Summer School For Singers: Italian Nineteenth Century

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Summer School for Opera singers

Bologna, 25th August 5th September 2012

The Italian nineteenth century

Vocal technique, interpretation and repertoire

Dimitra Theodossiou
Raffaella Coletti, Antonella Cordero di Montezemolo, Raffaele Cortesi, Paola del Verme, Franco Fussi, Pietro Genovese, Matteo Pais, Nidia Palacios, Paola Pittaluga, Alessio Pizzech __________________________________________________________________________________________

Call for admission

1. Enrollment The enrolment process for the Summer School for opera singers The Italian nineteenth century: vocal technique, interpretation repertoire is now open at the Scuola dellOpera Italiana in Bologna. 2. Admission Requisites The Summer School is aimed to Italian and non-Italian opera singers, over the age of 18, who have a good theoretical and technical base and proven artistic qualities. Enrolment is open to candidates who are not yet 40 years of age on 01/01/2012. 3. Purpose of the course The aim of the course is the technical and interpretative specialization in the Italian nineteenth century repertoire, with a special focus on the nineteenth century operatic literature. 4. Period and location The Summer School will take place from 25th August to 5th September 2012 for a total duration of 12 days (the only one day off: Friday, 31st August 2012). The classes will take place at the headquarter of the Scuola dellOpera Italiana in Bologna, Via Oberdan n. 24.

Associazione Opera Italiana Via Oberdan, 24 - 40126 Bologna C.F. e P. IVA 02841081207 Tel +39 051 273682 Fax +39 051 2911057 - E-mail:

5. Curriculum
N Subjects Respiratory biomechanics and postural rehabilitation Elements of physiology of the phonatory apparatus Acting technique workshop: being an actor FOR/OF opera singer Lyric agency and carrier launching Tip.

Hours per teacher 3


Professin Surgeon, specialist in respiratory pathophysiology and FKT Surgeon, specialist in otolaryngology and phoniatrics Director Owner of Artists Management lyric agency Surgeon, specialist in psychiatry Reptitur

Pietro Genovese

Franco Fussi

Alessio Pizzech

Raffaella Coletti Antonella Cordero di Montezemolo Matteo Pais

Interpretation psychology Repertoire study(b) Repertoire study(b) Vocal technique and culture: awareness of the issue(c) Vocal technique and culture: awareness of the issue(c)





Raffaele Cortesi




Paola Pittaluga

Opera singer/Singing teacher



Nidia Palacios Paola Pittaluga Nidia Palacios Dimitra Theodossiou

Opera singer/Singing teacher

10 The breathing technique Masterclass: intepretation and repertoire

Opera singer/Singing teacher



Opera singer

Legenda (a) Typology: I = Individual Lessons S = Subgroup Lessons G = Group Lessons (b) Classes in which 2 hours - of 50 minutes each - of individual lesson are guaranteed for every single student. Listening students can be admitted only after students and teachers consent. (c) Classes in which 4 hours - of 50 minutes each - of individual lesson are guaranteed for every single student. Listening students can be admitted only after students and teachers consent.

Vocal Technique classes and Masterclass will be accompanied by reptiturs Paola del Verme, Mensi Manka and Matteo Pais. At the end of the Summer School student deemed appropriate can take part in a public concert. Study material On the application form the candidate must be indicate own study material consisting approximately in five opera arias and an room or sacred aria. The pieces are to be sung strictly in the original language and tone, including the recitative parts, if present, and possibility by heart.

Associazione Opera Italiana Via Oberdan, 24 - 40126 Bologna C.F. e P. IVA 02841081207 Tel +39 051 273682 Fax +39 051 2911057 - E-mail:

6. Number of participants The maximum number of students admitted is 14. Other interested candidates may participate as listening students. 7. Application form and deadline The application form for admission must be filled in exclusively online using the appropriate form published on the reserved aria of the website of the Scuola dellOpera Italiana. To access at the application form, candidates must primarily register himself at the page (click the Get it button on the English page or the Prosegui button on the Italian page use the flags to change language). The system will automatically generate the username and password of the candidates; these credentials will be sent to the email address provided by the applicant. After activating the procedure by clicking on the link indicated in the same email, the candidates can access at the application form by entering the credentials received in the specific fields on the page Applications must enclose the following documents: - a half-length digital photograph, in JPG format - a copy of a current identity document, in JPG or PDF format - a curriculum vitae, in DOC or PDF format - two MP3 files containing one operatic aria each, sung by the candidate Application forms, completed with enclosed documents as above, must be submitted by no later than Sunday 22nd July 2012. 8. Selection of candidates The admission to the Summer School is subjected to the positive assessment of the candidates curriculum vitae and mp3 files by the Schools Direction. Their say shall be absolutely final. The names of the candidates admitted to the Summer School will be published on the Board and on the School's website at, by 25th July 2012. No other notification systems have been envisaged. 9. Accommodation in Bologna In terms of accommodation during the stay in Bologna, candidates will be able to make use of the School's conventions with hotels, which offer particularly advantageous rates (for further information, please contact the Production Office of the School to the following e-mail: ) 10. Enrollment fee The admission to the Summer School shall be subjected to the payment of an enrollment fee of the amount of 1.200,00 (one thousand two hundred euro), to be settled by no later than 13rd July 2012 by bank transfer in favour of Associazione Opera Italiana, Via Oberdan 24, Bologna, ITALY, at the current account held at the Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna, with the following account details: IBAN: IT90 L063 8502 4521 0000 0103 165 Codice BIC: IBSPIT2B

The candidate's name and surname must be indicated in the reason for payment, along with the sentence Enrollment fee - Summer School: The Italian nineteenth century. The receipt of payment of the participation fee must be sent via e-mail at the following e-mail address:

Associazione Opera Italiana Via Oberdan, 24 - 40126 Bologna C.F. e P. IVA 02841081207 Tel +39 051 273682 Fax +39 051 2911057 - E-mail:

For those who participate as listening students, the amount of the enrollment fee is 250,00 (two hundred fifty euro), payable the first day of class. If a candidate withdraws from the Summer School, no monies paid may be returned. 11. Certificates of attendance The Scuola dell'Opera Italiana will issue a certificate of attendance to students that participate in all classes of the Summer School. 12. Exclusive validity of the Call for Selections in Italian This Call for admission is published in Italian and English language. In the event of disputes arising out of the interpretation thereof, only the Italian version shall be considered by the courts. 13. Personal data protection According to Legislative Decree n. 196/2003, the personal data of the candidates will be collected and handled, using electronic retrieval systems, only for the purposes indicated in the information attached to the registration form.

For further information Scuola dellOpera Italiana - Via Oberdan, 24 40126 Bologna, Italy Tel +39 051 273 682 - Fax +39 051 291 1057 E-mail: Open to the public: Mon-Fri 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. & 3 - 6 p.m.

Bologna, 11st April 2012

The Chairman Fabio Mangolini

With the support of

and with the contribution of

Associazione Opera Italiana Via Oberdan, 24 - 40126 Bologna C.F. e P. IVA 02841081207 Tel +39 051 273682 Fax +39 051 2911057 - E-mail:

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