Portfolio Requirements

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Class portfolio guidelines Spring 2012

Ms. Baldonados Classes A portfolio is an alternate way to determine what you have learned and what you know. As part of ECAs culture, you are required to complete up to three portfolios independently before you graduate. Using a portfolio process in the classroom will give you opportunities to gain experience and confidence in how to demonstrate your learning. The following information will help you create your portfolio for this semester. Utilize the information that corresponds to your grade level to complete your portfolio. ALL GRADE LEVELS DUE DATE: Portfolios must be turned in no later than Friday, May 18th at the end of school. PHYSICAL MATERIAL: All portfolios must be in some kind of binder or presentation notebook, neatly contained (this means no papers sticking out or loose papers, and no papers just stuck in a manila folder) TITLE PAGE: All portfolios must contain a title page as the first page. On the title page must be a title (such as Earth Science Portfolio), the name of the instructor, your name, your grade level, and the date you turn it in. TABLE OF CONTENTS: The second page should give a table of contents of what can be found in the portfolio.

6TH GRADE 1. Include five graded assignments from the semester as well as the requirements for the assignments. 2. A one-half to one-page typed paper that does the following: a. Briefly explains what you learned during the semester b. Explains what each assignment was about c. Tells your favorite assignment from the semester, and why it was your favorite d. What you would do differently if you were to take the class all over again 7TH GRADE 1. Include six graded assignments from the semester, at least two of which have been redone/corrected as well as the requirements for the assignments. 2. A one-and-a-half page paper that does the following a. Briefly explains what you learned during the semester b. Explains what each assignment was about, as well as why you redid assignments, and how that changed what you learned. c. Tells your favorite assignment from the semester, and why it was your favorite d. What you would do differently if you were to take the class all over again

e. What skills/knowledge you gained that you think will help you in future classes 8TH GRADE 1. Include three graded assignments from the semester as well as the requirements for each assignment 2. For EACH ASSIGNMENT, complete a typed one-half to one-and-a-half page paper that does the following a. Explains briefly what the purpose of the assignment was b. Explains what you learned from the assignment c. Discusses why you chose the assignment for your portfolio, and how it shows what you learned d. Gives an idea of how what you learned matters in other classes and/or every day life 9TH GRADE 1. Include a. four graded assignments from the semester, including each assignments requirements i. three of which have been corrected and/or changed from the original assignment (this may or may not be something which was turned in for a new grade, as long as it has been redone) ii. one of which was a group project in which you played a specific role 2. For EACH ASSIGNMENT, complete a one to two-page typed reflection paper that includes that following information a. Complete sentences, correct grammar and punctuation, correct spelling (this means you will have to have it proofread) b. A brief discussion of what the purpose of the assignment was c. What you expected to learn from the assignment and/or what you did learn d. How your grade/assignment shows what you learned e. What you would do differently for the assignment if you were to do it all over again f. How the assignment relates to the world at large 10TH GRADE 1. Include a. four graded assignments from the semester, including the requirements for each assignment i. three of which have been corrected and/or changed from the original assignment (this may or may not be something which was turned in for a new grade, as long as it has been redone) ii. one of which was a group project in which you played a specific role 2. For EACH ASSIGNMENT, complete a one-half to two-page typed reflection paper that includes that following information a. Complete sentences, correct grammar and punctuation, correct spelling (this means you will have to have it proofread) b. A brief discussion of what the purpose of the assignment was c. What you expected to learn from the assignment and/or what you did learn d. How your grade/assignment shows what you learned

e. What you would do differently for the assignment if you were to do it all over again f. How the assignment relates to the world at large 3. A separate one- to two-page reflection that includes a. Complete sentences, correct grammar and punctuation, correct spelling (this means you will have to have it proofread) b. A discussion of what the purpose of the class was and what you got out of the class c. How this class will be of use in future classes (including college classes) d. How this class relates to other subject areas e. What you did well on, what you still need improvement on, and what you would do differently were you to take the class over again f. What recommendations you would make for someone taking the class for the first time 4. A five-minute class presentation that discusses everything from part 3 (presentations will occur the week before finals) 11TH AND 12TH GRADE Portfolios for upperclassmen will require the following: 1. Two possible artifacts for inclusion in the senior portfolio 2. A three page reflection that includes the following a. The same information as 3a and 3b from 10th grade b. What knowledge you learned that will be of the most benefit in your future c. Why you chose the three pieces for your portfolio d. How the assignments might relate to/influence your future career choices e. How the class might relate to/influence your future career choices 3. A five- to ten-minute class presentation that discusses this information from 2a, 2b, and 2e (presentations will occur the week before finals)

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