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What On Earth Is Happening - 001

Truth, Deception, Solipsism (The Biggest Lie), Consciousness, the Human Brain
Mark has given a slide show presentation trying to get down to the root causal factors humanity is experiencing as a species. To strike at the very root of these problem and understand enough about the nature of these problems so that we can go to work on solving them. Ultimately, this is what it is really all about. Many of us have recognized a lot of the problems humanity faces, but not many of us really understand the causal nature of those problems, the absolute root core factors that are contributing to those problems and why we see them manifesting in our shared reality. In order to get down to how these problems work you need enough basic information about the nature of the problem. Once you have that, then you can move on to actually implement solutions. We are going to get to the very heart of the nature of the problems that we encounter as a species and whats really taking place around us in the world. What is true? We have to get down to the fundamental core of what truth actually is, and understand it enough because truth is intricately related to the problem of why we experience suffering in our world. Its completely inter-meshed with that idea. Truth is nothing more than that which is. That which has actually undergone the process of actually occurring in our reality. Nothing more than that. Events actually take place. They play out in our three dimensional space-time reality. That is what we are calling truth. It is not the understanding of the mind of god so to say, or anything extremely esoteric. Simply, events occur. We can understand those events. We can come to an understanding of what is actually taking place both within us and around us. That is the core reason why we experience suffering in the world because we as a whole, as a collective consciousness have really gone off the path of truth. We are engaged in illusion, we are engaged in fantasy, we are engaged in fundamental axioms, belief systems, which we take as true, but are fundamentally not true. When we say attached to these ideas and core axioms, we suffer as a result if they are not in alignment with what actually is. An axiom is a statement or a proposition that is regarded as already having been established. It is taken as true. Something that is accepted, considered self-evident to most people. That could be a real problem if what that person takes as self-evident isnt actually what is. Once you start take ideas to people with what are not in keeping with what they already consider to be true. Its a very difficult barrier to break down between you and the other person you are trying to explain information to. Self-knowledge is what we really need to get down to if we are not to be fooled, if we are not to take deception and falsehood as truth in the world. We have to understand the self and what is going on in human consciousness. The information presented will deal with human consciousness, how it works, what the qualities of consciousness are, how consciousness manifests, how it has an expression through the physiology, the brain, neuroscience to understand how the brain works. That is fundamentally important to understanding what is taking place in the world.

Soren Kierkergaard basically said there are only two ways people are ever fooled. One is they believe that which is not true. They accept something that has no basis in actual reality. They accept ideas or propositions that are not true. The second way people are fooled is that they refuse to accept that which is true and is taking place around them. These are the only two reasons that humanity experiences suffering.

Manipulation and Deception

These go to work on us on a daily basis to pull us away from truth, to get to not see the truth, to get us to not see what is right there in front of our eyes, in plain sight so to speak.

Adolf Hitler made a statement, he said: Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. Think about that. You have a to make a lie big, it has to be about something everyone thinks about, that everyone values in life. It has to be about general concepts that people accept and take into themselves and then base their lives upon.

Hitlers Minister of Propaganda was Joseph Goebbels. He said: The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed. The bigger deceivers make the lie, the more people are likely to accept it into their fundamental makeup.

We need to understand self-knowledge. That is going to be the way out of the mess we are in. Once we recognize the problems, the solution lies in understanding who we really are. They only way you can do that is if you have enough knowledge of yourself, how your own consciousness works, and how to bring that consciousness to a place of balance. This is an inscription that is written on the Oracle at Delphi in Greece, from the Greek mystery traditions, schools of consciousness, people who deeply studied and reflected upon the nature of consciousness and self.

