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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:00:01 ukedchat 20:00:06 jamesmichie 20:00:11 jamesmichie 20:00:38 jamesmichie 20:00:39 ICTmagic

20:00:43 nohandsup 20:00:50 ePaceonline 20:01:14 bellaale

20:01:27 infernaldepart

20:01:29 mikeatedji

It 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @jamesmichie discussing Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams. And we're off! #ukedchat Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams. So, to begin I wish to consider learning, assessment & the people involved. #ukedchat @urban_teacher Agreed, so how would you change things? #ukedchat RT @ukedchat: It 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @jamesmichie discussing Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams. @jamesmichie My dream secondary curriculum would involve learning that isn't bound by subject divisions #ukedchat This #ukedchat is irresistible where do we start? RT @ukedchat: If you are joining #ukedchat tonight, make sure you unprotect your tweets and use the #ukedchat hashtag. RT @ukedchat: It 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @jamesmichie discussing Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams. #ukedchat Woops jumped the gun Need to agree, before curriculum detail the broad principles/ethos which guide the schoolthe vision

20:01:29 eslweb

I'd get rid of desks. They are so cumbersome and replace them with laptops! #ukedchat

20:01:51 Spenceict

@jamesmichie like @mikeatedji idea - what is our vision, what do we want our learners to achieve & skill to have for the future #ukedchat
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:01:52 jamesmichie 20:02:01 ukedchat 20:02:13 ICTwitz 20:02:20 stbirwin 20:02:26 jamesmichie 20:02:27 andyhampton 20:02:35 nohandsup 20:02:43 urban_teacher 20:02:46 IncSolutionsLtd 20:02:56 janeconsidine 20:03:05 Thessaily 20:03:06 jamesmichie 20:03:08 mikeatedji 20:03:21 lankyflamingo 20:03:34 tesPrimary

RT @nohandsup: @jamesmichie My dream secondary curriculum would involve learning that isn't bound by subject divisions #ukedchat Topic reminder: Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams with @jamesmichie #ukedchat @jamesmichie I must say, curriculum wise, I have been impressed with what i've seen with the International Primary Curriculum #ukedchat I would like access to lots of outdoor space, so we can have quality outdoor learning #ukedchat @nohandsup So what would be your alternative? How do you envision your curriculum? #ukedchat #ukedchat generally assess children when the learning is finished not always according to preset moments in time @ePaceonline Its such a huge topic. Focussing on curriculum first? Surely everything has to be designed around the learning #ukedchat Classes would be limited to 15 students, more creative aspect to learning, less test, less politics and more real life experie. #ukedchat Great topic tonight #ukedchat A classroom with a glass floor fitted with a tropical aquarium #bit80s #ukedchat One that isn't overloaded with assessment for the sake of assessment so we can spend time planning and delivering great lessons #ukedchat @eslweb Just laptops? Not iPads? Surely there's a time and place to put the tech down? #ukedchat @nohandsup @jamesmichie #ukedchat Yes, if we could escape the tyranny of silo teaching without losing the rigour of subject specifics I would like it to have classrooms with desks, bean bags, carpet for circle time, and a loft chill out zone #ukedchat and I teach secondary! RT @ukedchat: Topic: Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:03:41 lankyflamingo 20:03:45 IncSolutionsLtd 20:03:48 MrMalcontent 20:04:03 janeconsidine 20:04:06 ScrubyEnglish

20:04:07 jamesmichie 20:04:12 Spenceict 20:04:17 Hero_project 20:04:17 nohandsup 20:04:21 urban_teacher

20:04:22 CatmoseCollege

20:04:30 andyhampton

dreams with @jamesmichie #ukedchat Now on! RT @stbirwin: I would like access to lots of outdoor space, so we can have quality outdoor learning #ukedchat I would like to abolish Target grades for all students. #ukedchat No computer suites allowed #ukedchat Round tables with whiteboard tops #collaboration #ukedchat #ukedchat curriculums must be personalized & permit stage not age learning: quality VLEs, flipped model and adventurous timetabling needed @urban_teacher Like the sound of this. Wld we all agree that smaller classes r better? #ukedchat I would want to see a school that teaches students to love learning, through exploration & challenge. #ukedchat #ukedchat want our students to want to come to school and provide every single child opportunity to explore their dreams @jamesmichie trans-diciplinary projects that retain essential elements of subject knowledge projects that have a 'real' purpose #ukedchat Creative lessons would be the cornerstone of the curriculum, with all the life skills that make this method of education unique. #ukedchat RT @_radiowaves: Latest @SecEd_Education featuring @CatmoseReporter & @CatmoseCollege at the @EducationShow #ukedchat #ukedchat I would embed a philosophical and meta cognitive approach throughout the curriculum

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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:04:32 eslweb

@jamesmichie ...And iPads & Kindles too! #ukedchat @Thessaily Not sure I agree. I want less planning, more AfL & more student-led learning. #ukedchat #ukedchat Teacher + TA in every class; no more than 30 children from Rec-Y6; automatic barriers when Ofsted approach; early finish Friday. Want school to reflect the working world outside an institution #ukedchat #TMClevedon is 2 weeks today & 90 educators from all sectors have already signed up. Are you coming?? #ukedchat #DLChat Changes to free school meals system could lead to perverse outcomes #UKEdChat #SchoolGovernors #ukedchat Surely before curriculum you have to decide the vision e.g to promote creative individus/responsible citizenswhatever @stbirwin I'd like to have a 'tree house' school... #ukedchat @potterpitter There have been a few. Do you have an url? #ukedchat @nohandsup So a curriculum built around PBL? Do others agree? #ukedchat Chuck out 19th cent factory ideas which reward blind obedience, obsess over uniform & divide kids into factory fodder or manager #ukedchat My 8 year old won't go to bed cos after joining in 3 weeks ago she wants to tonight... hope u don't mind a few thoughts from her #ukedchat RT @jamesmichie: @Thessaily Not sure I agree. I want less planning, more AfL & more studentled learning. #ukedchat @ScrubyEnglish so true #ukedchat
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20:04:47 jamesmichie 20:05:01 Educationchat 20:05:10 Hero_project 20:05:15 ICTEvangelist

20:05:15 acareoandy 20:05:17 mikeatedji 20:05:20 alexgingell 20:05:22 eslweb 20:05:25 jamesmichie 20:05:25 jackieschneider 20:05:26 tmeeky 20:05:28 alexgingell 20:05:41 stbirwin

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:05:44 jamesmichie

20:05:53 syded06 20:05:57 Jon_Torbitt 20:05:59 andyhampton 20:06:05 lankyflamingo 20:06:11 nohandsup 20:06:12 ePaceonline

20:06:17 digitalmaverick 20:06:25 eslweb 20:06:31 ICE2911 20:06:34 IncSolutionsLtd 20:06:39 soos24 20:06:45 urban_teacher

20:06:46 Educationchat 20:06:46 jamesmichie

RT @mikeatedji: @nohandsup @jamesmichie #ukedchat Yes, if we could escape the tyranny of silo teaching without losing the rigour of subject specifics @Spenceict would love a school where learning was free of the pressure of our assessment driven culture #ukedchat @jamesmichie @urban_teacher yep smaller classes mean more 1-1 time for students #ukedchat #ukedchat as an independent school head I can assure you that small classes work! @Educationchat early finish Friday! Count me in #ukedchat @mikeatedji @jamesmichie You have worded it perfectly #ukedchat #ukedchat I would make it an open, friendly and safe environment where everyone felt welcome and valued. RT @jamesmichie: Curriculum; Assessment; Time; Space; People; Technology - You decide tonight on #ukedchat @ 8pm. Design your ideal school. @tmeeky My 8 year old happily sat through my pre #gtauk hangout. So why not? #ukedchat #ukedchat this is all very nPQH residentialish @super_sixfive the target grade is an extrinsic pressure or barrier, written and verbal feedback would guide the student. #ukedchat RT @syded06: @Spenceict would love a school where learning was free of the pressure of our assessment driven culture #ukedchat Starting a system of positive reinforcement, teamwork, and individualised learning at a young age would create self-esteem & drive #ukedchat #ukedchat Parents of very badly behaved children have to volunteer as dinner ladies; sweets are encouraged - in moderation of course. RT @andyhampton: #ukedchat as an
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:06:58 AliceBakesCakes 20:06:58 davidhunter 20:07:01 ukedchat 20:07:05 jackieschneider 20:07:15 Spenceict 20:07:17 AliceBakesCakes 20:07:21 aiddy

independent school head I can assure you that small classes work! Children would be allowed to choose what to learn - topics staff were interested in and children wanted to learn about #ukedchat @jamesmichie @urban_teacher there's evidence that the effect of small classes is negligible #ukedchat #ukedchat topic reminder: Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams with @jamesmichie I want schools that stand up for their poorest families & refuse to blindly follow every government dictat #ukedchat @syded06 assessment is essential to quality learning, but agree the system is assessment lead & rewards by assessment #ukedchat @lankyflamingo @Educationchat Me too! #ukedchat #oclfutures --> #ukedchat tonight is discussing Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams.

20:07:31 eslweb

I like the scouts and guides idea of giving badges for achievements. So when students reach way-points they know and are rewarded. #ukedchat

20:07:40 ePaceonline 20:07:46 jackieschneider

@stbirwin that's a good one @jamesmichie @nohandsup - what is PBL?

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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:07:58 nohandsup 20:08:07 alexgingell 20:08:07 bellaale 20:08:09 davidhunter 20:08:09 Saltcreature 20:08:11 jamesmichie 20:08:20 syded06 20:08:35 jamesmichie 20:08:36 IncSolutionsLtd 20:08:37 raisechildrens 20:08:39 OhLottie

20:08:39 ScrubyEnglish 20:08:39 nohandsup 20:08:49 Educationchat 20:08:55 Spenceict 20:09:02 dysconxs

#ukedchat An examination system that recognised effort and application - not just attainment #ukedchat I'd get rid of classes #ukedchat as cross-curricular as possible #ukedchat One of the biggest impacts would be reduction of contact time to 50%,allowing collaboration between educators and PD. #ukedchat #ukedchat Curriculum needs to be flexible enough to suit all learners. Currently teaching bottom set Y10 with 11 students. Its wonderful, I can give them so much direct input Making loads of progress. #ukedchat @Spenceict exactly assessment should enhance learning and not be seen as a necessary evil #ukedchat @Jon_Torbitt That's exactly my vision. We are all learners! #ukedchat @super_sixfive helps towards mastering any task. #ukedchat #ukedchat one of the things some of my young carers asked for was a "caring room" where children that needed time out were cared about.. RT @ukedchat: #ukedchat topic reminder: Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams with @jamesmichie @Jon_Torbitt @jamesmichie @urban_teacher #ukedchat 121 time must be timetabled not permitted. Weekly 121s with tutor and drop in clinics PM @jackieschneider @jamesmichie Sorry I don't know either #ukedchat #ukedchat no SATS; all teacher assessments; no league tables so schools encouraged to collaborate because no competition; I've been lucky enough to visit Hellerup school twice - very innovative design that influences the learning #ukedchat Mobile Learning #mlearning #elearning #GlobalEd #TT
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:09:06 OhLottie 20:09:14 Thessaily 20:09:18 MrMalcontent 20:09:22 raisechildrens 20:09:24 alexgingell

20:09:29 GeekPeter 20:09:37 cherrylkd 20:09:41 MissRead10 20:09:43 Educationchat 20:09:50 IncSolutionsLtd 20:09:57 Saltcreature 20:09:58 jamesmichie 20:10:04 AliceBakesCakes 20:10:07 raisechildrens 20:10:08 jackieschneider

