A Project Report On Online Trading Final

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A Project Report on

Submitted to
Punjab Technical University Jalandhar In Partial Fulfillment of the requirement of the award of, Masters of Business Administration.

MBA SESSION: 2010-12

Project Guide :Sunil Pandey Regional Head of Karvy Stock Broking Ltd.& Submitted By:GAURAV GUPTA Roll No. 105042249861


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I hereby declare that the Project Report conducted at



Is my original work and the same has not been submitted for the Award of any other Degree/diploma /fellowship or other similar titles Or prizes.

Place: Date: No.


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For management career, it is important to develop managerial skills. In order to achieve positive and concrete results, along with theoretical concepts, the exposure of real life situation existing in corporate world is very much needed. To fulfill this need, this practical training is required. I took training in KARVY STOCK BROKING LTD located at FEROZGANDHI MARKET, LUDHIANA. It was my fortune to get training in a very healthy atmosphere. I got ample opportunity to view the overall working of the stock exchange.

This report is the result of my 45 days of summer training in KARVY STOCK BROKING LTD as a part of M.B.A. The subject of my report is - INDIAN CAPITAL MARKET & ONLINE TRADING.

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If words are considered as a symbol of approval and token of appreciation then let the words play the heralding role expressing my gratitude. The world of capital market war far from me but I got an opportunity to understand the capital market at KARVY STOCK BROKING LTD While training I learnt many things about capital market and its structure. So I am very thankful to KARVY STOCK BROKING LTD for giving me such opportunity. First of all I thank to that Gracie god who blessed me with all kinds of facilities that had been provided to me for completion of my report. I am also grateful to Mr. SUNIL PANDEY for permitting me to take the training at

I acknowledge my deepest sense of gratitude and sincere feeling of in debtness divine all my faculty members and Mr. Sunil Pandey (REGIONAL HEAD) under whose guidance and through their sustained efforts and encouraging attitude, I was able to complete my project. It would have been difficult to achieve the results in such a short span of time. I want to express my sincere gratitude to all the staff members of KARVY STOCK BROKING LTD for spending their precious time and sharing the value able information with me and in helping my project to be a success.


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Sr. No. 1. Introduction


Page No. 7


Indian Capital Market & Online Trading

8 to 35

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Company Profile Research Objectives Research Methodology Review of Literature Data Analysis & Interpretation
(i) Figure & Table No.1 (ii) Figure & Table No.2 (iii) Figure & Table No.3 (iv) Figure & Table No.4 (v) Figure & Table No.5 (vi) Figure & Table No.6

36 to 59 60 61 to 63 64 to 66

67 to 82

Figure & Table No.7 Figure & Table No.8 Figure & Table No.9 Figure & Table No.10 Figure & Table No.11 Figure & Table No.12 Figure & Table No.13

(viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii)

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Figure & Table No.14

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Findings Limitations of the Study Conclusion Recommendations Bibliography Annexure

83 to 85 86 87 to 89 90 91 to 92 93 to 96

Today, BSE is the worlds number 1 exchange in terms of the number of listed companies and the worlds 5th in transaction number. Of the 23 stock exchanges in the India, Bombay Stock Exchange is the largest, with over 6,000 stocks listed. The BSE accounts for over two thirds of the total trading volume in the country. Established in 1875, the exchange is also the oldest in Asia. Among the twenty-two Stock Exchanges recognized by the Government of India under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, it was the first one to be recognized and it is the only one that had the privilege of getting payments. Moreover, The BSE SENSEX is not only scientifically designed but also based on globally accepted construction and review methodology. The index is widely reported in both domestic and international markets through print as well as electronic media. The "Free-float Market Capitalization" methodology of BSE index construction is regarded as an industrys best practice globally. All major index providers like MSCI, FTSE, STOXX, S&P and Dow Jones use the Free-float methodology. Due to its wide acceptance

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amongst the Indian investors; SENSEX is regarded to be the pulse of the Indian stock market. As the oldest index in the country, the SENSEX has over the years become one of the most prominent brands in the country. The paper therefore emphasizes mainly on BSE SENSEX and major fluctuations related to it from time period of 2006 to 2008. The paper also put the light on how various factors such as inflation, investments made through participatory notes, rising crude oil prices, the sub-prime mortgage woes in US, concerns over a slowing down US economy and big role of Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) determines markets situation and operate SENSEX.

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Indian capital market & Online trading

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The Stock Market is either a private or public market where stock shares of the companies are sold or traded to potential investors A stock share, a legal document from the company or simply referred as 'stock certificates', will entitle you to be a co-owner of that company. It is considered as a very important sector in the market economy. One of the highlighted features in investing in Stock Market is the concept of unlimited liability. The Stock Market indeed offers a profound opportunity to be a shareholder for certain companies which in return escalates your investments provided you have opted for a reputable income generating companies. The stock market takes place on various stock exchanges the two larges exchanges are the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System (NASDAQ). The stock market is nothing new though, in fact in 1602 Dutch East India Company listed the first share of stock on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange. The term stock market is used for the overall stocks sold and bought at stock exchanges. A group of organizations can constitute a stock exchange to perform share dealings. For example, USA, NASDAQ and NYSE are stock exchanges. The price of a stock depends on the demand and supply of that particular stock. In stock markets, the share dealing is done by a middleman. The person is known as a share broker. The seller and buyer mutually decide the price of the trade. The SENSEX is an "index". An index is basically an indicator. It gives you a general idea about whether most of the stocks have gone up or most of the stocks have gone down.Bombay Stock Exchange is the oldest stock exchange in Asia with a rich heritage, now spanning three centuries in its 133 years of existence. What is now popularly known as BSE was established as "The Native Share & Stock Brokers' Association" in 1875. BSE is the first stock exchange in the country which obtained permanent recognition (in 1956)

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from the Government of India under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act 1956. Earlier an Association Of Persons (AOP), BSE is now a corporatized and demutualised entity incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. Today, BSE is the world's number 1 exchange in terms of the number of listed companies and the world's 5th in transaction numbers. The market capitalization as on December 31, 2007 stood at USD 1.79 trillion . An investor can choose from more than 4,700 listed companies, which for easy reference, are classified into A, B, S, T and Z groups.The BSE Index, SENSEX, is India's first stock market index that enjoys an iconic stature , and is tracked worldwide. It is an index of 30 stocks representing 12 major sectors. The SENSEX is constructed on a 'free-float' methodology, and is sensitive to market sentiments and market realities. The first Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) on SENSEX, called "SPICE" is listed on BSE. It brings to the investors a trading tool that can be easily used for the purposes of investment, trading, hedging and arbitrage. SPICE allows small investors to take a longterm view of the market. BSE provides an efficient and transparent market for trading in equity, debt instruments and derivatives. It has a nation-wide reach with a presence in more than 359 cities and towns of India. BSE has always been at par with the international standards. The systems and processes are designed to safeguard market integrity and enhance transparency in operations. BSE is the first exchange in India and the second in the world to obtain an ISO 9001:2000 certification. It is also the first exchange in the country and second in the world to receive Information Security Management System Standard BS 7799-2-2002 certification for its BSE On-line Trading System (BOLT). In 2006, BSE launched the Directors Database and ICERS (Indian Corporate Electronic Reporting System) to facilitate information flow and increase transparency in the Indian capital market. BSE also has a wide range of services to empower investors and facilitate smooth transactions:

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Investor Services: The Department of Investor Services redresses grievances of

investors. BSE was the first exchange in the country to provide an amount of Rs.1 million towards the investor protection fund; it is an amount higher than that of any exchange in the country. BSE launched a nationwide investor awareness programme- 'Safe Investing in the Stock Market' under which 264 programmes were held in more than 200 cities.
The BSE On-line Trading (BOLT): BSE On-line Trading (BOLT) facilitates on-

line screen based trading in securities. BOLT is currently operating in 25,000 Trader Workstations located across over 359 cities in India.
BSEWEBX.com: In February 2001, BSE introduced the world's first centralized

exchange-based Internet trading system, BSEWEBX.com. This initiative enables investors anywhere in the world to trade on the BSE platform.
Surveillance: BSE's On-Line Surveillance System (BOSS) monitors on a real-time

basis the price movements, volume positions and members' positions and real-time measurement of default risk, market reconstruction and generation of cross market alerts.
BSE Training Institute: BTI imparts capital market training and certification, in

collaboration with reputed management institutes and universities. It offers over 40 courses on various aspects of the capital market and financial sector. More than 20,000 people have attended the BTI programs.

Bombay Stock Exchange Profile:

Address Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai 400001

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Telephone Web Site Trading Hours Holidays

91-22-22721233/4 www.bseindia.com Monday - Friday, 9:15 am - 3:30 pm IST Bakri-Id, Republic Day, Good Friday, Ambedkar Jayanti, Independence Day, Ganesh Chaturthi, Dasera, Diwali (Laxmi Poojan), Diwali (Bhaubeej), Ramzan Id, Guru Nanak Jayanti. Stocks, bonds, derivatives


Trading System Electronic Key Staff Chairman Jagdish Capoor. CEO - Rajnikant Patel

Objectives of SENSEX
To measure market movements Given its long history and its wide acceptance, no other index matches the SENSEX in reflecting market movements and sentiments. SENSEX is widely used to describe the mood in the Indian Stock markets. Benchmark for funds performance The inclusion of blue chip companies and the wide and balanced industry representation in the SENSEX makes it the ideal benchmark for fund managers to compare the performance of their funds. For index based derivative products

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Institutional investors, money managers and small investors all refer to the SENSEX for their specific purposes The SENSEX is in effect the proxy for the Indian stock markets. The country's first derivative product i.e. Index-Futures was launched on SENSEX

Calculations of SENSEX
SENSEX, first compiled in 1986, was calculated on a "Market Capitalization-Weighted" methodology of 30 component stocks representing large, well-established and financially sound companies across key sectors. The base year of SENSEX was taken as 1978-79. SENSEX today is widely reported in both domestic and international markets through print as well as electronic media. It is scientifically designed and is based on globally accepted construction and review methodology. Since September 1, 2003, SENSEX is being calculated on a free-float market capitalization methodology. The "free-float market capitalization-weighted" methodology is a widely followed index construction methodology on which majority of global equity indices are based; all major index providers like MSCI, FTSE, STOXX, S&P and Dow Jones use the free-float methodology.