Heed these words, You who wish to probe the depths of nature: If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. If you ignore the wonders of your own house, how do you expect to find other wonders? In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods This statement reflects a fundamental core truth about the nature of reality that we are embedded in. It says if you know yourself, you will know the universe. Moving from the very small to the very large, knowledge about one reflects knowledge about the other. This says something about the nature of our reality. It says that our reality is self-similar across scales. It is fractal in nature. It is holographic in nature. A hologram is an image you can keep breaking apart down into smaller and smaller elements. If you cut it in half, you dont get half the image, you get a whole image at a slightly lower level of resolution, but nonetheless the entire image is present. The universe works the same way. If you understand enough about the constituent elements of the universe, meaning the individual consciousness that comprise it, then you understand about the whole of nature. Why do people not understand this principle? Why do they not know the self? Why are we experiencing the types of problems we are experiencing based on the fact that people do not understand themselves, they do not understand the nature of their own consciousness. Moreover, to go back to the fundamental things people value or accept and how that dictates the quality of their life. If you did this as a social experiment, with 20-30 individuals, and asked them: What are 3 things you value above everything else in life, the 3 things you think are the most critical to your life and quality of your life. You would get a diverse amount of answers, from family, health, money, possessions, religion, etc. You would probably not get back the answer Truth from many people. This is why we are in the mess we are in, as a whole, as a people. People have

lost the idea that truth is valuable. That it means something in relationship to the experience of their lives. That it dictates the quality of that which they experience in their lives. These two things are fundamentally interwoven and cannot be separated from each other. When we are in alignment with what is, with what is true, and we speak the truth and live according to the truth. Natural Law, and Moral Law. Then the quality of our experience proves that we dont suffer. If the nature of our lives varies in accordance with what-is, truth, then we experience suffering in proportion to the amount that we go off the path of truth. That is how it works. That is a fundamental law of nature. Gravity is a law of nature. It does not matter whether you believe in it. If you step off a cliff, you are going to experience the result of what the law of gravity will do to the body, whether you believe in it or not. It is irrelevant whether you believe in natural law, because it is in place, and you are bound by it. You can choose to ignore it, but you will suffer proportionately to the amount that you ignore that law.

The difference between two forms of not knowing. This is primarily why people largely do not understand this. What is the difference between nescience and ignorance? Nescience is a formal term for ignorance or general not knowing. There is a difference between nescience and ignorance. Nescience is not knowing or not understanding something that you wouldnt reasonably be expected to know or understand. Ignorance is deliberately turning aside from something that you can be reasonably expected to know or understand. Hence the word ignorance, ignore, you are deliberately choosing not to look at that which is. It is right in front of you or easily able to be understood and taken in by you with a minimal amount of effort. Humanity in todays world, does not exist in a state of nescience because there is a profound amount of knowledge in the world. There is an unbelievable amount of information out there on every topic imaginable. Book stores are full, there are thousands of documentaries. People are lecturing constantly in all cities at all times. There is so much its almost overkill. And yet there are still people that just dont want to know. They dont want to look at the truth because of how ugly it has become, because of how much we have descended in consciousness and become something humanity probably should never have become and does not need to stay in this state for a moment longer. The knowledge is all around us, its all there. Its a matter of whether we will reach out and take it. Its also a matter of once some of us understand the truth, how much will we be willing to fearlessly take it to others around us? How many of us would be really willing to speak the truth into existence, and really bring it to other people who need to understand it, whether that will be uncomfortable for us or not. It does sometimes create oppositional circumstances between people. Family members can come to an oppositional relationship when it comes to one person trying to bring information that another person may not be necessarily willing to look at.

