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Labnn - REST enabling CRUD Scenario:

I have the following DB table Patient. I need to REST enable Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete functionality. For this I will use the SOA DB adapter to service enable the DB operations. I will then create a REST interface in OSB for these services.

DB Setup:


Create a couple of patients

Insert into patient values (1, 'Name', 'Surname', 21, 'M', 'IE', ''); Insert into patient values (2, 'Name', 'Surname', 22, 'F', 'UK', '');

Service Enable the DB operations - INSERT

Create a new SOA application in JDeveloper

Now create a DB adapter service for INSERT Drag and drop the Database Adapter icon to the External References area.

Create a new DB connection nd point to the schema where you have created the PATIENT table

Amend the JNDI name as shown

Select Insert Only

Import the table

Note, all columns/attributes have been selected

Accept defaults

The service has been created, a couple of files have been added to the project.

We will import these later into OSB for REST enablement.

Service Enable the DB operations SELECT

Drag and drop the Database Adapter icon to the External References area.

Amend the JNDI name as shown

Service Enable the DB operations UPDATE

Drag and drop the Database Adapter icon to the External References area.

Amend the JNDI name as shown

Service Enable the DB operations DELETE

Drag and drop the Database Adapter icon to the External References area.

Amend the JNDI name as shown

Create required data sources on target WLS

The Database adapter will leverage the resource eis/DBscottDS. This needs to be defined on ghe target system, in our case, the WLS hosting OSB.

Define the data source - scottDS

Target to the appropriate WLS server, in my case AdminServer

Create the eis for the database adapter Click on Deployments, the DBAdapter is already deployed. Click on Configuration Outbound connection Pools

Add a new resource eis/DB/scottDS

Configure the XADataSourceName property

Update the DBAdapter

Select and click Update

Create the OSB project

Add the following folders to the project

Import the JCA artifacts

These are available in the JDeveloper project

Click on the JCA folder

Click Import

Click load another and load the following, one after the other o o o InsertPatientService_db.jca UpdatePatientService_db.jca DeletePatientService_db.jca

Move WSDL resources to the WSDL folder

Create OSB Business Services

Back in the JCA folder, select the JCA binding

Target to the Business Services Folder

Move WSDLs to the WSDL folder

Create OSB Proxy Service

The proxy service will accept HTTP requests and will branch on the VERB(method GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). We will use the OSB Conditional Branch for this. Select the Proxy Services folder and create a new proxy service

Click Next>>

Click Next>>

Click Last>>

Click Save

Click on the Process icon

Now we want to branch on the HTTP method. This can be accessed as follows ./ctx:transport/ctx:request/http:http-method/text()

Implementing GET / Select

We will implement a pipeline pair in the GET Branch. In the request pipeline we will process such HTTP requests as http://localhost:7001/PatientREST/Proxy_Services/PatientCRUDProxy/patientID=1 We need to extract the patientID value and pass it on to the SELECT Business service. Add a pipeline pair

Edit the Stage o The first step is to assign the incoming parameters to OSB variables Note, there are 2 parameters patientID=1

Accessed as follows fn:tokenize(data($inbound/ctx:transport/ctx:request/http:relativeURI),'=')[1]

fn:tokenize(data($inbound/ctx:transport/ctx:request/http:relativeURI),'=')[2] o Assign parameter name (i.e. patientID) to a variable

Click on Expression

Add another Assign for the second parameter

We can log these to make sure the assign works as expected

Set severity level to Warning

Save and test

Check OSB log window

So both have been extracted successfully.

The patientID will be used as input to the SELECT service. The service expects the following structure

<soap:Body xmlns:soap=""> <sel:PatientPrimaryKey xmlns:sel=""> <sel:patId>1000.00</sel:patId> </sel:PatientPrimaryKey></soap:Body>

We will assign this structure to the OSB $body variable passing thru the incoming patientID. Add an Assign

I have amended the data to use the parameter passed in via the HTTP GET

<soap:Body xmlns:soap=""> <sel:SelectPatientServiceSelect_inPatIDInputParameters xmlns:sel=""> <sel:inPatID>{$firstAttrValue}</sel:inPatID> </sel:SelectPatientServiceSelect_inPatIDInputParameters>


Now add a Namespace definition for sel

Log $body

Save and test

Now route to the SELECT business service

Save and Test

Add Error Handler

OSB has comprehensive error handling facilities. It is a good idea to add an error handler to the pipeline. This can then Report to the OSB console.

Add an Error Handler to the Request Pipeline

Implementing POST / Insert

Here we simply route to the INSERT service. Add a pipeline pair Add a Route node

Save and Test Click on The Business Service Tester to see what the required input format

<ins:PatientCollection xmlns:ins=""> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <ins:Patient> <ins:patId>1000.00</ins:patId> <!--Optional:--> <ins:patName>string</ins:patName> <!--Optional:--> <ins:patSurname>string</ins:patSurname> <!--Optional:--> <ins:patAge>3</ins:patAge> <!--Optional:--> <ins:patSex>s</ins:patSex> <!--Optional:--> <ins:patNationality>string</ins:patNationality> <!--Optional:--> <ins:patComments>string</ins:patComments> </ins:Patient> </ins:PatientCollection>

Start the proxy test console

o o

Add the payload Click on Transport

Set HTTP Method to POST

Execute Check DB via SQLPLUS

Patient nr 5 has been created

Implementing PUT / Update

Here we simply route to the UPDATE service. Add a pipeline pair Add a Route node

Get the update payload via the business service tester

Test via the Proxy service with the following payload

<upd:PatientCollection xmlns:upd=""> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <upd:Patient> <upd:patId>5</upd:patId> <!--Optional:--> <upd:patName>string</upd:patName> <!--Optional:--> <upd:patSurname>string</upd:patSurname> <!--Optional:--> <upd:patAge>3</upd:patAge> <!--Optional:--> <upd:patSex>s</upd:patSex> <!--Optional:--> <upd:patNationality>string</upd:patNationality> <!--Optional:--> <upd:patComments>VERY HEALTHY - can be sent home</upd:patComments> </upd:Patient> </upd:PatientCollection>

Set HTTP Method to PUT

Implementing DELETE/ Delete

Here we simply route to the DELETE service. Add a pipeline pair Add a Route node

Test as per usual.

Patient 5 has been deleted.

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