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Q.1) which of the following describes a set of rules that governs how a process it to be completed?

A. DFD B.association matrix C.policy D.hierarchy chart

Q.2) which of the following is the definition for a composite data flow?
A. the practice of making sure that a data flow contains the correct for the receiving process B.a data flow that consists of other data flows C.a condition or event that triggers a process D.simplifies the interface between processes

Q.3) data flows can be described in terms of all of the following types of data structures EXCEPT:
A. a sequence or group of data attributes that occur one after another B.the selection of one or more attributes from a set of attributes C.the repetition of one or more attributes D.the absence of one or more attributes


all of the following are the types of events that are associated with inputs on the context diagram EXCEPT:

A. external events B.temporal events C.national events D.state events

Q.5) which of the following is a language syntax for specifying the logic of a process?
A. jargon B.policy C.structured English D.decision table

Q.6) you will find all of the following in use cases EXCEPT:
A. actors B.members D.inputs E.outputs

Q.7) which statement below is true about data flow diagrams (DFDs)?
A. a DFD is a tool that depicts the flow of data through a system and the work or processing performed by that system B.a DFD is known as a process model C.a DFD is known as a conceptual model D.a & b E.a & c

Q.8) which of the following is the best definition for an iteration structure in structured english?
A. it specifies that a set of steps should be repeated based on some sated condition indicates that a process must perform under well-specified conditions C.a series of simple, declarative sentences specifies that one set of steps should be taken if an event occurs and another set if it is false


which of the following terms is defined as a concept that requires that data flow diagrams at different levels of detail reflect consistency and completeness?

A. synchronizing B.balancing

C.specializing D.symmetry


each event process should be described to the CASE repository with all of the following properties EXCEPT:

A. documentation requirements B.throughput requirements C.response time requirements, audit, and control requirements E.archival requirements

Q.11) what is process modeling?

A. a technique used to organize and document a system's process B.the number of entities that participate in a relationship C.the act of breaking a system into sub components D.a description of activities and services a system must provide

Q.12) what is a class of data that can be stored in an attribute called?

A. data flow type structure size

Q.13) the CRUD in a CRUD matrix stands for?

A. customer, receiver, user, data B.create, relay, uploaded, delete C.context diagram, requirements diagram, use-case diagram, decomposition diagram D.create, read, update, delete E.check, resume, update, delete


what is the practice of ensuring that a data flow contains only data needed by the receiving process called?

A. data conservation flow motion D.control flow


the act of breaking a system into its component subsystems, processes, and subprocesses is known as __

A. control flow conservation C.dissecting D.decomposition

Q.16) what is the legitimate values for an attribute called?

A. domain B.type C.flow D.structure

Q.17) what do rounded rectangles represent in data flow diagrams?

A. processes B.external agents stores flows

Q.18) which of the following is the best definition of a decision table?

A. table of rules that governs how a process is to be completed? B.table presentation of the use-case list C.tabular presentation that specifies a set of conditions and their corresponding actions D.table that documents processes and the locations where they are performed

Q.19) data models are superior for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
A. data models more quickly identify business vocabulary than process models models are far less expensive to construct than process models C.process models frequently include too much high level detail models are almost always built quicker

Q.20) what is a process model used to document the scope for a system called?
A. context data flow diagram B.flow chart C.event table flow diagram


what concept requires that data flow diagrams at different levels of detail reflect consistency and completeness?

A. data conservation B.composite data flow C.policy D.balancing


which of the following terms describes the smallest piece of data that has meaning to the users and the business?

A. data structure conservation attribute requirement

Q.23) data flows can be described in terms of all of the following data structures EXCEPT:
A. a single attribute that is representative of a group of attributes B.a sequence or group of data attributes that occur one after another C.the selection of one or more attributes from a set of attributes D.the repetition of one or more attributes

Q.24) which of the following is a type of data flow that splits into multiple data flows?
A. diverging data flow B.converging data flow C.event data flow D.control data flow

Q.25) with respect to data structures, what does the "=" mean?
A. and, and designates sequence B.only one of the attributes may be present C.the system is incapable of handling such high levels of data flow D.consists of or is composed of

Q.26) what is the logical unit of work that must be completed as a whole called?
A. function B.process C.model D.event

Q.27) when mapping data requirements, it is important to ask all of the following questions EXCEPT:
A. what level of access is required B.can the location create instances of the entity C.can the location update existing instances of the entity D.can the location delete instances of the entity E.will we have comp ability issues

Q.28) all of the following are synonyms for the term "Attribute" EXCEPT:
A. element C.child D.field

Q.29) what is an analysis tool for finding and identifying business events and responses called?
A. use case B.system analysis C.strategic systems planning structure

Q.30) all of the following are part of process models EXCEPT:

A. external agents stores C.process concepts flows E.system users

Q.31) all of the following is true about structured english except

A. should use strong, imperative verbs B.pseudocode C.a sequence of simple, declarative sentences D.uses only names that have been defined in the project dictionary

Q.32) what is a context diagram?

