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Liliana Garca Cruz Grupo: DN53

Complete with comparative or superlative. 1. A car is 2. Tokyo is 4. Spain is 5. My car is

more expensive

than (expensive) a bicycle. than (heavy)a horse.

the larguest

(large) city in the world.

3. An elephant is
bigger w orse


than (big) England. than (bad) your car.

most beautiful

6. Helen was the 7. An aeroplane is

(beautiful) woman in Greece. (difficult) of all than (intelligent) young people.

(fast) than a plane.

8. This exam is the 9. Old people are 10. Winter is 11. The
hottest colder

most difficult

more intelligent

than (cold) autumn. (far) from home than France. (good) now than 5 years ago. (difficult) language in the world.

(hot) dessert of all is the Shara and it's in Africa.


12. Germany is 13. My health is 14. I've got



(little) money than you but I don't mind.

most difficult w orse

15. Chinese is the 16. Valencia played 17. Cats are not

(bad) yesterday than last week. (intelligent) as dogs.



18. I think you must tell me the ages to finish. 19. My sister Anne had a arguments with everybody. 20. Who is
22. The
most talkative tidier

(good) way to do it, or it will take me

(tidy) room than me, but was always having

(talkative) person in class?

(good) than yesterday

21. You look much

w orst


(bad) thing you can do near a fierce dog is to be afraid.

most carful

23. She's the 25. Who is

(careful) girl in the class. She has never broken anything.


24. Indian cooking has some of the

more beautiful

(hot) dishes in the world.

(beautiful), Madonna or Sophia Loren? ) teacher I know. He wears his hat even in class.

26. He is the (

most extravagant

Liliana Garca Cruz Grupo: DN53

27. Living in Paris is 28. Anne is the immediately.

more expensive

(expensive) than living in Valencia.


(clever) person I know. She learns everything


29. The teacher thinks we have to be like this. 30. I feel

w orse

(tidy) than last year. We can't go on

(bad) than yesterday. I need a rest.

Present Perfect Continuos

Write the ing form of the following verbs. 1. cause causing 2. stay staying 3. refer referring 4. tie tying 5. travel travelling Choose the correct form: have or has and since or for. 1. They have been discussing the problem since 2. The candle has been burning for two hours. Friday. last December. one o'clock.

3. Ben has been wearing that blue shirt since

4. The researcher has been exploring the territory since 5. Judith and her boyfriend have been kissing for

ten minutes.

Write sentences in present perfect progressive. 1. The cat / the mouse / chase The cat has been chasing the mouse. 2. You / the homework / copy You have been copying the homework. 3. They / a new gadget / invent They have been inventing a new gadget. 4. We / in a forum / chat / not We have not been chatting in a forum. 5. Lucy / on the task / concentrate / not Lucy has not been concentrating on the task.

Write questions in present perfect progressive. 1. Kerry / paint Has Kerry been painting? 2. The secretary / the documents / print out Has the secretary been printing out the documents? 3. They / a room / share Have they been sharing a room? 4. The dog / run around / how long How long has the dog been running around?

Liliana Garca Cruz Grupo: DN53

5. You / at the door / knock / how long How long have you been knocking at the door?

Dont or Doesnt 1. 3. I He
doesnt dont

live in Mexico. work in a bank. listen to the radio.

2. She 4. Max 5. We 6. You


play golf.


speak English. drink coffee in the morning. eat meat. drink milk. work


7. My cat 8. Shelly 9. I

dont dont


10. His car

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What [No answer] does Mary do after school every day? Why [No answer] did you call the doctor this morning? Was Mary ill? Why [No answer] has she changed her dress? Was it dirty? When [No answer] did he break his leg? When [No answer] will you leave? Next month? When [No answer] are you going to marry him? [No answer] Did you buy it last week?

Write sentences using the information given. 1. This is Jane. 2. Jane is a young woman. 3. She has got dark hair. 4. Her hair is very short. 5. Jane is outgoing. 6. She is wearing earrings and a necklace. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What have do you do ? When has Bryan got his new console ? How do you know my secret ? What gift are have you got ? Who does is the killer ?

Liliana Garca Cruz Grupo: DN53

6. How long have you been here for ? 7. How many children have they got ? 8. Where have am I ? 9. Why have do you hurt me? 10. How many books do you buy in a year ?

Completa con Can o Can't.

1. Where

I see a good rock concert?

2. Can Lisa speak French? No, she 3. What


. you do?


4. Can Lucy drive? Yes, she 5. Where 6. Yes, I can.


. I buy a new camera?


you read in Portuguese?

7. Can I invite my friends? Yes, they 8. 9. 10. I

can can


You help me, please? You play the piano? find my keys. Where are they?



