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TrafckFree COMMUNITIES TFC ending trafcking one community at a time


Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 1

Table of contents

1. About TraffikFree COMMUNITY groups 2. Project Description 3. How to Become a TraffickFree COMMUNITY 0 4. Activities and Outcomes for Each Stakeholder 0 0 5. Development and Leadership 6. Events and Awareness 7. Resources

All information within this document may be printed and distributed by local TraffickFree COMMUNITY groups for the purpose of spreading the message. Please ensure that Oasis USA has your contact information Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 2

About TraffickFree COMMUNITY groups TraffickFree Communities are local community led initiatives that seek to mobilize grassroots action, 0 working with key community stakeholders that together hold collective power to end trafficking.

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 3

Project Description TraffickFree Communities (TFCs) are community led initiatives that resource and empower local activists to work with key stakeholders involved in the life of a trafficked person. Oasis has observed in our own work locally and around the world as well as in other social change campaigns that community action leads to stakeholder action, which leads to real change. A TraffickFree Community organizes itself and meets regularly, with the aim of influencing each of the 8 key stakeholders as described below: Schools Youth receive ongoing education about Human Trafficking and the dangers in prostitution, pimping, and runaway youth and online safety. Consumers There is an increase in the demand and availability of TraffickFree products throughout the community. Specifically, Johns are impacted through awareness training, workshops and media communication. Law Enforcement Local law enforcement and the legal profession as a whole are aware of the issues and have undergone training on Human Trafficking. Resources are available to assist the law enforcement agencies in supporting people rescued from human trafficking. Local Legislatures City ordinances are assessed for greater effectiveness and are amended and enforced as necessary. Media Increased publication on issues and stories of Human Trafficking within both the mainline and social media platforms. Local Businesses Partnerships with local businesses are formed both to raise awareness of Human Trafficking by posting the hotline number and by increasing the number of TraffickFree products available. Faith Communities Training and resource material is produced for leaders of faith communities. Human Trafficking is preached about and taught as a justice issue from the main leaders and there is an effort to increase the involvement of volunteers in prayer support and practical community assistance for victims. First Responders Trainings and information is offered and available on how to identify and respond to victims.

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 4

How to Become a TraffickFree Community

Form a group that meets regularly. You can do this by advertising the group in local coffee shops, cafes, community centers, the library etc. Try to engage individuals from different sectors of society (academic, medical, faith based, business). Maintain a manageable size for the group, and develop a plan to recruit strategic new members. Develop a strategic plan that lays out how and who from each of the stakeholders you will engage. Identify which of the 8 stakeholders your group is most interested in working with and with whom you will focus first. Be sure to also identify who from among your group will take the lead on each of the 8 key stakeholders. In addition to holding regular meetings the TFC should be encouraged to engage with local opportunities to raise awareness about Human Trafficking. These can be educational, spiritual or fun activities that help maintain momentum and engagement. Examples might include a conference, prayer gathering, forums, a run/walkathon or benefit concert.

General Replication Process: Recruit TFC Raise Awareness in Leadership Team Community Oasis has found Awareness Events churches and will be hosted in college campuses to local community: be effective pools to -Film screenings recruit from -Lectures -Info Tables at community events Host Training Develop Local Workshop Strategic Plan Leadership will help As part of the advertise a workshop the community community will put workshop at together a strategic awareness events plan for each of the and other outlets 8 stakeholder areas Support and Monitor Progress TFC group will meet monthly to discuss plan, implementation, report progress and/ or receive additional training

Activities and Outcomes for Each Stakeholder Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 5

In the next section the activities and outcomes for each stakeholder will be laid out. Plan a TFC meeting where you can break into small stakeholder groups and have a strategic planning session for each.

Educators stand in a unique position to shape and protect our young people. While 13 is the average age of entry into prostitution for girls under the age of 17, school aged boys are targeted as customers for people who control the girls. Oasis provides curriculum to educate students in how to protect their friends and themselves from being lured into sex trafcking. The curriculum also helps both male and female students understand community and civic responsibilities related to slavery. Students are equipped to become active in petitioning local legislatures and large corporations to embrace policies that will lead to the freedom of those trapped in slavery both in the US as well as in supply chains overseas.