A. a diagram used to document the scope for a system B.the most in depth data flow diagram C.a model of the final design, ready for implementation D.a flowchart depicting one small, specific process broken down to its lowest level

Q.33) which of the following best defines a context data model?

A. a data model for a complete, single information system B.a data model that includes entities and relationships but no attributes C.a data model that includes all relationships and precise cardinalities D.a data model that includes entities and relationships with precise cardinalities resolving non specific relationships

Q.34) what is the work performed by a system in response to incoming data flows or conditions called?
A. value stream B.process C.activity D.task

Q.35) which of the following is the definition of an entity

A. a class of persons, places, objects, events, or concepts about which we need to capture and store

a data model utilizing several notations to depict data in terms of the entities and relationships described by that data C.the value that will be recorded if a value is not specified by the user

D.a group of attributes that uniquely identifies an instance of an entity


what is a data model that includes entities and relationships with precise cardinalities resolving non specific relationships into associate entities and also including primary and alternative keys

A. fully attributed data model B.key based data model C.application data model D.context data model


which of the following is a data model that includes all entities, attributes, relationships, subsetting criteria, and precise cardinalities?

A. fully attributed data model B.key based data model C.application data model D.context data model

Q.38) what does CASE stand for?

A. computer aided selection enterprise aided service enterprise aided system engineering aided system evaluation

Q.39) which of the following best describes second normal form?

A. an entity whose attributes have no more than one value for a single instance of that entity entity whose non primary key attributes are dependent on the full primary key entity whose non primary key attributes are not dependent on any other non primary key attributes D.none of the above

Q.40) which type of normal form looks for transitive dependencies?

A. first normal form B.second normal form C.third normal form D.fourth normal form E.fifth normal form

Q.41) an entity can be all of the following EXCEPT

A. persons B.places C.objects E.relationships

Q.42) one of a number of keys that may serve as the primary key of an entity is an __
A. subsetting criteria B.alternate key C.candidate key

Q.43) what is a candidate key called that is not selected to become the primary key?
A. primary key B.concatenated key C.alternate key D.child key


what type of data flow diagram depicts the elementary processes, data stores, and data flows for a single event?

A. event diagram B.primitive diagram C.context diagram D.system diagram

Q.45) all of the following are properties for the values for each attribute EXCEPT:
A. data type B.domain C.null value D.default value

Q.46) which of the following is the definition of a domain?

A. a property of an attribute that identifies what type of data can be stored in the attribute B.a property of an attribute that defines what values the attributes can legitimately take on C.the value that will be recorded if a value is not specified by the user D.a single occurrence of an entity


what is data model called that utilizes several notations to depict data in terms of the entities and relationships described by that data?

A. use case diagram B.entity relationship diagram C.context diagram D.diagram 0 process hierarchy

Q.48) what is an attribute called that assumes a unique value for each entity instance?
A. data type B.domain C.default value D.key

Q.49) what is a data entity called that derives one or more attributes from another entity?
A. parent entity B.associative entity C.identifying entity D.child entity

Q.50) what is the technique that compares the lifetime profitability of alternative solutions?
A. discount rate B.payback analysis present value analysis D.return on investment analysis

Q.51) the types of logical processes include all of the following EXCEPT
A. function B.event C.elementary process D.sequence

Q.52) which of the following is NOT a process model?

A. context data flow diagram B.functional decomposition diagram C.external event diagram D.temporal system data flow diagram E.use case list

Q.53) which word is a synonym for "logical model"?

A. implementation model B.technical model C.external agent D.conceptual model

Q.54) all of the following diagrams are used to model processes during systems analysis EXCEPT
A. context data flow diagram B.component diagram C.event diagram D.primitive diagram E.system diagram

Q.55) all of the following are examples of elementary process names EXCEPT
A. process online order B.check product availability C.calculate order cost D.check customer credit

Q.56) which of the following is NOT considered a compound attribute

A. name B.address C.gender number


what is the practice of ensuring that a data flow contains only data needed by the receiving process called?

A. data balancing conservation C.event partitioning synchronization

Q.58) which of the following is a process that handles a given event?

A. event partitioning B.event response list C.event handler D.event diagram

Q.59) what is a data flow?

A. data at rest in motion being processed being recited


what is a tabular form of presentation that specifies a set of conditions and their corresponding actions called?

A. decision table B.event table C.use case table D.response event table


which tool depicts the flow of data through a system and the work or processing performed by that system?