#ukedchat #slide2learn @ukedchat One word: space. #ukedchat A higher profile for the so called 'soft' subjects most of which teach many important life skills #ukedchat @AliceBakesCakes have you seen NI primary curriculum? We have quite a lot of scope for that as skills based and not content driven #ukedchat #ukedchat ...and for... @AliceBakesCakes @stbirwin Definitely. Changing the level of learning in more ways than one! #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat no SATS; all teacher assessments; no league tables so schools encouraged to collaborate because no competition; #ukedchat agree with @scrubyEnglish stage not age and personalised planning where possible #ukedchat - Freedom to decorate. Windows. Shared space. Swimming Pool. A stage. Variety of teaching rooms. Adult workspaces. #ukedchat Sports Days have to be competitive and include staff race, parents race and wheelbarrow; iPads for all teachers. "@davidhunter: One of the biggest impacts would be reduction of contact time to 50%.....big progress could be made then #ukedchat" #ukedchat Linear exams will improve T+L as teachers will have more time to focus on delivering learning. @nohandsup Agreed, and assessed based on description rather than grades and levels. #ukedchat @raisechildrens We've started a room at ours during lunch where children can go to be with a TA for support/games #ukedchat @jamesmichie @jon_torbitt a mutually beneficial learning environment has got to be a great thing all round #ukedchat You should not be able to buy a better
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:10:12 JOHNSAYERS 20:10:17 urban_teacher 20:10:29 mikeatedji 20:10:46 SheliBB

20:10:59 bellaale 20:11 jamesmichie

20:11:08 syded06 20:11:10 ICTwitz 20:11:11 mikeatedji 20:11:18 hlmrmo 20:11:22 raisechildrens

20:11:23 jamesmichie

20:11:27 jamesmichie 20:11:32 OhLottie

education. End to private schools if all kids are to have equal opportunities #ukedchat #ukedchat not forced learning but by intrigue, hopes and dreams were explored not crushed by stereotype of because it's not on spec! 15% teachers % 85 students...Students taking more ownership over their own work. Teachers becoming facilitators #ukedchat #ukedchat Not sure if now's the time but I'd rearrange curriculum to allow for broader areas of learninge.g sustainability/creativity/ Would love to have you join me for a bit of #DLchat tonight at 9 after #ukedchat for some new digital leader news RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat no SATS; all teacher assessments; no league tables so schools encouraged to collaborate because no competition; @Saltcreature Perhaps, but I would get rid of exams all together. #ukedchat @JOHNSAYERS perhaps allow educators to try and fail alongside students #ukedchat @alexgingell Like the middle class? #ukedchat Good plan! #ukedchat Still allows for scientific/literate rigour but with citizenship/community in mind @Educationchat Would you keep Sports Day as just athletics, or include other sports? #ukedchat @AliceBakesCakes that's a great idea. Would it work with other children doing the supporting like young mentors/buddies? #ukedchat RT @JOHNSAYERS: #ukedchat not forced learning but by intrigue, hopes and dreams were explored not crushed by stereotype of because it's not on spec! RT @JOHNSAYERS: #ukedchat not forced learning but by intrigue, hopes and dreams were explored not (cont) @Educationchat I agree on the league tables. They need to go. #ukedchat
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:11:37 tmeeky 20:11:47 andywhiteway

20:11:54 jamesmichie

20:11:57 ScrubyEnglish 20:11:58 Thessaily 20:12:01 aknill 20:12:03 DanielAyres 20:12:08 nohandsup 20:12:14 SteveIredale 20:12:16 ICTwitz 20:12:21 SwayGrantham 20:12:21 mrpeel 20:12:22 infernaldepart

20:12:22 IncSolutionsLtd 20:12:24 jamesmichie

8 yr old says: bigger classrooms. easier to learn if we weren't sat squashed together on a carpet #ukedchat As far as international models go, Finnish model is one I most want to see reflected in new school thinking #ukedchat RT @JOHNSAYERS: #ukedchat not forced learning but by intrigue, hopes, dreams were explored not crushed by stereotype because not on spec! @jamesmichie @nohandsup #ukedchat all work should be assessed by students before presented to teacher. #AfL is key to independence @mikeatedji agreed #ukedchat @nohandsup @jamesmichie #ukedchat like the open secondary curriculum @ukedchat: #ukedchat Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams with @jamesmichie One word: Tents. @jamesmichie @jackieschneider PBL is too vague - discipline based, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary and finally integrated #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: I want schools that stand up for their poorest families & refuse to blindly follow every government dictat #ukedchat Outdoor learning. Loads of it, in all sorts of weather for pupils at all ages #ukedchat #justsayin @davidhunter sounds very girl guide/scoutingesque! #ukedchat #ukedchat evening - dropping in and out RT @SheliBB: Would love to have you join me for a bit of #DLchat tonight at 9 after #ukedchat for some new digital leader news @jamesmichie smaller class size would get my vote, added to larger groupings where appropriate to created the dynamic buzz #ukedchat @mikeatedji Nice, tell us more. I think subjects
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:12:24 eslweb 20:12:31 hypereverything 20:12:34 alexgingell 20:12:37 AliceBakesCakes

20:12:52 hypereverything

20:13:02 Saltcreature

20:13:04 davidhunter

20:13:38 JOHNSAYERS 20:13:38 Educationchat 20:13:43 jamesmichie 20:13:43 AliceBakesCakes 20:13:52 urban_teacher 20:14 IncSolutionsLtd

have had their time too. #ukedchat No choice as to which school pupils go to. Pupils are given the school that is best for them. #ukedchat RT @syded06: @JOHNSAYERS perhaps allow educators to try and fail alongside students #ukedchat @ICTwitz :-) Haha! Perhaps I should have said I'd get rid of classrooms ;-) #ukedchat @MrMalcontent I agree there's the scope for it, but it doesn't happen. Too much reliance on dull, outdated SoWs as 'easier' #ukedchat RT @urban_teacher: 15% teachers % 85 students...Students taking more ownership over their own work. Teachers becoming facilitators #ukedchat @jamesmichie #ukedchat I think exams are useful but they need to actually test what they set out to test. RT @andywhiteway: As far as international models go, Finnish model is one I most want to see reflected in new school thinking #ukedchat Exams could be taken at independent times when students ready! Not when the timetable suggests #ukedchat #ukedchat Schools to have a hall with a stage for productions; no meetings past 5pm; staff can have 5 duvet days per year. @hypereverything Agreed, we need to return failure to the classroom with emphasis on how to learn from it. #ukedchat @raisechildrens I think to start adult support is vital, but would be lovely long term to have peer mentors involved! #ukedchat I would only have bright colours in my school! and pics of people who changed the world. Also former A* students will be mentors #ukedchat I would also like to see career goals become much more integrated into the day to day
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:14:03 Jon_Torbitt

20:14:03 stbirwin 20:14:06 Kezmerrelda 20:14:09 eslweb 20:14:17 janeconsidine

20:14:18 jackieschneider

20:14:25 ICTwitz

20:14:25 jamesmichie 20:14:28 mrpeel 20:14:35 KDWScience

20:14:45 davidhunter 20:14:54 stbirwin 20:15 tmeeky

motivation for the students... #ukedchat @jamesmichie @mikeatedji vertical teaching where students are taught by areas of interest not age? credit based system maybe? #ukedchat I totally agree about needing the space, what about emilio Reggio approach (sorry if spelt wrong)? #ukedchat #ukedchat no SATs and friendly ofsted inspectors that supported and suggested new ideas @JOHNSAYERS I like that idea. So easy now with computer assessment. #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat Schools to have a hall with a stage for productions; no meetings past 5pm; staff can have 5 duvet days per year. I want schools that start from what kids need not business, not government or even headteachers & governors. Schools for KIDS #ukedchat @alexgingell Ooh, that's a shame! Upper classes too, not to mention the chattering classes! #ukedchat What's wrong with classrooms then? @Saltcreature I don't see why individual teachers can't decide on the best way to assess their subject/topic etc. #ukedchat #ukedchat stop teaching to OFSTED and start teaching/enabling students to explore the world around them and become thinkers not receivers #ukedchat we need to remove barriers like walls to allow freedom of movement to make schools more welcoming than being in little boxes @SwayGrantham #ukedchat I stole the cleaning thing from Japanese schools actually but yeah...These are the basics tho,more so than lit/maths @eslweb how would you know? #ukedchat 8 year old says: more resources so we get more hands-on e.g. DT enough resources to go
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams



20:15:03 eslweb 20:15:05 mrpeel 20:15:07 ScrubyEnglish

20:15:08 jamesmichie 20:15:11 syded06

20:15:18 aknill

20:15:20 Primary_Ed

20:15:21 jamesmichie

20:15:22 Educationchat 20:15:49 IncSolutionsLtd 20:15:54 jamesmichie 20:16:11 AndrewManson1

around.. ditto for sci, pe... #ukedchat #ukedchat @OhLottie @Educationchat I totally agree, putting the whole country into the same division...... not a fair playing field at all I'd want a new role for OFSTED they have to hunt out outstanding practice and share it! #ukedchat @jamesmichie I could not agree more #ukedchat @andywhiteway #ukedchat my current school based on a Swedish model. Google Kunskapsskolan #independentlearning v.Interesting @JOHNSAYERS If we have to have exams, then I like this idea. Let learners progress at their own pace (within reason) #ukedchat @Kezmerrelda ofsted would be seen as an opportunity to identify and improve learning rather than a clamour for best rating #ukedchat #ukedchat open learning, open access to technology, outside learning, all ages cross phase community, collaboration between all learners Using digital cameras in the classroom #ukedchat #edchat #edtech #edteach RT @ScrubyEnglish: @jamesmichie @nohandsup #ukedchat all work should be assessed by students before presented to teacher. #AfL is key to independence #ukedchat End of year reports no longer than one side of A4; art, drama, PE, music must be taught every week - not squeezed out. "@jamesmichie: @Saltcreature I don't see why individual teachers can't decide on the best way to assess their subject/topic etc. #ukedchat" @Jon_Torbitt @mikeatedji Also, like the sound of this! #ukedchat Reading this stream feels like teachers reclaiming teaching #ukedchat
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:16:14 workingtonboy

Barclaycard And Ebay Pledge 'Mobile Wallets' #edchat #ukedchat

20:16:14 Educationchat 20:16:15 mikeatedji 20:16:16 tmeeky 20:16:21 eslweb

#ukedchat Government policy puts CHILDREN first, and their agenda last; children have more say in what they are taught; free fruit for all. @jamesmichie #ukedchat If the vision is, in part, to ready pupils for life as citizens, this requires all learners to consider their impact 8 year old says: sick of hearing about levels levels levels #ukedchat @stbirwin So when I say no choice, what I mean is that students choose via subject preferences rather than select school. #ukedchat

20:16:21 raisechildrens

@nohandsup@jamesmichie @jackieschneider I was amazed that a girl that was going 2 b excluded wanted a room for"helpful"discipline #ukedchat

20:16:33 jamesmichie 20:16:46 jackieschneider 20:16:47 Lallysticks

What about the wider community? Id advocate making the school library the community library. #ukedchat An acknowledgement that many kids learn despite our "education" system - not because of it #ukedchat #ukedchat Later start for teen circadian rhythms;
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:16:51 ICTwitz 20:16:52 Thessaily 20:16:59 jamesmichie 20:17:03 tmeeky 20:17:05 mikeatedji 20:17:06 alexgingell 20:17:07 IncSolutionsLtd 20:17:09 aknill 20:17:11 JOHNSAYERS 20:17:24 mrpeel 20:17:28 afl_teaching 20:17:31 urban_teacher 20:17:40 tmeeky 20:17:40 jamesmichie 20:17:42 davidhunter

well-resourced (literary, ICT, etc.); meditation taught; lots of green spaces @tmeeky Good idea. Therefore, more specialist teachers within primary schools who love and only teach that subject? #ukedchat Smaller classes with the option to team teach and combine classes at will, irrespective of ability or age #ukedchat Id rip up the timetable and extend the school day. Classes for parents who want to learn too. #ukedchat @jamesmichie why not make the community library the school library #ukedchat @Jon_Torbitt @jamesmichie #ukedchat Sounds interestingImportant to retain rigour while pursuing pupils' interests @ICTwitz #ukedchat Classrooms? They're a bit last centuryand the century before that. iPads as a must....don't really know why but that is the power they have. #ukedchat @mrpeel #ukedchat thinkers lead on - digital leaders, shared learning adults / students, range of learning spaces, flexitime #ukedchat PBL that incorporates all! A pastoral system that prepares ALL to a life where they are aware of their day to day living. @jamesmichie can work - my school on residential street . Library use would be welcomed, I am sure #ukedchat @jamesmichie @hypereverything children must learning mistakes are an essential part of learning! Vital growth mind set skills! #ukedchat What about the teachers! More time to plan, half a day off to assess, less admin, more training, more encouragement....! #ukedchat @IncSolutionsLtd iPads comment needs more thought #ukedchat @tmeeky Yes, or that way round too. :-) #ukedchat @OhLottie @jamesmichie @urban_teacher
15 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:18:07 digitaldaisies