On-Line Computation of the Index

During trading hours, value of the Index is calculated and disseminated every 15 seconds. This is done automatically on the basis of prices at which trades in Index constituents are executed.

Sensex During 2008

After scaling new heights of 20000+, SENSEX entered year 2008 with rosy

pictures. The trade pundits, brokers and even investors predicted new heights for the year. And they felt their predictions coming true when SENSEX touched the 21000 mark on 8 th January 2008. Its interesting if one sees in terms of flows; the journey from 20,000 to 21,000 is dominated by domestic institutional investors. So if one has to take out some pointers from this journey from 20,000 to 21,000, it is the longest journey which we have

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seen in the last 5,000 marks, the midcaps and small caps have been outperformers and in terms of flows, it has been domestic institutional investors which have been really putting the money.

Reasons for falling of SENSEX.

But the rosy picture soon turned gloomy. The skyrocketing SENSEX suddenly started heading south and SENSEX saw the biggest absolute fall in history, shedding 2062 points intra-day. It closed at 17,605.35, down 1408.35 points or 7.4 per cent. It fell to a low of 16,951.50. The fall was triggered as a result of weakness in global markets, but the impact of the global rout was the biggest in India. The market tumbled on account of a broad based sell-off that emerged in global equity markets. Fears over the solvency of major Western banks rattled stocks in Asia and Europe. After the worst January in the last 20 years for Indian equities, February turned out to be a flat month with the BSE SENSEX down 0.4%. India finished the month as the second worst emerging market. The underperformance can partly be attributed to the fact that Indian markets outperformed global markets in the last two months of 2007and hence we were seeing the lagged impact of that outperformance. In the shorter term, developments in the US economy and US markets continued to dominate investor sentiments globally and we saw volatility move up sharply across most markets. REASONS FOR SLOW DOWN (2008-09) The first month of the financial year 08-09 proved to be a good one for investors with the month ending on a positive note. The BSE SENSEX showed a gain of 10.5% to close at 17287 points. A combination of firming global markets and technical factors like short covering were the main reasons for the up move in the markets. Though inflation touched a high of 7.57% against 6.68% in march 2008 as a result RBI hiked CRR by 50 bps to take the figure to 8%, still emergence of retail investors was also seen; a fact reinforced by the strong movement in the mid-cap and small- cap index that rose 16% and 18% respectively.

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So April was the last month to close positive. Then after nobody saw a stable SENSEX even. Sometimes it surged by 600+ points, but very next day it plunged by some 800 odd points and this story is still continuing. Every prediction, every forecasting has failed. The SENSEX is dancing on the music of lifetime high inflation rates, historic crude prices, tightening RBI policies, weak industrial production data, political uncertainties and obviously the sentiments of domestic as well as FIIs. The only relief came in the form of weakening Indian rupees which enlightened the IT sector and most recently the UPA gaining vote of confidence. Presently it is revolving around the figures of 14000 and no one knows what next? The 30-share BSE SENSEX fell 117.89 points or 0.67% at 17,373.01 on Tuesday, 6 May 2008. The key benchmark indices ended lower as investors resorted to profit booking due to lack of positive triggers in the market. On 30th May an imminent hike in domestic retail fuel prices due to soaring crude oil prices weighed on the market last week. Foreign institutional investors sold close to Rs 2204 crore in the first three trading sessions of the week which accentuated the downfall. The market declined sharply as a hike in fuel prices by about 10% announced by the Union government on Wednesday, 4 June 2008, triggered possibility of a surge in inflation to double digit level. The BSE SENSEX declined 843.39 points or 5.14% to 15,572.18 in the week ended 6 June 2008. The S&P CNX Nifty fell 242.3 points or 4.97% to 4627.80 in the week. On 6 June 2008, local benchmark indices underperformed their global peers, hit by rumours that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) may hike cash reserve ratio (CRR) or interest rate later in the day to tame runaway inflation. The 30-share BSE SENSEX declined 197.54 points or 1.25% to settle at 15,572.18. Central banks across the globe warned that interest rates may have to rise as they look to keep inflation under control, despite the fact that economic growth is slowing in key nations such as the US and UK.

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On July 15th 2008, Indian shares fell 4.9 per cent to their lowest close in 15 months, joining a world equities rout as investors dumped financials on concerns about the fallout from worsening global credit turmoil. Although Indian banks have no direct exposure to the US subprime mortgage sectors.

With major financial crisis erupting in the U.S., Indian Stock Market benchmark index (SENSEX) fell by 469.54 points or 3.35 per cent on Monday to close at 13531.27. Realty stocks led the fall with a loss of 7.65 per cent. The National stock exchange, the NSE Nifty lost 155.55 points or 3.68 per cent. All sect oral indices closed in the negative territory. An eventful week of turmoil has begun in the global financial scenario as stock prices plunged across much of the globe on news that investment bankers, Lehman Brothers Holdings filed for bankruptcy and Merrill Lynch & Cos forced sale to Bank of America. Even American International Group (AIG), the worlds largest insurance company, asked the U.S. Federal Reserve for an emergency funding before announcing a major restructuring plan. I. Satyam saga draws to a close with sale to Tech Mahindra

The Satyam scandal which unfolded in January 2009 with the promoter admitting to manipulating accounts has now reached a conclusion. The government appointed board which has been running the company since January sold the company in an auction to another Indian IT company Tech Mahindra for close to USD 600mn. The government and the board did a commendable job to ensure that the sale happened within a short span of just 3 months. II. Monetary Loosening continues

In its last credit policy review, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) continued with its policy of facilitating liquidity. While it left the CRR and SLR unchanged, it cut the repo and reverse

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repo rates by 25bps each to 4.75% and 3.25% respectively. RBI also asked banks to cut both deposit and lending rates and also indicated lower issuance.. III. Normal monsoon expected crucial for agriculture

The Indian Meteorological Department has predicted that this years monsoon would be near normal; welcome news given that agriculture is still significantly dependant on the monsoon. A good monsoon this year will further help boost rural consumption. In fact, strong demand from rural consumers in goods like cement, autos and consumer products has helped offset the fall in demand from urban consumers in recent times.

Strengths: All the branches are interconnected which give the unique facility of All operations are carried on with the help of computers thus transaction are High number of executives which make the work of customers very Share market funds provide same-day liquidity, allowing investors to At a price per share of $1.00 and generally to receive the proceeds that day.

anywhere investment. carried with greater efficiency. convenient. redeem their shares. Retail investors value this feature because it allows them to manage cash both for daily needs and to buy or sell securities through brokers. Corporate cash managers must have daily liquidity in order to manage Share market funds offer investors market-based yields. Share market funds provide a low-cost cash management vehicle for retail accounts payable and payrolls.

and institutional investors. In part, stock market funds achieve low cost through

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economies of scalepooling the investments of hundreds to thousands of retail investors, sometimes with the large balances of institutional investors. Weakness: No guarantee is given to investors and they are explicitly warned that money market funds seek to offer investors return of principal may not always be possible. Less awareness among general masses about the different services provided by agencies. Dissatisfaction among customers due to improper and lack of after investing Inflation and Deflation rate is high. Lot of black money deposit in foreign banks. India too much depend on foreign direct investment (FDI). India is facing financial pain despite healthy banks.

in stock market services.

Opportunities: Opportunity to remind funds that purchases of illiquid securities. This could give the Board the opportunity to question the most

knowledgeable people directly and to confirm that the Adviser is dedicating sufficient resources to credit analysis. We probably would change the way we manage our short-term portfolio if NAV was allowed to fluctuate, but I guess it would depend on the degree of fluctuation. The recent market events, although painful, afford the money market fund industry the opportunity to assess the regulations that govern its operations, and the more stringent practices adopted by some money market funds that go beyond those regulations.

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Threats: Reorganization of agencies of stock market structure. Going beyond market Falling of market share The all agency have started to redefine their objective to attract customers A few stock markets have been permitted to increase their number of

attention. branches and its entry has taken directly solve out the problems of investors


The concept of share broking emerged after the establishment of the joint stock companies. The ownership of the companies was divided into small parts and that every part was called share. So, the term Share denominates some part in the ownership of the company. The shares are freely transferable subject to the some certain restrictions. When the need was felt to sell the shares by the owner of the shares, it was difficult to find out the buyers of the shares who want to buy the shares at the price the seller want to sell. At that time a need was felt to bring the buyers and sellers on a common platform. To solve this problem, a group of persons came into picture, which used to bring the buyers and sellers together for the trade of the shares. These persons are called the share Brokers who find the persons who wish to buy or sell their securities. The whole process of finding the buyers and sellers of the securities by the brokers is called the Share Broking. The origination of the Indian securities market may be traced back to 1975, when 22 enterprise brokers under a Banyan tree established the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). Over the last 130 years, the Indian securities market has evolved continuously to become one of the most dynamic, modern international standards both in terms of structure and in terms of operating efficiency.

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Meaning of Online Trading

Change is the law of nature. There were times when man was a wanderer or a normal. He himself had to go place to place in search of food, water and now everything is available at your doorstep just at the click of the mouse. The growth of information technology has affected almost all sectors of life. Internet has enabled us to get every information at our doorstep. When Internet has affected all sectors he could stock markets the most important player of the economy, has remained far behind? Like all other sectors Internet has set its feet in the stock markets also. Internet trading commissions are clearly posted on the websites of the various services, and are typically a fixed rate charge, depending upon the type of security being traded and the size of trade. In theory, therefore, an Interest investor always knows what commission he is being charged on each trade. Internet investors can take as much time as they would like to take prior to placing a trade order. Similarly the online investor likely does not have to worry that his broker is making unauthorized trades. Since there is no individual broker making a commission, the only person who is authorized to trace in a the account is the actual investor. Furthermore, the internet investor can never become a victim of excessive trading (where for the broker) since the investor maintains total control over the number of transactions which take place in the account. . . An online investor sitting at home at a personal computer also foregoes proper investment advice and financial planning, perhaps among the most valuable services provided by traditional brokers. There are, of course, additional risks relative to performing transactions over the Internet especially on a shared computer. Those people whom investors have provided their account number and password can freely trade that account while the investor will have little, if any, resource against the brokerage firm for the breach of security. When was online trading introduced in INDIA? Online trading started in India in February 2000 when a couple of brokers started offering an online trading platform for their customers.