Liliana Garca Cruz Grupo: DN53

Present simple questions - Do or Does

1. ..... it rain a lot in Vienna?

2. How much ..... you earn?


3. Where ..... you live?


4. What time ..... the film start?


5. ..... your friends live near here?


6. How often ..... you go to the cinema?


7. ..... Mary have a bicycle?


8. ..... they work here?


9. How much ..... it cost to fly to Rome?


10. What ..... you usually eat for breakfast?


Choose the correct answer: 1. My dog 3. They have /has have/has have/has a long tail. milk in it. a star on it. the correct answer. have/has

2. The coffee

4. The flag of Israel

Liliana Garca Cruz Grupo: DN53

5. I never 6. The house 7. The water

have/has have/has

a clean room. a lot of furniture. a bad taste.

have /has

Fill in the blanks with: have / has 1. We 2. Jane 3. I

have have has have

beautiful flowers in our garden. five new English books. an expensive sport car. a big villa not far from the beach. a lot of dolls in her room. a computer in his office.


4. They

5. My sister 6. My father 8. My mother 9. Orit 10. You 11. I

have has


7. Sandra and I

five pets. a pretty orange bag.

some friends in Haifa. ten notebooks. a desk and two chairs in my bedroom.


12. Robert 14. Dana


a tall brother.

13. These boys 15. The pupils 16. The dog 17. Bill Gates 18. He
has has has

blue eyes. a new computer room. a very big doghouse. a lot of money.

two pen pals in Australia.


short blond hair.

have has

19. They

four tickets to the show. birthday in April.

20. This girl

Liliana Garca Cruz Grupo: DN53

1. I have an interesting book. 2. We


a black cat.

3. Jo and Jim 4. You 5. We 6. They

have have have

a very nice boy.

a beautiful dress. two little dogs. lots of work.


7. The doctor 8. Mother 9. My aunt 10. We


some good medicine. a bad headache today. a big car.



two little dogs.

(Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets and to be going to.) 1. Helen ............... (change) her hairstyle. o o o is going to changing is going to change is going changing

o are going to change 2. Fred and Paul ................. (not visit) their grandma. o o o arent going to visitting arent going to visit isnt going to visit

o isnt go to visiting 3. ....... you ............ (cheat) during your exams? o o o Are, going to cheat Are, going to cheating Is, going to cheat

o Are, cheating 4. His father ................. (not help) him with the cooking. o o o s not go to help isnt helping is not going to help

Liliana Garca Cruz Grupo: DN53

o is not going to helping 5. ......... Claras little sister .............. (eat) a biscuit? o o o s, going to eat Is, going to eating Are, going to eat

o Is, going to eat 6. My best friends .................. (not go) to the cinema tomorrow. o o o not going isnt going to go are going

o are not going to go 7. Matthews parents .................. (buy) a new car. o o o are going to buy re buying is going to buy

o s going to buy 8. ......... Evelyn ............... (fly) to Greece this week? o o o Is, flying Are, going to fly Is, go to flying

o Is, going to fly 9. They ................. (not come) back home before midnight. o o o re not coming rent going to come isnt going to come

o re not going to come 10. I .................. (watch) TV tonight. o o o o s going to watch m going to watch m going to watching am go to watching

Liliana Garca Cruz Grupo: DN53

Rewrite these sentences using "be going to + verb". Use contractions ("he's" not "he is") where possible. 1. I've decided to finish work early tomorrow. Example:
I'm going to f

work early tomorrow.

1. I'm planning to meet my friends after work today. my friends after work today. 2. She's agreed to help her brother do his homework. her brother do his homework. 3. They don't intend to have any more children. any more children. 4. We're planning to move house soon. house soon. 5. Are you planning to have a party next month? a party next month? 6. Does your sister intend to be a doctor? a doctor? 7. We've decided not to have a holiday this year. a holiday this year. 8. He intends to get a new job as soon as possible.
hes going t w e arent g is your sister going to b are you goin they arent going to hav shes going

im going to

w ere going

a new job as soon as possible.

Please fill in the gaps using the "will-future". 1) If you do that again, I 2) I'm hungry! Well I 3) I don't think that we
w ill tell

(tell) your mum.

w ill get

(get) you something to eat. (have) a barbecue today.

w ill have

Liliana Garca Cruz Grupo: DN53

4) In 2334 the world 5) She 6)


w ill be

(be) full of robots.

w ont stay

(not / stay), if you're not here. (have) any time to go shopping?

w ont see



7) We probably

(not / see) any tigers at the zoo today.

w ill be

8) In the future air pollution 9) I'm sure that we stand here and wait. 10) You
w ill be w ill see

(be) worse than it is today. just (have) to

(see) the Queen today. We

(be) 11 years old next month.

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