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Marketing Budget Plan

Marketing Budget Plan

Category Estimated Quantity Estimated Cost per Unit Estimated Subtotal Notes

Research Research firm fees Web research Independent research Other research Research Costs Total Communications Promotional brochures Television Radio Web Communications Costs Total Networking Memberships Affiliations Subscriptions Networking Costs Total Event

fsdds 2 1 3 2 $2,300.00 $1,100.00 $300.00 $250.00 $4,600.00 $1,100.00 $900.00 $500.00 $7,100.00 5,000 5 13 1 $0.15 $4,000.00 $350.00 $350.00 $750.00 $20,000.00 $4,550.00 $350.00 $25,650.00 3 2 2 $50.00 $20.00 $32.00 $150.00 $40.00 $64.00 $254.00 50 $23.00 $2.30 $5.06 $1,150.00 $115.00 $253.00 $1,518.00 $300.00 $800.00 $1,200.00 $200.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $45.00 $12.00 $0.00 $0.00 Provided by venue (usually) Provided by venue (usually)

Number of attendees
Meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner) Food Tax (10%) Food and beverage gratuity (20%) Meal Costs Subtotal List Services Valet services Entertainment #1 Entertainment #2 Other services List Service Costs Subtotal Audio/Visual Services Basic PA system and podium Screen XGA data/video projector rental Wireless mouse Power strips Extension cords Confidential Proprietary

1 1 1 1

$300.00 $800.00 $1,200.00 $200.00

1 1 1 1 1 1

$0.00 $0.00 $45.00 $12.00 $0.00 $0.00

Provided by venue (usually) Provided by venue (usually)

Page 1

Marketing Budget Plan

Category Estimated Quantity Estimated Cost per Unit Estimated Subtotal Notes

Lavalier microphone Labor and AV technicians Tax (8.8%) Audio/Visual Services Subtotal Additional Costs Invitation

1 1

$0.00 $300.00 $31.42

$0.00 Provided by venue (usually) $300.00 $31.42 $388.42

(printing and postage costs)

Time & Expense (T&E) Company staff T&E Customer testimonial T&E Additional Costs Subtotal Giveaways Giveaway #1 Giveaway #2 Giveaway Subtotal Event Costs Total Event Price per Person Promotions Product giveaways Product discounts Special offers Promotions Costs Total Advertising Brochures (development and production) Mailings Postcards Television Radio Newspapers Billboards Bus sides Advertising Costs Total Public Relations Charity events Advertising Employee promotions Sponsorships Confidential Proprietary 5,000 15,000 15,000 2 4 6 2 3 $130.31 0 25 25

$834.00 $600.00 $200.00 $100.00

$834.00 $600.00 $200.00 <Number of persons onsite> $100.00 $1,734.00 $250.00 <Giveaway item description> $125.00 <Giveaway item description> $375.00 $6,515.42

$10.00 $5.00

50 300 200

$8.00 $3.00 $2.50

$400.00 $900.00 $500.00 $1,800.00

$0.15 $0.04 $0.03 $600.00 $300.00 $220.00 $556.00 $125.00

$750.00 $600.00 $450.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,320.00 $1,112.00 $375.00 $7,007.00

3 4 6 3

$200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00

$600.00 $800.00 $1,200.00 $600.00

Page 2

Marketing Budget Plan

Category Estimated Quantity Estimated Cost per Unit Estimated Subtotal Notes

Public Relations Costs Total




Confidential Proprietary

Page 3

Marketing Budget Plan

Public Relations 6% Advertising 14% Promotions 3% Event 13% Networking 0% Communications 50% Research 14%

Communications Networking Event Promotions Advertising Public Relations

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