20:18:10 Jon_Torbitt

20:18:16 bellaale 20:18:21 RedTedArt 20:18:35 mrpeel 20:18:36 lewissmallwood 20:18:37 Educationchat 20:18:47 galldritt 20:18:57 jamesmichie 20:18:58 mikeatedji 20:18:58 maritzavdh 20:19 lewissmallwood


#ukedchat good point.but we don't measure it so can't say.sense wud back small classes in this regard RT @janeconsidine: A classroom with a glass floor fitted with a tropical aquarium #bit80s #ukedchat> like it! @mikeatedji @jamesmichie vertical teaching easier with a mature, open system that moves from age-related exams to competency #ukedchat RT @eslweb: I'd want a new role for OFSTED they have to hunt out outstanding practice and share it! #ukedchat 20 Kids Art Books, one as fabulous as the next! #art #ukedchat #weteach #ece #ukedchat comfortable chairs would be a start... #ukedchat a classroom less school would be great, lots of independent learning #ukedchat Teachers MUST retire at 60 and be given a Golden Whiteboard Pen as a thank you; all teachers in staff room between 12.30-1pm. Life skills would be an valuable part of the curriculum with motivating links to local businesses #ukedchat @urban_teacher Not sure I agree, as I maximise assessment over planning I have plenty of time. #ukedchat #ukedchat A broad vision could be "how to live in a sustainable manner" scientific/creative/citizenship possibilities abound If any of the #edchatsa teachers are about and have time, do check out #ukedchat. Teachers talking about their ideal school! RT @digitaldaisies: RT @janeconsidine: A classroom with a glass floor fitted with a tropical aquarium #bit80s #ukedchat> like it! @jamesmichie the risk is some would never be put through on that system but at least put them through @ optimum opportunity stage #ukedchat
16 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:19:06 MrG_ICT 20:19:14 raisechildrens 20:19:17 Lallysticks 20:19:25 urban_teacher 20:19:29 Saltcreature 20:19:36 Primary_Ed 20:19:41 AnGaeilgeoir1 20:19:42 syded06 20:19:42 super_sixfive 20:19:46 ScrubyEnglish 20:19:50 syded06 20:19:52 jamesmichie 20:19:53 Lallysticks 20:20:01 debbyedelstein 20:20:05 KDWScience

RT @eslweb: I'd want a new role for OFSTED they have to hunt out outstanding practice and share it! #ukedchat #ukedchat I loved the idea from last week; 4 days in school and one community/project day a week for families as well as pupils. #ukedchat Reduced contact time & regular time / good resources for CPD; teachers consulted more; more student-led activity; comprehensive smaller classes, so many 'invisible' children in large classes. #ukedchat @jamesmichie #ukedchat Useful 4 teachers 2 input, my experience of other countries where the local council decides leads to variable quality Stategies/ Approaches for children to become better writers #ukedchat #edtech #edteach #edchat @MrMalcontent: No computer suites allowed #ukedchat Agree We should base decisions on Ofsted, league tables, finance and apathy . . oh hang on #ukedchat RT @MrG_ICT: RT @eslweb: I'd want a new role for OFSTED they have to hunt out outstanding practice and share it! #ukedchat RT @MrG_ICT: RT @eslweb: I'd want a new role for OFSTED they have to hunt out outstanding practice and share it! #ukedchat students #ukedchat RT @mrpeel: #ukedchat comfortable chairs would be a start... <-- or beanbags, couches... comfort is under appreciated in schools. #ukedchat Plenty of highly skilled support for EAL, SEN, kids in need of counselling, etc. RT @maritzavdh: If any of the #edchatsa teachers are about and have time, do check out #ukedchat. Teachers talking about their ideal school! #ukedchat need to teach kids consequences of actions not just parked with head or detentions.
17 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:20:06 literacylender 20:20:07 raisechildrens 20:20:10 mrpeel 20:20:14 davidhunter 20:20:15 Kezmerrelda 20:20:16 Saltcreature 20:20:20 andyhampton 20:20:28 JOHNSAYERS 20:20:38 galldritt 20:20:40 alexgingell

20:20:52 Lallysticks

20:20:52 SwayGrantham 20:20:52 jamesmichie 20:21 MrMalcontent

Time for discussion and debrief #ukedchat a positive discipline approach. Always praising good role models not identifying negative ones. @digitaldaisies @janeconsidine that sounds amazing! I want that in my house as well!! #ukedchat #ukedchat more interaction between stnt and teacher outside formal lesson environment clubs and similar activities in school day #ukedchat spend far more time with parents. The gateway to chn's progress outside school. #ukedchat kids could explore interests, type, blog and audio record stories not have to handwrite to criteria judged by SATs to be worthy @BenRogersOVA #ukedchat very interesting topic. #ukedchat shut the Dpt of Ed, disband Ofsted, let parents drill down into quality issues and let Heads run their schools. RT @MrG_ICT: RT @eslweb: I'd want a new role for OFSTED they have to hunt out outstanding practice and share it! #ukedchat Value of purposeful ict embraced and financed #ukedchat @jamesmichie break down walls. Open plan learning. Autonomous learning units. This is a good e.g. #ukedchat RT @davidhunter: One of the biggest impacts would be reduction of contact time to 50%,allowing collaboration between educators &PD #ukedchat @Educationchat I think being forced into the staffroom with so much to do would cause me more stress than calm! #ukedchat @eslweb Agreed. Weve lost our sense of community. We need to get it back. #ukedchat @AliceBakesCakes R issue is reliance on
18 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:21:06 literacylender 20:21:10 ePaceonline 20:21:14 DamienDeakes

20:21:20 IncSolutionsLtd

20:21:26 mrpeel 20:21:31 jamesmichie 20:21:31 jackieschneider 20:21:36 ePaceonline 20:21:36 Spenceict 20:21:39 andywhiteway 20:21:50 Kezmerrelda 20:21:55 DamienDeakes 20:21:58 tmeeky 20:21:58 mikeatedji 20:22:01 raisechildrens

entrance tests that skew the last 2 years of PS. I love teaching it and planning with kids #ukedchat #ukedchat use children's work and ideas as a stimulus to teach not a text book or the same old website!! #ukedchat would a school look like a school if we could start from scratch? RT @debbyedelstein: RT @maritzavdh: If any of the #edchatsa teachers are about and have time, do check out #ukedchat. Teachers talking about their ideal school! @tmeeky of course ur right, Apple marketing just has me on this one. Maybe just 2 create greater freedom to information/creativity #ukedchat @jamesmichie #ukedchat move to my new classroom on monday - furniture chosen by bursar - lacks all comfort and welcome - chance missed. 20 minutes in #ukedchat Design your dream school. I want colleagues who don't see education as a competitive sport & who aren't afraid to say NO put interests of kid before school #ukedchat @literacylender #ukedchat agreed! #devil'sadvocate - with all this freedom, how can we ensure challenge & progression happen appropriately? #ukedchat @eslweb @bellaale I'd like ofsted to stay in schools after an inspection and help support those with - judgements. #fancythat #ukedchat @syded06 my point exactly! #ukedchat RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat would a school look like a school if we could start from scratch? 8 year old says: ICT suites are OK as long as we can go into them whenever we want... like in our schl #ukedchat @Jon_Torbitt @jamesmichie #ukedchat Yes, stage, not ageHealthier for schools to have interaction between ages anyway @mhfathistle thanks Carol, we love doing it! The
19 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:22:01 StrictTeacher99 20:22:02 JOHNSAYERS 20:22:08 syded06 20:22:11 Educationchat 20:22:22 galldritt 20:22:23 Thessaily

20:22:31 mikeatedji

20:22:37 ScrubyEnglish

group was actually started for 4 lads facing exclusion who wouldn't enjoy rules! #ukedchat RT @andyhampton: #ukedchat shut the Dpt of Ed, disband Ofsted, let parents drill down into quality issues and let Heads run their schools. Where outstanding LEARNING is shared and practiced by students, teachers, parents and global communities. #ukedchat learning life @Spenceict that would be the job of the educator #ukedchat #ukedchat Anyone observing a lesson has to be observed too - no clipboards; headteachers must teach weekly; conkers are encouraged. West midlands school RSA academy in need of graphics and food teacher dm if interested #ukedchat @urban_teacher agreed. I'm painfully aware how unprepared I am most days because all my time is taken up with assessment #ukedchat RT @jamesmichie: What about the wider community? Id advocate making the school library the community library. #ukedchat Absolutely @Lallysticks #ukedchat I think constant 'contact': all adults and students working in shared spaces at same time, just on different work. thanks @jamesmichie i h Forgot the #ukedchat tag #ukedchat Start by raising the profile of teachers and teaching profession. @SwayGrantham But communication is king. Don't live in silo. Share ideas, focus on assessment & the classroom. planning overrated #ukedchat @andywhiteway @super_sixfive @bellaale Yes, I think that would ensure a mature set of judgements. i.e. You judged, now you fix!
20 of 57

20:22:39 MrGazz_ICT

20:22:41 MattFothergill 20:22:47 jamesmichie 20:22:57 eslweb

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:23:05 Spenceict 20:23:06 Thessaily 20:23:10 Educationchat 20:23:13 richardblaize 20:23:24 jamesmichie 20:23:24 ICTwitz 20:23:30 peterweal 20:23:44 mrpeel 20:23:50 jackieschneider 20:23:57 syded06 20:24:02 mikeatedji 20:24:04 simonrockett 20:24:12 jamesmichie

20:24:19 IncSolutionsLtd 20:24:27 ePaceonline

#ukedchat @syded06 but in my experience there is huge inconsistency in teacher's expectations which isn't fair on students #ukedchat @jamesmichie could that extended day have time for a mid-day siesta? I'm thinking a couple of hours should do... #ukedchat @hlmrmo Old school races - running, sack, egg 'n' spoon, obstacle, skipping, realy... #ukedchat RT @syded06: We should base decisions on Ofsted, league tables, finance and apathy . . oh hang on #ukedchat @mrpeel OMG, Id be hopping mad! #ukedchat @Educationchat Quite happy to come and work at your school :-) #ukedchat #ukedchat have a curriculum that teachers children to learn and not how to pass test. #ukedchat skype link to partenr school else where in world - I want to get a different perspective on texts like Othello for example... Teachers from EVERY section of society, free school meals, hatred/intolerance of injustice, genuinely part of community #ukedchat @jamesmichie the school would have had twitter, teachmeets and blogging for all staff for ten years! #ukedchat RT @eslweb: I'd want a new role for OFSTED they have to hunt out outstanding practice and share it! #ukedchat #ukedchat school facilities in general used for the wider community - music, drama, computer suites - a community school in the widest sense RT @mikeatedji: @jamesmichie #ukedchat School should become a focal point/hub of the communitya centre of excellence <-- agreed! RT @mikeatedji: RT @jamesmichie: What about the wider community? Id advocate making the school library the community library. #ukedchat Absolutely RT @peterweal: #ukedchat have a curriculum
21 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:24:27 raisechildrens 20:24:29 nohandsup 20:24:32 syded06 20:24:38 GeekPeter 20:24:50 tmeeky 20:24:58 jotregenza 20:25 jamesmichie

20:25:18 davidhunter 20:25:18 urban_teacher 20:25:22 mrpeel 20:25:22 ePaceonline 20:25:23 jamesmichie

