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SMART BUILDING ARCHITECTURE Manik Madhikermi Department of Information Technology Tampere University of Technology Korkeakoulunkatu 10, FI-33720 Tampere
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to identify the key component smart building and to develop an architecture based upon the result of the research. In this research, Interview and comparative analysis is performed in order to find the key component and requirement and based on those requirements of the research a new and modern architecture of the smart building has been developed which helps the users of smart building an extra dimension to manage its daily life contributing for their wellbeing. Keywords: Smart Building, Smart Space, Smart Building Architecture, Intelligent Space, KP, Smart Space Protocol In order for better understanding of the scenario, analysis has been performed in two stages. At first, 20 random people aged between 20 to 40 were interviewed for the opinion about the impact smart building in their life and how it will contribute for their wellbeing. In the interview process some even replied with problem they are currently facing in traditional approach. As the result of interview, very exciting outcome was discovered, out of 20 people, 18 thinks that use of the automated control in the building will have positive impact on their daily life and helps for wellbeing. Secondly, comparative analysis was performed to define the functionality of new smart building system by analyzing different topologies including homes, residential building and the office space of tradition system. This analysis along with the result of interview pointed out key areas such as Energy Management, Personalization, Centralized Control, Multi device support, mobility which are vital for the success of new approach of designing a building.



A Smart Building is the integration of building, technology and various electronic devices or various systems. These systems include building automation, life safety, telecommunications, user systems and facility management systems. The basic idea of Smart Building is to ease human by automating the task they need to perform daily at home and the design concept is to integrate the various household devices into single unit which are automatically monitored and controlled by single interface as per user requirements. This interface and system allows house hold devices to communicate with each other to perform pre-programmed scenarios in different operating modes. Smart buildings provide actionable information about a building to allow occupant to manage the building as per their need. The main purpose of smart building technology is to use of technology and process to create a building that is safer and more operationally efficient and more productive to its owner than the traditional counterpart. 2. METHODOLOGY



The basic architecture of the Smart Building consists of the smart space as shown in Fig.1 where all the electronic devices associates with the space are controlled by the central control System. The central control system is made up of number of KP agents which are capable to communicate with the KP agent in the devices within the smart space. The central control unit are programmed by the number of users to set their preference thorough various mobile device like smartphone, laptop or through the web. Based upon the information provided by the sensor of various electronic devices e.g. like light sensor and the user preference, the central control unit generated a control message which is forwarded into the smart space and

Video Surveillance Security System Iris Recognition Sensor

Various Electronic Devices

Web Service in Cloud



Dn Heating System Central Control System Web Monitor

Light Sensor Light Sensor




Light Control System D1/W1: Door/Window L1 : Light : KP Agents

Temperature Sensor Mobile Device




Fig 1: Overall Architecture of Smart Building System and maintained in queue. Those control messages contains the information such as deviceid, user preferences and additional information needed to control the particular device. Each of the KP agents in the device reads the message from the queue and performs the specific task. The KP agents will ignore the message if it is not intended for that particular agent. The main task of the KP agent is to read the message from the queue and send the instruction to control the device to perform the predefined sequence of activity based upon the user identification when user identified into the smart space. The system will be connected to the internet where KP agent of the web monitor will continuously monitor web services for the current value of in temperature, light for that particular location. This data gathered by web monitor will be fed to the central control system for the further processing. The users can also use the web interface of the system to set the preferences, those preference will be sync with the preferences in the central control unit and system will use the latest preference for the further processing. ol. In this section, we will identify and those major component along with the communication protocol which is necessary for communication of those components in the smart building architecture. 4.1 Knowledge Processor Agent: The KP agents are the agents whose role is to represent the user preference in the smart space as well as to parse the user preference and signal the device to perform action based upon the preference set by the user. The KP agents are able to perform Insert, Update and Remove information from the smart space. Fig.2 below shows how KP agents interact with the smart space.



