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SAP Community Network Wiki - Solution Manager - How to manually process an ...

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How to manually process an EWA report instead of waiting until the next scheduled date.
Added by Mark Samen, last edited by Mark Samen on May 10, 2011

How to manually process an EWA report instead of waiting until the next scheduled date.
Sympthom: You had issues with an EWA Report and after working on resolving the issues, youd like to generate a new EWA report and do not want to wait for the next weekly one to be generated. *For this you will need to connect to both your Solution Manager system and also Satellite systems via SAP Logon (Gui). Solution Manager System First go to your Solution Manager system and go to transaction DSWP. Go in the solution in question.

Make sure that you are in Solution Monitoring and EarlyWatch Alert and click on Create as per the screenshot above.

Place a checkmark beside the system that you are looking to generate the EWA for and click on the Create button as shown in the above image.

In the next screen you get to choose the date, please ensure that it is todays date and click on confirm.

In the next screen you will notice an EWA has been created with todays date that has an hourglass. Once you scroll over it with your mouse you will locate the session number, note this somewhere. Satellite System Go to transaction SDCCN.

Click on Create. 19/04/2012

SAP Community Network Wiki - Solution Manager - How to manually process an ...

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Click on Refresh Sessions and click on the check mark button on the top left corner.

Select Now and make sure that the Target RFC Destination, your SOLMAN RFC is selected and click on the check mark. Next window will show that a new task has been created, press the check mark.

Wait until the bulb icon changes to running. You may check this by clicking on the refresh button.

Once this is completed, a new task for EarlyWatch Alert for Solution Manager will be created with the same session number as you notes before. 19/04/2012

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Highlight the session in question and click on Edit menu and select Start Now. Next window will ask if youd like to continue, select Yes.

You will first see a candle beside the session.

After a few seconds once you refresh the screen, you will see that the process is running. Now wait until this has been completed. You may check the logs on the right side of the session or by refreshing until this task has disappeared from the To do list. This may take some time to complete, so please be patient.

Please check the Done tab and you will see that this has been completed.

Also reviewing the log, you should see that the transfer has been completed. Solution Manager System

Once back in DSWP of the SOLMAN system, you will notice that the hour glass icon has been changed to two bottles. This means that Solution Manager got the session information but has yet to be processed. Click on the session in question.

Next window that opens shows that data is available and you may proceed with doing this immediately. Please click on Start Service Processing. 19/04/2012

SAP Community Network Wiki - Solution Manager - How to manually process an ...

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Click on OK to start Background Job. Now please wait and be patient as this process may take some time. Once completed, you will see the EWA report being present in DSWP of your Solution Manager system. 19/04/2012

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