20:25:24 PeterSpencer88 20:25:25 mikeatedji

that teachers children to learn and not how to pass test. >very much agree @Hero_project absolutely, mutually beneficial learning all round! One of the things Raise stands for, I learn loads every day #ukedchat I'd have 2 days of core learning and 3 days of elective learning where children choose activities based on a varied offerings #ukedchat @Spenceict hence my 'dream' school. #ukedchat RT @syded06: @jamesmichie the school would have had twitter, teachmeets and blogging for all staff for ten years! #ukedchat @IncSolutionsLtd iP@d for all would be great IF there was an Edu iP@d designed for multi-user use (shared use) #ukedchat RT @literacylender: #ukedchat a positive discipline approach. Always praising good role models not identifying negative ones. @mrpeel Excellent idea, bring the outside world in - skype, FB, twitter... #ukedchat Loads of stuff to break and put back together. Like bikes. And old radios. #ukedchat Apart from being a teacher, i'm a doctor, counsellor, social worker, baby sitter, firefighter, psychologist, dietician, stylist #ukedchat #ukedchat no formal homework until VIth form rather have 1hr longer day if well used. @nohandsup #ukedchat it's great hearing ideas like this, thinking outside the box. RT @simonrockett: #ukedchat school facilities in general used for the wider community - music, drama, computer suites - a community school in the widest sense @jamesmichie @mrpeel agreed, as a 6ft3 tall bloke I just love sitting on the tiny chairs in key stage 1! #ukedchat RT @super_sixfive: @mikeatedji @jamesmichie centre of community and people in community not discouraged from entering to help #ukedchat
22 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:25:32 KDWScience 20:25:36 petramccarthy

20:25:39 Crewepartner 20:25:44 jackieschneider 20:25:48 debbyedelstein

20:25:50 tmeeky

20:25:59 nohandsup

20:26:03 raisechildrens 20:26:05 Jon_Torbitt 20:26:11 Thessaily 20:26:12 GaryBarwell 20:26:15 AliceBakesCakes 20:26:15 Educationchat 20:26:19 ICTwitz 20:26:21 mikallaane

#ukedchat school would embrace the new rather than fear it and show children that change is good and to be sacred is ok. So they try... RT @MrG_ICT: RT @eslweb: I'd want a new role for OFSTED they have to hunt out outstanding practice and share it! #ukedchat Primary school that sold playground for flats & private gym paid PR firm 152,000, why? Its a great school #ukedchat Finding tonight's #ukedchat deeply depressing. Beautiful appreciative convo happening on #ukedchat about designing your dream school. Gr8 topic 4 next #inspiredteachers conf #edchatsa @jamesmichie No... need more exposure to the real world outside (facilitated by digi tech to assit/enhance etc) #ukedchat @nohandsup I would build my new school around the learning and have 'modular' architecture that allows school to adapt to changes #ukedchat #ukedchat does anyone remember the school that allowed the children to choose whether they went or not? Or was that a dream... @mikeatedji @jamesmichie that's why vertical tutoring is so popular and effective (from personal experience) #ukedchat @nohandsup love that! Have just persuaded my school to allow a carousel for the Ex Arts GCSE allowing students more flexibility #ukedchat @MattFothergill Totally agree. Image of both seems to suffer in the media at times #ukedchat @nohandsup LOVE this idea! #ukedchat @SwayGrantham #ukedchat Spa breaks as part of contract; Friday massage sessions - with professionals. @Educationchat Thank you ;-) So, what is the biggest challenge at the moment? #ukedchat @DamienDeakes good idea, let's use Scratch to
23 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:26:31 hlmrmo 20:26:36 jamesmichie 20:26:42 damoward 20:27:07 bellaale 20:27:10 IncSolutionsLtd 20:27:22 davidhunter

20:27:23 mikeatedji

20:27:26 stbirwin

20:27:28 Thessaily 20:27:38 TommyTeachPE 20:27:40 raisechildrens

20:27:48 nohandsup 20:27:59 Educationchat

create our own schools #ukedchat @nohandsup That sounds like an excellent way of dividing the week. Perhas one day where the teacher gets to share their interests? #ukedchat @andywhiteway @mikeatedji Exactly! #ukedchat ;-) RT @jamesmichie: 20 minutes in #ukedchat Design your dream school. RT @simonrockett: #ukedchat school facilities in general used for the wider community - music, drama, computer suites - a community school in the widest sense @super_sixfive @tmeeky would love to see this in action... #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat Anyone observing a lesson has to be observed too - no clipboards; headteachers must teach weekly; conkers are encouraged. @super_sixfive #ukedchat To avoid discouragement of public there does have to be a reorientation as to how tchrs are viewed more respect!! @jamesmichie @mrpeel or take the school/learning into the outside world. Adult to child ratio makes this hard. Hands on learning #ukedchat A secure place in the curriculum for Media Studies rather than the wobbly one we seem to occupy! #ukedchat #ukedchat a school that teaches all subjects through PE! I love PE! #ambitious @Educationchat @swaygrantham some schools offer that once a term, not sure where the funding comes from or what the uptake is #ukedchat @ePaceonline The elective offerings would change every 6-8 weeks and some could be delivered off-site or by external providers #ukedchat #ukedchat Levels given for kindness,
24 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:27:59 jackieschneider 20:28:05 andywhiteway 20:28:13 urban_teacher 20:28:13 Thessaily 20:28:17 mrjconnolly 20:28:17 davidhunter 20:28:17 mrpeel 20:28:21 ePaceonline 20:28:23 jamesmichie 20:28:26 JOHNSAYERS 20:28:30 HHLinPhysEd

20:28:35 StarLesson

20:28:41 Krowdrah 20:28:43 Spenceict 20:28:44 tmeeky

helpfulness, compassion, keepie-uppies, ability to colour within the lines and puppetry. @FeargalHogan once grammars abolished, league tables abandoned schools engaged in real education y would anyone want kid tutored? #ukedchat @nohandsup what do you mean by modular architecture #intrigued #ukedchat 4 days: learning + 1 day: real life experiences = Matured Young People? #ukedchat @MattFothergill hear hear! #ukedchat @ePaceonline I think Unicef have made great suggestions throught #RRSA scheme with schools based around the articles of the UNCRC #ukedchat #ukedchat can some AutoCAD dude please draw this bad boy of a school #ukedchat :) #ukedchat are there any subjects we would drop to make room for the more liberal approach? #ukedchat I would make the learning environment conducive to learning. Here's one I drew earlier #ukedchat In school their is enough support for all the daily issues that restrict learning #ukedchat RT @TommyTeachPE: #ukedchat a school that teaches all subjects through PE! I love PE! #ambitious RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat Anyone observing a lesson has to be observed too - no clipboards; headteachers must teach weekly; conkers are encouraged. #ukedchat school of dreams... Content driven curriculum, daily tests, inspection, fear, Mr Gove with mortar board and gown. Yep. Did anyone read this? Three New Pillars of 21st Century Learning. Very interesting #ukedchat @super_sixfive Great. I have too with iTch and iPd but wish some aspects of managt were
25 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:28:52 raisechildrens 20:28:56 mikeatedji 20:29 jamesmichie

20:29:07 jackieschneider 20:29:09 simonrockett 20:29:21 jamesmichie 20:29:24 mikeatedji 20:29:35 nohandsup

20:29:41 mikeatedji 20:29:45 mrpeel 20:29:59 Educationchat 20:29:59 jamesmichie 20:30 IncSolutionsLtd

easier/different #ukedchat @mhfathistle we have a few blogs now, really enjoying reflecting through them. The school I work at encourages kids to blog too #ukedchat @jackieschneider #ukedchat Yes, let's introduce incentives for collaborative teaching Okay, almost half way through. Id like to think abt space, time and tech a bit more. #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 because it is reminding me how much we have to change to make schooling relevant to a large section of our kids! #ukedchat #ukedchat a TA and a teacher in every class up to A level (may need subject specialist TAs here though) Want to see blended learning with mix of physical space and virtual space. #ukedchat @super_sixfive #ukedchat !! :) @andywhiteway Flexible rooms that can be rearranged or opened up easily to create bigger/smaller spaces without involv builders #ukedchat RT @Spenceict: #devil'sadvocate - with all this freedom, how can we ensure challenge & progression happen appropriately? #ukedchat #ukedchat new hours - 10AM - 5pM... any takers? @ICTwitz How to play the Ofsted game without it getting in the way of what you know the children need... #ukedchat How bonkers is that?! @Jon_Torbitt @mikeatedji Yes, I think it can work too. Dont think its going to happen at my school. #ukedchat I would employ all those contributing to tonights #ukedchat great ideas. What about building style? Any thoughts?

26 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:30:04 urban_teacher

Politics + education = failure or Education + support systems = success #ukedchat #school #curriculum

20:30:06 bbeclrc

#ukedchat make reading for pleasure a must Rip up timetable and focus on individual students needs. #ukedchat @galldritt as long as it works for the techno phobe & all... nothing more frustrating when the tech doesn't work #ukedchat #ukedchat @jamesmichie agree - stimulation through space with relevance and direction through the day as well as subject RT @andyhampton: #ukedchat shut the Dpt of Ed, disband Ofsted, let parents drill down into quality issues and let Heads run their schools. #ukedchat dedicated time given to pupils and staff each week for reflection - and effective ways to record thoughts. Possibly iPads ;) #ukedchat loads more teachers. @jamesmichie @mikeatedji or very many schools at all for that matter - too much upheaval! #ukedchat Do all courses have to involve teaching and classrooms. Mix of virtual courses & in school courses. #ukedchat @Spenceict #ukedchat How do you ensure rigour? It may be fanciful to assume teacher and pupil engagement will do itbut let's fantasise! is the Sporting Lisbon manager an ex-teacher?
27 of 57

20:30:20 jamesmichie 20:30:21 mikallaane 20:30:24 syded06 20:30:38 mikallaane 20:30:40 simonrockett 20:30:45 davidhunter 20:30:52 Jon_Torbitt 20:30:54 jamesmichie 20:30:55 mikeatedji 20:30:57 bellaale

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:30:57 raisechildrens 20:31:02 mrpeel 20:31:22 bellaale 20:31:24 petramccarthy 20:31:24 petramccarthy 20:31:30 chazwarrington 20:31:30 chazwarrington 20:31:31 ICTwitz 20:31:36 urban_teacher 20:31:40 StuartMaginnis

20:31:48 Educationchat

20:31:48 tmeeky

20:31:52 KidInASweetShop 20:31:53 TimothyRaybould 20:31:53 jamesmichie

#elbowpads #europaleague #ukedchat @urban_teacher surely. I really want kids from the age of 4 to have one day's work exp.They seem to know what they want to do #ukedchat @bbeclrc yes, but once you compel - you lose the pleasure #ukedchat RT @jamesmichie: Rip up timetable and focus on individual students needs. #ukedchat @raisechildrens @mhfathistle do you mind if I have a look ? Petra, PGCE student #ukedchat @raisechildrens @mhfathistle do you mind if I have a look ? Petra, PGCE student #ukedchat RT @TommyTeachPE: #ukedchat a school that teaches all subjects through PE! I love PE! #ambitious RT @TommyTeachPE: #ukedchat a school that teaches all subjects through PE! I love PE! #ambitious @Educationchat A very sad reality. #ukedchat @jamesmichie Thats a bit extreme... we need time and organisation in this life and world #ukedchat #ukedchat a building that is inspiring and fit for purpose! Staff that are passionate and skilled with the ability to work with freedom #ukedchat Homework to involve playing out, climbing trees, making a den, making the perfect conker, making up a dance to current number one. Blended lnng throws up cliched image of text books with CDs... needs to ubiq/augmd+ authentic use of digi tech to suppt face2face #ukedchat RT @andyhampton: #ukedchat shut the Dpt of Ed, disband Ofsted, let parents drill down into quality issues and let Heads run their schools. #UKEdChat my ideal school would have technology integrated so deep that you couldn't believe there was any other way to work @andywhiteway Yes, its an idea Ive been
28 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:31:58 mrpeel 20:32:06 BehaviourA 20:32:12 Thessaily

