Historic Context Development Three of Richmond's Oldest Neighborhoods

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Request for Proposals

Project PRISM

Historic Context Development and

Reconnaissance Level Survey
Three of Richmond’s Oldest Neighborhoods
Santa Fe, Coronado and Iron Triangle Neighborhoods

Proposal Due Date:

Friday, May 16, 2008
4:00 p.m.

Planning and Building Services Department

1401 Marina Way South
Richmond, California 94804
Phone: (510) 620-6706
Fax:: (510) 620-6858

1401 MARINA WAY SOUTH, RICHMOND, CA 94804 Telephone: (510) 620-6706

Fax: (510) 620-6858
Project PRISM RFP 3 Richmond, California
Historical Context Statement and Reconnaissance Level Survey  
For Santa Fe, Coronado and Historic Iron Triangle Neighborhoods

A.   Introduction 
The City of Richmond is seeking proposals from qualified professionals to prepare a
historic context statement and a reconnaissance level survey of sites, buildings,
structures and objects in three of Richmond’s oldest neighborhoods, Santa Fe,
Coronado and Iron Triangle. The project has been named Project PRISM (Preserve
Richmond to Interpret and Support Memories) and one of the purposes of this historic
context statement and reconnaissance level survey would be to identify additional
resources that could be incorporated into the Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front
National Park. The acronym “PRISM” has been selected because the project will
provide a prism through which current and future generations can view the struggles and
triumphs of what has been termed “The Greatest Generation.” The goal of the project is
two-fold: first, to compile a history of the physical development of each neighborhood
and second, to organize and begin the process of identifying historic resources and/or
properties located within the study area to pursue designation on the Richmond,
California, and National Registers of Historic Places.


The Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park (Park) was
established on October 25, 2000 to preserve and interpret the stories and places of our
nation's home front response to World War II. Richmond was selected as the place to
tell this nation’s story because of the City’s significance in producing wartime products,
including the development of four shipyards that produced 747 Victory and Liberty
ships. The City has many intact buildings constructed for wartime industries, as well as,
housing and other social commercial and institutional buildings in support of workers
who came to work in support of the war effort. World War II changed Richmond from a
predominantly white community of 23,600 residents to a diverse city of over 100,000
people within a year. The population explosion included a large number of African
Americans. Industries operated around the clock. In response, schools, child care
centers, health care providers and merchants mobilized to support the burgeoning

In an effort to identify what survives from that period, City staff has discovered that there
are undocumented historic resources in the study area, related to the Home Front
National Historical Park, that have not been identified for inclusion in the park. The
significance of such historic resources has been brought to light through oral histories
and accompanying historic photos provided by long-time residents, wartime workers
and/or their descendents.

In 2006, the National Park Service began the Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front
National Historical Park Community Leaders Tours to better understand Richmond’s role
in the World War II Home Front story. As a result of this and other efforts, many
previously unknown Home Front properties were identified. Project PRISM will
document significant buildings, sites, structures and objects that connect them to the rich
history of the World War II Home Front effort within the three historic neighborhoods. As

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Project PRISM RFP 3 Richmond, California
Historical Context Statement and Reconnaissance Level Survey  
For Santa Fe, Coronado and Historic Iron Triangle Neighborhoods

a result, historic resources and properties can be incorporated into the tour or developed
into new tours associated with the Home Front National Historical Park.

The importance of this project will be that Richmond residents and visitors will better
understand the critical role of these neighborhoods played during the World War II Home
Front effort, while also providing a foundation for preserving and protecting the
neighborhoods. Project PRISM will also help inform the neighborhoods about the
continuing role they might play in City’s heritage tourism goals. Additionally, residents
with high need and low resources may learn the important history of their neighborhood,
which can also bolster other initiatives being implemented that address social ills
prevalent in these severely economically disadvantaged neighborhoods, such as crime,
poverty, blight, and disinvestment.

About the City of Richmond:

The City of Richmond is an urban area located 16 miles northeast of San Francisco,
directly across San Francisco Bay from the San Francisco Embarcadero. Richmond is
on a peninsula separating San Francisco Bay (on the south) and San Pablo Bay (to the
north). The City has 32 total miles of shoreline. Richmond is situated near major
metropolitan cities and major new growth areas. San Francisco, Oakland, and Marin
County are all within a one-half hour drive of Richmond.