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The central computer located at the Exchange is connected to the workstations of the Brokers through satellite using Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs). Orders placed at the Brokers' workstations reach the central computer and are matched by the computer based on price and time priority. Both the exchanges have switched over from the open outcry trading system to a fully automated computerized mode of trading known as BOLT (BSE On Line Trading) and NEAT (National Exchange Automated Trading) System. It facilitates more efficient processing, automatic order matching, faster execution of trades and transparency. The scrips traded on the BSE have been classified into 'A', 'B1', 'B2', 'C', 'F' and 'Z' groups. The 'A' group shares represent those, which are in the carry forward system (Badla). The 'F' group represents the debt market (fixed income securities) segment. The 'Z' group scrips are the blacklisted companies. The 'C' group covers the odd lot securities in 'A', 'B1' & 'B2' groups and Rights renunciations. key regulator governing Stock Exchanges, Brokers, Depositories, Depository participants, Mutual Funds, FIIs and other participants in Indian secondary and primary market is the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Ltd.


Nevertheless, with all the convenience of online trading there are still investors who prefer

the old fashion way of offline trading. Offline trading has lost some popularity but it is still the main form of investing. Offline trading offers many benefits as well.

Points of difference between online trading and ofline trading are as follows: 1. Online trading is very expensive as compare to manual trading or offline trading. 2. Online trading consumes less time as compare to manual trading.

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3. Online trading has very helpful to finding the records easily but offline trading takes more time to finding the records. 4. In the help of online trading, there is no chance of any errors while doing the trading. in offline trading there are some errors exist like barriers of communication . 5. With the help of online trading, we know the international market rate of share very easily.

Dematerialization is the process wherein shares certificates or other securities held in physical form are converted into electronic form and credited to demat account of an investor opened with a depository participant. SEBI has made compulsory trading of shares of all the companies listed in stock exchanges in demat form with effect from 2ndJanuary 2002.The procedure of opening a demat account with DP is similar to opening an account with a bank


A. Procedure for purchasing dematerialized securities The procedure for purchasing dematerialized securities is also similar to the procedure for buying physical securities. 1. Investor instructs DP to receive credits into his account in the prescribed form. There may be one time standing instruction or separate instruction each time to receive credits. 2. Investor purchases securities in any of the stock exchanges linked to depository through a broker. 3. Broker receives payment from investor and arranges payment to clearing corporation. 4. Broker receives credit to securities in clearing account on the payout day. 5. Broker gives instructions to DP to debit clearing account and credit clients account. Investor receives shares into his account by way of book entry.

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B. Procedure of selling dematerialized securities The procedure for selling dematerialized securities in stock exchanges is similar as selling physical securities. The only major difference is that instead of delivering physical securities to the broker, the investor instructs his DP to debit his demat account with the number of securities sold by him and credit the brokers clearing account. The procedure for selling dematerialized securities is given below: 1. Investor sells securities in any of the stock exchange linked to depository through a broker. 2. Investor instructs his DP to debit his demat account with the number of securities sold and credit the brokers clearing account. 3. Before the pay-in-day, broker of the investor transfers the securities to clearing corporation. 4. The broker receives payment from the stock exchange. 5. The investor receives payment from the broker for sale of securities in the same manner as received in case of sale of physical securities

Rematerialization is the process of conversion of electronic holdings of securities into physical certificate form. For rematerilisation of scrips, the investor has to fill up a remat request form (RRF) and submit it to the DP. The DP forwards the request to depository after verifying the investors balances. Depository in turn initiates the registrars and transfer agent or the issuer company. RTA/ Company prints the certificates and dispatches the same to the investor. Market timings: Trading on the derivatives segment takes place on all days of the week (except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays declared by the Exchange in advance). The market timings of the derivatives segment are:

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Normal Market / Exercise Market Open time Normal market close hours Set up cut of time for Position limit/Collateral value hrs Trade modification end time / Exercise Market hours

: 09:55 hours : 15:30 : till 15:30 : 16:15

Internet Based Trading through Order Routing Systems Internet based trading on conventional exchanges, uses the Internet as a medium for communicating client orders to the exchange, through broker web sites. Brokers web sites may serve a variety of functions. These may include; Allowing the clients to directly trade through investors; Advertise the broker dealers services to potential investors; Offer market information and investment tools similar to those offered by information vendor or SRO web sites; Offer real-time or delayed quote information, continuously update quotes while the user visits other sites, or allow investors to create a personal stock ticker; Provide market summaries and commentaries, analyst reports and trading strategies and market data on currencies, mutual funds, options, market indices and news; and Offer investors access to portfolio management tools and analytic programs; Information on commission and fees; and Account information and research reports.

In an Order Routing system, a broker offering Internet trading facility provides an electronic template for the customer to enter the name of the security, whatever it is to be

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bought or sold, the quantity and whatever the order is a market or limit order. Once the brokers system receives this information.

Use of Internet for making Initial Public Offerings Issues of securities of using the Internet to communicate directly with their shareholders, potential investors and analysts by disseminating corporate information. In foreign jurisdiction, they are also using the Internet to communicate to the public for the following: Public offerings; Private offerings; and Disclosure and communication

Issuers are using the Internet to market themselves to potential investors. The Internet is also being used for fulfilling necessary disclosure requirements, for disseminating the prospects in electronics form and even for receiving share applications in public issues electronically. In India, SEBI has taken initiative in permitting use of the network of stock exchange for collection of investor applications in public offerings by the issuer companies. Investment Advisory Services Brokers as well as other service provides such as investment firms, research outfits etc. are using the Internet for marketing and advertising purposes, for presenting information on portfolio analysis and market information, and for communicating with and receiving orders from potential investors. The services offered by the service providers to the investors are generally the following: Advertising Providing investment information and investment advice; Underwriting Communicating with the investors; Customer orders; and

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Record keeping

FEATURES OF ONLINE TRADING The Online Trading is having many features which make it most suitable for the investors to go for. Some of these features are as follows:

Freedom of information

The Internet can provide a new sense of control over your financial future. The amount of investment information available online is truly astounding. It's one of the best aspects of being a wired investor. For the first time in history, any individual with an Internet connection can: Know the price of any stock at any time Review the price history of any stock in chart format Follow market events in-depth Receive a wealth of free commentary and analysis about stock markets and the global economy Conduct extensive financial research on any company

Control of your money

One of the great appeals of using an online trading account is the fact that the account belongs to you, and is under your direct control. When you want to buy or sell stock, you no longer need to call your broker on the phone; hope that he is in the office to place your order; possibly argue with the broker about the order; and hope that the transaction is executed instantly. Access to the market

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At the most basic level, an online trading account gives you more agility in buying and selling stocks. This is through sophisticated information streams, dedicated trading platforms and sophisticated tools for accessing the markets. Ensures the best price for investors

Every broker house aims at providing the investor with the best price available. Also due to the high level of transparency with regard to display of information relating to the specific stocks and company profiles, you will be able to get the best quote for your orders.



Online trading offers you greater transparency by providing you with an audit trail. This involves a complete integrated electronic chain starting from order placement, to clearing and settlement and finally ending with a credit into your depository account. All these stages are subject to inspection, thus bringing in transparency into the system.

Enables your account Online trading integrates your bank account, your trading account and your de mat accounts , which leads to easy and paperless trading for you.

Allows instant trade execution

You as an Investment online customer will be able to execute the entire trading transaction, right from logging on to our site, to the execution and settlement of your bank account, in a very short period of time. Provides a level palying field

Trading on the net, gives even the smallest retail investor access to information that earlier was available only to the big traders. This provides a level playing field for all investors in the securities market.


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1) Less Costly: The most significant advantage of the Online broking is the cost reduction in the brokerage. Due to the power of the Internet one has the privilege of becoming the clients of really large brokerages with the benefits of enjoying the low charges hithelio before enjoyed only by the big players. As the DP account has got linked to the trading account most players do not charge a minimum transaction cost thus truly allowing one to buy a single share and achieve meaningful rupee price averaging whatever be your buying power. 2) Peace of Mind: One can never have complete peace of mind but online investing does away with the hassles of filling up instruction slips, visits to the broker for handing over these slips and consequent costs. 3) Keeping Records: The site one trades on keeps a record of all transactions down to unexecuted orders and cancelled orders thus keeping one abreast of all your transactions 24 hours a day. No paperwork means more time at ones disposal for research and analysis.

4) Access to Information and investment Tools: Most online investing sites have a wealth of information for their registered members. This includes research reports, results, analysis and even gossip and the buzz in the market. 5.) Unparalleled Safety: Most sites are secure using 128-bit algorithms -highest available commercially anywhere in the world. Moreover even if somebody broke in and tampered with ones account the money from the stocks he sold or the stock bought from the money in his account is in his account only. 6.) Reduces the settlement risk:

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This method of trading reduces the settlement risk for the investor, as in this case no Short sale is possible i.e. the seller will not be able to sell the securities unless he has their actual possession. In the case of a demat account (required for an online transaction), when a seller wants to sell the securities, his demat account is checked by the Depository Participant before executing the sale transaction. This reduces the settlement risk for the buyer, who is assured of the delivery of the securities.

So, the main problems of online trading are as follows: 1.) "Server not found": This may appear on ones screens when he is desperately trying to get out of an unprofitable position. Some of the online sites are providing a telephone number for use in case their sites are overloaded or their server down. 2.) Connectivity of the Broker with NSE: Recently ICICI Direct had a connectivity problem with the NSE for two and half hours during trading hours. This problem is rare but be alive to its possibility. 3.) Cyber attack: In the event of a malicious attack on the systems of ones broker he is protected only if the company is taking proper precautions against such attacks and if proper backup is regularly been taken. He may like to choose a brokerage that has a stated security policy and contingency plan in place. 4.) Non-availability of a seamless interface: As a client one will access the NSE through a server of the online brokerage and this may involve queuing delays. If a number of client access the server the server takes its own time sending the orders to the NSE server. He must check out the seamlessness of this interface before selecting an online brokerage. The faster the orders are processed the more seamless is the interface.