How can your TFC impact your local community? A middle school teacher in a low socio-economic area of Los Angeles wants to teach her students about Human Trafficking, and especially educate them about the dangers of domestic trafficking, including pimping and internet safety. A teacher in a private high school wants her students to get involved with the Fair Trade movement. Her students are already strong consumers! Available Resources & Actions: START FREEDOM! Curriculum Poster Campaigns Awareness training Chocolate Campaign Resources Film, Books and other media resources

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 6

43% of the chocolate consumed in the world is made form cocoa beans harvested in the Ivory Coast. There are an estimated 12,000 trafcked children working on farms in that country.1 In June 2009, Interpol rescued 54 children aged 11 to 16 working as slaves on cocoa and palm plantations in the Ivory Coast. 2 Consumers can inuence corporations to provide chocolate that is guaranteed to be free of child and slave labor.

How can your TFC impact your local community?

People have heard how slavery and local sweatshops impact US chocolate, clothes and other items and want options for just products. Available Resources and Actions: Campaigning for just products Fair Trade towns Chocolate campaign activities Goods for sale from networked partners and other Oasis centers around the world Films, Books and other media

International Labour Organization, International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour Safety and Health Fact Sheet Hazardous Child Labour in Agriculture Cocoa ILO Geneva, March 2004 Interpol News Release August 3, 2009 - (Searched December 14, 2009)

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 7

Law Enforcement is an extremely important stakeholder. Police investigate and enforce local, state and federal statutes related to trafcking. It is essential that they are properly trained to identify victims of trafcking who can be mistaken as willing prostitutes. After receiving training about trafcking, an ofcer in charge of investigating massage parlorsandprostitutionin Pasadena worried that he may have encountered numerous trafcking cases in the past but hadnt recognized them for what they were. I was never taught to recognize human trafcking specically before, he said.3

How can your TFC impact your local community?

A local police department is already stretched and Human Trafficking is just one of many crimes they are trying to ght against. They want to help but know it needs to be effective, efficient and relevant to the area. Available Resources and Actions: Networking with others to provide Law Enforcement Training Cop Cards and Posters Supporting with resources such as the Freedom bag for girls rescued from trafficking Facilitating information for the various Human Trafficking Task Forces Lobbying judges and lawyers to receive HT awareness training Link with Local Police Departments, FBI, Rescue and Restore Project and others

Liz Hedrick, The extra step: Authorities seek ways to distinguish prostitutes from sex trafficking victims Sept 22, 2008 (Searched December 19, 2009)

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 8

Local legislatures develop the policies and statutes that regulate business in their city. There are several steps legislatures can make to hinder the operation of trafckers in their area. A local LA county city took some of these steps after Oasis assisted the Police Department in code enforcement investigations of massage parlors. It was discovered that many businesses were in violation of codes, such as, not keeping track of clients and having locks on massage room doors. Fifty percent of this citys massage parlors were ned and closed. The city placed a moratorium on massage business licenses until they could better regulate this sector. Oasis offers consultation with city council members on ordinances that can make it difcult for trafckers to do business in their jurisdiction.

How can your TFC impact your local community?

City officials can be overloaded with signicant practical and economic issues that have enabled massage parlors and others to stretch the law and allowed paces within the city to be vulnerable to traffickers. Available Resources and Actions: Massage Business Ordinance Guide Research and compare your local ordinances regulating massage businesses Inform your TFC Group about new state and local legislation effecting trafficking Campaign for the city council to enforce local ordinances Lobby the city government to pass a resolution to make the city a TraffickFree City. Collaborate with your Police Chief to enforce existing ordinances Propose new legislation to strengthen weak areas in existing ordinances

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 9

The Media have the opportunity to report the issue of trafficking with accuracy and sensitivity. Bloggers, tweeters and members of social networking sites can also raise awareness and campaign for stronger laws, as well as, more effective corporate practices on ethical sourcing of consumer goods How can your TFC impact your local community? Social Media is a signicant medium for raising awareness within a local community. Initially, and now are known to be signicant hotspots where traffickers are able to easily advertise those caught in trafficking. is a part of Village Voice Media which owns many free and local newspapers. Available Resources and Actions:

