Real Men Cook Chicago 2012

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C h i c a g o S p o n so r sh i p O p p o r t u n i t y






for charity 2012

Sun d ay, J u n e 1 7, 3 : 0 0 P M - 6:00PM Ray a n d Joa n K roc Cor p s Co mmu n ity Cen ter 125 0 W. 1 1 9 t h St re e t , C h i cago



Real Men Charities, Inc. presents Real Men Cook events as a national crusade to positively change the way the world views men, African American men particularly, in relationship to their families and the community.
The event is a food tasting, family celebration featuring men volunteering to cook for and serve their community. Founded in 1990 this annual event held each Fathers Day in cities throughout the U.S., Real Men Cook (RMC) has become the single largest family celebration in the U.S. and the leading urban Fathers Day experience.

The organizations mantra is Representing Real Fathers in Our Communities.

The Real Men Cook Fathers Day Experience

The Processional and Roll Call of Cooks Official Greetings by City & State Leaders Food, food & more food!! Family reunion atmosphere socializing, picnicking, festivities and sampling

from more than 100 cooks!

Musical Entertainment Pavilions

- Health and Wellness health screenings and healthy cooking demos - Real Men Read childhood and adult literacy - Kids Zone interactive games and fun - Soul of Fatherhood Award Presentations

Our Audience
Women, aged 35+, solidly middle income, well-educated, more single than married, most with children. Almost 70% are female 60% aged 35+, 35-49 aged segment is the largest age demo (40.6%) 43% have HH income of $61k to $100k More than half (56.6%) are college graduates or have advanced degrees 51.6% are single and 10.9% are divorced 40% have children under age 18, in the household Attendees tend to view the Real Men Cook Fathers Day event as a social occasion. There is solid representation of 1st time attendees, as well as, those who are returning from previous years. Many are consciously loyal to a Real Men Charities program. Overwhelming majority plan to come again in the future. The top 3 main reasons for attending are Spend time with family and friends (30.6%) Enjoy the food (25%) Support RMC causes (19.4%) Over 75% attend with ADULT family and friends More than half (59.1%) are first-timers 40% have attended at least 2 times prior 85% say they definitely/probably will return
Source: CR Market Surveys, June 2009

Event Markets

New York Benton Harbor Detroit Chicago Washington DC St. Louis Los Angeles Phoenix Philadelphia


Dallas Houston

New Orleans Miami

RMC events have occurred in up to 12 markets, simultaneously, on Fathers Day Per market attendance - 6,000 average

The Road To Fathers Day: Lead In Activities

The Soul of Fatherhood Award The Soul of Fatherhood Award was introduced at RMC Chicago 2011 when awarded to President Barack Obama and received on the Presidents behalf by Assistant U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. James Galloway. The award salutes the father or father figures leadership of and service to his family and community, as well as his lifes achievements and strength as a role model. In 2012 we will expand The Soul of Fatherhood Award program so that it is a consumer-driven experience. Consumers across the country, will nominate the men in their lives. Celebrities and other notables will serve as judges. There will be one winner in each RMC city who will be announced at the Sunday event. Prizes include cash (with matching $$ to charity) and sponsor packages (e.g., wardrobe from Macy's, a new "man cave" from Lowe's or Home Depot). The Soul of Fatherhood Award contest will be supported in-market through magazines, radio, digital and social media.

In-Store Cooking Demos/Food Tastings Real Men Chefs will treat consumers to a preview of the delicious recipes that will be served at the Fathers Day event. These in-store events/promotions will be held during the weekend preceding Fathers Day at sponsors retail locations. The Sponsors products will be featured in the sampled recipes by the Real Men Chefs. Our goal with this program is to delight consumers, drive consumer traffic to our sponsors stores and increase at-retail sales. Our in-store events will be supported by radio, digital media and in-store circulars.

Benefits of Sponsorship
An opportunity to make memorable, emotional connections with African American families, in the Chicago market. Be a part of the only large-scale, multi-market event that promotes and embraces the active, positive role of African-American men in their families! An opportunity for organic brand/product integration into experiences which are conceived and customized for African American fathers and families. Access to thousands of educated, middle income African American families through media, PR/editorial, and on-site at-retail engagement marketing opportunities (preceding Fathers Day) To have your brands that are associated with food, home, hearth, family summer fun establishing a relationship with male and female consumers when they are immersed in a food/family-based emotional state Benefiting from the halo effect of becoming a part of an annual ritual for African American families.

Past Corporate Sponsors

Past Notable Participants

President Barack Obama (Then Senator) Celebrity Chef G. Garvin Marc Morial, President Natl. Urban League Tom Joyner, Radio Personality Roland Martin, Journalist Eddie Levert, Recording Artist Shemar Moore, Actor Doug Banks, Radio Personality Roy Jones, Jr., World Champion Boxer Lennox Lewis, World Champion Boxer Earvin Magic Johnson, Entrepreneur Damon Dash, Recording Executive Victoria Rowell, Actress Congressman John Lewis Don DC Curry, Comedian

Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship opportunities are available in Chicago - Title, Presenting, Official Sponsor levels - or we can customize a specific sponsorship opportiunity to address your specific marketing goals. Title Sponsor
Recognition as Title Sponsor in all consumer and press communications Logo placement on television spots if applicable, A minimum of 100 promotional announcements to air on top urban radio stations examples: V103, WGCI, WGRB, Power 92.3, Soul 106.3, WVON (includes live liners, billboards, & spots)* Logo Inclusion in Local Newspapers Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, NDIGO, Chicago Defender, Citizen Newspapers (tbd) On-line exposure and web site links on Prominent logo placement on all on-site signage Integration into at-retail events, if applicable Participation in Soul of Fatherhood Award program Premiere Booth/Tent Space at RMC event Stage announcements at RMC event On-stage presence with sponsor representatives at RMC event Opportunity to sponsor gift bags for Cooks and/or attendees at the RMC events VIP credentials for up to 10 individuals Investment: $25,000

Presenting Sponsor
Recognition as Presenting Sponsor in all consumer and press communications A minimum of 50 promotional announcements to air on top urban radio stations examples: V103, WGCI, WGRB, Power 92.3, Soul 106.3, WVON (includes live liners, billboards, & spots)* Logo Inclusion in Local Newspapers Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, NDIGO, Chicago Defender, Citizen Newspapers (tbd) On-air announcements within radio programming On-line exposure and website links on Prominent logo placement on all on-site signage Premium Booth/Tent Space at RMC event Integration into stage announcements at RMC event On-stage presence with sponsor representatives at RMC event Opportunity to sponsor gift bags for Chefs and/or attendees at the RMC events VIP credentials for up to 8 individuals

Official Partner
Recognition as Official Partner in all consumer and press communications A minimum of 25 promotional announcements to air on top urban radio stations examples: V103, WGCI, WGRB, Power 92.3, Soul 106.3, WVON (includes live liners, billboards, & spots)* Logo Inclusion in Local Newspapers Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, NDIGO, Chicago Defender, Citizen Newspapers (tbd) On-air announcements within radio programming On-line exposure and website links on Logo Placement on on-site signage Booth/Tent Space at RMC event Integration into stage announcements at RMC event VIP credentials for up to 6 individuals

Investment: $10,000

Investment: $15,000

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