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5.) Non- availability of personalized advice: If one like to ask his broker "Aaj kya achcha lag raha hai" he may not be able to do so. If he want advice on a particular stock in his portfolio he may not even be able to get that. 6.) Margin: If Internet trading alone is not fast and furious enough; many people are trading on margin. That is where the brokerage firm lends you money by leveraging his account, allowing him to buy a large amount of securities by putting up only a small amount of money. He may have forgotten what he read in the small print of his agreement, but the brokerage firm has the right to change the maintenance margin requirements without any warning or notice to him. In fact, the firm has the right to liquidate his securities holdings (and it can pick and choose which ones) without any notice to one if he fail to meet the margin call. And there he was leveraged to the hilt, hoping to hit a home run when he discovered that he is required to make a large deposit that he cannot make. The next thing one know, the firm is selling off his securities at a point in time that is not the best for him. These are the perils of trading on margin. 7.) Increased charges: Some of the brokers are of the view that they would have to provide advisory services to the customers. But with increased volumes, they will have to follow the international practice of charging a little more than the normal charges from a customer looking for personal advice.


Several broking houses now offer online trading facilities. You can trade online with ebrokerages such as ICICI Direct, Kotak street, India bulls, India info lines 5paisa.com and HDFC securities. If you are already comfortable trading with your regular broker, here are few reasons why you may consider switching to trading online, or at least another avenue of trading. an

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obvious advantage of online trading is that your transaction would be virtually paperless. Your trading account would be linked to your demat and bank account, ensuring a smooth transaction process. This is especially helpful in the extent T+2 settlement system, where you have just two days to settle your transaction. The normal process of issuing of delivery note, in case of a sale, or arranging for a payment in case of purchaser of shares, is all taken care of the minute your order is executed online. The absence of manual intervention ensures that you are completely in control of all transaction. The amount of investment information available online is truly astounding. Its one of the best aspect of being a wired investor for the first time in history, any individual with an internet connection can: Know the price of any stock at any time Review the price history of any stock in chart format Follow market events in-depth Receive a wealth of free commentary and analysis about stock markets and globe economy. Conduct extensive financial research on any company Talk with other investors around the world


Step-I: Those investors interested in doing the trading over Internet system, that is,NEAT ISX (NSE), should approach the brokers and register with the Stock Broker. Step-2: After registration, the broker will provide to them a login name, password and a personal identification number (PIN). Step-3: Actual placement of an order, Using the place order window as under can then place an order:(a) First by entering the symbol and series of stock and other parameters

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such as quantity and price of the scrip on the place order window. (b) Second, fill in the symbol, series and the default quantity. Step-4: It is the process of review. Thus, the investor has to review the order placed by clicking the review option. He may also re-set to clear the values. Step-5: After the review has been satisfactory; the order has to be sent by clicking on the send option. Step-6: The investor will receive an "Order Confirmation" 'message along with the order number and the value of the order. Step- 7: In case the order is rejected by the Broker or the Stock Exchange for certain reasons such as invalid price limit, an appropriate message will appear at the bottom of the screen. At present, a time lag of about ten seconds is there in executing the trade Step-8: It is regarding charging payment, for which there are different modes. Some brokers will take some advance payment from the, investors and will fix their trading limits. When the trade is executed, the broker will ask the investor for transfer of funds by the investor to his account.


The client places order via the net by logging on to his Brokers site.

The broker accepts and executes the order and places it with the exchange

The exchange accepts the order after checking the share limit for the day.
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The broker makes the payment either directly via the client bank account or pays through its own account and recovers it later from the client. The exchange receives money and completes the settlement.

The client is intimated about the settlement either through the demat or via e-mail.





Places an order on the net on the brokers website through the distinctive I.D. code Accepts the order, Checks the clients Identity and places the order with the stock exchange Accepts the order after checking the scrip limit of the broker for the day

Executes the order

The settlement of the deal (buy/sell order) gets reflected in his Demat account. The client is intimated about the execution of the deal by e-mail. Pays the broker pending physical

Pays the Exchange though his owns account and receives it Page from the client 33 account. Receives the money and completes the settlement

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Rolling Settlement Cycle :

In a rolling settlement, each trading day is considered as a trading period and trades executed during the day are settled based on the net obligations for the day. At NSE and BSE, trades in rolling settlement are settled on a T+2 basis i.e. on the 2nd working day. For arriving at the settlement day all intervening holidays, which include bank holidays, NSE/BSE holidays, Saturdays and Sundays are excluded. Typically trades taking place on Monday are settled on Wednesday, Tuesday's trades settled on Thursday and so on.

Concept Of Buying Limit

Suppose you have sold some shares on NSE and are trying to figure out that if you can use the money to buy shares on NSE in a different settlement cycle or say on BSE. To simplify things for ICICI Direct customers, we have introduced the concept of Buying Limit (BL). Buying Limit simply tells the customer what is his limit for a given settlement for the desired exchange. Assume that you have enrolled for a ICICI Direct account, which requires 100% of the money required to fund the purchase, be available. Suppose you have Rs 1,00,000 in your Bank A/C and you set aside Rs 50,000 for which you would like to make some purchase. Your Buying Limit is Rs 50,000. Assume that you sell shares worth Rs 1,00,000 on the NSE on Monday. The BL therefore for the NSE at that point of time goes upto Rs 1,50,000. This means you can buy shares upto Rs 1,50,000 on NSE or BSE. If you buy shares worth Rs 75,000 on Tuesday on NSE your BL will naturally reduce to Rs75,000. Hence your BL is simply the amount set aside by you from your bank account and the amount realized from the sale of any shares you have made less any purchases you have made. Your BL of Rs 50,000, which is the amount set aside by you from your Bank account for purchase is available for BSE and NSE. As you have made the sale of shares on NSE for Rs.100000, the BL for NSE & BSE rises to 1,50,000. The amount from sale of shares in NSE will also be available for purchase on BSE. ICICI Direct

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Company Profile
Karvy Consultants Limited was established in 1982 at Hyderabad. It was established by a group of Hyderabad-based practicing Chartered Accountants. At initial stage it was very small in size. It was started with a capital of Rs. 1,50,000 .In starting it was only offering auditing and taxation services. Later, it acts into the Registrar and Share transfer activities and subsequently into financial services and other services like Financial Product Distribution, Investment Advisory Services, Demat Services, Corporate Finance, Insurance etc. All along, Karvys strong work ethics and professional background leveraged with Information Technology enabled it to deliver quality to the individual. A decade of commitment, professional integrity and vision be a sound business synergy. Todays Karvy has access to millions of Indian shareholders, besides companies, banks, financial institutions and regulatory agencies. Over the past one and half decades, Karvy has evolved as a veritable link between industry, finance and people. In January 1998, Karvy became first Depository Participant in Andhra Pradesh. An ISO 9002Company, Karvys commitment to quality and retail reach has made it an Integrated Financial Services Company. Today, company has 230 branch offices in 164 cities all over the India. T he company adds 5new offices every month to the companys ever growing national network in every nook and corner of the country. The company service over 16 million individual investors, 180corporate and handle corporate disbursements that exceed Rs.2500 Crores. helped Karvy achieving a leadership position in its field when it handled largest number of corporate and retail that proved to

WHERE KARVY STAND IN THE MARKET? KARVY is a legendary name in financial services, Karvy credit is defined by its mission to succeed, passion for professionalism, excellent work ethics and customer centric values. Today KARVY is well known as a premier financial services enterprise, offering a broad spectrum of customized services to its clients, both corporate and retail. Services that

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KARVY constantly upgrade and improve are because of companys skill in leveraging technology. Being one of the most techno-savvy organizations around helps company to deliver even more cost effective financial solutions in the shortest possible time. Karvys Mission:

Our mission is to be a leading and preferred service provider to our customers, and we aim to achieve this leadership position by building an innovative, enterprising, and technology driven organization which will set the highest standards of service and business ethics .
Karvys Vision: To be pioneering financial services company. And continue to grow at a healthy pace, year after year, decade after decade. Companys foray into IT-enabled services and internet business has provided an opportunity to explore new frontiers and business solutions.

Our Clients, Our Focus Clients are the reason for our being Personalized service, professional care; pro-activeness are the values that helps KARVY nurture enduring relationships with their clients. Integrity Everything else is secondaryProfessional and personal ethics are Karvys bedrocks. They take pride in building an environment that encourages honesty and opportunity to learn from failures.


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Sub dealer

Main dealer


MF desk

Sub back office person

Tele Sales

Wealth Manager

Wealth Manager

Tele Sales




















Relates to Back Office

RO - Relationship officer SRM - Service Relationship Manager


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The process of the entire working of the SME segment takes place in the following manner: First the data is collected by the ROs, SRMs, Wealth Managers, Main Dealer and the Head himself. This is done at all levels so that the data is collected from all the resources available and is qualitative in terms of conversions. Once the data is acquired or sourced it is given to the Tele Marketing or Sales team. They are expected to achieve a target of 60% through their calls. The main aim of them is to get to the right client and convince him for a meet. Then the Tele callers fix appointments and forward the details of the same to the ROs i.e. the Relationship Officers. Next the ROs visit the client and inform them about the entire products that would cater to the customers needs. His work is not just confined to imparting the information to the client; moreover he has to extract information from the client as well. He has to understand the customers needs, risk taking ability and gives the details to the SRM if the client is prospective.

Then the SRM meets the prospective clients and catering to the need of them gathers information regarding the financial details of client, his past investments, future investment capability etc. and gives it to the Wealth Manager.

The Wealth Manager then designs the portfolio for the client based on his analysis, study and advices from the R&D department and closes the deal.

In the whole process mentioned above, there are 4 back office persons, who assist the segment at all times in various works.

Main Dealer Equity Desk

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Sub Dealer Assistant to Main Dealer MF Research - Research on mutual funds Sub Back office person Responsible for sending reports and MIS

Reports are sent weekly for Equity and Mutual Funds and monthly for futures and options. This whole process is controlled and managed by the Segment Head.