The Biggest Lie concept

There is one lie that is bigger than any other that is ever told. It is the most dangerous ideology that exists. This is one of the most fundamental ideologies in the Western world. As difficult as it may be for some to believe, this ideology is so prevalent and so insidious, you will find it out there and amongst people you would least expect to hold this general ideology. They are unwilling to accept anything else no matter how much contradictory evidence is brought to their attention. This ideology is called solipsism. Many will be hearing this word for the first time. It is not generally talked about as a philosophy or ideology. This is the biggest lie, the main deception that manipulators really use. They want people to unwittingly and unknowingly accept the philosophy of solipsism, even if it is in the back of their minds. Some people are solipsists and they dont even really know it, they dont understand that it is the ideology they subscribe to. Solipsism is the philosophical notion that ones own mind is really all that exists, and that ones perceptions are equated to reality and truth. Your perceptions are all that there is, the contents of your mind, your perceptions, that is all that exists. If you believe that, you might as well stop reading because there is nothing that anyone can say to swayed you from your course. This is the biggest lie, there is no more dangerous ideology that there is no such things as truth. This is the ideology that is placed out there to dissuade people from ever really going on the journey, from ever stepping onto the spiritual path in life, or the path toward truth. If you can convince someone that there really is no truth, that it is all relative, that it is all based on peoples perception no matter how erroneous from Natural Law principles their perceptions may be. You really have them where you want them to begin manipulating their sense of reality. Lets look at some of the basic tenants of solipsism. In solipsism there is no reality, there are no actual experiences, it is all just one persons perception. In other words, if my mind ceases to exist then the universe ceases to exist. Nothing really exists to a solipsist. It is all just a fleeting thing in between the time limit when someone is born and the time that hey die, and nothing really matters. The second tenant is that even if something exists, if tenant #1 is wrong, and we can prove that something actually exists, well nothing can actually be known about it. So there is no such thing as knowledge. Knowledge does not exist to a solipsist. There is no truth, there is no such thing as the way things are. There is no such thing as knowledge. Even if you could come to an understanding that something exists, you cannot understand anything about it in fullness. The third tenant is that even if something could be known about anything. you take some kind of Natural Law, or some basic principle, a thing or an object, even if you could get to truth about any of those things, you could understand something and actually know any information fully about it, you could never actually communicate it that to any other living being. Knowledge about anything cannot be really communicated to other beings.

This ideology is about as close to the conception of Hell as it gets. Nothing exists, even if something were to exist, you cannot know anything about it. Even if you were to somehow come into knowledge about it, it is impossible to take that knowledge and communicate it to anyone else. This is the lie manipulators really want propagated to other people because that means they will never begin the awakening process. The awakening process takes once initial leap of faith, only one. That leap of faith is that you must initially believe there is truth to be found on the journey. Otherwise, you will never set foot on that path. If you believe there is no such thing as the truth, it doesnt matter about anything else that takes place around you because you will never actually, for yourself, look into anything. If you believe you are not capable of understanding truth, you will never start looking into it yourself. And with the third tenant, that even if you were to understand it, you could never really truly communicate it to anyone else, you will never really begin speaking truth to anyone else. That is why this is the most dangerous and insidious ideology on the face of the earth. Solipsism. Mark works with a group in the Philadelphia area called Truth, Freedom, Prosperity. He attends their meetings. They are truth seekers, people who are trying to turn the tide in the dynamic we are experiencing right now. Mark goes to some of their meetings and sees some people who come out to hear the ideas expressed by groups like this, and hears the notion that there is no such thing as truth. You would think in the truth and freedom movement, why would anyone be out in a meeting for a group called Truth, Freedom, Prosperity if they believed there was no such thing as truth? The idea that perception is reality, is something many people want to propagate and embed in the consciousness people. Perception is not reality. The quality of our experience is dictated by how closely aligned our perceptions are with truth. Our goal in life needs to be to being our perception into harmony with truth, with that which is. So were not constantly engaging in fantasy, were not constantly ignoring what is going on around us, and more importantly we are not ignoring that which is going on within us. That is where this is all being driven from. Mark will not really be talking too much about the highest level of the control element. You wont hear him getting into hatred towards those people who are really up at the highest level of the conspiratorial pyramid. Mark does not hold much bitterness or anger towards those people. In many ways, they are united with themselves in at least a very sick, twisted and dark way. They are beings that as they think, so they feel, and so they act. As twisted as their actions may be, they are still in unity, at least, with themselves. Thats why they are successful at what they do. That is why they have and have had up to this point a largely easy time at manipulating the rest of us. Most of us cannot make that same claim that as we think, so we feel, and so we act, in unison, with no contradiction between those three modalities of consciousness in our lives. Many of us cannot really make that statement. We take actions that we know, in the knowledge we carry and in our emotions, we know and understand that those actions are not what we should be doing. Yet, for whatever reasons or justifications, we take those actions anyway. That is how we get off the path of truth and that again is why we suffer. We really cant bring those three aspects of ourselves into alignment unless we understand enough about ourselves and how we work. Thats why the manipulators of this world are so successful. They understand how

