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Solar energy services and track record

Introduction to SgurrEnergy
SgurrEnergy is a leading independent engineering consultancy specialising in renewable energy projects worldwide. With a significant track record of experience in the solar photovoltaic industry and a highly responsive team of over 100 consultants and engineers, SgurrEnergy can offer full project life cycle engineering services for your solar development. We have the capability to deliver at every phase of a project, from the early stages of site selection, feasibility and design right through to project management of the construction and implementation phase and operational consultancy. To date we have assessed over 40,000MW of renewable energy development internationally, a figure which is growing rapidly every month. Our clients include utilities, financiers, developers, independent power producers and many other public and private sector organisations. SgurrEnergy is committed to delivering the highest standards of Quality, Environmental, and Health and Safety Assurance, demonstrated by our triple certification to British Standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.

With a wealth of experience in solar photovoltaic energy, SgurrEnergy provide expertise and advice in support of solar projects worldwide. Project experience includes either direct support of developers and owners, or work on behalf of lenders and investors, and ranges from energy yield predictions of MW scale PV power plants through to Due Diligence of operating and proposed module manufacturing facilities.

SgurrEnergys solar team have provided bankable energy yield studies for several projects that have successfully achieved project finance and our expert engineers provide a bespoke package based on the following range of services:

Desktop pre-feasibility study Initial site and resource assessment Detailed feasibility study Energy yield prediction Environmental Impact Assessments Planning applications System design Due Diligence assessment Commissioning Installation and supervision Lenders Engineer Technical Advisor

Core Services Assessment of requirements Technical constraints review Adherence measures Site progress inspections Construction monitoring Technical advisor Health & Safety performance Witness testing Quality, design and specification adherence Commissioning and milestone completion reports


Project design Due Diligence Project construction Due Diligence EPC and O&M contract technical review Technology selection Project energy yield analysis Contract and supply agreement analysis Permit and planning analysis Grid connection assessment and review Manufacturing process Due Diligence Manufacturing set up Due Diligence

Solar power plants

SgurrEnergy have been involved in numerous large scale solar PV projects in Europe and Asia. Our engineers have been involved in designing PV installations, energy yield analysis, pre and post construction Due Diligence and acting as Lenders Engineer or Technical Advisor.

Solar off grid systems

SgurrEnergy engineers have experience designing appropriate battery storage, charge controllers and DC/AC inverter systems to fully utilise the power available from the solar photovoltaic modules. We have experience in designing off grid systems for islands, remote communities and individual households. Feasibility studies and detailed design (PV Power Plant, 25MW) Orb Energy, India SgurrEnergy performed the feasibility and design studies for three crystalline silicon PV power plants based in India. The commission included: Calculation of the solar resource Specification of the inverters, mounting/ tracking system and cabling Advice on module selection Plant layout design Review of control and instrumentation requirements Energy yield analysis PV power plant portfolio Due Diligence (35MW), Natixis Environnement & Infrastructures, France SgurrEnergy was commissioned to perform a technical due diligence review of three portfolios comprising 18 photovoltaic power plants in France, Italy, New-Caledonia and French Guiana. The portfolios included building integrated and ground mounted projects at different stages of development. The commission included: Review of feasibility studies including solar irradiation data and energy yield calculations Review of the equipment specifications including PV modules and inverters Technical appraisal of the design including plant layouts Review of land agreements Review of supply contracts Review of permits including feed-in tariff accreditation, construction and grid connection permits Financial model review

Project design
SgurrEnergys solar team offers complete feasibility and detailed design services for solar power plants. With our comprehensive knowledge of modules, inverters and balance of plant, we design systems suitable for the location, irradiation resource, planning requirements and correct integration of components. We strive to achieve high performance factor designs utilising the available space and constraints of the site. Our designs are conducted with performance, operations and maintenance activities in mind.

Project experience
PV power plant Due Diligence (7MW), Confidential client, Czech Republic SgurrEnergy has completed the technical due diligence of three development sites in the Czech Republic totalling 7MW. This project proposes to use First Solar thin film modules on fixed ground mounting systems. The commission includes: Review of feasibility studies including solar irradiation data and energy yield calculations Review of the equipment specifications including PV modules, mounting systems and inverters Technical appraisal of the design including plant layouts Review of EPC and O&M contracts Review of the construction programme Review of agreements, design and equipment for the grid connection

Solar home system prototype design (20Wp, 40Wp, 60Wp and 120Wp), Confidential client, East Africa SgurrEnergy designed and built four solar home systems for use in the East African market. The commission included technician training manuals, installation manuals, user manuals and recommendations for monitoring during field trials. PV power plant Due Diligence (21MW), Confidential client, Spain SgurrEnergy performed a due diligence review of a multi-megawatt photovoltaic power plant in Spain. The commission included: Technical appraisal of the design including layout and module mounting mechanisms Review of the energy yield prediction EPC contract review O&M contract review Review of substation electrical design Equipment specifications including modules, inverters and mounting mechanisms Review of construction drawings and method statements Review of interconnection agreements Review of contractors and existing installations

PV power plant portfolios, HSH Nordbank London branch, Spain SgurrEnergy conducted independent energy yield assessments for three PV power plants located in Spain on behalf of HSH Nordbank, London Branch. Achieving financial close in October 2008, SgurrEnergy provided modelling of the dual tracking mechanisms and energy yield prediction with uncertainty analysis. PV power plant portfolio (28 sites of 1MW), Tenerife, Spain SgurrEnergy conducted an independent energy yield assessment on behalf of the mandated lender for a portfolio of 1MW solar energy projects located in Tenerife Spain. Work included a review of the project design, sourcing solar resource data and providing an independent energy yield forecast (using industry standard software). Thin film PV manufacturing business plan Due Diligence, Confidential client, India SgurrEnergy was commissioned to undertake a technical review of a proposed thin film photovoltaic manufacturing venture. The study provided a technical and market review of thin film solar photovoltaics and assessed the manufacturing methodologies proposed. The study included an appraisal of: The solar PV market in general and thin film technologies in detail The capital costs of plant items associated with the process Operational costs Maintenance costs Production capacity Product quality SgurrEnergy provided feedback and technical direction to aid the progression of the business plan

Beijing, China +86 (10) 5815 6345 Boston, USA +1 617 570 9120 Paris, France +33(0)174135258 Pune, India +91 20 65279957 Scottish Highlands +44 (0) 1847 503000 Wexford, Ireland +353 (0) 53 916 9702 Vancouver, Canada +1 604 267 1717 UK (Head Office) Tel: +44 (0)141 227 1700 Email: SgurrEnergy Ltd 225 Bath Street Glasgow G2 4GZ Scotland, UK

SgurrEnergy 2009

E & OE

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