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Welcome to the DHCP Server for Windows What is a DHCP Server?

---------------------A DHCP Server is a protocol server for TCP/IP networks that supplies IP addresses to other computers. DHCP Server for Windows also supports TFTP, DNS and HTTP protocol which makes a nice package for easy and simple to install networks e.g. for remote boot and other purposes. DHCP server runs on all Win32 capable Windows operating systems starting from Windows 95 to Windows 7. Installation -----------The DHCP Server is a portable application and runs from anywhere on your computer. Extract the content of the zip file wherever you like, e.g. D:\dhcpsrv You now find the following files in there: D:\dhcpsrv | |--- dhcpsrv.exe |--- dhcpwiz.exe |--- readme.txt |--- wwwroot | |--- dhcpstyle.xsl | |--- dhcppkgstyle.xsl | |--- favicon.ico | |--- index.html | |--- RJ45_5.jpg | |--- RJ45_52.jpg . . Configuration with dhcpwiz.exe -----------------------------In order to get the software running I'm suggesting to start dhcpwiz.exe first. The dhcpwiz.exe program is a wizard style configuration program for the DHCP server. It will guide you in 5 easy steps through the basic configuration of the software. If you are an advanced user just updating from an earlier version then plesae go straight to the Web site and learn whats new in this version. 1. Welcome to the DHCP configuration wizard. There is not much more to do than to hit the next button. 2. Network interface cards. The DHCP configuration wizard lists all currently identified network interfaces on your computer. It is necessary to select one. This is going to be the interface that will be used by DHCP server. It is a good idea to choose a network interface that by itself is not getting it's IP address from a DHCP server. This would probably cause conflicts. Hit next after interface has been selected.

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the DHCP Server program Configuration program this file Directory with basic web files

3. Supported Protocols. Now you can select which TCP/IP protocols should be activated. I'm suggesting to enable HTTP (Web Server) and hit next. 4. Configuring DHCP for interface. In this step you define the pool of IP addresses. A client will get an IP addresses assigned out of this pool. The default values should be good and lead you to the next step after hitting the next button. 5. Writing the INI file. The final result of the DHCP configuration wizard is an INI file. This file will contain all the configuration options. The filename and path shown here should point to d:\dhcpsrv\dhcpsrv.ini, depending on where you've exctracted the zip file. It is important that the INI file is placed into the same folder as dhcpsrv.exe resides. If that is all ok, then hit the "Write INI file" and the the next button to start the final step of the configuration. 6. DHCP configuration completed. The windows firewall is a great thing to have. But it can be a pain also to get communication server programs working. That is the reason why the wizard gives you at this stage the option to add the dhcp server program to the exception list of the windows firewall. Please hit the configure button and wait for the status to change from "Not configured" to "configured". If you are not running the DHCP configuration wizard with administrator privileges, then you need to do that after you have elevated your rights accordingly by hitting the "Admin..." button. It is now time to start the DHCP server program. The DHCP server can run as a service or as an application. If you want to run it as a service then you can install and start the service here also. Again, non-administrators can do that only after elevation (the "Admin..." button). The status needs to change from "Not installed" to "Running". If you decide not to install DHCP server as a service but wants to run DHCP server as an application, then you can tick the "Run DHCP server immediatly" check box and click finish.

Running dhcpsrv.exe ------------------Once the INI file has been created by the DHCP configuration wizard, it is now time to start the actual DHCP server program. Start the dhcpsrv.exe. If you are running Windows NT or Windows 2000/XP/VISTA/7 then the DHCP server wi ll ask show a dialog box. On all older operating systems (Windows 98, etc..) the DHCP server will go straight into the tray as a tray icon application. The dialog allows you again to operate the service and the firewall.

Check if DHCP server works as expected -------------------------------------Once the DHCP configuration has been performed and DHCP server is started, you p robably want to know whether it actually works. If you have activated the HTTP support a s part

of step3 during the DHCP configuration wizard, then you can use your internet br owser to open the DHCP status web site: This should show the configured and operating connections and also all currently active clients. I assume there aren't any yet. Once a DHCP client is assigned an IP address it will show up after reloading the page. Please visit my web site regularily to check for updates and any further reading . If you have any questions or recommendations: E-Mail me: or visit my WEB page:

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