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Chapter 19

A. Draw Rectangle.

Brookside Radial

Step 1. Click Machine Type Menu > Design. Step 2. Click File Menu > New. Step 3. Click Create Menu > Create Rectangle. Step 4. Key-in 5.4 for Width and 1.8 for Height in the Ribbon bar and press ENTER, Fig. 1. Step 5. Click the down arrow in the Auto Cursor ribbon bar and click Origin Step 6. Click Fit to place the rectangle (spacebar 0 ENTER), Fig. 2. or use Alt-F1 to t the rectangle on the screen. Fig. 2 Fig. 1

B. Create Bounding Box Point for Rectangle.

Step 1. Click Create Menu > Create Bounding Box. Step 2. In the Bounding Box dialog box, under Create, check Center Point, uncheck all others, Fig. 3. Step 3. Check All Entities at top of dialog box, Fig. 3. Click OK . The bounding box placed a point in the center of the rectangle, Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

C. Save Your File.

Step 1. Click File Menu > Save As. Step 2. Key-in brookside radial for the lename and press ENTER.

D. Create Brookside Letters.

Fig. 3

Step 1. Draw the Brookside red. Click the color swatch in the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen. Key-in 12 for red color number and press ENTER. Step 2. Click Create Menu > Create Letters. Step 3. Key in Brookside.

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Brookside Middle School Tech Ed

Step 4. Click the TrueType(R) button in the Create Letters dialog box, Fig. 5. Step 5. Set: Font to Arial Black Font Style to Bold Italic in the Font dialog, Fig. 6. Click OK .

Step 6. Set in the Create Letters dialog box: Horizontal Height to 1, Fig. 5 and click OK .

Fig. 5

Step 7. Click to place the text, Fig. 7. Press ESC to exit placing the text.

Fig. 7

E. Scale Letters.

Fig. 6

Step 1. Click Xform Menu > Xform Scale. Fig. 8 Step 2. Click the All in the General Selection ribbon bar, Fig. 8. Step 3. Click Color button in the Select All dialog box, Fig. 9. Step 4. Click to place a check in red check box, Fig. 9. Step 5. Click OK .

Step 6. Press ENTER to complete the selection. Step 7. Set: Move Select XYZ Fig. 9 Select Percentage Scale X to 60%, Fig. 10 Click OK to close the Scale dialog box. Step 8. Right click the drawing area and click Clear Colors. Fig. 10

Fig. 11

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F. Create Bounding Box Point for Brookside.

Step 1. Click Create Menu > Create Bounding Box. Fig. 13

Step 2. In the Bounding Box dialog box check Center Point, uncheck all others. Step 3. Uncheck All Entities at top of dialog box, Fig. 12. Step 4. Click the All in the General Selection ribbon bar, Fig. 13. Step 5. Click Color button in the Select All dialog box, Fig. 14. Step 6. Click to place a check in red check box, Fig. 14. Step 7. Click OK , Fig. 15. Fig. 12

Fig. 14

Step 8. Press ENTER to complete the selection.

G. Move Text.
Step 2. Click the All

Step 1. Click Xform Menu > Xform Drag. in the General Selection ribbon bar, Fig. 13.

Fig. 15

Step 3. Click Color button in the Select All dialog box, Fig. 14. Step 4. Click to place a check in red check box, Fig. 14. Step 5. Click OK .

Step 6. Press ENTER to complete the selection. Step 7. Click the Move and Translate

Fig. 16 in the ribbon bar, Fig. 16.

Step 8. Click the point in the center of the Brookside text for the starting point and click point in center of the rectangle for the end point, Fig. 17. Step 9. Click OK in the ribbon bar. Fig. 17

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H. Delete Points.
Step 1. Click the All in the General Selection ribbon bar, Fig. 18. Fig. 18 Step 2. Click Point button in the Select All dialog box, Fig. 19. Step 3. Click to place a check in 3D star check box, Fig. 19. Step 4. Click OK .

Step 5. Press Delete key on keyboard, Fig. 20.

Fig. 20

I. Rotate.

Step 1. Click Xform Menu > Xform Rotate. Step 2. Click the All button bar, Fig. 18. in the General Selection ribbon

Fig. 19

Step 3. Click All Entities button in the Select All dialog box, Fig. 21. Step 4. Press ENTER to complete the selection. Step 5. Set: Move , Fig. 22. Fig. 21

1 for Number of Steps 90 for Rotation Angle Click OK in the Rotate dialog box, Fig. 23. Step 6. Click Fit or use Alt-F1 to t the drawing on the screen. Step 7. Right click the drawing area and click Clear Colors Alt-R C. from the menu or use Fig. 22 Fig. 23

J. Move to Origin.
Step 2. Click the All button

Step 1. Click Xform Menu > Xform Drag. in the General Selection ribbon bar, Fig. 18.

