Gerst CS3lesson2

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Using the Double Angle Formulas

Task What is the main activity that students will be working on in this lesson?

Students will come into class and they will have to turn in their notes from the video they watched the previous night. After a small bellwork assignment relating to the content of the video. During this time, they will get back their notes. Students will discuss the questions posed to them in the video. We will go over the answers in a whole class setting. After the launch of the task, students will work on problems from the book that ask them to solve problems using the double angle formulas.

Students will have the notes from the previous nights video. Some students may have the video up on an electronic device. Students can look back to these notes to see various examples of problems. Students will have calculators if they feel they need them to simplify the exact value of different expressions. Students will have me as a resource walking around the room to answer questions. They can also use their classmates in their groups. Student discourse is an important part of this process. If I have students that finish their assignment early, I will have those students circulating the room as well. They may seem more approachable to some students. Having particular students teaching their colleagues creates a shared knowledge classroom environment. It teaches students that their peers have valid opinions about the mathematics.

Instructional Support

Learning Goals (Residue) What understandings will students take away from this activity? My goal is that students will be able to solve, simplify and verify problems with double angles in them. They may not see an application for this until later in Calculus, but it is helpful to know these formulas. A very difficult integration problem can be made easier with a double angle formula. I also hope that students know the correct way to apply these formulas, not making small mathematical errors.

What questions might you ask students that will support What are the various ways that students their exploration of the activity and bridge between what Evidence might complete the activity? they did and what you want them to learn (the two Students will produce accurate drawings of Students may come into class with very green boxes)?
different levels of understanding. I am well aware that some students didnt sit attentively and watch the video they were supposed to. It is possible they forgot and copied a classmates the period before or copied the notes without the sound. Some students will be more the leaders of their groups others will have to learn more to catch up to the class. There are various ways to solve some of the problems because of the variety of double angle formulas. Some students also may not choose to draw a picture of their given angle. In this case, I would think the students are not visual learners. Why did you draw your angle that way? What does it mean for an angle to be in a certain quadrant? How did you decide what to do with your given information? How did you know what side was the hypotenuse? Where did your missing side come from? How did you make your decision that a side length would be negative? Does this match up with what trig functions are positive and negative on the unit circle? What does your answer mean? What does that look like on the picture? How did you use your calculator to help you solve this problem? Is there another way to solve this problem?

different angles in any of the four quadrants. They will be able to correctly identify a missing piece of that angle and its sign. They will be able to correctly use the various forms of the double angle formulas. They will also be able to identify the right hand side of a formula and simplify an expression that way. They will be able to correctly use their calculator to find an answer, putting parenthesis in the correct place.

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