Add OasisUSA to your Twitter and Facebook Write your local newspaper to request that obvious sex adds be removed from the classied section Increase accurate, sensitive reporting on human trafficking by mainstream media, bloggers and social networking Reduce sexually explicit advertisement in local media publications. Develop social media awareness campaigns and share stories of what is happening in your local community and across the country Blog, tweet and Facebook about the TFC campaign Raise awareness of trafficking on local cable and radio networks

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 10

Local businesses have a stake in addressing human trafficking. As a constant presence in the community business employees and owners can report activity that may lead to the freedom of an enslaved person. Additionally, markets can choose to provide goods that are guaranteed to be slave-free. Finally, businesses can provide essential nancial support to charities working to end slavery. How can your TFC impact your local community?

Undertake staff awareness training and assist hotels/motels, restaurants and other industries where trafficking is easy to hide to ensure their businesses are ethical and safe! Utilize poster campaigns and provide awareness training to taxi drivers, who may be in contact with girls who are working on the streets at night and who are too young to be there Available Resources and Actions:

Training for staff on How to Identify Victims of Human Trafficking Posters/ Brochures displayed in reception areas How to report suspected child exploitation Outreach materials with hotline number Media materials Opportunities for corporate sponsorship

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 11

A Los Angeles health authority survey found that faith communities were one of the top six places in which a person who is trafcked comes into contact. Faith Communities are often at the heart of community life and can be a catalyst as centers for prayer, advocacy and justice on behalf of the enslaved. Oasis equips people of faith in how to pray for victims of trafcking, advocate on their behalf, respond with acts of compassion and develop a network of community support.

How can your TFC impact your local community?

The pastor of a local church wants his congregation to understand issues of justice and take actions that will make a difference. Youth group leaders want to make sure that their young people realize the importance of action alongside faith. Faith communities want to ensure HT grooming does not happen amongst their youth. Faith leaders want to help men within their community be people of integrity. Available Resources and Actions:

Start Freedom! Curriculum Freedom Bags Campaign 13 Campaign Fundraising and HT awareness activities for Young People Bible Study 13 Day Prayer Guide

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 12

A rst responder is a professional on the frontlines of emergency care. They are nurses in clinics, caseworkers in shelters, ambulance operators, remen, etc. Professionals in these positions can have unique access to victims of trafcking. For example, a nurse in a clinic may see a patient seeking relief from an STD and discover that she is under pimp control. First Responders need training and daily reminders such as posters hung in their work place with information about human trafcking.

How can your TFC impact your local community?

Train clinical staff and others in how to identify people caught in Human Trafficking and link them into a network of support that will enable the rst responders to highlight the issue with the relevant authorities. Available Resources and Actions:

Training for staff on How to Identify Victims of Human Trafficking Freedom Bags Posters/ Brochures displayed in reception area How to report suspected child exploitation Outreach materials with hotline number Media materials PSA for waiting room Encourage participation in a local task force - Important voice to have on the team

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 13

Development and Leadership Basic Steps for Developing a TraffickFree COMMUNITY (TFC) in your area: 1. Gauge interest in the community, among your friends and colleagues. Run Awareness seminars Undertake simple surveys amongst the general public Have a Slave Free chocolate fondue party

It is important to start with a core nucleus of approximately 4 to 5 people, if possible. This group would push the initiative forward and also be able to support each other. They would help develop other leaders and wider community participation, be the catalysts to growing the networks required and be key advocates for the anti trafficking initiative within the community. 2. Gauge the commitment level. The core team and all those that join later must be willing to commit to meeting on a regular basis (we recommend meeting once per month). They must also be willing to help support the TFC with time, resources and assist in developing a yearly budget. 3. Meet as a group and work out how to develop the research required from within the community to discover areas of vulnerability (discover what are the trafficking issues in your city, where the needs are, what the focus of the group will be). 4. Compile research into a report (can be a document, power point presentation, etc.). 5. From the research that was conducted, identify the top key areas of vulnerability within the community. These are the main areas that the group should focus upon in the initial phase. It is best to have just one focus, however, there can also be a couple of areas split between the wider group. We do not recommend having to many areas as this can be overpowering. Plus these focuses should be attainable, measurable, and clear to any who wish to join the group. All activities from the group should be geared toward these goals. The focuses could consist of: Develop mentoring groups for at risk youth in the local junior high and high schools within the first year. Raising awareness about human trafficking through quarterly events. Lobby City Government to improve city ordinances related to massage parlors or labor trafficking.