consciousness works. They understand how Natural Law works. They understand how the principles of truth work. They have decided to take that knowledge and use it as a weapon against other people that they wish to control and put under their thumb. If you can take so much knowledge out of general circulation, and hide it, you can occult that knowledge. All the word occult means is hidden. Getting to the meaning of words and how words control people. We are controlled through words more than any other methodology. As an experiment, you can play a word association game with people. Say Occult, and then tell me the first word that comes to your mind when you say that word? 90% of the time the word that will come back in a word association game, is evil. This is what manipulators want you to think of as the meaning for occult. All it is knowledge that has been hidden. It comes from the Latin verb occultare, to hide or to conceal. All it means is that which is hidden from sight. There is no connotation on whether it is for good or evil purposes. What is the difference between understanding and wisdom? What is the difference between knowledge and properly applied knowledge? Many people in the world have much knowledge, they know a lot about what is going on. However, that is only the first step. Having knowledge can be helpful, and having knowledge can be useless. Knowledge is simply information. What matters isnt necessarily having the knowledge, accurate information about what is. What really makes knowledge important is what you do with what you know. Knowledge in itself isnt power. What you do with what you know really imbues knowledge with power. Thats when it becomes actively applied knowledge. That is done through our actions. Once you know, what are you going to do with what you know. Hopefully this information will be an inspiration for some people to really begin using the most powerful device, the most powerful agency, the most powerful force in the known universe, and that is the power of the human voice. The voice is the greatest gift we have ever been given. It can serve a dual purpose because the manipulators of this world are using their voice 24/7, and they are using it for deception and manipulation and the propagation of lies and in particular the biggest lie: there is no truth, dont bother going after, after all you cant know it, you dont have the ability to know and understand what is going on and what is taking place around you. More importantly they want you to identify with not being able to really know what is going on inside of yourself, in your own consciousness. Knowledge properly applied in the world, that is what wisdom is. That is what makes knowledge good or bad. Used for good, to elevate consciousness, or used for evil purposes to spread deception and to keep ignorant and under control. There is no such thing as negative information. One of the worst things we can do is refuse to engage the truth no matter how ugly it is. If we refuse to look at our own shadow, at the darkness that dwells in our own individual consciousness and our own hearts, then we are not going to get very far in the journey we are on and we are not going to get to the heart of the matter. We have to be willing to look into that heart of darkness and be willing to confront it. There is no escape from the situation we have worked ourselves into as a species. The way out is to go through it. Not around it, not under it, not over it, not turning your back and walking in the other direction. It doesnt work like that. The way out is to go through the problems we have created by confronting them. The only way to do that is to look at ones self. The

answer lies in the mirror. This information is about a process of self-examination. The more self-knowledge we have about how we work, and why we fundamentally do the things that we do, and why we fundamentally behave in the ways that we do. Until we have enough information about that, you really arent in a position to start affecting things for the better and moving it towards the solution. There does have to come knowledge first, otherwise, we would be running around like a chicken with its head cut off, not really knowing what is going on, and most importantly not knowing what is going on within us.

What is consciousness? Consciousness is really the solution to the problems that we face. Its the solution for not being deceived anymore. Its the solution for not being externally controlled by other people anymore. Consciousness is the solution to ultimately all the problems we face as a species. If we do not have consciousness we are wandering in the dark, we are wandering in base levels of awareness. You never really know the difference between truth and falsehood if you are at a low vibrational consciousness. Someone can come along with any lie, any made up notion and hold it out there as bait and you will be willing to bite it and buy it. Are we really being sold the lies that we are living according to? Or did we buy them willingly? That is a question we all need to ask ourselves. Were we so hungry for someone to take responsibility for us, for someone to think for us, for someone to solve problems for us, that we were willing to lay aside out personal responsibility and most of all our responsibility to understanding the truth. Were we willing to lay that aside and just say OK, Ill take your solution, all you have to do is put it out there and I accept, Ill buy it. We werent really sold the mess we are in. We bought it hook, line and sinker. The only way to really get out of that modality of being in the world is to raise consciousness. That is what the solution ultimately is. Every problem contains in itself the seed to its own solution. That seed is human consciousness. The definition that Mark uses for consciousness is our ability to recognize patterns that are going on with respect to the events that are taking place around us and inside of us. The internal patters that take place within the body,