Currently, the population of the City is 96,648 persons (2005 Census – American
Community Survey) with a projected growth of 19% within the next 10 years.

About the Study Area:

The study area is comprised of three neighborhoods containing approximately 4,029

land parcels of which about 472 are vacant. The study area encompasses the “historic”
downtown area which includes the following collection of historic structures: the
Richmond Museum of History, Winters Building, New Hotel Carquinez (Hotel Don).
Nearby are named properties in the Park legislation: the Maritime Child Development
Center, Fire Station 67A, the Kaiser Field Hospital, and the Ruth C. Powers Child
Development Center. The study area also includes the undesignated Anitas Building,
Richmond Main Post Office, 1st National Bank, Mechanics Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, and
Nystrom Village Housing Development. Some of the undocumented buildings may be
eligible for listing on the California Register of Historic Resources (CRHR) and National
Register of Historic Places (NRHP); however, nominations have not been prepared due
to lack of documentation and analysis. Earlier studies suggest that there are many more
buildings that would be eligible for listing on the Richmond, California and National
Registers of Historic Places.

Many of the historic resources in the study area are not easily identified as historic
properties because they may be modest, hidden, and even altered, but nonetheless are
vital parts of the study area’s historic mosaic. The historic context statement and
reconnaissance survey will help identify these properties, raise awareness about, and
ultimately protect these community resources for Richmond residents and visitors alike.
After the project’s completion, Phase II will be implemented. This includes an intensive-

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Project PRISM RFP 3 Richmond, California
Historical Context Statement and Reconnaissance Level Survey  
For Santa Fe, Coronado and Historic Iron Triangle Neighborhoods

level survey that may be followed by Richmond, California, and National Register of
Historic Places district and individual resource and property nominations.

A Project PRISM study area overview map set is attached as Exhibit A. Photographs of
undocumented commercial and public buildings are attached in Exhibit B. Photographs
of Architectural styles of homes in the study area are included in Exhibit C.

Related Information Resources:

Each consultant submitting a proposal should be familiar with the following relevant

1. Historic Structures Code (Chapter 6.06 of the Richmond Municipal Code)

2. Mapping Richmond’s World War II Home Front. A Historical Report prepared for the
National Park Service by Donna Graves (2004)

3. Nystrom Neighborhood Report, Richmond, California. Prepared for the National

Park Service by Architectural Resources Group June 2004

4. Historic Resources Evaluation Report Nystrom Village, Richmond, California.

Prepared for the Richmond Housing Authority by Carey & Co. Inc. January 31, 2008

B.  Selected Project Team Requirements/Responsibilities 
1. The consultant will complete the historic context statement development and
reconnaissance level survey for the Project PRISM area (see map, attached as
Exhibit A). Although the proposed reconnaissance survey and context statement
project would include the definition of any potential historic district boundaries, the
PRISM area is generally the triangular area south of the intersection of Rumrill
Boulevard and 13th Street with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) railroad
tracks on the west and the Union Pacific railroad tracks on the east. The southern
boundary of the study area is generally formed by a southeastern spur of the BNSF
railroad track and Wright Avenue.

2. At a minimum, the consultant’s qualifications shall meet the Secretary of the

Interior’s professional qualification standards for history and architectural history.
The project shall be developed in accordance with National Register Bulletin 24:
Guidelines for Local Surveys: A Basis for Preservation Planning and the most recent
edition of the Instructions for Recording Historical Resources from the California
Office of Historic Preservation.

3. The consultant should be experienced in working through public outreach and

community involvement for a defined project area as a source of information and
assistance in development of the context statement and properties to be surveyed.
City staff, the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee, and the consultant will work
with the National Park Service, Richmond Main Street Initiative, Richmond

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Project PRISM RFP 3 Richmond, California
Historical Context Statement and Reconnaissance Level Survey  
For Santa Fe, Coronado and Historic Iron Triangle Neighborhoods

Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, and the Iron Triangle, Santa Fe and Coronado
Neighborhood Councils as a Project Advisory Committee to ensure a well-conceived
and supported work program. In the PRISM study area there are concerns about
protecting historic properties, as well as, the complex character of the community,
concerns about government intervention and the need to balance private property
rights. Therefore, community participation is essential for a well-developed context
statement and reconnaissance level survey. The consultant will be expected to
conduct archival research using primary and secondary resources, as well as, oral
histories and interviews to develop the historic context statement. The
reconnaissance level survey will include the preparation of Department of Parks and
Recreation (DPR) 523 A, Primary Record forms and digital photography.