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 14

Providing Freedom Bags to local law enforcement to be given to sex trafficking victims, including minors. Host or arrange a training for the local law enforcement. Display outreach posters throughout the city in schools, businesses, public buildings, etc. Advocate for local newspapers to stop escort ads. Lobby local and national hotels chains. Develop opportunities for local business to obtain slave free products. Raise awareness about human trafficking within 60% of churches in the city in the next year; assist the churches in planning prayer events related to human trafficking; provide opportunities for churches to meet the needs of victims and offer community.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Begin advertising group meetings and set a regular meeting schedule. Identify key stakeholders in the community do any group members have relationships with these stakeholders and how can you engage them in your work? Create a communication strategy and a calendar of meetings and events. Start a blog/website for the group. Start making your city TraffickFree!

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 15

Events and Awareness An important role of TFCs is to organize and participate in local events. Consider joining with other likeminded organizations to raise awareness in your community. Event ideas: Use holidays to celebrate and promote TraffickFree chocolate. Valentines Day, Easter, Halloween and Christmas are all big chocolate holidays. Have slave free fondue parties. Host film screenings about Human Trafficking and lead a discussion. Organize a fundraiser that highlights Human Trafficking and raises funds for the work of fighting against trafficking. Have a booth at community events to hand out information about Human Trafficking. Plan activities in collaboration with the 8 key stakeholders such as Prayer Stations for trafficking victims in Churches or Benefit Concerts in Schools.

A major part of all of these activities is that it gives your TraffickFree COMMUNITY a great chance to network and recruit! Be conscious when talking to the public about the 8 key stakeholders we are targeting and articulate ways in which individuals or groups may be able to support, resource and add value to their sphere of influence.

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 16


Web sites www.raisethebarhershe m www.rescueandrestore.o rg www.nightlightinternati www.notforsalecampaig www.tenthousandvillage www.equalexchange.coo www.globalexchangesto p

Stop the Traffik: People In His Image: Understanding Be the Change: Your Guide to Shouldn't Be Bought & Sold by and Embracing the Poor, Andy Freeing Slaves and Changing Cherie Blair & Steve Chalke Matheson the World

Disposable People by Kevin Bales

Smuggling and Trafficking in Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof Human Beings: All Roads Lead and Sheryl WuDunn to America by Sheldon X. Zhang SOLD by Patricia McCormick Renting Lacey, Linda Smith: registration_form.asp?i=120

Woman, Child For Sale: The New Slave Trade in the 21st Century by Gilbert King

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 17

The Slave Next Door: Human From the Pimpstick to the Trafficking and Slavery in Pulpit by Bishop Don Magic America Today by Kevin Bales Juan and Ron Soodalter Girls Like US by Rachel LLoyd A walk across the Sun by Corban Addison Scars & Stilettos by Harmony Dust Trafficking and the Global Sex Industry by Delila Amir

A spa less travelled by Gail Herndon and Brenda Goldstein

Films A Students Guide to Fair Trade on Campus (2005) coffee The Dark Side of Chocolate: www.thedarksideofchocol Salaam Bombay: mirabai/index.php? option=com_jmovies&Ite mid=29&task=detail&id= 17 Fields-Mudan-NicoleNishimoto/dp/ B000XPZSB8 Taken

Santiagos Story (1999):


Amazing Grace Trade

Kavi - Greg Helvey

Svetlana's Journey: Very Young Girls: m/ girlsarenotforsale.html

The Shanghai Hotel: www.shanghaihotelthemovie.c om/

The Sold Project: Smooth Flight: A Practical Guide to Preventing Human synopsis.php Trafficking (2003)

Oasis USA March 2012 PO Box 2583, Pasadena, CA 91102 -; Tel: 626-584-0800 18

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