20:32:13 raisechildrens

20:32:15 davidhunter

thinking abt a lot. #ukedchat #ukedchat IBO offers a huge range of virtual courses - does anyone use any in their school? @Educationchat #ukedchat Not so keen on colouring in - prefer free expression, but otherwise love the sound of your school! @bbeclrc yes! no more having to justify a reading lesson using curriculum strands. Doing it because we want to read! #ukedchat Wonder what would happen if the pupils told Ofsted what they wanted them to moderate/check up on in their school... #ukedchat @mrpeel school in Durham do that because puberty affects body clock. Results encouraging I believe #ukedchat #ukedchat allow pupils to progress at their ability level not their age A curriculum based on pupil progress/interest rather than pupil age. With currciulum 'exit points' rather than just year 11 #ukedchat Curriculum that inspired the next generation #ukedchat mixture of academic, vocational & trade subjects #ukedchat the students must have chance to make choices about how, when and what they learn. How we expect them to learn is unreal #hectic @raisechildrens @urban_teacher yes many of my 4 year old girls want to be princess! #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat Homework to involve playing out, climbing trees, making a den, making the perfect conker, making up a dance to current number one. @davidhunter interesting - it seems so obvious
29 of 57

20:32:18 bbeclrc

20:32:25 nohandsup 20:32:27 LA_McDermott

20:32:29 ScrubyEnglish

20:32:38 stbirwin

20:32:45 andywhiteway 20:32:48 mrpeel

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:32:52 jamesmichie 20:32:54 jackieschneider

20:32:56 PeterSpencer88

20:32:58 mikeatedji 20:33 jackieschneider

20:33:13 IncSolutionsLtd

20:33:25 alexgingell

20:33:25 TimothyRaybould 20:33:33 super_sixfive 20:33:33 Educationchat 20:33:33 mrpeel 20:33:38 jamesmichie 20:33:43 mrjconnolly 20:33:45 syded06

#ukedchat @urban_teacher I think its way forward. Personalised, tailored curriculum. #ukedchat School allotments,kitchens, dining rooms, outdoor spaces, large halls, wild areas, libraries, musical instruments, decent toilets #ukedchat @IncSolutionsLtd more open plan schools, with areas instead of classrooms. More movement around areas, including outdoor learning #ukedchat @Jon_Torbitt @jamesmichie #ukedchat Except the time will come when we recognise diffrnt priorities neede-Age of sustainability! #justsaying RT @jamesmichie: Rip up timetable and focus on individual students needs. #ukedchat @mikeatedji how about tapping into the same internal drives which has everyone here sharing ideas tonight. #intrinsicmotivation #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat Homework to involve playing out, climbing trees, making a den, making the perfect conker, making up a dance to current number one. #UKEdChat tablets for all. Online systems for communication that isn't email: learning, messages, chatting, video conference etc #ukedchat get back to a world where visitors to schools who want to help are not all labelled sex offenders until a CRB proves otherwise @mobo40 Yes. Juggling to be tested. 3 balls is L4, 4 balls is L5 and 6 balls is genius level. #ukedchat #ukedchat colleague wanted to bring dog in to allow students to interract -permission denied I drew a school with library at heart: #ukedchat RT @Jon_Torbitt: @mikeatedji @jamesmichie that's why vertical tutoring is so popular and effective (from personal experience) #ukedchat Collaborative working days for students as regular part of curriculum with tech facilitating
30 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:33:46 Westie6

20:33:53 raisechildrens 20:33:59 mattbritland 20:34 davidhunter

20:34:05 brynll

20:34:05 BehaviourA 20:34:06 ScrubyEnglish 20:34:12 janeconsidine 20:34:17 eslweb 20:34:23 mikeatedji 20:34:27 ScrubyEnglish 20:34:31 Educationchat 20:34:35 StuartMaginnis 20:34:37 debbyedelstein

#ukedchat RT @andywhiteway: As far as international models go, Finnish model is one I most want to see reflected in new school thinking #ukedchat @petramccarthy please do. Follow Raise and scroll back through tweets and they should be there, let me know if they're not #ukedchat RT @syded06: Collaborative working days for students as regular part of curriculum with tech facilitating #ukedchat @mrpeel same guy who introduced 'spaced learning'. Check it out #ukedchat Missed the start tonight so apologies if said already: Involve learners and families in designing & creating school from scratch.#ukedchat @cherrylkd @scrubyEnglish But need to preserve self esteem somehow - re stage not age #ukedchat "@nohandsup: curriculum based on pupil progress/interest rather than pupil age. #ukedchat" < stage not age in flipped model A rainbow of available lighting. Different colours different atmospheres. #ukedchat I like the Google 20% idea. You get 20% of your time to work on a project of your choice #ukedchat RT @MattFothergill: #ukedchat Start by raising the profile of teachers and teaching profession. RT @jamesmichie: I drew a school with library at heart: #ukedchat @BehaviourA Does it not drive you mad that when children colour anything in it's slapdash and goes over the lines?! #ukedchat #abitOCD #ukedchat a curriculum that is flexible and prepares students for the careers they want! Teachers teaching what inspires them #CharlesHandy speaking @Tallberg forum a few yrs ago told us that there should be
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:34:38 mrpeel 20:34:41 Thessaily 20:34:43 IncSolutionsLtd 20:34:55 jamesmichie 20:34:57 raisechildrens 20:35 KDWScience

20:35:05 jackieschneider 20:35:06 SinghySingh 20:35:23 jamesmichie 20:35:25 TimothyRaybould 20:35:30 andyhampton

20:35:37 BehaviourA 20:35:47 Thessaily 20:35:48 MattFothergill 20:35:55 davidhunter

compulsory school swaps at age 12 #ukedchat #ukedchat performance space at heart - library in huge windowed outer area - RE in the basement ;-) I want to teach in a school that looks like a castle. With a portcullis. #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 I like the sound of that, freedom in movement equals freedom in learning. #ukedchat @syded06 Yes, with ops for reflection incorporate blogging, portfolios... #ukedchat @ScrubyEnglish I think this is really vital but how possible is it to deliver..? #ukedchat @mrpeel #ukedchat removing of so much red tape so hands on scary stuff can take place so kids recognise risk! An end to educational gurus & superheads #ukedchat RT @mrpeel: #ukedchat colleague wanted to bring dog in to allow students to interract -permission denied Also, want to see informal learning credentialised by schools. Badges? #ukedchat #UKEdChat systems that mean all can learn any time anywhere. RT @super_sixfive: #ukedchat get back to a world where visitors to schools who want to help are not all labelled sex offenders until a CRB proves otherwise #ukedchat Large, light rooms. Plenty of storage space and smaller group rooms. Specialist spaces for subjects even in primaries @andywhiteway when we are bombarded by media every day I think it is key. How else can they make smart choices? #ukedchat @GaryBarwell @Thessaily Perception seems to be that "anyone can teach". Undermines profession and its image. #ukedchat #ukedchat I see us working alongsd parents, chn, other members of pub.connected all the
32 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:35:59 ePaceonline 20:36:03 hrogerson 20:36:09 syded06 20:36:14 ICTwitz 20:36:15 mrpeel

20:36:17 GaryBarwell 20:36:26 damoward 20:36:30 mooshtang 20:36:30 JOHNSAYERS 20:36:34 petramccarthy

20:36:36 Educationchat

20:36:40 tmeeky 20:36:45 birch_david

time by tech,but behaving less frantically #ukedchat @jamesmichie #ukedchat I like this idea and with elearning it is perfectly possible @mrpeel wow! I know of a school where the head has a dog in her office! #ukedchat @jamesmichie might be controversial but not sure a library is central to the future school as new tech provides access? #ukedchat @Thessaily You want to get a job at Hogwarts! #ukedchat :-) #ukedchat all urban schools swap with rural partners for at least 1 week each term -impossible to organise but imagine the effect on stdnts Give more credit to children with skills in foundation subjects. Lots of talented artists, musicians etc who need nurturing. #ukedchat #ukedchat @jamesmichie Some space ideas here: including Isis media activity pods and lecture steps @Educationchat we have tried to set tasks more like this and parent survey suggested parents want more 'formal' tasks #ukedchat #ukedchat Olympic year how many prospects in the last 4 years were restricted by education/school restricted/structured life style? @raisechildrens brilliant idea. our local school is in special measures re 'behaviour'. Kids say staff apathy is root of prob #ukedchat #ukedchat Children to learn the songs of Flanders & Swann and the ones used in Jeeves and Wooster. #27gingerheadedsailors #minniethemoocher Let's get current SATs regime changed +get a suitable approach to Ed Sys through a social med campaign i.e. raising stnds uprising #ukedchat @nohandsup ..a curriculum which is led by sound T&L and students needs and where the
33 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:36:52 Rachel_deSouza 20:37:03 mrpeel 20:37:03 mrjconnolly 20:37:04 galldritt 20:37:07 Thessaily 20:37:09 mrbrightsidecit

20:37:09 nohandsup

20:37:12 raisechildrens 20:37:19 Educationchat 20:37:24 jamesmichie 20:37:25 drewburrett 20:37:34 tmeeky 20:37:36 janeconsidine 20:37:42 jamesmichie

assessment tail doesn't wag the learnimg dog #ukedchat RT @Saltcreature: #ukedchat Linear exams will improve T+L as teachers will have more time to focus on delivering learning. @hrogerson so do I - mine! New Head and colleague now in Hyderabad... #ukedchat @raisechildrens That is a wonderful idea, although there is nothing to stop schools running internal student designed instections #ukedchat Children and their future put first without limitations of budget/timetable etc #ukedchat @MattFothergill @GaryBarwell I'd like to see 'anyone' do my job for a week! Actually I'd probably pay them to do it! #ukedchat RT @mikeatedji: #ukedchat Still allows for scientific/literate rigour but with citizenship/community in mind @ScrubyEnglish The popular 'Stage not age' catchphrase is often used at various conferences but rarely enacted fully in schools. #ukedchat @stbirwin @urban_teacher they should definitely be allowed to do that for a day! At B Palace obviously.. #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: I want schools that stand up for their poorest families & refuse to blindly follow every government dictat #ukedchat @syded06 You need to read this: Libraries without walls: (@timbuckteeth) #ukedchat RT @jamesmichie: I drew a school with library at heart: #ukedchat <-- looks like a panopticon, but in a good way Students need to be intrinsically motivated ... how to achieve that? #ukedchat National SATs in year 5 and a final year in primary that is research based, developmental and creative #memories #ukedchat RT @damoward: #ukedchat @jamesmichie
34 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:38:02 urban_teacher 20:38:09 Educationchat 20:38:14 galldritt 20:38:14 galldritt 20:38:16 ScrubyEnglish

20:38:16 ScrubyEnglish

20:38:17 Thessaily 20:38:17 Thessaily 20:38:23 jamesmichie 20:38:23 jamesmichie 20:38:29 debbyedelstein 20:38:46 PeterSpencer88 20:38:46 PeterSpencer88 20:38:58 GaryBarwell

Some space ideas here: including Isis media activity pods and lecture steps @jamesmichie i think most of our ideas are great but the industry is a mean old place. So we need to prepare students correctly! #ukedchat @Thessaily And a moat with crocodiles in it. #ukedchat Remove league tables and exams and let pupils achieve and grow rather than preform #ukedchat Remove league tables and exams and let pupils achieve and grow rather than preform #ukedchat @BehaviourA @cherrylkd we don't discuss levels with students. Levels are a tool for teachers only & students measure own progress #ukedchat @BehaviourA @cherrylkd we don't discuss levels with students. Levels are a tool for teachers only & students measure own progress #ukedchat @ICTwitz seems to me they have quite a high staff turnover/death rate?!? Otherwise, ideal! #ukedchat @ICTwitz seems to me they have quite a high staff turnover/death rate?!? Otherwise, ideal! #ukedchat Also libraries should be like this one: #ukedchat Also libraries should be like this one: #ukedchat RT @mrpeel: #ukedchat all urban schools swap w/ rural partners 4 at least 1 week each term imagine the effect on stdnts #inspiredteachers @IncSolutionsLtd free choice of what to learn, it seems to be encouraged in EYFS but then abandoned afterwards #ukedchat @IncSolutionsLtd free choice of what to learn, it seems to be encouraged in EYFS but then abandoned afterwards #ukedchat @Thessaily @mattfothergill Would love to see
35 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:38:59 ePaceonline

