the feeling of having disappointed other people, like parents and teachers. A parent may worry that you are not an honest person and a teacher might watch you more closely the next time you're taking a test.


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