PRODUCTS MUTUAL FUNDS: CONCEPT: A Mutual Fund is a form of collective investment that pools money from many investors, who share common financial goals and invests their money in stocks, bond, short term money market instruments and/or other securities. The income earned through these investments and the capital appreciations realized are shared by its unit holders in proportion to the number of units owned by them. Thus a Mutual Fund is the most suitable investment for the common man as it offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively low cost. The flow chart below describes broadly the working of a mutual fund:

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INDIAN MUTUAL FUND INDUSTRY: The rising Indian mutual funds industry probably never had it better, as far as the entry of individual or retail investors is concerned. The industrys total AUM in December 2006 stood at a hefty Rs 3, 23,597 crore, with a total of 2.79 crore depositor folios, of which 2.31 crore depositor folios had invested in equity schemes. The share of direct investors, on the other hand, has been dropping, stating that more retail investors see mutual funds as a preferred route for investing in the markets. Existing and new market players as well as Exchange Traded Funds are likely to hit the market in the coming months with a flurry of new Mutual Funds schemes. An action packed first quarter of 2007 was forecasted to witness at least 20 new schemes which are waiting on the sidelines to be launched.

PERFORMANCE SNAPSHOT!!! The year 2006 scored high in terms of both returns and volatility. The rising Indian mutual funds industry saw its best, as far as the entry of individual or retail investors is concerned. In 2006, out of the 159 diversified equity funds (includes diversified equity, midcap, and equity tax saving schemes):
20 funds (13%) out-performed the SENSEX

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50 funds (37%) out-performed the Nifty

The best returns generated were up to 58.3% (Tata Infrastructure Fund) and the

worst being a negative 10.6% Infrastructure funds stole the limelight this year with the top three performers being Infrastructure Funds. TOTAL ASSET MANAGED BY VARIOUS FUND HOUSES: The amount of assets managed by AMCs varies every year. Following is the table that depicts the total amount of asset managed by the well known AMCs in India. It also shows the ranking of AMCs for the year 2007, based on the above mentioned parameter. Fund House Reliance MF UTI MF Prudential ICICI HDFC MF Franklin Templeton Birla Sun Life SBI MF DSP Merrill Lynch Tata MF Standard Chartered Kotak Mahindra LIC MF HSBC Principal Figures in Rs Crore Jan 2007 39,020 37,535 34,746 31,425 23,908 21,190 17,552 13,440 13,222 12,746 12,674 12,237 12,140 10,333 Jan 2006 16,702 25,417 22,635 18,591 18,153 13,797 10,839 8,976 8,649 9,480 7,397 6,386 6,288 6,789 Source: AMFI Dec 2006 36,928 38,109 33,305 29,635 23,403 17,054 15,086 13,517 12,177 12,629 12,062 11,599 10,450 10,522

Reliance MF has become the top mutual fund house in the country by adding a very impressive Rs2, 092 crore to assets under management.

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Previous Top Fund House UTI MF declined by Rs574 crore and lost its top position to Reliance MF. Birla Sunlife was the best performer in January 2007 and added Rs4, 136 crore to its assets SBI MF was able to acquire 7th position by an addition of Rs2, 466 crores. Tata MF gained Rs1, 045 crore and able to secure its position in top 10

INSURANCE: CONCEPT: Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a potential loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium. Insurer, in economics, is the company that sells the insurance. Insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount, called the premium, to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage. Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a discrete field of study and practice. Sum Assured: It is the amount of money an insurance policy guarantees to pay before any bonuses are added. Factors included in the calculation of sum assured are:

Date of birth
Gender Duration Health conditions Job profile TYPES OF INSURANCE:

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Types of Insurance

Non Life/ Life Insurance -Term -Whole life -Money back Endowmen t Assurance -Pension Plan -Unit Linked Product (ULIP) General Insurance

-Property -Personal -Lifestyle -Package

Life Insurance:

All policies are not the same. Some give coverage for your lifetime and others cover you for a specific number of years. Following are the different types of life insurances: Whole life Term policy Money pack Endowment Pension plan

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ULIP General Insurance: General insurance typically comprises any insurance that is not determined to be life insurance. It is called property and casualty (P&C) insurance in the U.S. General insurance policies, including automobile, accidents and homeowners policies, provide payments depending on the loss from a particular financial event. Following are the different types of general insurances: Property Personal Lifestyle Package

EQUITIES: CONCEPT: An equity share, commonly referred to as ordinary share, represents the form of fractional ownership in a business venture. Stockholders' equity is often referred to as the book value of the company, and it comes from two main sources. The first and original source is the money that was originally invested in the company, along with any additional investments made thereafter. The second comes from retained earnings that the company is able to accumulate over time through its operations. In most cases, especially when dealing with older companies that have been in business for many years, the retained earnings portion is the largest component.


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(1) Stock specific (2) Market specific The stock-specific factor is related to peoples expectations about the company, its future earnings capacity, financial health and management, level of technology and marketing skills. The market specific factor is influenced by the investors sentiment towards the stock market as a whole. This factor depends on the environment rather than the performance of any particular company. Events favorable to an economy, political or regulatory environment like high economic growth, friendly budget, stable government etc. can fuel euphoria in the investors, resulting in a boom in the market. On the other hand, unfavorable events like war, economic crisis, communal riots, minority government etc. depress the market irrespective of certain companies performing well. However, the effect of market-specific factor is generally short-term. Despite ups and downs, price of a stock in the long run gets stabilized based on the stock specific factors. Therefore, a prudent advice to all investors is to analyze and invest and not speculate in shares. ACQUIRING EQUITY SHARES: There are two methods:

You may subscribe to issues made by corporates in the primary market. In the
primary market, resources are mobilized by the corporates through fresh public issues (IPOs) or through private placements. OR

You may purchase shares from the secondary market. To buy and sell securities you
should approach a SEBI registered trading member (broker) of a recognized stock exchange. The documents required for opening an account with KARVY are:

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PAN card no. Address proof Passport size photos Cheque (initial one time investment amount)


A Bond is a long term contract under which a borrower agrees to make payments of interest and principal, on specific dates, to the holders of the bond.

The organization that sells a bond is known as the issuer. Of course, no one would loan his or her hard-earned money for nothing. The issuer of a bond must pay the investor something extra for the privilege of using his or her money. This "extra" comes in the form of interest payments, which are made at a predetermined rate and schedule Bonds are known as "fixed-income" securities because the amount of income the bond will generate each year is "fixed," or set, when the bond is sold. No matter what happens or who holds the bond, it will generate exactly the same amount of money.

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SLR is the percentage of deposits that has to be invested in certain designated securities. The current SLR is 25%. Also, in SLR Banking system is very important. SLR Bonds constitute of: Government securities/ Gilt/GOI (govt. of India) Bonds SDL( State Development Loans) T- Bills (Treasury Bills) Designated SLR Bonds Non SLR Bonds constitute of: Public sector units bonds like: IRFC (Indian Railway Finance Corporation) Power Finance Corporation NHAI Bank Bonds State Guarantee Bonds

Rating of Bonds: Bonds are rated by various rating agencies on the basis of the balance sheet of the companies, macro economic factors, risk of the bonds. On the basis of these ratings,

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companies set the coupon rate. High quality bonds have the benchmark index and if the quality of the bonds decreases the return increases because of the higher risk. Following is the Bonds Rating starting from the best quality:







Rating Agencies: CRISIL - Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited ICRA - Indian Credit Rating Agency CARE - Credit Analysis and Research Limited MOODYS - (International Agencies) FITCH - (International Agencies)

DERIVATIVES: CONCEPT As the name suggests, derivative is a financial instrument that offers a return based on the return of some other underlying asset. In this sense, its return is derived from another instrument..

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A derivative also has a defined and limited life: A derivative contract initiates on a certain date and terminates on a later date. Often the derivative's payoff is determined and/or made on the expiration date, although that is not always the case. In accordance with the usual rules of law, a derivative contract is an agreement between two parties in which each does something for the other. In other words, no money need change hands up front. Types of Derivatives

Over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives are contracts that are traded (and privately negotiated) directly between two parties, without going through an exchange or other intermediary. Products such as swaps, forward rate agreements, and exotic options are almost always traded in this way. The OTC derivatives market is huge. According to the Bank for International Settlements, the total outstanding notional amount is USD 298 trillion (as of 2005).

Exchange-traded derivatives are those derivatives products that are traded via specialized Derivatives exchanges or other exchanges. A derivatives exchange acts as an intermediary to all related transactions, and takes Initial margin from both sides of the trade to act as a guarantee.

There are 3 kinds of Derivative contracts:

Futures Contract Forward Contract Options Contract

SERVICES- KSBL (KARVY STOCK BROKING LIMITED), offer services that are beyond just a medium for buying and selling stocks and shares. Instead KSBL provide services which are multi dimensional and multi-focused in their scope. There are several advantages in utilizing Karvys Stock Broking services, which are the reasons why it is one of the best in the country.

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Its highly skilled research team, comprising of technical analysts as well as fundamental specialists, secure result-oriented information on market trends, market analysis and market predictions. Crucial information regarding customer individual account balances are given as a constant feedback to them, through daily reports delivered thrice in a day.

The Pre-session Report, where market scenario for the day is predicted. The Mid-session Report, timed to arrive during lunch break, where the market forecast for the rest of the day is given. The Post-session Report, the final report for the day, where the market and the report itself is reviewed.

In addition, the specific industry reports prepared by Karvy Stockbroking Limited give comprehensive information on various industries. They also offer special portfolio analysis packages that provide daily technical advice on scrips for successful portfolio management and provide customized advisory services to help investors make the right financial moves that are specifically suited to their portfolio. These services have increasingly offered customer oriented convenience, which KSBL provides to a spectrum of investors, high-networth or otherwise, with equal dedication and competence. But this is not the final destination and just a pathway to reach there. Over the years KSBL have ensured that the trust of its customers is their biggest returns. Factors such as its success in the Electronic custody business has helped build on its tradition of trust even more. Consequentially its retail client base has expanded very fast. To empower the investor further KSBL have made serious efforts to ensure that their research calls are disseminated systematically to all its stock broking clients through various delivery channels like: e-mails, chat, SMS, phone calls etc. Their foray into commodities broking has been path breaking and KSBL is in the process of converting existing traders in commodities into the more organized mainstream of trading in commodity futures, both as a trading and risk hedging mechanism.