20:39:01 hrogerson 20:39:01 mrjconnolly 20:39:04 mrpeel 20:39:09 syded06 20:39:20 raisechildrens

20:39:22 jamesmichie

20:39:22 urban_teacher 20:39:23 tmeeky 20:39:35 Spenceict 20:39:46 CarrotyCarrots 20:39:52 eslweb 20:39:55 CarrotyCarrots

Mr Gove do the job for a week! #ukedchat @tmeeky #ukedchat have learning conversations with children, encourage them to understand how they learn + give them the right opportunities @tmeeky: Students need to be intrinsically motivated ... how to achieve that? #ukedchat < agree with that point, very difficult. @mrpeel @davidhunter It is interesting although do are all adolescents affected equally? Could you stagger starting times? #ukedchat @jackieschneider lol #ukedchat @jamesmichie @bbeclrc thanks that was the article I was referring to as the physical space it occupies will be very different #ukedchat @mrjconnolly and decide their points for development and causes for concern.. #ukedchat @tmeeky By offering them choice, open up timetable, offer virtual courses as well as in school, provide scope to engage interests. #ukedchat Politics + education = failure or Education + support systems = success #ukedchat #school #curriculum I work in SEN and kids have so little self esteem... sad reflection of a lot things happening in Ed #ukedchat @jamesmichie check out this school in Denmark - been open 10yrs now! #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: I want schools that stand up for their poorest families & refuse to blindly follow every government dictat #ukedchat @debbyedelstein @mrpeel Why not take it further, BBC 3 show is great for challenging pupils, sending them far far away. #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat Homework to involve playing out, climbing trees, making a den, making the perfect conker, making up a
36 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams



20:40:05 syded06 20:40:06 MarieWallace7 20:40:14 tmeeky 20:40:14 jamesmichie 20:40:16 Thessaily

20:40:22 ScrubyEnglish

20:40:41 jamesmichie 20:40:50 camaxwell 20:40:51 MrGazz_ICT 20:40:56 Thessaily 20:40:57 ICTwitz 20:40:59 mrjconnolly

dance to current number one. #ukedchat current y11: VLE, my resource blog, a dept twitter feed - do we need to teach? @bbeclrc @jamesmichie I would have multiple areas as the access would enable collaboration #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: @mobo40 Yes. Juggling to be tested. 3 balls is L4, 4 balls is L5 and 6 balls is genius level. #ukedchat @ePaceonline @jamesmichie Yes with you BUT they need to have to want to learn or care abt it for this to resonate with them #ukedchat @urban_teacher Thats true, but if we can change schools, perhaps we can change industries too. Start at bottom. #ukedchat @GaryBarwell @mattfothergill most definitely perhaps we should offer a job swap (complete with salary swap too!) #ukedchat @nohandsup #ukedchat we have 5 subjects: Eng, Sci, MFL, Maths & ICT that use flipped model. We're 18 months in and results are incredible RT @Spenceict: @jamesmichie check out this school in Denmark - been open 10yrs now! #ukedchat I'd like to see Primary School classes having more than one teacher in a day, doing different subjects. #ukedchat @urban_teacher @jamesmichie Very True. But what industry would not want eager independent thinkers with a thirst for Learning? #ukedchat @Educationchat until some jobsworth comes along with a ream of health and safety forms. Hence no dragon =[ #ukedchat @Thessaily Maybe I should send a few colleagues/ex-colleagues to work there then!!! #ukedchat @eslweb A wonderful idea, and a model exists through the extended project which has come and gone in the last decade #ukedchat
37 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:41:10 bbeclrc

#ukedchat the ability to go "off topic" when something interesting happens or a student wants to discuss something

20:41:12 andyhampton 20:41:14 raisechildrens

20:41:22 bellaale

20:41:30 jamesmichie 20:41:35 debbyedelstein 20:41:36 urban_teacher 20:41:37 Sherbertuk

20:41:39 super_sixfive 20:41:43 andywhiteway

RT @jackieschneider: No more idiotic jargon & slavish following of what load of bollocks current education secretary favours #ukedchat @tmeeky one of the rooms my group wanted to have was a "friends" room where everyone had to be friends :0) #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider No more slavish following of the load of bollocks current education secretary favours #ukedchat > get off that fence! ;) Erm, this is madness... only 20 mins left. So many interesting ideas, going to be tough to summarise. #ukedchat RT @MattFothergill: #ukedchat Start by raising the profile of teachers and teaching profession #inspiredteachers A school should look like or resemble a workplace! #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat Homework to involve playing out, climbing trees, making a den, making the perfect conker, making up a dance to current number one. RT @ScrubyEnglish: @nohandsup #ukedchat we have 5 subjects: Eng, Sci, MFL, Maths & ICT that use flipped model. We're 18 months in and results are incredible RT @bellaale: RT @jackieschneider No more
38 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:41:48 davidhunter 20:41:51 tmeeky 20:41:59 jamesmichie 20:42:04 mikeatedji 20:42:10 MrGazz_ICT 20:42:11 mrpeel 20:42:17 TimothyRaybould 20:42:17 cherrylkd 20:42:27 jackieschneider

20:42:29 IncSolutionsLtd

20:42:29 mattlovegrove

20:42:34 jamesmichie 20:42:38 raisechildrens 20:42:44 birch_david

slavish following of the load of bollocks current education secretary favours #ukedchat > get off that fence! ;) "@eslweb: I like the Google 20% idea. You get 20% of your time to work on a project of your choice #ukedchat" up that to 50%. kids that are not fussed abt passing exams need the schl curric to have more relevance +purpose for THEM otherwise they opt out #ukedchat @camaxwell Interesting thought Colin, do tell more. :-) #ukedchat RT @eslweb: I like the Google 20% idea. You get 20% of your time to work on a project of your choice #ukedchat @Educationchat Maybe a bit Bonkers, but I like the conkers. #ukedchat @davidhunter it is my workplace... factory or office? #ukedchat #UKEdChat what about a school without classrooms? @ScrubyEnglish @BehaviourA #ukedchat I'm in SEN so can't discuss levels with them but would if it helped them to reach potential Not in positive frame of mind to discuss education as am SEETHING that 350 000 kids to lose free school meal #ukedchat @PeterSpencer88 free choice of what to learn would certainly motivate me more with my teaching, rather than teaching towards exams #ukedchat @camaxwell #ukedchat - I'd like to see the primary teachers becoming more specialised in subjects,but delivering the full curric to 1 class @MrGazz_ICT Oh absolutely, was not suggesting that. Just don't think we should allow schooling to be victim of industry needs. #ukedchat @jamesmichie basically we all need to meet together and open a school- simples! #ukedchat .. classrooms where questions are designed to
39 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:42:45 jamesmichie 20:42:45 mikeatedji 20:43:04 ePaceonline 20:43:05 davidhunter 20:43:07 Thessaily 20:43:10 jamesmichie 20:43:11 ScrubyEnglish 20:43:17 mrpeel 20:43:21 damoward

20:43:51 andro1317

20:43:54 GaryBarwell 20:43:59 bellaale 20:44 Thessaily

20:44:05 jamesmichie 20:44:09 jamesmichie

promote enquiry and exploration of ideas and collaborative learning is valued #ukedchat @MrGazz_ICT It should be the other way around. #ukedchat @Thessaily #ukedchat and an oubliette?... @tmeeky #ukedchat that's where engaging with individuals comes in, knowing pupils well, taking time to get to know them.There's always a way @mrjconnolly @mrpeel there are differences,but difficult not to try and serve the majority in this case #ukedchat @bbeclrc that happens a lot when I teach! #ukedchat @raisechildrens Have thought that many times! :-) #ukedchat RT @MrGazz_ICT: @Educationchat Maybe a bit Bonkers, but I like the conkers. #ukedchat @raisechildrens #ukedchat i'll buy the first round RT @jamesmichie: Erm, this is madness... only 20 mins left. So many interesting ideas, going to be tough to summarise. #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: Not in positive frame of mind to discuss education as am SEETHING that 350 000 kids to lose free school meal #ukedchat @Thessaily @mattfothergill I actually did lol at that! I am sure he'd agree to it! #ukedchat #pigsmightfly RT @raisechildrens: @jamesmichie basically we all need to meet together and open a schoolsimples! #ukedchat Could we perhaps have an Education Secretary who, oh I dunno, knows what it's like being a teacher on the front line? #ukedchat @jackieschneider And that shld never happen. Schools should be run by the community to meet the communities needs. #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: Not in positive frame of mind to discuss education as am SEETHING
40 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:44:11 mattlovegrove

20:44:12 camaxwell 20:44:17 Thessaily 20:44:23 nohandsup 20:44:35 tmeeky

20:44:38 misscampbell

20:44:52 mikeatedji 20:44:54 jamesmichie 20:44:58 mrpeel 20:44:59 mrjconnolly 20:45:10 jackieschneider 20:45:14 Mr_P_Teach 20:45:14 daibarnes

that 350 000 kids to lose free school meal #ukedchat #ukedchat however the specialist French teacher @ my school is hugely appreciated.I haven't taught French for years.And that's for the best! @jamesmichie Primary should be more like High School - specialist teachers for different subjects throughout day. Variety is good #ukedchat @raisechildrens @tmeeky I love that idea! #ukedchat My dream school - lessons that children can book themselves into using online booking diary - either in a class or at home via web #ukedchat I'm convinced big part of problem is too much emphasis on end result, not process. = risk of failure #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: Not in positive frame of mind to discuss education as am SEETHING that 350 000 kids to lose free school meal #ukedchat #ukedchat I'm sure I'm not the only person who thinks the science and art of "living in a sustainable manner" needs more priority? #esdgc @camaxwell Do ppl agree with Colin. Specialists in Primary? #ukedchat #ukedchat @raisechildrens out of interest where are we? Slough/Harrow here @ScrubyEnglish @BehaviourA @cherrylkd I ablsolutely agree- I seem to remeber that this was to be their original use #ukedchat It just feels to motherhood & apple pie. What are we prepared to DO to fight for decent education system? #ukedchat #ukedchat A school where one campus is in a totally different setting. Inner city children spend time in rural setting & vice versa. RT @ScrubyEnglish: #ukedchat we have Eng, Sci, MFL, Maths & ICT that use flipped model.
41 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:45:19 SwayGrantham 20:45:20 Thessaily 20:45:25 jamesmichie 20:45:35 stbirwin

20:45:35 ScrubyEnglish

20:45:36 GaryBarwell

We're 18 months in and results are incredible @nohandsup love that idea - fab!! #ukedchat @Educationchat this is brilliant, I vote an alternative to the Montessori alternative, with damsels and dragons and all sorts #ukedchat @nohandsup Loving the sound of that. Give 'em ownership! #ukedchat @Thessaily that would help so much working with us rather than thinking they're the enemy #ukedchat @cherrylkd @BehaviourA #ukedchat we use success criteria based award system. Differences between NC levels in different subjects is unwieldy @Thessaily Or at least listens to the opinions of the thousands of professionals doing the job and know what children need #ukedchat

20:45:36 chrismayoh

RT @TaffTykeC: @dhulston Really worth checking out this video: @chrismayoh #ukedchat #makesyouthink

20:45:46 ePaceonline 20:45:52 rashush2 20:45:57 TimothyRaybould 20:46:05 raisechildrens

@tmeeky #ukedchat I find myself agreeing with everything you say. @jamesmichie in y5 and 6 yes, some people dont have the knowledge #ukedchat #UKEdChat ban any sentence that includes Ofsted. All policies should be there for learners and learning - not because it ticks an Ofsted box @nohandsup I like that idea particularly for older kids who hate lessons because they can't get on

