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Title: Can You Die From a Jellyfish Sting?

Answer: Yes, but only from those which are highly poisonous like The Box Jellyfish or the Marine Stinger. The toxins of this particular Jellyfish is so strong that the fatality rate once stung is very high. The toxins causes a complete shutdown of the respiratory system and also a cardiovascular collapse. About Jellyfish Stings Jellyfish are transparent marine animals, which usually swim in groups. They are non-violent and surrounded by tentacles that are covered with nematocysts which are sac like features that are filled with venom that normally cause the irritation or pain when someone is stung. Jellyfish sting happens as a form of self defense and not as an attack on humans. Not all stings are fatal but most people who get stung have some form of allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. This means that if you get stung by a Jellyfish, it would require immediate medical attention whether the situation is life threatening or not. Quick Facts Some of the most dangerous jellyfish species are Irukandji Jellyfish, The Box Jellyfish or the Marine Stinger, the Portuguese Man O War and the Sea Nettle. Some jellyfish are bigger than humans but there are species that are just as small as a pinhead. Jellyfish are older than dinosaurs. Jellyfish have no brain but some have eyes and are mainly composed of water and protein. Source: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title: Can you die from ketamine? Answer: Yes, majority of the deaths associated with the use of Ketamine are related to taking the drug then going swimming or taking a bath. About Ketamine Ketamine itself has no addicting component and is considered to be a very mild drug as far as being used in the medical field. It actually helps in cell respiration that allows your body to work better. The drug is often used as an anesthetic for children but are now widely used by young adults and is otherwise known as a party drug. Ketamine although mild can be fatal if combined with alcohol, other drugs or just like any other drug, if overdosed. Quick Facts Low doses of Ketamine works as a mild stimulant while at medium to high doses the drug can act as a paralyzing psychedelic. The effects of Ketamine is very quick which may start as a dreamy feeling or as some would describe it, as being an out of body experience. As the effect of the drug is quick, it also wears off easily. A Ketamine trip usually lasts between 45 to 90 minutes.

Ketamine is an anesthetic, therefore vomiting is a risk. Eating or drinking before use can cause a person to choke on his/her own vomit.

Source: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title: Can you die from anal sex? Answer: No, you cant die from the actual act of anal sex. However, the skin inside the anus can easily tear which can cause virus or bacteria to enter your body and lead to illness if not treated. About Anal Sex Anal sex is the sex act in which the penis is inserted into the anus of a partner and according to history this sexual act has been taking place for many centuries. Usually associated with male homosexuality, research also show that it is a common practice among heterosexual couples as well. Quick Facts Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah and Virginia still prohibit anal sex today. Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas prohibit anal sex between same sex partners only. Research reveal that 43% of women had tried it with their partners at least once. Not all homosexuals have anal sex in fact only 59% - 95% of male homosexuals engage in the act.

Source: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title: Can You Die from a Miscarriage? Answer: Yes, you can die from a miscarriage if not properly treated or you do not seek immediate medical attention when it happens. Miscarriage can cause severe infection in your uterus and even sepsis. 3 Different Types of Miscarriages Complete Miscarriage - this is when the fetus is completely expelled from the uterus during a miscarriage. Incomplete Miscarriage - this is when a portion of the fetus and the placenta remains in the uterus. Missed Miscarriage - the most dangerous type if untreated, this is when you have miscarried but the entire fetus remains inside the uterus. Quick Facts Maternal age is one of the possible causes of miscarriages. As the mother gets older the risk of a miscarriage gets higher. An uncontrolled Diabetes is also one of the possible miscarriage causes.

Multiple pregnancy also increases the risk of a miscarriage. Smoking increases the risk of a miscarriage by 30% - 50%