C.  Scope of Work: Tasks and Deliverables 
The final product will be a bound and reproducible (electronic) report that includes the

1. Title, credits, and table of contents pages, as well as, a brief overview of the

2. Detailed project narrative of a) Objectives, b) Area Surveyed, c) Research

Design, d) Methodology Used, e) Results and recommendations for future work.
The Results section shall include a discussion of how the survey findings could
be incorporated into the local planning process.

3. Development of a historic context statement for three of Richmond’s oldest

neighborhoods; Santa Fe, Coronado and Iron Triangle, including a discussion of
ethnic populations, organizations, and businesses.

4. Map of reconnaissance level survey area with surveyed parcels indicated.

5. Preliminary definition of any potential historic district boundaries in map form.

6. Excel-based table of buildings surveyed at the reconnaissance level including

street address, Assessor’s Parcel Number, resource name (if any), age,
architectural style, year built, current building use, number of buildings on the
property, any prior survey evaluation, initial historic significance determinations,
and recommendations for intensive level survey.

7. Department of Parks and Recreation 523 A forms (Primary Records) and

preliminary 523 D form, if warranted, with high resolution (5+ megapixel camera)
digital photographs.

8. Transcripts, or indexed summaries, from any oral interviews (the intent is to

conduct some oral history interviewing as time and funding allows).

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Project PRISM RFP 3 Richmond, California
Historical Context Statement and Reconnaissance Level Survey  
For Santa Fe, Coronado and Historic Iron Triangle Neighborhoods

9. Minutes and summaries from community and Project Advisory Committee

meetings are to be provided within one week of meeting date. All meeting notes
shall be included as an appendix in the bound report.

The Planning and Building Services Department firmly believes in the power of
photographs, and graphics to communicate ideas. The consultant team is required to
provide powerful visuals that effectively complete and enhance the meeting and project
process. Any and all materials developed for this project will become the property of the
Planning and Building Services Department. Additional deliverables as required include:
monthly progress reports; electronic files on disc (word and PDF format) for each final
product; presentation boards, and PowerPoint presentations for public meetings.
Meeting materials including agendas, minutes, presentations (i.e. PowerPoint),
supplementary handouts, and material and display boards shall be submitted to the
Planning and Building Services Department for approval prior to all meetings, workshops
or public hearings.

Attendance at Meetings:

The scope of services requires the consultant to work closely with staff and the
community in completing the historic context statement and reconnaissance level survey
project. The consultant will budget (at minimum) attendance at the following meetings:

• 1 Kick-off meeting with Planning and Building Services Department and the
Project Advisory Committee
• 1 Planning Commission meeting
• 1 City Council meeting
• 6 Community meetings
• 4 Project Advisory Committee meetings

D.  Request for Proposals, Selection and Contract Schedule 
April 11, 2008 Release of Request for Proposals
April 30, 2008 Non-Mandatory Pre-Proposal meeting/tour - 9:00 a.m.
(Reservations Required)
Meet at 1401 Marina Way South - City Council Chambers
May 16, 2008 Proposals Due
May 21, 2008 Notification of Consultant Teams
June 2-3, 2008 Interviews by Consultant Selection Committee
June 17, 2008 Authorization by the City Council for Director of Planning
and Building Services Department to Negotiate a Contract
with the highest ranked Consultant Team
July 1, 2008 Execution of Contract

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Project PRISM RFP 3 Richmond, California
Historical Context Statement and Reconnaissance Level Survey  
For Santa Fe, Coronado and Historic Iron Triangle Neighborhoods

E.  Submittal Requirements  
A. A Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) shall be submitted by all consultants and sub
consultants who will be involved in the historic context statement development and
reconnaissance survey project. All Statements of Qualifications should answer the
following questions:

1. Identify the primary contact for the contract and list key personnel, and their
roles and responsibilities. Please include brief resumes for the primary
contact and key personnel.

2. Identify how each member of the consultant team, as well as, subconsultants
meet the Secretary of the Interior’s professional qualification standards for
history or architectural history pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations,
36 CFR Part 61, Appendix A.