42 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:46:15 Educationchat 20:46:20 KDWScience 20:46:27 peterweal 20:46:30 Thessaily 20:46:33 davidhunter 20:46:40 super_sixfive 20:46:43 chrismayoh 20:46:49 jamesmichie

20:46:53 ePaceonline

20:46:56 Westie6

20:46:58 raisechildrens 20:47:02 Thessaily 20:47:04 mikeatedji

with the teacher #ukedchat @MrGazz_ICT Every Monday all students and teachers to speak in rhyming couplets. #ukedchat @raisechildrens #ukedchat love that idea would show what the kids really have an interest in @camaxwell @jamesmichie disagree-primary is about the holistic development of the child and teachers #ukedchat @mikeatedji hadn't thought of that. Behaviour for learning - moat or oubliette - your choice! #ukedchat #ukedchat oh yeah. Teachers and chn should all be from catchment area. #Savetheenvironment and #supportthecommunity #ukedchat schools become places where risk and innovation is rewarded, student and teachers are not afraid of failing sometimes @SheliBB: Would love to have you join me for a bit of #DLchat tonight at 9 after #ukedchat for some new digital leader news @jackieschneider Exactly. Screw striking abt pay, lets strike over wanting a better edu system. #ukedchat RT @super_sixfive: #ukedchat schools become places where risk and innovation is rewarded, student and teachers are not afraid of failing sometimes RT @ScrubyEnglish: @andywhiteway #ukedchat my current school based on a Swedish model. Google Kunskapsskolan #independentlearning v.Interesting @nohandsup I had a young person articulate how frustrated she was because the teacher didn't understand her learning style #ukedchat @cherrylkd I know, it's bonkers but one can dream! #ukedchat @jamesmichie @syded06 @timbuckteeth I'd draw a school with a garden/allotment at its heart #ukedchat
43 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:47:15 hobvs 20:47:20 raisechildrens 20:47:22 eslweb 20:47:23 mrpeel 20:47:31 jamesmichie 20:47:33 GaryBarwell 20:47:35 mrjconnolly 20:47:44 peter8green 20:47:46 Lallysticks 20:47:51 SwayGrantham 20:47:56 cherrylkd 20:48 mikallaane

20:48:02 jackieschneider 20:48:05 Thessaily 20:48:07 ePaceonline

RT @jackieschneider: Not in positive frame of mind to discuss education as am SEETHING that 350 000 kids to lose free school meal #ukedchat @nohandsup #ukedchat you can't bottle that kind of information... @debbyedelstein I think one child was sent to your neck of the woods.. #ukedchat RT @jamesmichie: @jackieschneider Exactly. Screw striking abt pay, lets strike over wanting a better edu system. #ukedchat SPOT ON Ive deffo lost the plot. Youre all awesome... keep going. Less than 15 mins left! #ukedchat @raisechildrens That would be brilliant. It would help staff and pupils understand where both are coming from. #ukedchat @raisechildrens To set these students would have to decide what schools are really for- very interesting #ukedchat #ethos RT @jamesmichie: Id rip up the timetable and extend the school day. Classes for parents who want to learn too. #ukedchat RT @davidhunter: #ukedchat loads more teachers. @jamesmichie @camaxwell Within year we all teach our specialisms so in the day I probably teach every child rather than a 'class' #ukedchat @ScrubyEnglish @BehaviourA sounds like a good idea. Like it #ukedchat RT @chrismayoh: @SheliBB: Would love to have you join me for a bit of #DLchat tonight at 9 after #ukedchat for some new digital leader news Ok teachers - who would be prepared to strike over education issues? #ukedchat RT @jamesmichie: @jackieschneider Exactly. Screw striking abt pay, lets strike over wanting a better edu system. #ukedchat @mikeatedji @mikeatedji #ukedchat we ran a
44 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:48:12 syded06 20:48:23 jamesmichie

20:48:32 Askparentsfirst

20:48:36 Educationchat 20:48:37 jaredhammanMM A

20:48:41 Thessaily 20:48:53 bitsy1603 20:49:07 mikallaane 20:49:09 raff31 20:49:10 Thessaily 20:49:11 nohandsup

20:49:19 Gally_22

20:49:24 TimothyRaybould 20:49:29 eslweb

project like that in our action zone, it was a great success @jamesmichie it is an outstanding topic #ukedchat @mikeatedji And why not, community garden, home grown food, pond - real life, sustainable learning. #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: Not in positive frame of mind to discuss education as am SEETHING that 350 000 kids to lose free school meal #ukedchat #ukedchat Geography lessons to include in depth study of local area so they know more about where they live than Chembakolli in India. RT @urban_teacher: "At every stage of our development pride is the greatest enemy and humility our greatest friend." #ukedchat #edchat @super_sixfive agreed. Some of my best lessons are the ones where I take a chance and risk faliure #ukedchat q about #flipped classrooms.What if children simply don't 'do' their hwk & come to sessions not having encountered initial input? #ukedchat No classrooms, just learning zones, drop in, drop out #ukedchat A place to enjoy and to be good at stuff #ukedchat @TimothyRaybould YES! #ukedchat @raisechildrens Don't get me started on learning styles - arggghhhh See here for more #ukedchat Focus on SEN provision/educating about SEN; relevant/realistic careers ed; expand + encourage academic and vocational STEM course #ukedchat #UKEdChat @incsolutionsltd schools should be a place where all students learn because they want to. @Educationchat It did scare me what Geography teachers didn't know about their
45 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:49:41 Educationchat 20:49:42 mrjconnolly 20:49:47 tmeeky 20:50:09 ePaceonline 20:50:13 IncSolutionsLtd

20:50:16 MariamAlhashmi

20:50:17 jamesmichie

20:50:20 BehaviourA

20:50:21 Kezmerrelda

20:50:21 Lallysticks

20:50:26 jamesmichie 20:50:31 mrpeel 20:50:33 syded06

home city... I agree, start local and move out... #ukedchat #ukedchat In Primary school children must have a trip to the beach, the cinema, a museum, the theatre, a football stadium and a farm. @urban_teacher absolutely not- a school should resemble a family or a community #ukedchat I told my kids not to do their Easter homewk (as they needed a rest from worksheets).so we did this instead #ukedchat #ukedchat a good school should be judged on how it caters for its most vulnerable pupils I would promote more vocational courses and agricultural based learning within the right locations. #ukedchat We have suggestions of new building style,curriculum,pedagogy, tech...what would u want 2 keep from the conventional school model? #ukedchat RT @mrjconnolly: @urban_teacher absolutely not- a school should resemble a family or a community #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat In Primary school children must have a trip to the beach, the cinema, a museum, the theatre, a football stadium and a farm. #ukedchat same teacher so you can build relationship in primary know whole child. We teach subjects linked thru topic not as stand alone #ukedchat schools to be *green*: recycle, turn off power, etc. & teach about climate change; Food Tech to teach about food politics & health RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat In Primary school children must have a trip to the beach, the cinema, a museum, the theatre, a football stadium and a farm. #ukedchat got to go. Great topic - fun and liberating! The ideal school would have every teacher log
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:50:36 jamesmichie 20:50:37 Educationchat 20:50:39 BehaviourA 20:50:43 janeconsidine 20:50:46 jackieschneider 20:51:09 eylanezekiel 20:51:11 jamesmichie 20:51:14 mooshtang

20:51:17 BehaviourA 20:51:19 PeterSpencer88 20:51:22 TimothyRaybould 20:51:32 mikeatedji 20:51:34 IncSolutionsLtd 20:51:39 ePaceonline 20:51:43 MichaelaPorter2

on to #ukedchat evry thursday RT @nohandsup: @raisechildrens Don't get me started on learning styles - arggghhhh See here for more #ukedchat RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat a good school should be judged on how it caters for its most vulnerable pupils @Educationchat #ukedchat weekly? Every child has an hour a day one to one on their personalised curriculum #dreamschool #unrealistic #ideal #ukedchat RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat a good school should be judged on how it caters for its most vulnerable pupils @jamesmichie sorry late to party - but obviously my answer is @ON_School - incredible lessons from trying to actualise a dream #ukedchat @nohandsup Have a draft post on that one myself, will finish and publish soon. #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat In Primary school children must have a trip to the beach, the cinema, a museum, the theatre, a football stadium and a farm. RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat a good school should be judged on how it caters for its most vulnerable pupils @jackieschneider depends what it was, and if what we believed was that by striking we could improve schools & children's learning #ukedchat RT @IncSolutionsLtd: I would promote more vocational courses and agricultural based learning within the right locations. #ukedchat @Educationchat @Sherbertuk #ukedchat Yes, let's restore the wonder and joy in nature without sounding too prissy about it! @TimothyRaybould it is our most basic behaviour which gets crushed out of us by the targets, exams, lack of choice. #ukedchat @syded06 #ukedchat absolutely.. How can we expect to educate our children if we
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:51:46 Spenceict 20:51:46 ScrubyEnglish 20:51:51 eslweb

20:51:54 mikeatedji

20:51:54 janeconsidine 20:51:55 tmeeky 20:52:02 TimothyRaybould 20:52:02 unseenflirt 20:52:11 mrjconnolly 20:52:25 Thessaily 20:52:26 IncSolutionsLtd 20:52:27 jamesmichie 20:52:29 raisechildrens 20:52:33 mulberrybush

aren't even prepared to feed them anymore #ukedchat Interesting no one has asked for academics or free school! #ukedchat "@mikallaane: No classrooms, just learning zones, drop in, drop out #ukedchat" <agree with different zones but want variety of spaces @Educationchat @mooshtang My son's first school did exactly that... Dame Dorothy in Sunderland. Brill school. #ukedchat RT @jamesmichie: @mikeatedji And why not, community garden, home grown food, pond real life, sustainable learning. #ukedchat>>Perfect RT @jamesmichie: What about the wider community? Id advocate making the school library the community library. #ukedchat I've said it before but 3 priorities are the 3 Rs... relevance, relevance, relevance #ukedchat RT @IncSolutionsLtd: I would employ all those contributing to tonights #ukedchat great ideas. What about building style? Any thoughts? The disappointment from some of my yr10s that they can't redraft their controlled 'coursework' is making me hate AQA. #ukedchat @davidhunter @mrpeel could you point me towards any teen/sleep evidence as I'd love to read more about this? #ukedchat @tmeeky, fab! I regularly avoid setting holiday tasks and just tell the students to go and enjoy being kids! #ukedchat "@syded06: The ideal school would have every teacher log on to #ukedchat evry thursday" agree @eylanezekiel Agreed, schools developed and lead by educators from scratch. #ukedchat @mrpeel we're in Bradford. Raise works for a really innovative school; Bowling Park Primary. Look up the website #ukedchat RT @acareoandy: Changes to free school meals
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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:52:38 AndrewManson1 20:52:52 bitsy1603 20:52:57 jamesmichie 20:53:02 tmeeky 20:53:04 Gally_22 20:53:07 snowgekko 20:53:12 urban_teacher 20:53:23 eslweb 20:53:27 Lallysticks 20:53:27 Thessaily 20:53:38 jamesmichie 20:53:57 alicewoolley1 20:54:02 Thessaily 20:54:05 mikallaane

system could lead to perverse outcomes #UKEdChat #SchoolGovernors @TimothyRaybould - exactly - technology so embedded it's akin to plumbing or the telephone, invisible through ubiquity #ukedchat #ukedchat my dream sch: positivity, respect, creativity, challenge, culture, engagement, choice, ambition, possibilities & love of learning RT @tmeeky: I've said it before but 3 priorities are the 3 Rs... relevance, relevance, relevance #ukedchat @Thessaily Wish my kids were in your class :o) #ukedchat Need to develop children into moral, responsible, reflective and compassionate citizens before worrying about test scores/tables #ukedchat RT @syded06: The ideal school would have every teacher log on to #ukedchat evry thursday @mrjconnolly The institution should be family & community oriented but the main focus is led towards the workplace environment.#ukedchat @tmeeky @jamesmichie ...And to do that you've got to read, read and read... #ukedchat #ukedchat Lots of visits from interesting outside speakers - different occupations, poets, etc. @super_sixfive yeah but it's worth it for all the times it goes well! I even tell the class when we're doing something madly brave #ukedchat RT @eslweb: @tmeeky @jamesmichie ...And to do that you've got to read, read and read... #ukedchat RT @eslweb: I'd want a new role for OFSTED they have to hunt out outstanding practice and share it! #ukedchat @tmeeky =D that's really lovely, thanks! #ukedchat @Educationchat #ukedchat compulsory requirement for parents to do... What is their responsibility? I'm a parent & give my kids this
49 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:54:15 dmandrews15 20:54:15 dmandrews15

