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Combined Assessments Directions

Total Possible 59 Points

Be Honest

Do not write on this sheet of paper. Place a full proper heading on your sheet of paper: Your Name, The Date, The Block, teacher name Talking and/or seeming like youre cheating will result in immediate invalidation (0, Zero, F). Body language is language. o Do not talk, whisper, or even seem like you might be communicating with anyone else. o Keep your eyes on your own work. Dont even seem like youre looking at anyone elses desk. Raise your hand for any relevant concern. You may not ask for a pass to go anywhere until youre done with the entire test Parts 1 and 2. Keep your work covered AT ALL TIMES. When youre done, take out your book and read (log your reading).

Part 1: Parts of Speech

Part 1A: Matching: Supply numbers and answers only. (9 Points)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Noun Pronoun Verb Adverb Adjective Preposition Conjunction Interjection Modifiers

A. these link words, phrases and clauses B. these specify descriptions by describing, quantifying or identifying C. Adjectives & Adverbs D. these words express actions, events or states of being E. these link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in the sentence F. these can be used for nouns or others of their own kind G. these convey emotions H. these represent people, places, animals, things, and ideas I. these give specifics for verbs, others of the same kind, and adjectives

Part 1B: Identification: FIRST, write the item on your paper. THEN, identify the parts of speech of all the words. noun (n.) pronoun(pn.) verb(v.) adverb(adv.) adjective(adj.) preposition(pr) conjunction(c.) interjection(i.)

Ex. : I am on my way to Mr. Rogers neighborhood. pn. v. pr. pn. n. pr. n. n.

10. "Get it," she panted; "get it quickly, and wish -- Oh, my boy, my boy!" (14 pts) 11. If he could only find it before the thing outside got in. (12 pts) 12. You fancy me mad. (4 pts)

Combined Assessments

Total Possible 59 Points

Be Honest

Part 2: Elements of Fiction

Part 2A: Matching: Supply numbers and answers only.

1. Plot 2. Exposition 3. Rising Action 4. Climax 5. Characterization 6. Mood 7. Resolution 8. Conflict 9. Foreshadowing 10. Flashback 11. Suspense 12. Flat Characters 13. Complications 14. Tone 15. Dynamic Characters 16. Character vs. Self

A. grow learn and change B. the author wants to give you an indication of what will happen later in the story C. never changing D. Hank thought, Should I should I not cheat E. events in the rising action that uncover important information about the conflict F. the literary device employed that makes you want to keep reading G. the sequence of events of a story H. the turning point I. the atmosphere created by the author J. the problem faced by the main character K. the end of the story when issues settle down L. the creation and convincing representation of characters M. the portion of the story that leads up to the climax N. The background information is given: setting, character(s), conflict O. the author wants to bring you back in time P. the attitude represented within a selection or piece of a selection

Combined Assessments

Total Possible 59 Points

Be Honest

Part 1A 9 points, Part 1B 30 points, Part 2A 16 points
Part 1A: Matching (9 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Noun Pronoun Verb Adverb Adjective Preposition Conjunction Interjection Modifiers H F D I B E A G C A. these link words, phrases and clauses B. these describe, quantify or identify nouns C. Adjectives & Adverbs D. these words express actions, events or states of being E. these link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in the sentence F. these can be used for nouns or others of their own kind G. these convey emotions H. these represent people, places, animals, things, and ideas I. these give specifics for verbs, others of the same kind, and adjectives


Part 1B: Identification: FIRST, write the item on your paper. THEN, identify the parts of speech of all the words. (30 points) 10. "Get it," she panted; "get it quickly, and wish -- Oh, my boy, my boy!" (14 pts) "v. pn.," pr. v.; "v. pn. adv., c. v. i., pr n., pr. n.!" (14 pts) 11. If he could only find it before the thing outside got in. (12 pts) c. pn. v. adv. v. pn. pr. adj. n. pr. v. pr. (12 pts) 12. You fancy me mad. (4 pts) pn. v. pn. adj. (4 pts) Part 2A: Matching: Supply numbers and answers only. (16 points) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Plot Exposition Rising Action Climax Characterization Mood Resolution Conflict Foreshadowing Flashback Suspense Flat Characters Complications Tone Dynamic Characters Character vs. Self G N M H L I K J B O F C E P A D A. grow learn and change B. the author wants to give you an indication of what will happen later in the story C. never changing D. Hank thought, Should I should I not cheat E. events in the rising action that uncover important information about the conflict F. the literary device employed that makes you want to keep reading G. the sequence of events of a story H. the turning point I. the atmosphere created by the author J. the problem faced by the main character K. the end of the story when issues settle down L. the creation and convincing representation of characters M. the portion of the story that leads up to the climax N. The background information is given: setting, character(s), conflict O. the author wants to bring you back in time P. the attitude represented within a selection or piece of a selection

A 93-100% B 85 92% C 77 84% D 70 76% F < 69%

54(93%) 59(100%) 50(85%) 53(92%) 45(77%) 49(84%) 41(70%) 44(76%) 0(0%) 40(69%)

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