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Over the recent months, the overall security situation in Judea and Samaria has remained troublesome. The IDF continues to face a wide variety of security challenges, including terrorist attacks and violent assaults. These latter incidents include shooting and stabbing attacks against Israeli civilians and security personnel, as well as rock throwing incidents, which have claimed lives and caused extensive material damage. The main security challenges the IDF is facing in Judea and Samaria are:





05 APRIL 2012

Palestinians throwing rocks at a civilian vehicle in Beit Omar, AP 21/2/2012

Violent riots, facilitated by the Palestinian Authority (the 'P.A.') and exploited by radical elements, and which are often cynically promoted as "non-violent protests".

Rock throwing, the use of Molotov cocktails and makeshift bombs against Israeli security personnel and civilians.

Shooting and stabbing assaults against Israeli security personnel and civilians. Attempted abductions of Israeli security personnel and civilians.

IDF's activity in Judea and Samaria often exposed explosive devices and illegal weapons including Improvised Explosive Devices ('IED's') and other weapons. In addition, there have been several cases whereby terrorists were apprehended while on their way to carrying out an attack. The majority of attacks occurring in Judea and Samaria are either semi-organized or spontaneous. Apart from larger scale riots, there were over 3,000 reported cases of serious violence in Judea and Samaria over the last half a year. These incidents include Molotov cocktails, rocks and burning tires thrown at Israeli security personnel and civilian vehicles. -1-


These violent events are influenced by senior P.A. officials and religious leaders in Judea and Samaria who incite hatred and antiSemitism against Israel and Jewish people in general, using print media, the internet and public speeches.

"Our War with the descendants of the apes and pigs (i.e., the Jews) is a war of religion and faith" (Muhammad Hussein, PA TV, 9 January 2012)

Rock Throwing Of the 3,000 reported cases of serious violence in Judea and Samaria over the last half a year, most included rock throwing incidents towards Israeli security personnel and civilian vehicles. These resulted in two fatalities, as well as civilian injuries and damage to vehicles. In September 2011, a total of 612 rock throwing incidents were reported, significantly more than in previous months. While a slight decrease in the number of such incidents occurred in October and November, the period of December 2011 until February 2012 experienced a rise in the amount of rock throwing incidents.
700 600 500

Rock Throwing Incidents

300 200 100 0

Asher Palmer and his 18 month old son were killed on 23 September, 2011 when Palmer lost control of his car after being hit by stones hurled by Palestinians. According to police investigations, there was a hole in the front windshield of the car caused by the massive rock found in the front seat.
The site of the terror attack in Kiryat Arba where Asher Palmer and his 18 month old son Jonathan were killed 23/9/2011


Stabbing Assaults Over the last half a year, 195 Palestinians were arrested1 in Judea and Samaria for stabbing attempts, possession of illegal weapons and various other attacks against Israeli security personnel and civilians. Several significant arrests were related to the following events: On 19 October 2011, a Palestinian attempted to attack an Israeli civilian with a knife in the vicinity of the Migdal Oz community. On 17 December 2011, a Palestinian stabbed a security guard at the Ma'ale Adumim community. On 8 March 2012, two Palestinians stabbed an IDF soldier during an arrest in the village of Yatta. On 26 March 2012, an IDF soldier was stabbed by a number of assailants during an operation east of Ramallah.

Confiscations of Illegal Weaponry Over the last half a year, the IDF reported 76 cases whereby illegal weapons were confiscated (an average of 12 reported cases per month). Examples of such illegal weaponry include IED's, Molotov cocktails, rifles and knives. In addition, over the last six months Palestinian Security Forces have handed over a considerable amount of weapons to Israeli security forces including IED's, tank shells and phosphorous shells.

This figure does not include arrests as a result of targeted operations by Israeli security personnel against terrorists in Judea -and Samaria.

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