A. logical flowcharts B.decision tables flow diagram D.event table

Q.62) when data is at "rest" it is most likely an:

A. system B.external agent flow store E.process

Q.63) which of the following is the best definition for an iteration structure in Structured English?
A. it specifies that a set of steps should be repeated based on some stated condition indicates that a process must perform under well-specified conditions C.a series of simple, declarative sentences specifies that one set of steps should be taken if an event occurs and another set if it is false

Q.64) what is a process called that handles a given event in the event response list?
A. event handler B.event diagram C.event response list D.event partitioning

Q.65) which of the event types are triggered on the basis of time, or something that merely happens?
A. external events B.state events C.temporal events D.none of the above

Q.66) which of the following is a synonym for logical model?

A. business model B.physical model C.technical model D.implementation model

Q.67) what does a data structure contain?

A. entities B.pieces C.jargon D.attributes

Q.68) what is the merger of multiple data flows into a single data flow called?
A. diverging data flow B.converging data flow C.controlling data flow D.event driven data flow

Q.69) which of the following is not a common synonym for "logical model"?
A. essential model B.physical model model D.conceptual model

Q.70) what is an outside person, unit, system, or organization that interacts with a system called?
A. external agent store C.process structure

Q.71) what is the act of breaking a system into sub components called?
A. system design B.decomposition C.feasibility analysis conservation

Q.72) which of the following is not part of a data flow diagram?

A. rounded rectangles that represent processes B.squares that represent external agents ended boxes that represent data stores representing an entity

Q.73) which of the following is an external entity?

A. customer B.account transactions C.monthly account statements D.payment

Q.74) what is a data model called that includes entities and relationships but no attributes?
A. fully attributed data model B.key based data model C.application data model D.context data model

Q.75) all of the following are valid rules for data flows EXCEPT
A. a data flow should never go unnamed logical modeling, data flow names should describe the data flow without describing the implementation C.all data flows must being and or end at a process D.all processes do not need to have at least one input and one output data flow

Q.76) which of the following best describes first normal form?

A. an entity whose attributes have no more than one value for a single instance of that entity entity whose non primary key attributes are dependent on the full primary key entity whose non primary key attributes are not dependent on any other non primary key attributes D.none of the above

Q.77) which of the following is not a reason why systems analysts focus on logical system models?
A. logical models remove bias B.logical models improve communication C.logical models are simple to create and require less time D.logical models reduce the risk of missing requirements

Q.78) all of the following are stages of logical data model development EXCEPT:
A. fully attributed model is built B.entities discovered and defined C.context data model is built D.key based data model is built requirements by location communication model

Q.79) what is the language syntax for specifying the logical of a process called?
A. pseudocode B.structured english C.process synchronization D.instructions

Q.80) which of the following is an example of a derived attribute?

A. gender B.last name security number D.gpa


what concept requires that data flow diagrams at different levels of detail reflect consistency and completeness?

A. data conservation B.composite data flow C.policy D.balancing


what is a relationship called in which each participating entity has its own independent primary key?

A. identifying relationship B.nonspecific relationship C.nonidentifying relationship D.specific relationship

A. 1nf B.2nf C.3nf D.4nf

which normal form would correspond to an entity whose non key attributes are dependent on the full primary key?

Q.84) what is application data model?

A. a data model for a complete, single information system B.a data model that includes entities and relationships but no attributes C.a data model that includes all relationships and precise cardinalities D.a data model that includes entities and relationships with precise cardinalities resolving non specific relationships

Q.85) Which of the following is NOT true of an external agent?

A. Anything outside the system that interacts with the system (such as a person, unit, system or organization) is also known as an external entity C.External agents can become processes D.Processes can become external agents E.External agents can access a data store directly on a DFD

Q.86) which one of the following is a synonym of candidate key?

A. secondary key B.candidate identifier C.inversion entry D.composite attribute

Q.87) Categories of Entities include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. place B.person C.objects E.concepts

Q.88) which of the following best describes third normal form?

A. an entity whose attributes have no more than one value for a single instance of that entity entity whose non primary key attributes are dependent on the full primary key entity whose non primary key attributes are not dependent on any other non primary key attributes D.none of the above


what is the property of an attribute called that defines what values the attribute can legitimately take on?

A. data type B.domain C.default value D.key

Q.90) Which of the following defines a relationship that exists between instances of the same entity?
A. recursive relationship relationship C.primary relationship D.nonspecific relationship E.foreign relationship

Q.91) Which of the following is not a reason why system analysts focus on logical system models?
A. remove biases that are the result of the way the current system is implemented B.reflect technology choices and the limitations of those technology choices C.reduce the risk of missing business requirements D.allow us to communicate with end users in nontechnical or less technical languages

Q.92) What is the purpose of logical models?

A. show "how" the system is physically and technically implemented data intended for later use C.break a system into subcomponents "what" a system does

Q.93) which class of data shows the communication between a system and its environment?
A. data communication flow attribute structure

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