In the future, its focus will be on the emerging businesses and to meet this objective, KSBL

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has enhanced its manpower and revitalized its knowledge base with enhanced focus on Futures and Options as well as the commodities business DIPOSITORY PARTICIPANTS The onset of the technology revolution in financial services Industry saw the emergence of Karvy as an electronic custodian registered with National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL) and Central Securities Depository Ltd (CSDL) in 1998. Karvy has further set standards enabling comfort to the investor by promoting paperless trading across the country and emerged as the Top 3 Depository Participants in the country in terms of customer service. KSBL has established live DPMs (Depository Participant Modules), Internet access to accounts and an easier transaction process in order to offer more convenience to individual and corporate investors. A team of professional and the latest technological expertise allocated exclusively to the demat division including technological enhancements like SPEED-e, makes the response time quick and delivery impeccable. A wide national network makes efficiencies accessible to all.

DISTRIBUTION OF FINANCIAL PRODUCTS The paradigm shift from pure selling to knowledge based selling drives this industry today. With its wide portfolio offerings, Karvy occupies all segments in the retail financial services industry. The team of 1600 highly qualified and dedicated professionals, drawn from the best academic and professional backgrounds is committed to maintaining high levels of client service delivery. This has propelled this wing to grab a position among the top distributors for equity and debt issues with an estimated market share of 15% in terms of applications mobilized, besides being established as the leading procurer in all public issues.


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Karvys retail brand Karvy the Finapolis', deliver advisory services to a cross-section of customers. The service is backed by a team of dedicated and expert professionals with varied experience and background of handling investment portfolios. They are continually engaged in designing the right investment portfolio for each customer according to individual needs and budget considerations with a comprehensive support system that focuses on trading customers' portfolios and providing valuable inputs, monitoring and managing the portfolio through varied technological initiatives. This is made possible by the expertise Karvy has gained in the business over the years. Another venture towards being investor-friendly is the circulation of a monthly magazine called Karvy - the Finapolis'. It covers the latest market news, trends, investment schemes and research-based opinions from experts in various financial fields.

PRIVATE CLIENT GROUP OR CUSTOMIZED PORFOLIO MANAGEMNET SERVICES (CPMS) Extending the expertise in personal financial advisory services, KARVY

STOCKBROKING LIMITED has now launched CPMS, a discretionary portfolio management service for retail investors. This specialized division is set up to cater to the high net worth individuals and institutional clients keeping in mind that they require a different kind of financial planning and management that augments not just existing finances but their life-style as well. Each investor is a client who has unique parameters: Return goals and objectives Time horizon Liquidity constraints A distinctive tax status

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Personal risk tolerances Thus, the primary focus of CPMS is to provide individualized portfolio management services for clients, personalized portfolios designed to fit a specific investors investment parameters. Each portfolio contains individually selected securities, which are not commingled (pooled) with those of other investors, ensuring transparency and flexibility in operations. There is also the benefit of investing in other asset classes to suit clients needs like Mutual Funds, Derivatives, Insurance and even Real Estate. A hard-nosed business approach with the soft touch of dedicated customer care and personalized attention is followed here. A comprehensive and personalized service that encompasses planning and protection of finances, planning of business needs and retirement needs and a host of other services, is provided on a one-to-one basis for this purpose. Karvys research reports have been widely appreciated by this segment, and have proved to be very useful at the same time. The delivery and support modules have been fine tuned by giving the clients access to online portfolio information, constant updates on their portfolios as well as value-added advice on portfolio churning, sector switches etc. The investment recommendations given by research team enjoy a high success rate in the cash market. MARKETING PLAN It started its operations from 1st March 2006. The main driving force behind setting up of this segment was the fact that the SMEs form the largest customer base for AMCs. TARGET MARKET: The main target customers for this segment are: Small and Medium Enterprise High Networth Individuals (HNIs) The Small and Medium Enterprises are contacted through e-mails. KARVY keeps updating its database which consists of contact numbers and e-mail addresses of the Financial Heads of the corporates. Though these it is able to contact the concerned person and send them all

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the details of the products and services which KARVY deals in and are beneficial to them, from time to time. It also plans Company visits occasionally wherein the Senior Relationship Managers visit the companies and gives presentations on the market updates and the best investment options available to the corporates. The High Networth Individuals are also contacted through e-mails and calls. This includes the ones who already have a fair idea of the investment options and investing as well as the new budding investors who have little knowledge.

Marketing in SME Segment:

E-mails HNI


Tele calls

Company Visits

This segment has performed well so far and has contributed in increasing the customer base by retaining the old ones and tapping new ones. MARKETING PROBLEMS :

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The basic problem in marketing for this segment is that though it has a sound customer base it is not taking much efforts or steps to expand it with immediate effects. According to my observation during the tenure of my internship I noticed that the major part of marketing for this segment is from the word of mouth. The satisfied customers refer their peer groups an option to invest with Karvy. SME Segment is able to maintain its customer base but it has scope to increase it. As this is the first segment, not much people are aware of its working.

KARVY serves a vast range of all financial products like advisory services, Mutual funds, Bonds, Insurances etc, so all the companies who offer these services are the competitors of the Karvy. There are many competitors for KARVY on this basis and almost all of them offer the services which Karvy offers. Few Major competitors are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. India bulls Motilal oswal securities IL & FS investsmart Ltd. SSKI Ltd. (Sharekhan) Bonanza securities Kotak Securities CIL Securities Eastern Financiers

To get first hand details about them we visited a few stock broking houses and talked about the financial instruments available with their company, their charges for investments and the documents required by them. Followings are the list of the companies we visited:

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Anand Rathi Securities IL & FS Investsmart JRG Securities Motilal Oswal Securities

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Depends Depends Depends

8 Times 4 Times 7 Days

Depends Depends Depends

2 Times Depends Depends

Depends Depends Depends


Rs. 1 LACS


Rs 25 LACS


Rs 25 LACS

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The scope of the project during the research and study will be focused on the following parameters: To know the customer prefrence towards the Investment Alternatives in money market. To find mechanisms to restore liquidity and orderly functioning to the money market.. To develop recommendations to improve the functioning of the money market and the operation and regulation of funds investing in that market. To determine what type of products the customers deal while doing the online trading. To understand the presence of major online traders in the Indian market and looking about the features provided by them. To find out the important factors which do mostly affect to the customers. To develop a good strategy and process that improves the business of the organization. To be able to compare and analyze the various Financial Products. Business development and revenue generation.

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The basic task of research is to generate accurate information for use in decision making. Research can be defined as the systematic and objective process of gathering, recording and analyzing data for aid in making business decisions. There are basically two techniques adopted for obtaining information: Primary Data. Primary Data is gathered specifically for the project at hand through personal interviews with the accounts officers. Secondary Data Secondary data is previously collected and assembled for some project other than the one at hand. It is gathered and recorded by someone else prior to current needs of the researcher. It is less expensive than the primary data. Secondary data was collected from BSE, NSE, and some stock broking agencies like Bonanza Portfolio ltd., and Religare

Data Collection: Data is collected from secondary sources. Sources of data collection are: 1) www.nseindia.com 2) www.bseindia.com 3) www.on-linetrading.com

For the successful research the manipulation of certain things, concepts, and

Symbols for the purpose of generalization is inevitable. Research is simply the pursuit of truth with the help of the study.

Page 61

Research Design: Non Probability The non probability respondents have been researched by selecting the persons who do the stock trading. Those persons who do not trade in stocks have not been interviewed. Exploratory and Descriptive Research The research is primarily both exploratory and descriptive in nature. The sources of information are both primary and secondary. The secondary data has been taken by referring to various magazines, newspapers, internal sources and internet to get the figures required for the research purposes. The objective of the exploratory research is to gain insights and ideas. The objective of the descriptive research study is typically concerned with determining the frequency with which something occurs. A well structured questionnaire was prepared for the primary research and personal interviews were conducted to collect the responses of the target population.

Sampling Methodology Sampling Technique Initially, a rough draft was prepared a pilot study was done to check the accuracy of the Questionnaire and certain changes were done to prepare the final questionnaire to make it more judgmental. Sampling Unit The respondents who were asked to fill out the. These respondents comprise of the persons dealing in stock trading. The people have been interviewed in the open market, in front of the companies, telephonic interviews and through other sources also. Sampling Size The sample size was restricted to only 100 respondents. Sampling Area The area of the research was Ludhiana. Limitations Of The Study The various limitations of the study are: 1. People were not willing to answer the entire questionnaire due to the less time available to them.

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2. Some respondents might be hesitant to divulge personal and financial information which can affect the validity of all responses. 3. There is lack of awareness among people about investing in stock market. So the people who are aware of such things were found in specific areas for survey purposes. 4. Most people are comfortable with traditional system in small towns and like to trade from their respective brokers, hence not providing a true opinion of theirs. 5. Some of the respondents who did not do online trading were able to respond to only few questions. 6. The survey was done in the some major metro cities and may not truly express the opinion of whole country.

Review of literature
This chapter brings up relevant literature required to find answers and connect to our research questions. First, vital literature about online trading along with key concepts of different terms, drivers of growth and the necessity of its existence will be presented so that it becomes easier to understand the research area. Ecommerce Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or eCommerce, or e-business consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown extraordinarily with widespread Internet usage. The use of commerce is conducted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction's lifecycle, although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well. Background This section is intended to offer sufficient background of the research area that covers the general idea of e-commerce and the position of online trading as one of the major element of each economy.

Page 63

E-commerce and the Position of Online Trading "The buying and selling of information, products and services via computer networks, the computer networks primarily being the Internet. It is streamlining business processes, restructuring whole industries and re-shaping of customer and supplier relationship In order to perform one or more of the business functions Internet based e-commerce systems use World Wide Web based application solutions. In fact electronic commerce is a way of conducting, managing and running business transaction using computer and Internet. Based on the significant power of World Wide Web and global e-commerce, the numbers of internet users' have been rapidly increasing and have widely spread into all aspects of life. It has opened up tremendous business opportunities for its users. The most common use of e-commerce is to replace or enlighten conventional transaction methods and in the last few years a substantial growth of internet-based services being experienced. According to an Therefore, providing a flow trading process and accelerating the transaction settlement can create more motivation for traders to join stock trading exchange likewise cooperate and invest in companies and finally, in this manner, internet creates an opportunity of reaching these goals. Online Trading and Customer Satisfaction Applying conventional trading systems in India leads to many aspects of problems like manipulation, lot's of paperwork, insiders' illegal activities and etc. These problems cause traders' dissatisfaction and the lack of technological foundations creates an inefficient market. Stock market is growing up and the number of traders rapidly increasing, therefore following conventional method in handling and controlling the market, may in turn directs us to lose the potential power of this market in order to integrate the traders' small capital. With no doubt, traders leave the market where there is no appropriate surveillance over the activities because the unsatisfied customer will not take all the risk in stock market. So it is clear that if stock market as a supervision organization could not offer suitable services to the traders, market expansion is meaningless. In other words, it seems that providing and recovering service quality in this market may enhance traders' satisfaction and encourage investing more and more. But how the traders' satisfaction can be measured and how can be proved that, there is a dramatically gap between what traders looking for and what traders receive as a service?

