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Tomb of the Unknown Dwarf King

This secluded corner of The Dungeon is the tomb of an unknown dwarf king. The dwarf whose bones are interred here is not of this earth. Indeed, he fell in a battle against otherworldly foes, and somehow this humble cavern became his final resting place. There are two obvious ways of discovering the tomb. The secret door above is constructed in a near mythical style that only a dwarf might recognize. As a result, any dwarf passing through the hall will automatically notice the outlines of the secret door, but everyone else will only be able to find it if they deliberately search for it, and even then, only with a 1 in 6 chance (read: elves and halflings get no bonus to locate it). The area can also be accessed by the swift flowing underground river. As the river plunges in a terrific fall to depths (and planes?) unknown, the sandy beach of the tomb is the last chance anyone in the river has of staying on this realm of existence. A finely crafted obsidian statue representing the lost king stands in an alcove away from the water. The perfect carving of the glassy stone is un-natural, and the way it swallows torchlight lends the statue a sinister air. The dwarf king stands firm, fists planted on his hips, a look of grim determination on his face. A golden crown rests upon his brow, somehow fused with the glassy rock. It is impossible to remove the crown without damaging the statue and the crown both. In the event that the statue is smashed it is worthless and the crown worth only the value of the gold melted down (100gp). This is one of the few statues in The Dungeon that is not trapped.

Sub-Level 5A

stone of the mountain. It is engraved with ancient dwarven runes that spell the name of the unknown king. So ancient is this tomb, that the letters are unreadable, even as they so clearly of dwarven origin. Inside the stone sarcophagus are the bones of the king. He still wears his ceremonial armor (worthless after all these years), and his hands still grip a powerful artifact, the Doomthrower. The Doomthrower is a stone dwarven warhammer engraved with silver runes that glow in direct moonlight. It is so heavy that it must be wielded with two hands. In addition to dealing 2d6 damage, when thrown by a dwarf (range 15/30/45), it always returns to his hands. The legend of Doomthrower is strong enough to inspire dwarves to great acts of valor dwarven henchmen of a dwarf who wields this weapon have a morale bomus. Likewise, this is a dwarven weapon no dwarf will follow a non-dwarf who holds this warhammer. Indeed, dwarves will stop at nothing to steal the hammer away from such characters. Notes: This corner of The Dungeon is a quick side job that serves as a perfect end goal for a quest to recover a treasure. If a player wants a particular staff or wand or other weapon, the DM should replace the Doomthrower with something more appropriate.

Only one creature stirs the sands of these halls, a wraith. This is the spirit of the unknown dwarf king. AC: 3 (Can only be hurt by silver or magic weapons) HD:4 Move: 120(40) Fly: 240(80) Attach: Touch Damage: 1d6 + energy drain Save: F4 XP: 175 The wraith lurks in the back halls of the tomb, but it will rush to attack if anyone who dares lay hands on the king's statue or sarcophagus. The sarcophagus of the king is a plain coffin carved out of the very

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