3. Provide a work history for key personnel, including descriptions of projects

and their responsibilities. Identify the educational background of the key

4. Describe the role responsibility of each subconsultant, if any, what their

assignment will be, and their respective experience.

5. Briefly describe related projects for which the team has provided historic
context statement and architectural survey services. List the client, contact
person(s) and title(s), addresses, and phone numbers for each project.
Samples of prior survey work (context statements, DPR 523 A, B, and D
forms) are strongly encouraged.

6. Provide a billing rate sheet for all personnel who will charge to the project.
Include any relevant billing policies. To the extent possible, identify the cost
of developing the historic context and the unit cost of surveying an individual
parcel at the reconnaissance level and the number of parcels within a defined
area which could be surveyed at the reconnaissance level within a total
project budget of $150,000 (please explain all assumptions). Unless
specified in the submittals, the City will assume that the professional fee
schedule will include any costs associated with complying with the City’s
insurance requirements as specified in this RFP.

7. Disclose any real or perceived conflict due to interest in real property

development within the City of Richmond. These interests may include
property ownership or current consultant contracts with private or public
entities, including the City of Richmond.

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Project PRISM RFP 3 Richmond, California
Historical Context Statement and Reconnaissance Level Survey  
For Santa Fe, Coronado and Historic Iron Triangle Neighborhoods

8. Explain the status of the prime consultant and subconsultants as minority

and/or women owned businesses, if applicable.

a. Biographies of consultant staff and promotional material may supplement

this submittal.

9. Describe previous experience working in ethnically diverse communities, as

well as, with nonprofit and community based organizations and associations.

B. Demonstrated ability to obtain the following insurance policies:

• REQUIRED: Comprehensive general liability insurance, including personal

injury liability, blanket contractual liability, and broad-form property damage
liability coverage. The combined single limit for bodily injury or property
damage shall not be less than $2,000,000.

• REQUIRED: Automobile bodily injury and property damage liability insurance

covering owned, non-owned, rented, and hired cars. The combined single
limit for bodily injury and property damage shall not be less than $1,000,000.

• REQUIRED: Statutory workers’ compensation and employers liability

insurance as required by state law.

• Professional liability insurance. The limit of liability shall not be less than

The consultant shall furnish the City of Richmond with certificates of insurance and
with original endorsements affecting required coverage, which shall be provided by
the consultant’s insurance company as evidence of stipulated coverage.

The consultant shall include all sub-consultants as insured under its policies or shall
obtain separate certificates and endorsements for each sub-consultant
demonstrating evidence of stipulated coverage.

Each insurance policy shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be
suspended, voided, canceled, or reduced in limits except after thirty (30) days prior
written notice has been given to the City.

C. The Planning and Building Services Department will not accept the application if:

• Any document or item necessary to the proposal is incomplete, improperly

executed, indefinite, ambiguous, or is missing.

Additionally, factors such as, but not limited to, the following may also disqualify a
potential consultant without further consideration:

• Evidence of collusion among others submitting proposal;

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Project PRISM RFP 3 Richmond, California
Historical Context Statement and Reconnaissance Level Survey  
For Santa Fe, Coronado and Historic Iron Triangle Neighborhoods

• Any attempt to improperly influence any member of the Consultant Selection


• A proponents’ default under any type of agreement with the City of Richmond or
Richmond Community Redevelopment Agency which resulted in the termination
of that agreement; and

• Evidence of any unresolved claim or litigation between the proponent and the
City of Richmond or the Richmond Community Redevelopment Agency.

F. Selection Criteria 
The Consultant Selection Committee will evaluate the proposals based on the criteria
listed below:

a. Quality of the proposal;

b. Cost to the City;

c. Capability and experience of the consultant;

d. Ability to meet the customer service objectives of the Planning and Building
Services Department.


1. Demonstrated ability to develop a historic context statement and

reconnaissance level survey.

2. Given the community-based orientation of this project, it is expected that the

selected consultant will attend community meetings as outlined in this RFP
and will work closely with local archives, museums and community groups. It
is preferred, then, that key personnel employed by firms or individuals
responding to this RFP are located in the Greater Bay Area.

3. Demonstrated experience working in ethnically diverse communities, as well

as, with nonprofit and community based organizations and associations.

4. Cost Proposals that have a high level of comprehensive services provided

within the allocated budget.