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Different Models for Measuring Service Quality According to literature, service quality dimensions identified by different authors. These dimensions are measured in order to find out the degree of satisfaction in current market and find the relationship between service qualities dimensions which online trading can provide and traders' satisfaction Leading researcher (Berry) identified ten determinant of service quality. There are: reliability, responsiveness, competence, access, courtesy, communication, credibility, security, understanding and tangibles. Communication means keeping customers informed in language they can understand. It also means listening to customers. It may mean that the company has to adjust its language for different customers- increasing the level of sophistication with well- educated customer and speaking simple and plainly with a novice. It involves: explaining the service itself, explaining how much the service will cost and assuring the customer that a problem will be handled. Credibility involves trusts worthiness, believability, honesty; it involves having the customer's best interests at heart. Security is the freedom from danger, risk or doubt. It involves: physical safety, financial security and confidentiality. Understanding the customer means making the effort to understand what the customer's needs are. It includes: learning the customers specific requirements, providing individualized attention and recognizing the regular custom. Tangibles includes the physical evidence of the service: physical facilities, appearance of personnel, tools or equipment used to provide the service, physical representations of the service, such as a plastic credit card or bank statement, other customers in the service facilities

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A number of research workers and others have tried to identify key determinants by which a customer assesses service quality and consequently result in satisfaction or not.

Leading researcher (Parshuraman) came up with five determinants that can be used to measure service quality. This scale named SERVQUAL and has been developed for the service sector. It has five generic dimensions or factors and is stated as follows: 1. Tangibles: Physical facilities, equipment and appearance of personnel. 2. Reliability: Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. 3. Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service. 4. 5. Assurance (including competence, courtesy, credibility and security): Knowledge and Empathy (including access, communication, understanding the customer):.

courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence.

Page 66

ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION Q1:- Are you aware of the Stock Exchange?

Table No.1 Parameters Yes No Stock Market Awareness 36 64

SAMPLE SIZE- 100 Out of which 64 do not have information about stock market and 36 have information about stock market. Figure No.1

According to this survey we found that only 36%of the people were fully aware about the stock market .

Q2:- If Yes, Have you ever traded/invested in the Share Market?

Page 67

Table No.2 Parameters Yes No Trade/Invested 36 0

Figure No.2

It was clear from this survey that 36% of people were trading/investing in the share market. Q3:- If yes which type of trading you will prefer? Table No.3 Parameters Online Offline Types of Trading 19 8

Page 68


Figure No.3

According to this survey we found that 19% of people preferd online trading , 8% of people liked offline trading and 9 % of people were using both types of trading.

Q4:- For how long you have been using onlinetrading ? Table No.4 Parametres (Time Period) 1 Year 2 Years No. of Users 12 10

Page 69

3 Years 4 Years

4 10

Figure No.4

According to this survey we found that 12, 10, 4 &10 % of the people were using online trading for the last one, two, three and four years, respectively.

Q5:- What is your Occupation? Table No.5 Parameters Business Service Professionals Occupation 14 12 10

Page 70

Figure No.5

It was revealed during this survey we found that 14% of people were in, 12% people were doing services and only 10% of the people were professional.

Q6:- How often do you trade? Table No.6 Parameters Daily Weekly Monthly More than 1 month Frequency of Trading 11 8 7 10

Figure No.6

Page 71

According to this survey we found that 11% of the people were engaged in daily trading, 8% were trading weekly, 7% on monthly basis and the 10% traded after more than a month.

Q7:- Are you a professional trader? Table No.7 Parameters yes No Professionals 26 10

Figure No.7

Page 72

According to this survey we found that 26% of people were professional traders and 10 % are ordinary traders.

Q8:- Where do you invest all your Savings?

Table No.8 Parameters Stock market Mutual funds Government securities Insurance Investment Avenues 13 7 4 10

Page 73


Figure No.8

The survey revealed that 13% of people invested in stock market, 7% of people invested in mutual fund, 4%of people invested in government securities, 10% of people invested in insurance & 2% of people invested in others.

Q9:- What amount of money do you invest normally? Table No.9 Parameters 1000 to 50000 50000 to 100000 100000 to 150000 Above 150000 Amount invested 18 12 3 3

Page 74

Figure No.9

According to this survey, 18% of people were investing between RS.1000 to 50000, 12% of people spared funds between RS.50000 to 100000, 3% of people invested between RS.100000 to 150000 and the same percentage of people invested above RS.150000. Q10:- Which media would you prefer making your investment?

Table No.10 Parameters T.V. Newspapers/magazines Peers/friends/colleagues Internet websites Media preference for making investment 14 6 10 6

Page 75

Figure No.10

The survey revealed that 14 % of people followed television as a source of media, 6% of the people used newspapers/magazines, 10%of people followed the advice of peers / friends /groups and 6% of people used internet websites as media for investments. Q11:- Do you feel that there is more transparency in online trading as compared to offline trading?

Table No.11 Parameters Yes No Transparency in online trading 28 8

Page 76

Figure No.11

During this survey 28% of people were of the opinion that there was more transparency in online trading where as 8% of people told that they did not believe in transparency in online trading.

Q12:- Describe your experience with online trading till date?

Table No.12 Parameters Very easy to operate Very difficult to operate Not secure Any other reason Experience with online trading 10 8 12 6

Figure No.12

Page 77

During this survey 10% of people out of their experiences disclosed that online trading is very easy to operate, 8% of people told that it is very difficult to operate, 12 % of people opined that it is not secure and 6 % could not come out with specific comments on online trading.

Q13:- Please specify, which broking house will you prefer for doing trading/investment in share market? (Open Question) Ans:In this people have different opinions about broking houses:

10 people like Karvy, 10 like Master Trust, 15 like Share khan and 1prefer to have Kotak Securities

Page 78

Q14:- Are you satisfied with the services provided by your broking houses?

Table No.13 Parameters Yes No Investors satisfaction 32 4

Figure No.13

Page 79

The survey revealed that 32% of people were satisfied by the services provided by their broking houses and 4% of people were not at all satisfied by the services of their broking houses.

Q15:- If yes then which type of services do you like the most? (open question specify your reasons) Ans:1. less brokerage charges 2. Mobile trading and SMS facilities 3. Online trading 4. Fair dealing 5. Correct information provided by brokering houses 6. Facilities of purchasing shares up to 4 to 8 times in intra day

Page 80

7.Showing loyalty towards customers satisfaction .

Q16:- What shortcomings do you feel in Indian On-line trading? Table No.14 Parameters Lack of awareness among investors Lack of technical expertise Any other reason Shortcomings of online trading 16 16 4

Figure No.14

Page 81

The data collected during survey clearly indicated that 16% of the investors were not aware of online trading, 16% of investors were not having technical expertise and 4% investors could not express their problem

Page 82

FINDINGS Q1:-. Do you aware of the Stock market? Ans:- According to this survey we found that only 36%of the people were fully aware about the stock market.

Q2:-If yes, have you ever traded/invested in the share market?

Ans:- Accord to this s ing urvey we found that 36 of people istrading % /investing in the share m arket.

Q3:- If yes, which type of trading you will prefer? Ans:-. According to this survey we found that 19% of people preferd online trading , 8% of people liked offline trading and 9 % of people were using both types of trading.

Q4:- For how long you have been using on line-trading?

Ans:- According to this survey we found that 12, 10, 4 &10 % of the people
were using online trading for the last one, two, three and four years, respectively.

Q5:- What is your occupation? Ans:- It was revealed during this survey we found that 14% of people were in, 12% people were doing services and only 10% of the people were professionals

Q6:- How often do you trade?

Page 83

Ans:- According to this survey we found that 11% of the people were engaged in daily
trading, 8% were trading weekly, 7% on monthly basis and the 10% traded after more than a month. Q7:- Are you a professional trader?

Ans:- According to this survey we found that 26% of people were professional traders and 10
% are ordinary traders. Q8:- Where do you invest your all savings?

Ans:- The survey revealed that 13% of people invested in stock market, 7% of people
invested in mutual fund, 4% of people invested in government securities, 10% of people invested in insurance & 2% of people invested in others. Q9:- What amount of money do you invest normally?

Ans:- According to this survey, 18% of people were investing between RS.1000 to 50000,
12% of people spared funds between RS.50000 to 100000, 3% of people invested between RS.100000 to 150000 and the same percentage of people invested above RS.15000. Q10:-Which media would you prefer the for making your investment?

Ans:- According to this survey we found that 14 % of people are television as a source of
media for investments, 6%of people are using newspapers/magazines, 10%of people are using peers/friends/groups& 6% of people are using internet websites as media for investments. Q11:- Do you feel that there is more transparency in online share trading as compared to offline trading?

Ans:- During this survey 28% of people were of the opinion that there was more transparency
in online trading where as 8% of people told that they did not believe in transparency in online trading. Q12:- Describe your experience with on-line trading till date?

Ans:- During this survey 10% of people out of their experiences disclosed that online trading
is very easy to operate, 8% of people told that it is very difficult to operate, 12 % of people opined that it is not secure and 6 % could not come out with specific comments on online trading. Q13:- Please Specify, which broking house will you prefer for doing trading/investment in share market? (Open question)

Page 84

Ans:- In this people have different opinions about broking houses i.e. 10 people like KARVY,
10 people like MASTERTRUST, 15 persons like Share Khan, 1 prefer to have kotak securities. Q14:- Are you satisfied with the services provided by your broking houses? Ans:- The survey revealed that 32% of people were satisfied by the services provided by their broking houses and 4% of people were not at all satisfied by the services of their broking houses. Q15:- If yes, then which type of services do you like the most? (Open Question)

Ans:1. less brokerage charges

2. Mobile trading and SMS facilities 3. Online trading 4. Fair dealing 5. Correct information provided by brokering houses 6. facilities of purchasing shares up to 4 to 8 times in intra day 7.Showing loyalty towards customers satisfaction.