within the mind within our feelings. That is what consciousness is about. Being able to recognize patterns and meaning. What do those patterns mean? Not just that they are there, but why are they there? The questions Why needs to be addressed all the time. Why is it like this? Why is this the fundamental nature of this thing, or this problem or this event. Consciousness is our ability to recognize patterns and meaning with respect to the events that are taking place within us and around us. Consciousness can either be raised through knowledge, or manipulated through knowledge. This will be discussed in the information related to occult methodologies for controlling consciousness. By any name you give it, that is mind control. Mind control and its methodologies will be discussed. If someone doesnt understand the methodologies of mind control, they dont really have the tools to understand the ways they may be actively being manipulated by other people who do not have their best intentions at heart. So we have to know the methodologies of mind control. Mind control works on multiple fronts. There are so many different methodologies for mass mind control. There is also trauma based mind control. Mass mind control goes to work on large populations of people based on programming into them the fundamental axioms, the core belief systems that people fundamentally take as true and then act upon as though they are true. That is what mind control is. We have to be aware of how it works. It is a multifaceted set of techniques. It works very powerfully through words. Understanding the words we speak, understanding language, is a huge part of mind control. If you have not heard of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, it is about word choice and speech patterns related to embedding ideas into peoples consciousness so that they act in certain way. This will be discussed. The use of symbolism for mind control will be discussed. It is an archetypal language. It is a language that if we do not understand the building blocks and syntax of, then we are completely vulnerable to its manipulation at a subconscious level. Frequency and the use of colors, the use of shapes and forms, how all of these come together in a cohesive way and are used to influence the thoughts and ultimately used as a mechanism to subvert consciousness and control it. Its more than mind control, its consciousness control. Manipulation and control for the three experiential forms of human consciousness.

The two basic ways consciousness breaks down and manifests There are 2 seemingly opposite qualities, however they are not opposites, they are really unified and dance with each other. They are embraced. They form the quality of the whole of consciousness. There is an internal feminine manifestation and an external masculine manifestation of consciousness. Different spiritual systems have given these different names. In Daoism it is called Yin and Yang. Yin is the internal feminine, passive, intuitive, compassionate, submissive, associated with the right brain. In Kabbalah you have the Paths of Severity and Mercy, Mercy being feminine. Yang is the more dominant, analytical, logical side, the male left brain hemisphere. In Freemasonry there is the Pillar of Jachin (Masculine) and the Pillar of Boaz (Feminine). 62m Yin consciousness is lunar, associated with the moon symbolically. It is a feminine energy because it is indwelling. This is an internal aspect of our consciousness, of our makeup. Its intuitive, a passive element. It is not very active. It is associated with the night. This quality of consciousness is directly related to our emotions. Our emotions are the internal quality of consciousness within us. The Yang consciousness, the male energy, the masculine form of consciousness is solar. It an active quality. It is logical and analytical. It is dominant, aggressive. This energy is all about our actions in the world. How we make our consciousness manifest to others through our actions. As the saying goes: You will know them by their actions.

We have to strive to bring these two qualities into balance and unison with each other within ourselves. We have to become beings that as we feel so we take action. Our actions are not in contradiction or opposition with how we really feel inside. If someone feels something is wrong, not morally justifiable, and they do it anyways, for whatever justification, they are in opposition with themselves. Justifications and excuses do not hold any water at the end of the day. All they are, are justifications and excuses. If we continue to take actions that we believe are not morally justified, that we know deep down inside we should not be doing, then we are in a state of internal opposition with ourselves, with our own consciousness. That is largely why we are experiencing the negative painful situation we are experiencing in the world today. We have to strive to make these two qualities into one within us. There are many different methodologies for doing that. Practical grassroots solutions for affecting real change in our lives, to be discussed later. There is a solution for every problem out there. There is a formula for problem solving. We are striving to find in the solution to this problem. That you can know all you want about the problem, you can learn all you want about the chains you are held in, but ultimately if youre not looking for the way out of those chains, what is the difference how much you know about chains? It is a first step, you do need to understand how the problems manifest, but we ultimately have to strive for solutions. The way we get down to that problem solving is by finding enough information about the ultimate nature, the core nature of the problem. We do not know enough about ourselves, we do not know enough about human consciousness and the way it works. That is a manipulators dream scenario. If you have a person or group of people who do not really understand how they work, they do not really understand how their mind works, they do not understand how their emotional makeup works, then you are in a position to completely manipulate and control their behavior because you know more about the makeup and how they work than they do. Metaphor example: Imagine a psychologist who has studied the human mind and psyche more than anyone. Imagine this is one the most advanced psychologist that has ever lived and has done the most work than anyone ever before. For whatever reason you can make up, he had a friend he started to really despising. The friend did something and now he wants to get back at him. Knowing what the psychologist knows about the mind of a person, how much do you think the psychologist can manipulate this person they dislike? I guarantee he can make life practically a living hell for him. That is part of the nature of the problem were facing in the world today. When looking at the manipulators of the world or the dark of cultists who use their knowledge of how the natural law systems of consciousness work in this world as weapons against people who do not possess this knowledge. That places them in a position to higher ground in terms of warfare. You can look at it like a chess game. Chess requires a lot of different elements coming together someone to be a really excellent chess player. You really have to know the game. You have to know how the pieces move on the chess board, this can be compared to natural law. Natural law is simply how the system we are in does work. Whether we believe it accept it or not there are laws that bind this place, there are laws that we are inextricably bound to and by. If we break them we suffer, if we harmonize with them and we dont suffer. A good chess player understands