Step 3. Click All Entities button in the Select All dialog box, Fig. 21.

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Step 4. Press ENTER to complete the selection. Step 5. Click the Move and Fig. 24

Translate in the ribbon bar, Fig. 24 24. Step 6. For the starting point, click the lower left corner of the rectangle, Fig. 25. Step 7. For the end point, click the down arrow in the Auto Cursor ribbon bar and click Origin Step 8. Click OK , Fig. 26. in the ribbon bar.
Move to corner to Origin

Fig. 26

K. Create 3d Block.
Step 1. Change to the Isometric View. Use or Alt-7.

Step 2. Click Fit or use Alt-F1 to t the rectangle on the screen. Step 3. Click Xform Menu > Xform Translate. Step 4. Shift click the rectangle to select all the rectangle (Hold down Shift key). Step 5. Press ENTER to complete the selection. Step 6. Set: Join Z to -.75 , Fig. 27 and Fig. 28 28. Step 7. Click OK button to close the Translate dialog box. Step 8. Right click the drawing area and click Clear Colors from the menu or use Alt-R C C.

Fig. 25

Fig. 27

Fig. 28

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L. Create Arcs.
Step 1. Click the down arrow of the Set Planes button in the toolbar and click Set Planes to FRONT relative to your WCS, Fig 29. Step 2. Draw the arcs green. Click the color swatch in the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen. Key-in 26 for green color number and press ENTER. Step 3. Click Create Menu > Arc > Create Arc Endpoints. Step 4. Key-in 4.8 for diameter . Lock the Diamto lock. The
First point Top of arc Second point

Fig. 29

Fig. 30

eter. Click the Diameter button eld turn red when locked, Fig. 30.

Step 5. Click 1 grid down on the left front side line of block for rst point. Click 1 grid down on the right front side line for the second point. Click the top top of the arc, Fig. 31. Step 6. Click Apply
Z: label

in the ribbon bar.

Fig. 31

Fig. 32 Step 7. Change the depth of your drawing. Click in the Z: label in the Status bar at the bottom of the screen, Fig. 32 and click the back corner of the rectangle, Fig. 33. This will set the depth to -5.4. Step 8. Click 1 grid down on the left back side line of block for rst point. Click 1 grid down on the back right side line for the second point. Click the top First of the arc, Fig. 34. Step 9. Click OK in the ribbon bar.

Click to change depth to -5.4

Fig. 33
Top of arc Second point


Fig. 34

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M. Create Loft Surfaces.

Step 1. Click Create Menu > Surface > Create Ruled/Lofted Surfaces. Step 2. Click the Single button in the Chaining dialog box, Fig. 35. Step 3. Click Arc 1 and Arc 2, Fig. 36. If the chaining directions arrows are not pointing in the same direction - click Reverse , Fig. 35. Step 4. Click OK in the Chain dialog box, Fig. 35. Step 5. Turn on the shading, use Alt-S. Step 6. Click OK in the ribbon bar, Fig. 37. Fig. 35

Arrows must point in same direction

Fig. 36

Fig. 37

N. Project Letters.
Step 1. Click the down arrow of the Set Planes button tool bar and click Set planes to Top, Fig 38. in the Fig. 38

Step 2. Change the depth of your drawing. Click in the Z eld in the Status bar at the bottom of the screen and key-in 0 and press ENTER. Step 3. Click Xform Menu > Xform Project. Step 4. Click the All Fig. 39. in the General Selection ribbon bar, 0

Fig. 39

Step 5. Click Color button in the Select All dialog box, Fig. 40. Step 6. Click to place a check in red check box, Fig. 40. Step 7. Click OK .

Step 8. Press ENTER to complete the selection. Fig. 40

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Step 9. Set: Move

, Fig. 41

Project onto Surface Click the surface in drawing, Fig. 42 and press ENTER Normal Check Join Results Click OK to close the Project dialog box. Step 10. Right click the drawing area and click Clear Colors (Alt-R C). Fig. 42

O. Create Point.

Step 1. Draw the point yellow. Click the color swatch in the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen. Click yellow, number 14 and click OK.

Fig. 41

Step 2. Click Create Menu > Point > Create Point Position. Step 3. Key-into the AutoCursor ribbon bar: 1.9 for X 2.7 for Y -.2 for Z and press ENTER, Fig. 43 and 44. Step 4. Save your drawing. Use Alt-F S.

Fig. 43


Fig. 42

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