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Asian Medical Students Association International World AIDS Day Competitions 2011


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To commemorate World AIDS Day on December 1st, 2011, AMSA International presents Quiz and Essay Competition. This competition is open only for AMSA members.
Please refer to the guidelines carefully.

2|AMSA World AIDS Day Competitions -Guidelines

Essay Competition
Theme: HIV/AIDS and the community Objectives: 1. Describe participants country condition on HIV/AIDS, consists of but not limited to: a. Status and incidents b. Most common source of transmission c. Existing policies and advocacies regarding HIV/AIDS d. Community knowledge and behavior towards HIV/AIDS 2. Elaborate problems and obstacles regarding HIV/AIDS issue on the participants community or country as a whole 3. Explore measures that should be taken in order to combat HIV/AIDS, e.g. policies, campaigns, counseling, and explain the mechanisms Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The essay must be originally made Writing language: English Word limit: 3000 (including title) File format: Microsoft Word document (.doc, .docx) Font: Times New Roman 12 Margin: normal Biodata must include: Full Name, Country, and Local Chapter

Judging Criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. Coherence between objectives, facts, and arguments (25%) Originality (25%) Vocabulary and grammar usage (25%) Writing skill (25%)

Submission Procedure and Deadline: 1. The essay should be submitted to by 20 December 2011 2. Email subject: ESSAY [NAME] [COUNTRY], e.g. ESSAY NYDIA INDONESIA 3. File name: [Name-Country], e.g. [Nydia-Indonesia] 4. All submissions after due date will NOT be recognized.

3|AMSA World AIDS Day Competitions -Guidelines

Theme: HIV/AIDS medical and general knowledge Terms and Requirements: 1. The quiz will be available online from December 1 to December 20, 2011 on the AMSA International website ( 2. To join the quiz, participants must first register on the upper right link Create an Account and fill the form as followed: a. Name: your FULL NAME(dash)COUNTRY, e.g. Nydia Rena Benita Indonesia b. Username: your Name(underscore)Country, e.g. Nydia_Indonesia c. Put your valid email d. Participants who disobey the above rules will be disqualified. 3. Each participant can only register and join the quiz once, and each next submission will NOT be considered. 4. After register and log in successfully, go to the Quiz tab/link 5. The quiz consists of 20 multiple choice questions. 6. Only one participant with most correct answers and fastest time will be recognized as the winner.

Certificate for all Essay Competition participants, Essay Competition winner, and Quiz winner Publication in AMSA International Newsletter and Magazine for Essay Competition winner

4|AMSA World AIDS Day Competitions -Guidelines

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