Production Schedule

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Production Schedule Dates Due Date: Friday 13th January (completed Reflective Diary to be submitted Friday 1st June)

Initial Ideas - Due Date: Friday 27th January

Whats be achieved This can be achieved by making regular updates on Tumblr.

Completed or not Yes

This has be completed posted on Tumblr


Extracting Key Information - Due Date:

Friday 24th February

This has be completed on Tumblr


Primary, Secondary, and Audience Research - Due

Date: Friday 9th March

Displayed on Tumblr


Constraints - Due Date:

Friday 16

Displayed on Tumblr


March Displayed on Tumblr Yes

Research Analysis - Due

Date: Friday 23

March Displayed on Tumblr Yes

Manage Pre-production process - Due Date:

Friday 30th March

Prezi - Due Date: Friday



Displayed on Prezi account and its been shown on camera This has been completed and videoed


Pitch Due Date: Friday




Manage Production Process - Due Date:

Friday 11th May

This is being achieved though completing documentation and filming the beginning of my Finial Major Project

This has been completed to an extent.

This is being worked on Present Rough Cut/ Draft This hasnt been completed yet but a rough cut is be made Product and Make By Friday 11th May Adaptations - Due Date: Friday 11th May

Manage Pre-production Process - Due Date:

Friday 25th May

This will be completed by set date

This being worked on

Screening - Due Date:

Friday 1st June

This hasnt been completed as This is being worked on work hasnt been finished

Evaluation - Due Date:

Friday 1st June

Availability of Equipment Here you need to tell me where you will get equipment from e.g. cameras, lights, tripods etc. How will you check to see that it is available? I will be booking equipment three working days prior to each shoot.

Availability of Personnel Here you need to show who will help with your FMP. Who will check to see when they are available? Who is acting? Who is in your crew? Will they be available on the days that you want to film? My project will have a very little assistance from other crew personal although at some stages I have a back up cameraman to enhance angles and they will be briefed a week in advance to each shoot therefore making them available.

Timescales for clearances Have you got clearance to film in the locations you want to film in? Have you got permission to film people? Will you use a release form for your actors to give permission? I will use each part of the documentation to its

full effect therefore making it seem professional and avoiding any trouble that could be encountered for example Id need to give each contributor a release form and inform them its for educational purposes. Locations Will you do a recce with your group? Where do you plan to shoot?

For each shoot I perform Ill make sure that a recce has been done for each location. This will be done on my own. I plan to shoot in college, religious buildings , service buildings for example Id like to speak to a physiologist.

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