Smart Space

To visualize smart building into realism, several complicated sub-system or components should be integrated into a single unit and should be interoperable with each other. For this it is imperative to identify the necessary component and must make sure that each of those components in the system are able to communicate with each other through certain protoc-

KP Agents
Fig 2: KP agents interacting within the smart space

<device id =10> <userid>3</userid> <userpref>5</userpref> <sensorinput>15</sensorinput> <date>02121012</date> <time>1430</time> <lastupdateD>01121012</lastupdateD> <lastupdatetime>11</lastupdatetime> </device> Fig 3: Sample XML Message Format

4.4 Smart Space The major component of the smart building is the smart space where communication of the various agents takes place. In this space each agent will be able to insert, update and retrieve the message and send control signal to the associate device to perform the action specified by the user. Each agent, sub system or devices should be inside this smart space to be part of the smart building. The users are also able to interact to the system through the smart space. All the devices, control unit and message forwarding happens within the smart space. Typically, the smart space of the smart building architecture is like a private LAN (Local Area Network) in the internet. 4.5 Device or Subsystem

4.2 Communication Protocol: As a communication protocol, TCP/IP will be used. The exchange of message within the system will be carried out with the XML messages as shown in Fig.3. Each KP agent will be is able to create and parse those messages to push and pop information from the system. The messages contain several parameters that are for a device to operate. The XML data contains user information along with its preferences. It also contains the information from the sensor. In addition to these information the XML data also contains message issue date, time, last update date, time and the device id it is intended for. This information is used by the KP Agent in order to calculate the instruction that is required by the device to execute as per the preference. Sample of the XML data is shown is figure 3.

The Smart Space as shown in Fig.4 contains several numbers of devices or sub systems where each of these will be able to communicate with other within smart space through the exchange of XML message. The connection of these devices is done with TCP/IP protocol. Each device has its own deviceid and the information processing of information is performed by the KP agents. The KP agent in the device makes it intelligent which can process the information and generates set instruction which device can understand for the further action.

Video Surveillance

Security System

4.3 Central Control System: The central control system is the heart of smart building which maintains the all user preference. It is responsible to generate the control information for the other device. User in the system will interact with the smart building through the central control unit and it also provides the web interface for user interaction. Once the user enters into the smart space the user is identified and associated KP agents in the central control system transfer the user preference into the smart space along with the sensor data, where other KP agents in the system generate control information to the device to perform the sequence of action. In addition, central control unit is also responsible to manage the failure, user verification and device management.

Iris Recognition Sensor







Light Control System Light Sensor

KP Agents




Fig 4: Interaction of the device within the smart space



The basic function of Smart Building is to ease human by automating several tasks that they need to perform daily. Automated personalized control system provides greater satisfaction to tenant by saving time and money. This system will reduce energy cost and decrease operational inefficiencies and maximize the control of system. It serves actionable information about a building to allow tenant to customize the need as per their personal interest without interference to other. 6. CONCLUSION

good and automated services by ensuring their wellbeing. Finally, in my opinion smart buildings is the best model for developing the smart cities with the smart people. REFERENCES [1] Prof .Dr. D. Clements-Croome, Intelligent Buildings International [2] ACCIONA, Smart Buildings scenario definition [3] Kary Frmling, Ian Oliver, Andr Kaustell, Jan Nyman and Jukka Honkola Sharing Building Information with Smart-M3 [4] Liuha Petri, Soininen Juha-Pekka (2008). Devices and Interoperability Ecosystem (DIEM). [5] Kugelberg J., Bodin P., Persson S., Rathsman P. (2004). "Accommodating electric propulsion on SMART-1". [6] Rathsman P., Kugelberg J., Bodin P., Racca G. D., , Foing B., Stagnaro (2005). "SMART-1: Development and lessons learnt" [7] Rathsman P., Kugelberg J., Bodin P., Racca G. D., , Foing B., Stagnaro (2005). "SMART-1: Development and lessons learnt

Smart building is concept integration of building, technology and various electronic devices with a purpose to help human to manage small house hold tasks. It is much more than adjusting light and automated control system. These systems can also include building automation, life safety, telecommunications, user systems and facility management systems. Smart buildings are the new generation concepts of modern society to manage homes and tenant by providing

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