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Sample of Process Recording #2 PROCESS RECORDING OUTLINE Student=s Name: Minerva Garcia Interview Date: 02/14/07 I. II. III.

Session #: 3 Client=s Name: JS

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PURPOSE OF THE SESSION: To follow-up on the pts state of asthma (coping mechanism, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts related to this disease), mood check, and follow-up on medications, English classes and job hunting. OBSERVATION: JSs appearance was similar to pervious session. He did not have the white liquidly stuff round his mouth. He had more of a negative perceptive in regards to Mexico in comparison to pervious session. CONTENT: In the middle of the interview. SUPERVIS INTERVIEW CONTENT (I said, she said) STUDENTS GUT LEVEL FEELINGS CLIENTS FEELINGS/AFFECT IDENTIFY INTERVENTIONS & MAJOR THEMES


I said: How is the planning to Mexico coming along? He said: HummI dont know if I want to go there anymore. I said: Last time we spoke you were really looking forward to traveling to Mexico, you seemed really happy of the idea. Or did I misunderstand it? He said: Humm(looks down and turns his head away from me)I just dont know if I want to go anymore. Besides I probably will still feel the same way I do now. With this asthma I cant do much. I said: What made you change your Wonder why he changed his mind. He seemed really set on going from the last session.

Was not able to know the direct feelings of JS, since he did not state anything.

Seems like his depression is probably hindering him to have positive thoughts.

Attempted to sympathize more with JS compared to the first session which did not go well. On my behalf I attempted be more comprehensive and listen to his problems. Discussed about his job hunting intentions as well as his English classes which still were in the same status as in the last session. Talked about his depression and he confirmed that he still feels depressed. Again I mentioned about him about the safety precautions he should take if he has the plan to take his life away; his reaction to this was a smirk. I addressed the importance of the issue; further I expressed my concern about his suicidal thoughts.

mind from last session? He said: I just think it is going to the same for me. I am still going to have this asthma and I cannot do anything about it. I just wish this would go away. I cant sleep at night and then I get the attacks which make me feel like I cant breath. I said: It is terrible to feel like youre short of breath and you cant sleep at night. However, it seem like your attitude was more positive when you considered returning to Mexico. You mentioned that you have friends and a place to stay at. He said: Yeah. But I was thinking that no matter where I go. I am still going to have this disease and I will not be able to do normal things that other people do. I said: It is difficult to deal with a disease like asthma. What do you mean by normal things? He said: (smirks and looks down) You know like run and just do other things that everybody does. I said: I dont think I understand what you mean by normal. Can you explain it to me? He said: (looks away and towards the wall, starts to shake his leg) Well, (smirks) I just feel that I have a lot of problems and that people take Feels like he is going to open up. I am still confused on what he defines as normal. He is depressed. He still has the anxiety.

advantage of me. I said: Can you tell a bit more about these problems? He said: A lot of things have happened to me. People have deceived me and have taken advantage of me. For example once I was had gone to school short of breath because I was running late. Once I arrived to the classroom I was a bit tired and as I sat down I looked at the seat next to me because I was not completely focused. Then as I look up at that seat this girl stands up from her chair and says What are you looking at? Do you have a problem? Then that is when the teacher tells me to go sit in the front of the classroom. It is just that a lot of things that have happened to me. I said: I do remember this incident. It must have been a bit confusing to understand what was going on since your mind was somewhere else. He said: Yes. I didnt mean to do anything. Its that just as I turned around to look at the chair next to me and trying to catch some air. This bothered the girl and she was telling me if I had a problem. I said: Did you try to let the girl understand that you were staring at her chair and not her? He said: No. I didnt have time because right after she stood up the Teacher put him on the spot if she Seems like there was a misunderstanding in this incident. I do remember him mentioning this incident in our last session. I am not sure what I should say or ask next.

teacher called my name and told me to sit in the front. I said: Did the teacher say your name out loud that caught the rest of the attention from the class? He said : Yeah. I just dont know why that girl acted that way.

called his name out loud in class. Not good.

2 3*Use feeling words to describe your own feelings from the session (see attached at end of packet).

3 3 o f 3 IV. IMPRESSIONS/ASSESSMENT: 1) What did you observe throughout the session -behavior and affect; 2) was the behavior/affect appropriate, explain; 3) how does this behavior/affect fit with what you know about the client=s past behavior/affect; and 4) identify the major themes/issues that emerged. 1) Based on observations JS is still depressed and seems to not be affected by the seriousness of his suicidal thoughts. His behavior is adequate to his emotional state. 2) Yes, the behavior was appropriate because he still had the pessimistic view of life and occasionally would blame his asthma for his present situation. 3) Seems like this behavior has been going on for quiet a while since he was a child. . 4) Issues that emerged are that all of his stories have the consistence of him being the victim and being the oppressed. There seems to be theme of him being the victim throughout the incidents that he encounters. He no longer has a desire to travel to Mexico or even seek a cure of his asthma as he mentioned in the pervious session.


USE OF PROFESSIONAL SELF: Choose two significant interventions you made: 1) identify/describe; 2) what was your impression of your effectiveness; and 3) what would you change. 1) Sympathize with his feelings and attempted to help him vent out. 2) There was some effectiveness in sympathizing with his pain made him feel a bit more comfortable compared to the pervious session and opened up a bit more. 3) I still need to work on being more sympathetic and wording questions or comments in way that do not make JS feel like I am interrogating him.


PLANS: (Brief statement of your plans for the next session, long range goals, short range goals that are relevant for this client.)

Plans for the next session are again for me to work on my behalf on being more vocal on sympathizing with JS. Also, to find other means on which I can help JS to further clarify his stories. I am unsure what I can set for a short range goal. On the psychosocial assessment I had written to help him cope with his asthma, however I do not know who I go about with this. VII. ISSUES, QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS: (To explore in supervisory sessions.) Areas to explore in your supervisory conference: include issues of diversity, value dilemmas, counter-transference etc.

Figuring out what else I can do to help Js? Maybe do more researching or finding if there is some sort of support group for individuals with asthma.

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