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Welcome To ASTALIFT Skin Care

At ASTALIFT Skin Care, were making it easier for people to protect and nurture their skin in a appropriate way without doing any surgical experiment. We know that youre too much concern about skin, doing whatever appropriate to make it beautiful. You deserve our service and respect and you have it. We also know how important it is for you to have a clear skin while maintaining radiance look. A relationship you can count on, day in and day out. Thats why we are introducing new services era, technologically exclusive products and advice tailored specifically to your dream skin. We offer you Premiere Japanese Skincare products Dedicated service Aristocratic feel New dimension in Skincare You can take advantage of these services by being a member in our Radiant Skin Club. More than that, youll find that well listen to you, take the time to analyze your skin and figure out how to make your skin firm, brighter, elastic, skin full of vitality and also increase natural metabolism of skin.

Business Profile
Our business profile is our road map to success. The more complete our business profile, the more easily we can assess our particular cash management or borrowing needs. In this section, fully describe what our business does or what our business plans are. What advantages does our business have in the marketplace? Providing specific details will help you to better understand our business environment, identify our strengths and weaknesses, and target areas for future growth.

Business Brief Described

Legally Registered Business Name: FUJIFILM Skin Care Trade Name: ASTALIFT Skin Care Address: Casablanca, 3rd floor, CES (A) 114, Bir Uttam Mir Shawkat Ali Sarak, Gulshan Avenue Is property Leased Owned? Our Property is leased. If leased, Expiry Date? 2020 Phone: 01811443431 Fax: Email Address:

Is this an existing or new business? New Business Date business established: 1st of September, 2011 Form of business ownership: Sole proprietorship o Date of trade name registration: Who are the owners of the business? Name: Dr. Chowdhury Hasan Mahmud Name: Mr. Arif Hasan Mahmud Name: Mrs. Farhana Monem Number of employees: Full-time: % of ownership: % of ownership: % of ownership: Part-time:

The product or service your business provides: Premier Japanese Health (Skin) Care Products with the approach to come up with skin firmness, brightness, elasticity, radiance, clearness, vitality and also natural metabolism through ensuring dedicated customized and personalized service. Industry sector: Retail & Service oriented

Involvement in Business

Your competitors/your suppliers

Who are your major competitors? Lancme, Estee Lauder, Shisheido, Cliniqu{Lynne Comparison} Though these are not available but our potential customers usually buy these brands product from foreign countries. Who are your major suppliers? FUJIFILM Health Care Laboratory What payment terms do you have with your suppliers? L/C at sight

Competitive Advantage
Who are our major customers? o High-end female customer (AA+) o Exclusive Product Seeker o Intensive Skin Conscious Customer o Celebrity o Foreigner o Trendsetter o Mainstreamer (With Strong Recommendation) Do we have a broad range of customers, or relatively few? Our target customers are the elite portion of the society and so our range of customer base is relatively few but more than enough for our business goal. Why do customers prefer your product or service to that of your competitors? o We are offering the unique anti-oxidation solution through Astaxanthin whereas other competitor using CoQ10. Scientifically Astaxanthin is 1000 times rejuvenating than CoQ10. o We are offering advanced Nano-Technology which break the molecules up to 20 nanometers whereas other competitor could break those up to 300 to 100 nanometers. Lower the size of molecules, higher the rate of penetration or absorption. o We are offering the solution not for Moisturized Skin but for Non Dry Skin. Non dry skin retains moisture and prevents excess evaporation of moisture. o We are offering the worlds smallest Ceramide particles to keep the moisture through its advanced nano-technology. o We are offering the first multi-functional serum Jelly Aquaryata for the following purpose. Less dried skin Finer texture Less visible pores Brighter skin Elastic skin

Radiant look Clearness of skin Vitality of skin Natural metabolism of skin

Do you grant credit to your customers, and if so, what is your collection policy? Yes, we will grant credit to our customer but only for the Platinum members, as we will have Radiant Skin Club composed of o Silver Member o Golden Member o Platinum Member We might follow the credit card auto-deduction policy after 30 days. But before deduction we will inform them about the auto deduction. We might give extra privilege to exclusive platinum customer by extending the credit duration from 30 days to 60 days.

The location and estimated size of your market

How big is your market in terms of dollars/geographical region/other? Our total population is around 160 million (July 2011 estimated). Here 61.1% is between 15 to 64 years old, so its come around 98 million people. Among 98 million people, 46 million is male and 52 million female. As our 27% people is in elite class and so our potential female customer is around 15.3 million. Though mens are also concerned about their skin but we are not considering them. What is your share of that market? Our initial target is not that much but only 5000 for the first year but within 5 years we will have at least 10% of the market share.

