The Training of Jason Baker

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The Training of Jason Baker A Fictional Short Story By Anthony Faber (C)Copyright by (2012 C.E.

) Anthony Fejfar and Neothomism, P.C. (PA) Jason Baker was a United States Marshall, undercover, seconded to the American National Security Agency, Chicago, Counter Espionage and Counter Organized Crime. On important

aspect of Jason Bakers training was to learn to resist interrogation if he was captured by the enemy. The training for this program was done independently. You see, the communications

for NSA Chicago were all done with telepathy, often the messages were sent in Jasons sleep or his unconscious while he was awake. Jason would then have an intuitive feeling that he should do something, like, going to a particular bookstore and buy a book, such as an espionage novel which was, of course, fiction, yet at the same time contained the information that Jason needed for the next step in his training. What Jason learned by reading the espionage novel that he was assigned to read, intuitively, was that when, and if, he was ever interrogated, the following guidelines were to be followed: 1. When first interrogated, at first, assert that the interrogator has no legal right to do the interrogation. 2. If the interrogator tries torture or violence to get you to talk, then give in gradually and tell the interrogator about 70 % real information and then 30% disinformation. 3. You need to make up a background about yourself which is close the real background, but not quite the same.


You need to study (earlier in time) some information which seems important to the enemy, but is really not secret information in the United States at all, such as quantum physics, for example.

5. In terms of your parallel identity, choose house or neighborhood in a town close by and schools that were close by, like another high school in your town, or a close by college that you might easily have gone to, but did not. 6. Make up some classes or even degrees that you might have gotten in areas that you have studied on your own, or otherwise, but where you did not actually get a degree. 7. Make up a birth place which is close to your actually birthplace or where your parents or other relatives were born. 8. If you can, figure out some secret information that you might have, but then, change it somewhat. Or, fabricate a top secret program that does not really exist, but that cannot be confirmed or denied by the enemy. Come up with some really good information about persons who you think are enemy spies and then tell the enemy how pro American these persons are. Now, the foregoing should work, but if it does not, you can pretend to be mentally ill by becoming bipolar for being a daoist, by meditating to the following mantra: Reality is 99.9999999% real. Or Reality is Aunitary.

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