5. Capacity to produce the project within the allocated time frame. The project
is supported in part by a federal grant awarded by the United States
Department of Interior National Park Service to the City of Richmond through
the Preserve America grant program, and by the Richmond Community
Redevelopment Agency. Individuals and firms responding to this RFP must

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Project PRISM RFP 3 Richmond, California
Historical Context Statement and Reconnaissance Level Survey  
For Santa Fe, Coronado and Historic Iron Triangle Neighborhoods

be able to complete the project within the required timeframe and comply with
the grant agreement executed between the City of Richmond and the
National Park Service (see attached).

Consultants may be interviewed regarding specific areas of their proposals, as part of

the evaluation process.

G. Project Cost Proposal 
As Attachment 1 to your proposal, provide a subtotal for each task identified in the
preliminary work plan. At a minimum, include a line item cost estimate for each task
outlined in the scope of work plus a separate cost for meetings (a cost per meeting is
required). The spreadsheet will be in a format that will permit Planning and Building
Services Department staff to determine the key project team member(s) proposed for
each task and the number of management, technical, drafting and support personnel
hours, cost per hour for each project team member and subtotal cost envisioned for
each task. The hourly rate, name of team member and staff classification shall be the
column headings in the spreadsheet.

Identify other costs to be billed to the project including project expenses (no mark-ups on
expenses will be allowed) and sub-consultant fees. Include any proposed mark-up for
sub-consultant fees. Include a copy of the proposed rate schedule(s) to be used
throughout the duration of the study and any adjustments that are predicted to occur
during the study.

H.  Selection Process 
The Consultant Selection Committee will use the selection criteria and submittal
requirements described in previous sections to evaluate all responses to the RFP. that
meet submittal requirements and the submittal deadline based on:

ƒ Experience and qualifications of staff assigned to the project

ƒ References, particularly municipal agencies
ƒ Firm key personnel and their accessibility to Planning and Building Services
Department staff
ƒ Willingness and demonstrated ability to meet deadlines
ƒ Demonstrated understanding of the overall project and relevant issues
ƒ Project Cost

The Consultant Selection Committee will rank the proposals and will interview the top
ranked proposals. All other consultants will be notified by mail of their status according
to the contract execution schedule in Section D above. Final selection will be based on
the proposals and ratings from the interviews (if held).

The Consultant Selection Committee will recommend to the City Council authorization
for the Director of Planning and Building Services Director to negotiate and execute a
contract with the highest-ranked consultant team. Upon authorization by the City

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Project PRISM RFP 3 Richmond, California
Historical Context Statement and Reconnaissance Level Survey  
For Santa Fe, Coronado and Historic Iron Triangle Neighborhoods

Council, the Planning and Building Services Director will proceed with development of a
contract with the selected consultant. Submitted proposals, including cost information
will form the basis for the scope of work for the contract between the Department and
the selected consultant team. If the Department and the selected consultant team
cannot reach agreement on the contract agreement, the Department will terminate
contract development and, at its option, contact the next-highest ranked consultant for
contract development.

The Department of Planning and Building Services and the selected consultant will
negotiate a professional services contract for the time period July 2008 to March 2009.
The City reserves the right to extend the term of the contract and augment the amount of
the contract with the agreement of the selected proposer, pending approval by the City
of Richmond City Manager.

I.    General Terms and Conditions 
Limitation: The Request for Proposals does not commit the Richmond Planning and
Building Services Department to award a contract, to pay any cost incurred in the
preparation of the firm’s RFP response or to procure or contract for services or supplies.
The Planning and Building Services Department reserves the right to accept or reject
any or all RFP responses received as a result of this request, to negotiate with all
qualified sources or to cancel all or part of this RFP. This RFP does not constitute any
form of offer to contract.

Award: The Richmond Planning and Building Services Department reserves the right to
award a contract and/or select a service provider without discussion based upon the
initial RFP responses.

J.  Proposal Submittal 
One (1) unbound original and ten (10) bound copies of the RFP response must be
received no later than 4:00 P.M. PST, May 16, 2008, at the following address:


Attention: Lina Velasco
Richmond Planning and Building Services Department
1401 Marina Way South
Richmond, CA 94804

Late responses will not be accepted.

Calls regarding proposal submittals may be directed to the Planning and Building
Service Department’s main telephone line at (510) 620-6706.

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