The environment in which you do business

How do economic factors impact your business? Interest rates: As we will take loan of 50% of our investment, so higher the interest rate higher the rate of expense and so lower the rate of profitability. Taxes: Currently duties & taxes are too much high for the skin care market. If gets higher further then it will be disaster for us. That means higher the tax rate, higher the expense and eventually lowers the profitability. Level of consumer spending: o Higher the income, higher the level of consumer spending. o Holding PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) usually influence level of consumer spending in the local market. o Higher the securities in life lead to higher level of consumer spending. Current economic cycle Currency rates: o Higher the currency rate, higher the product costing which lead to higher product pricing and eventually that comes up with lower sales revenue. So, lower the sales revenue, lower the profitability. o Higher currency rate lead to volatile PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) and so influence level of consumer spending in the local market.

Others o Social status: Higher the international value of the product, higher the social status in the local market of the product. o Weather: As this product designed and manufactured for the Asian skin, so if the weather changed dramatically then it might have negative effect.

How do regulatory factors impact our business? Free trade Government policies Other o BSTI (Bangladesh Standards & Testing Institution): This is the regulatory commission for all sorts of cosmetics and drinks of our product. Higher the BSTI restriction and strictness of inspection, higher the possibility of miss-management of inventory forecasting, higher possibility of unavailability of product. o BDA (Bangladesh Drag Association): This is the regulatory commission for all sorts of supplements of our product. Higher the BDA restriction and strictness of inspection, higher the possibility of miss-management of inventory forecasting, higher possibility of unavailability of product. o BCSIR (Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Resources): If the products are too much technical then BSTI & BDA might send the sample here for in depth safety scrutiny. o NBR (National Board of Revenue): Its responsible for all products customs duty and taxation. Higher the restriction, higher the possibility of miss-management of inventory forecasting, higher possibility of unavailability of product. How do social factors impact your business? Trends/fads: Current international or local trend i.e. sharp or rough look. If whitening is the current trend then it will have a positive effect or vice versa. Current affairs: Current Japanese Radiation effect might have negative impact on the cosmetics. Moreover, as we are telling that we technology oriented, people might have conflict on radiation effect. Religious factor: As we Muslim oriented country, so the ingredients haram-halal concept might influence the business. How do technological factors impact your business? For example: Significant changes affecting production and/or the nature of your product. How does the Internet affect your business? For example: Internet marketing and sales Other. How do environmental factors impact your business? For example: Pollution Recycling Other. Has an environmental audit been completed for your business? If so, when and by whom?

Your business success factors

Your business strengths: Your business weaknesses: Why do you think your business will succeed?

Your future growth

Where do you expect your business to be in five years?

Your key business objectives


Your Business Plan

Experience teaches that successful small businesses plan carefully for their future. Your business plan outlines exactly what you plan to do and how much you think it is going to cost you to do it. A well-prepared plan helps justify your business proposal as well as convince employees, investors and suppliers that you have thoroughly researched and planned for your business. Give careful thought to this section, and describe your business plan in point form under these two major headings.

Your financing needs

How much of your own funds have you invested in your business, to date? How do you plan to further fund your business to support future growth? What is the source of these funds? What major business purchases or changes (e.g. equipment) have you made this year, or will you make next year? Do you need to borrow money? How much? If you need to borrow, what type of financing do you require? Please indicate below. Business Line of Credit Equipment Loan Business Mortgage Other Specifically, what will your bank loan(s) be used for? How will you repay your loan? What type of security can you offer? Cash Principal Residence Owner-Occupied GICs Equipment Business Property Savings Bonds Leaseholds Other: Personal Guarantee

Current banking arrangements

Your bank Your branch Your account numbers Type of loan(s) outstanding Amount of loan(s) outstanding Repayment terms

Your Business Financial Statements

Use this section to help you prepare your business financial statements the documents that describe in detail what makes your business run. Your Business Balance Sheet Your Business Income Statement Your Business Cash Flow Forecast If you have financial statements for your business from your accountant, attach them and disregard this section. If you do not have statements, the following section can help you summarize your financial position. Fill in the information for the length of time you have been in business. If your business is a start-up venture, complete the Cash Flow Forecast section only, and then proceed to Your Personal Financial Statement.

Your Business Balance Sheet

A balance sheet is a snapshot of the financial state of your business at a point in time. A balance sheet reflects what your business owns (assets) and what your business owes (liabilities), as well as capital (shareholders equity) that has been invested in your business. Include the following information for the past five years, if available. This will give you a more

complete picture of your businesss development and allow you to plan accordingly.

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