Q16. What shortcomings do you feel in Indian On-line trading system?

Ans:- The data collected during survey clearly indicated that 16% of the investors

were not aware of online trading, 16% of investors were not having technical expertise and 4% investors could not express their problem.


Page 85

Every research study has its limitations likewise this research has some limitation. These are: Authors and economists perception is not always static. They frequently change their attitude. This research is based on current economic condition which is not seems to be good. No field study and no making questionnaire. No sufficient time to collect actual data and analysis it. Lack of magazine, journals and primary source of data. No available of current data, charts, graph and comparative analysis data on the websites.

Despite of the training my level best, there were still some limitation in the online trading as well which I think remains there to draw fruitful conclusion. There were some practical problem which come across and could not be properly death with

The advisory services being promised by the brokers would be of little use to

investors looking for an insight into the market. As a client one will access the NSE through a server of the online brokerage and

this may involve queuing delays

If one like to ask his broker "Aaj kya achcha lag raha hai" he may not be able to do

so. If he want advice on a particular stock in his portfolio he may not even be able to get that.


Page 86

After going through all the analysis regarding the stock market in last 2 years, we can say that stock market touched its peak at 21000 but then crashed badly. Now it is revolving around a 14000-16000 figure. Though the SENSEX is a barometer and after seeing such fluctuations one could be afraid of investing. Still we can say that people can play safe by investing the blue-chips and undervalued shares. During year 2006, if we keep aside that brief period of loss that the market witnessed from may 10, 2006 to June 14, 2006, investors wealth seem to have grown double fold with the SENSEX touching the 10000, 11000, 12000, 13000 and 14000 levels in the same calendar year. Investor wealth in terms of market capitalization has been growing in the range of 6.8412.41% And talking about year 2007, we can summarize the happenings of year 2007 as a year which redefined the resistance levels at SENSEX. Strong economic data, heavy inflow of funds from FIIs towards the close of previous calendar year and decent to highly encouraging surge in earnings of top notch companies all pointed to a rosy 2007. The rupee's rise against the US dollar the regulator's decision to restrict investments made through participatory notes, rising crude oil prices, the sub-prime mortgage woes in US, concerns over a slowing down US economy and The Left parties' opposition to the Indo-US nuclear pact, did halt the market's progress at times. But the inherent strength of the Indian economy, fairly buoyant results quarter after quarter, the various chops and subsidies announced by the government and sustained efforts made by the market regulator to keep investor confidence in the system alive kept the momentum going. Presently the hike and seek being played by crude prices, inflation and RBI is affecting our market to a great extent. And adding to the worries are global slowdown, political instability, serial bomb blasts, negative public sentiments etc. It is indeed surprising that though the epicenter of the sub-prime crisis is the US, the tremors are being felt in India. The loss of market cap in the US is only 14 per cent vis--vis 38 per cent in India.

Now the stock market is recovering from slowdown. I would like to bring a couple of things into picture:

Page 87

1. Federal Reserve (US head banking institution, like RBI in India) is looking forward to make more rate cuts (interest rate cuts) in the coming future to ease out the credit crunch that has evoked since this subprime crisis. Its effect would take 6-8 months to reflect in the global economies including markets of India: Derivatives Trading Market, Futures Trading Market, and Commodities Trading Market of India. This reflection in trading and investment sentiment could take some time to happen, but it would be definitely witnessed with an increment in local business, FII investment in India and NRI Investment Services in India. 2. Indian Shares/Stocks market are not performing great in the gone weeks, but institutions still have abundant money on the table to invest; but with the coming rate cuts, the debt market would not look any good to them either (in the US). Commodity prices have risen up real fast, not giving many investors the room or time to switch from equities or debt market into commodities market. All this brings the investors, institutions, banks & hedge funds in the land of uncertainty. They have to rethink their strategy and that is where the emerging markets look attractive to these investors (because these investors would still want to invest their money. US recession doesnt mean people would stop investing for their future, or hedge funds/banks would stop investing/speculating money). Thus bringing such investors to look for good valuations and a very positive side for the Asian stock markets. . 3. Nothing bad is happening in the Asian markets. We look pretty strong, and all this major blood is on the street is a result of short-term panic we are witnessing. The momentum would soon pick up once the US recession worries ease a little with fed pumping in more money (bailout) into the subprime cycle. Thus we would see lot more buy orders coming into demat accounts to buy the Indian stocks. 4. India story has not changed at all. We still believe that our economy has lot of potential with great fuel to shoot up. However we still believe that this is not going to happen in short-term, and we might not see too much purchase orders coming into the Online Dmat Accounts of Indians as well as NRI, PIO or OCIs (non resident Indians). There is a lot of room for expansion in India, and there is huge demand for credit consumption. We are just waiting for the liquidity to pour-in. That liquidity is definitely on the table, but all big institutions are looking for some good indicators, and when this happens we would be crawling back on the curve.

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5. We all believe that the markets are majorly falling due to the US worries that are coming in and not because of the performances exhibited by the Indian corporates. Earning results of the company are expected to be out in April (when companies declare their quarterly/annual performances to the public). Everyone out here expects these numbers to be good, which could thus decide the turn of the market sentiments. Global sentiment is changing from what it was 3-4 months back. With EMBI bond spreads coming off, investor risk appetite is returning. However any further bad news from the US banking sector as well as the swine flu developing into a pandemic could spoil the global equity rally. Despite fears of slowdown and leverage, corporate balance sheets remain healthy. Results for Q4FY09 (Jan - Mar 09) have started off on a good note with private sector banks standing out. Against the backdrop of fears of massive deterioration in asset quality, private sector banks have had a very marginal increase in non performing assets. We continue to see some signs of resilience as auto, cement and FMCG sales continue to show strong growth. Order inflow in the infrastructure sector continues to be robust. Despite fears of a credit crunch, in April, one of the largest power projects, the $ 4 bn, 4000 MW coal fired Sasan Power plant achieved financial closure. The heartening feature of the financial closure was that this was done entirely by local lenders and at SPV levels without any recourse to the parent company clearly indicating the willingness of lenders to fund large scale infrastructure projects.

Internet has introduced a way for consumers to manage their money online. Not to mention, Internet has transformed the way investment companies operate their business and has made it easy for private investors to gain straight access to a range of different markets and online tools that were at one point only reserved by the use of investment professionals. Consumer investing and online trading has dramatically changed over the last decade. Online trading

Page 89

dynamically continues to be redefined. Services have expanded to include integrated management of additional financial accounts. Not to mention, it has subsequently expanded in conjunction with ground-breaking improvements to the traditional trading interface, such as telephone interface systems. Of course, online trading has many pros. There are several wonderful reasons to invest online and consider online trading. 1. Money saving opportunities The amount of money you save depends primarily on the online brokerage firm that you choose. No two firms are the same. There may be different regulations, similar to bank regulations. There are minimum deposits required that must be maintained. As mentioned above, this will depend on the online brokerage firm. 2. Instant online access You can gain instant access to your account, the value of your portfolio updates immediately before your eyes. 3. Enter online trades at anytime You can enter online trades at anytime and from anywhere. This is very convenient if you live in a different time zone than the country you are trading in. Not to mention, it is especially fit for investors with busy schedules. 4. With online trading you are in charge You are in control of your investments. No sales pitches and no hassle. You decide where to invest your money.

www.en.wikipedia.org www.stockinfo.com www.scribd.com

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www.bseindia.com www.nseindia.com www.ccsindia.com

Search Engines:
www.google.com www.yahoo.com www.rediff.com

www.sebi.gov.in www.lse.co.in

Technical analysis of stock & commodities Traders resources Traders tips Business World LSEs Magazine


Fundamental Analysis: A Back-To-The Basics Investment Guide to Selecting Quality Stocks; John C. Ritchie Jr.; Published by Irwin Professional Pub.

Mastering Fundamental Analysis; Michael C. Thomsett; Published by Dearborn Trade. Technical Analysis of Stock Trends - by Robert Davis Edwards, John Magee, WHC Bassetti

Page 91

The New Science of Technical Analysis; Thomas R. Demark; Published by John Wiley & Sons. The Handbook of Technical Analysis; Darrel R. Jobman (Editor); Published by Probus Pub Co. Research Methodologyby C.R. KOTHARI

Questionnaire: Dear respondent,

Page 92

I am student of MBA. I am working on the project entitled On-Line trading. You are requested to fill the questionnaire to enable me to undertake the study on the said Project. Name.. Address . Phone No

1. Do you aware of the Stock market? (a) Yes (b) No

2. If yes, have you ever traded/invested in the share market? (a) Yes (b) No

3. If yes, which type of trading you will prefer? (a) Online trading (c) Both (b) Offline trading

Q4. For how long you have been using on line-trading? (a) 1 year (c) 3 years (b) 2 years (d) 4 years

Page 93

Q5. What is your occupation? (a) Business (c) Professionals (b) Service

Q6. How often do you trade? (a) Daily (c) Monthly (b) Weekly (d) More than one month

Q7. Are you a professional trader? (a) Yes (b) No

Q8. Where do you invest your all savings? (a) Stock Market (c) Govt. Securities (e) Others (b) Mutual Funds (d) Insurance

Q9. What amount of money do you invest normally? (a) 1000 to 50000 (c) 100000 to 150000 (b) 50000 to 100000 (d) Above 150000

Q10. Which media would you prefer the for making your investment?

Page 94

(a) T.V (c) Peers /friends/ colleagues

(b) Newspapers/ magazines (d) Internet websites

Q11. Do you feel that there is more transparency in online share trading as compared to offline trading? (a) Yes (b) No

Q12. Describe your experience with on-line trading till date? (a) Very easy to operate (b) Very difficult to operate (c) Not secure (d) Any other reason

Q13. Please Specify, which broking house will you prefer for doing trading/investment in share market? ( open question)

Q14. Are you satisfied with the services provided by your broking houses? (a) Yes (b) No

Q15. If yes, then which type of services do you like the most? (open question) i. ..

Page 95

ii iii iv v

.. .. .. ..

Q16. What shortcomings do you feel in Indian On-line trading system? (a) Lack of awareness among investors about on-line trading (b) lack of technical expertise (c)Any other

Page 96

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