20:54:18 nohandsup

20:54:18 nohandsup 20:54:20 syded06 20:54:20 syded06 20:54:29 Thessaily 20:54:29 Thessaily 20:54:35 urban_teacher 20:54:35 urban_teacher 20:54:38 jamesmichie 20:54:38 jamesmichie 20:54:42 tmeeky

experien Give children the choice when to use technology to enhance their learning as and when they feel it's appropriate #ukedchat Give children the choice when to use technology to enhance their learning as and when they feel it's appropriate #ukedchat Dream school in ord of importance - No 1Fantastic curriculum caters for all learners, flexible + offering valuable qualifications #ukedchat Dream school in ord of importance - No 1Fantastic curriculum caters for all learners, flexible + offering valuable qualifications #ukedchat The dream school has the student at the centre of every decision made #ukedchat The dream school has the student at the centre of every decision made #ukedchat RT @tmeeky: I've said it before but 3 priorities are the 3 Rs... relevance, relevance, relevance #ukedchat RT @tmeeky: I've said it before but 3 priorities are the 3 Rs... relevance, relevance, relevance #ukedchat RT @syded06: The dream school has the student at the centre of every decision made #ukedchat RT @syded06: The dream school has the student at the centre of every decision made #ukedchat @urban_teacher Not sure abt that... swapping one stick with another. How abt learning for the enjoyment of it? #ukedchat @urban_teacher Not sure abt that... swapping one stick with another. How abt learning for the enjoyment of it? #ukedchat @jamesmichie Don't know who orgs EdChat but this energy/good thinking could be channeld into something that brings abt Sys change
50 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:54:43 piersyoung 20:54:44 mrjconnolly 20:54:48 GaryBarwell 20:54:52 simonrockett 20:54:56 jamesmichie 20:54:57 TimothyRaybould 20:55 theknowproject

20:55:01 ukedchat 20:55:03 jamesmichie

#ukedchat People have mentioned the tech, the curriculum, the students and the space - what should the teachers be like? #ukedchat @daibarnes @ScrubyEnglish where can I find out more about your school? I'd love to use flipped model in my teaching. #ukedchat @mikeatedji @educationchat @sherbertuk Let's restore wonder and joy across the board! #ukedchat @TimothyRaybould @incsolutionsltd #ukedchat iZone, where pupils learn what they want and when RT @Lallysticks: #ukedchat Lots of visits from interesting outside speakers - different occupations, poets, etc. "@IncSolutionsLtd: "@syded06: The ideal school would have every teacher log on to #ukedchat evry thursday" agree <me too! #ukedchat pupils teachin the teachers for a day excellent! : ) Last 5 minutes and almost time to return to reality. Final thoughts? #ukedchat RT @dmandrews15: Give children the choice when to use technology to enhance their learning as and when they feel it's appropriate #ukedchat

20:55:15 bbeclrc

@eslweb @tmeeky @jamesmichie #ukedchat so a library and librarian would be useful

20:55:17 Thessaily 20:55:22 tmeeky

RT @bitsy1603: #ukedchat my dream sch: positivity, respect, creativity, challenge, culture, engagement, choice, ambition, possibilities & love of learning @eslweb and relefct, reflect, reflect :o)
51 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:55:26 jamesmichie 20:55:31 nohandsup 20:55:50 jamesmichie 20:55:51 stbirwin 20:55:52 bature419 20:55:52 Thessaily 20:56:02 eslweb 20:56:02 ScrubyEnglish

20:56:11 virkjay 20:56:16 raisechildrens 20:56:21 madheadteacher 20:56:35 IncSolutionsLtd 20:56:35 MrGazz_ICT 20:56:38 baptistsan

#ukedchat RT @syded06: The dream school has the student at the centre of every decision made #ukedchat <-- cld not agree more! Dream school in ord of importance - No 2 Inspiring building that children freely want to spend time in formally and informally #ukedchat RT @piersyoung: People have mentioned the tech, the curriculum, the students and the space - what should the teachers be like? #ukedchat @piersyoung less stressed I hope :) #ukedchat RT @theknowproject: #ukedchat pupils teachin the teachers for a day - excellent! : ) RT @syded06: The dream school has the student at the centre of every decision made #ukedchat @bbeclrc @tmeeky @jamesmichie ....Most definitely! #ukedchat "@Spenceict Interesting no1 asked for academics/free school! #ukedchat" <but we want chance to create variety of schools to suit local needs @Educationchat #ukedchat This academic year we put aside a chunk of money which would allow very child to experience these enrichments. @piersyoung the children They should also like the children #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: Not in positive frame of mind to discuss education as am SEETHING that 350 000 kids to lose free school meal #ukedchat @simonrockett @TimothyRaybould will check this out. Thank you. #ukedchat @Educationchat. I see like Dr Seuss what you say is good, but it's so naughty, I don't know if we should. #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: Not in positive frame of mind to discuss education as am SEETHING that 350 000 kids to lose free school meal
52 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:56:43 mikeatedji 20:56:43 jackieschneider 20:56:45 nohandsup 20:56:46 BehaviourA 20:56:55 virkjay 20:56:56 ePaceonline 20:56:57 tmeeky 20:57:13 Educationchat 20:57:27 KerriDrama

20:57:30 urban_teacher

20:57:31 MarieWallace7

20:57:34 eslweb 20:57:38 Thessaily 20:57:39 Carlsberg40

#ukedchat #ukedchat Also, having just read "Empthic Civilisation", let's practice more empathy - not just in Primary school. It's necessry,not fluffy Speak truth unto power #ukedchat Dream school in ord of importance - No 3 Motivated staff, who collaborate, share, believe in children and have excellent pedagogy #ukedchat #ukedchat Whatever else learning should be fun or at least out of genuine interest at all ages @Educationchat #ukedchat The impact has been fantastic- pupil confidence & self esteem. @raisechildrens #ukedchat obvious but true @bbeclrc Libraries a so valuable if in need for bringing up-to-date (even the 'up-to-date' ones) #ukedchat #ukedchat All these fab ideas about new schools - not sure if they're exciting me or depressing me as to just how far away we are from ideal RT @syded06: The dream school has the student at the centre of every decision made #ukedchat @mrjconnolly @jamesmichie look how many y.people are unprepared for the workplace! They lack time, commitment, drive, attitude etc #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat All these fab ideas about new schools - not sure if they're exciting me or depressing me as to just how far away we are from ideal Like a bamboo tree, they bend, they protect you from the sun BUT are strong and unbreakable. #ukedchat @jamesmichie @piersyoung I think we've got the teachers we need to deliver this all involved in #ukedchat RT @jamesmichie: RT @syded06: The dream school has the student at the centre of every decision made #ukedchat <-- cld not agree
53 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:57:41 mikeatedji 20:57:49 nohandsup 20:57:49 jotregenza 20:58 fudgelight

20:58:01 ukedchat 20:58:10 ajrpro 20:58:15 virkjay

20:58:16 mrjconnolly 20:58:22 jackieschneider 20:58:26 emmaannhardy

20:58:27 BehaviourA

20:58:30 jackieschneider 20:58:35 raisechildrens

more! RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat a good school should be judged on how it caters for its most vulnerable pupils Dream school in ord of importance - Equality of opportunity and fairness for all #ukedchat RT @eslweb: I'd want a new role for OFSTED they have to hunt out outstanding practice and share it! #ukedchat #ukedchat Teachers who have as much of a sense of fun as the children....and who are allowed to show it. 2 mins of #ukedchat left. Join @digitalmaverick next week to discuss 'Can we salvage the reputation of ICT as a subject in schools?' #ukedchat - check out - a new site to dramatically improve results in the classroom. #teachers #schoolleadership @jackieschneider @madheadteacher #ukedchat Is it a ploy to reduce pupil premium as well? Mmm RT @bitsy1603: #ukedchat my dream sch: positivity, respect, creativity, challenge, culture, engagement, choice, ambition, possibilities & love of learning Do no harm #ukedchat RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat Geography lessons to include in depth study of local area so they know more about where they live than Chembakolli in India. RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat All these fab ideas about new schools - not sure if they're exciting me or depressing me as to just how far away we are from ideal RT @Educationchat: #ukedchat All these fab ideas about new schools - not sure if they're exciting me or depressing me as to just how far away we are from ideal @ePaceonline and the children know if the teacher does like then or not- and they tell me it
54 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:58:39 alisoniredale

20:58:41 ePaceonline

20:58:52 jemimaanderson 20:59:03 jackieschneider 20:59:04 Thessaily 20:59:11 HALibrary 20:59:12 ePaceonline 20:59:23 GeographyCarrie 20:59:25 Thessaily 20:59:26 jemimaanderson 20:59:28 tmeeky 20:59:31 raisechildrens 20:59:39 TimothyRaybould 20:59:40 Thessaily 20:59:53 Kezmerrelda 20:59:57 mrjconnolly

makes a massive difference. #ukedchat RT @damoward: #ukedchat @jamesmichie Some space ideas here: including Isis media activity pods and lecture steps @Educationchat #ukedchat yes but unless we dream we can't aspire and try to bring about change The only thing I would stipulate for my dream school is happy, motivated, passionate, compassionate, forward thinking teachers #ukedchat @Educationchat - that's what I meant when I said #ukedchat was depressing me @eslweb ooh nice. Also, if you handle them wrongly they are sharp! #ukedchat RT @jamesmichie: I drew a school with library at heart: #ukedchat @raisechildrens #ukedchat it really does RT @BehaviourA: #ukedchat Whatever else learning should be fun or at least out of genuine interest at all ages RT @fudgelight: #ukedchat Teachers who have as much of a sense of fun as the children....and who are allowed to show it. Or should I say staff at all levels #ukedchat BBC 2 at 9.00.. prog on Autism... a must watch for me #ukedchat @eslweb i like that-what was that in reference to? #ukedchat #UKEdChat final thought: ideal schools would be fun places of learning with embedded technology and intrinsically motivated learners RT @fudgelight #ukedchat Teachers who have as much of a sense of fun as the children....and who are allowed to show it #ukedchat have fun, take risks go off on tangents, explore, without fear that you have not prepared them for SATs or Ofsted won't like it @syded06 That shouldn't need to be a dream
55 of 57

ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

20:59:58 ePaceonline 20:59:59 mikeatedji 21:00:03 jackieschneider 21:00:03 ScrubyEnglish

21:00:05 ukedchat 21:00:06 nohandsup 21:00:07 ukedchat

#sadifitstrue #ukedchat @tmeeky #ukedchat is it on tonight? #ukedchat 1. restore wonder in natural world as precursor to living in sustainable manner Hope my bitterness hasn't spoiled anyone's fun #ukedchat @mrjconnolly #ukedchat Google Kunskapsskolan and/or Learning Schools Trust Let me know if you want to visit. #someacademiesareawesome! Join @digitalmaverick & #ukedchat next week: 'The Eve of (ICT) Destruction - Can we salvage the reputation of ICT as a subject in schools?' Great topic tonight. To all those thinking outside the box.... remember: 'There is no box' #ukedchat It's 9pm & #ukedchat must come to a close. Huge thanks to @jamesmichie for hosting. The archive will appear at soon.

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ukedchat Archive 19 Apr 2012 Hosted by @jamesmichie

Starting with a blank piece of paper: Design the school of your dreams

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