Source: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title: Can you die from cough syrup(DXM)? Answer: Yes, a person can die from cough syrup at very high doses. DXM can suppress the nervous system which may cause the brain to stop telling your lungs to breathe. About DXM DXM or Dextromethorphan is an antitussive drug which is a common active ingredient in overthe-counter cough and cold medicines. If taken correctly, DXM has very little side effects however high doses can cause hallucinations that can vary from color and sound distortions to a feeling of disassociation with their environment. Further, DXM mixed with other ingredients such as Acetaminophen can be extremely dangerous at very high doses. Although commonly used as temporary relief for cough and colds, a lot of young people are abusing the drug thinking that its perfectly safe since you can acquire it over-the-counter. Quick Facts Other forms of DXM other than liquids are lozenges, tablets, capsules and gel caps. Long term abuse of cough syrup can lead to psychological dependence. 10 times the normal amount of DXM can cause seizures. Some commercial and street names of DXM are Dex, robo, velvet, skittles, triple C and tussin. Source: Title: Can you die from caffeine? Answer: Yes, but you will have to take a huge amount of caffeine to die from it. The toxic dose is LD_50 of caffeine which could be anywhere between 50 to 200 cups of coffee and depends on a persons weight. About Acute Caffeine Poisoning Some of the symptoms of acute caffeine poisoning are tremor and restlessness followed by nausea, vomiting and confusion. In cases of severe intoxication, a person may experience delirium, seizures, hyperglycemia and hypokalemia. Other symptoms are nervousness, irritability, anxiety, insomnia and palpitations. Quick Facts In its pure state, caffeine is a crystalline white powder. Darkly roasted coffee has less caffeine than lightly roasted Over 450,000,000 cups of coffee are consumed in the USA every day. Caffeine also increases the levels of dopamine in your brain, which improves your feeling of well-being and improves your mood. Source:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title: Can You Die From Eating Too Much Sugar? Answer: No, however eating too much sugar can cause a variety of health and oral problems such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity and tooth decay just to name a few. Effects of Too Much Sugar on Your Brain Research indicate that too much sugar reduces the production of BDNF or Brain-derived neurotrophic factor. BDNF is a brain chemical that allows us to form new memories and learn. People with impaired glucose metabolism like diabetics have low BDNF and as the amount of BDNF decreases, sugar metabolism worsens. The lowered amount of BDNF then begins to contribute to insulin resistance that will lead to Type 2 Diabetes and eventually to other health problems. Quick Facts Four classes of simple sugars are harmful to your health - sucrose, fructose, honey and malts. An average American consumes 2-3 pounds of sugar each week. In some countries like Brazil, India, sugar is used to fuel cars. Sugar is empty, it only contains energy but no vitamins or minerals.

Source: what-eating-too-much-sugardoes-to-your-brain/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title: Can you die from taking OxyContin? Answer: Yes, a number of deaths have been attributed to the abuse of the drug. Not everyone has a high tolerance for OxyContin and therefore could easily overdose. Oxycodone overdose can cause your breathing to slow down and possibly stop. About OxyContin OxyContin is an analgesic mostly used to relieve moderate to severe pain. It is also used for coughs, diarrhea, postoperative and post labor pain. It is the purest form of oxycodone which is a pain reliever usually combined with ibuprofen or acetaminophen. People who abuse OxyContin either inject, snort, smoke or take higher doses than prescribed. Abuse of the drug can lead to high tolerance and therefore would require higher doses to avoid withdrawal which often leads to overdose and death. Quick Facts OxyContin was first introduced by Purdue Pharma in 1995. Oxycodone is now the most abused medicine in the United States, according to the DEA annual count of drug seizures. One in twenty of all high school seniors have tried oxycodone, and its use keeps increasing. The street names for oxycodone are OC, OX, Oxy, Oxycotton, Hillbilly heroin, and Blue.

Source: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title: Can You Die From Gallstones? Answer: Yes, in some extreme cases where gallstones causes inflammation in the gallbladder and then burst. The resulting infection can be fatal. About Gallstones Gallstones are crystalized bile in the gallbladder. They are common and normally do not have any symptoms. Most of the time they sit in the gallbladder unnoticed unless you get a scan or an x-ray in the abdomen for other reasons. They do not require any treatment if they do not cause any symptoms however other complications will require treatment. Gallstones can cause Biliary colic which is extremely painful, this happens when a stone gets stuck in the cystic duct. Cholecystitis or inflammation of the gallbladder would require removal of the gallbladder. Jaundice which cause yellow discoloration of the skin and other problems like pancreatitis and cholangitis. Quick Facts The medical name for gallstones is cholelithiasis (KOL-e-lee-thigh-e-sis). Gallstones affect approximately one in ten Americans or 10% of the United States population which is about 25 million people. About 500,000 Americans have gallbladder surgery each year. Obesity is one of the strongest risk factors for gallstones.

Source: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Title: Can You Die From Strep Throat? Answer: Yes if its not treated. Strep throat is an infection of the throat and tonsils caused by a bacteria called streptococcal. If untreated, it could lead to toxic shock syndrome or kidney failure. About Strep Throat Strep Throat is caused by many types of Strep bacteria, some may cause more serious illness than others. This infection is most common in children ages between 5 and 15. The most common symptoms are severe sore throat, pain when you swallow, high fever, swollen tonsils and lymph nodes, white or yellow spots at the back of the throat. It is contagious and can easily be passed on from one person to another and will take 2-5 days before showing any symptoms. Strep Throat usually goes away in 3 to 7 days with or without treatment however getting antibiotics is still advisable to reduce the risk of infecting other parts of your body. Quick Facts Untreated strep infections can lead to scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, skin, bloodstream, ear infections, and pneumonia.

Strep Throat is more common in children than in adults. Strep Throat can be diagnosed via rapid strep test or throat culture. More than 100 different types of Group A Beta Strep have been identified


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