how the pieces moves, but also has other qualities. He has knowledge of the opponent. A good chess player has to know who he is sitting down and playing against, he has to know whether they know as much about the game as he does, he has to know about their strategies, and more importantly he has to know what their motivations are, what really drives them. What theyre really thinking. Do you understand what they really want to do? Because if you really do, then you can plan several steps ahead of them. The chess player has to have this certain sense of timing to know when to make certain moves. He has to be willing to do whatever is needed to get the job done, a sense of duty, a call to sacrifice. The chess player sacrifices pieces on the chessboard just as the darker occultist sacrifices human lives to advance an agenda forward in this game that is being played. the manipulators of the world have these qualities, and to a great extent the people they are working against, they are attempting to control, do not have many of these qualities in place. In fact, most people do not even know there is a game being played, and have not even shown up. more people need to show up at the gameboard, and work their way up to a higher position, so that we are not pawns in the game, being played. We cannot let ourselves be played in this game like ponds, we have to become the masters of this game. The Chessmaster is not on the board, he is not on the gameboard floor. The Chessmaster sits down at the table and is seated in a position that grants a higher perspective than that of the gameboard itself. You can look down on gameboard because you are at a higher level. **hermetic pirnciple** This is what we need to become. Sadly most people are the chess pieces on the game board, and most are pawns in the game and dont even know they have strings tied to them. Where they are being told to move is a completely controlled function. The Chessmaster is moving them at his discretion, and at his own personal. Most people never see the strings that have them tied down and they never see that they are pawns in that game, they are wanderers in that checkered board. If you are on it and that is your level of consciousness, you dont know that you are being played and are basically a piece that is being positioned by a master who exists at a level much higher than you. A wanderer, not knowing which square is a bridge between the black and white. From your perspective you can only see one or maybe two squares ahead of you, but you cannot see the whole game, you cannot pull back and see the whole picture. This information can help people pull back see the real bigger picture. not from the box that most of us bring to the table, because most of us do bring boxes to the table and we try to fit everything in. Many of us may want to look at what the truth is, but we strive to fit things into the preconceived ways and notions that we view reality in. The truth does not fit in a box. Anyone trying to fit the truth into a box will be sorely disappointed. Self-knowledge is what we need. We need consciousness. We need the ability to recognize patterns of information. The ability to recognize what is taking place, both within us and in the external reality that we experience and share with others. Consciousness, at its core, has a dual nature of internal feminine qualities and external masculine qualities. How this manifests in each individual, or each individual unit of consciousness, in some mystical traditions it is called the monad, the one that is the expression of the all. There are many monads. Each individual has

their own unique expression of consciousness, even though we are all part of the one unified ocean of consciousness that exists in the universe. There are three expressions of the individual unit of consciousness or being, the monad. Three ways that your consciousness can express itself in the reality that we live in. Three different manifested forms of consciousness, the ways that you make yourself known to other people. These are through your thoughts, emotions, and actions. The thoughts can be looked at as the primary expression of consciousness. They are an emanation. They just are. They are not really masculine nor feminine. there is not an internal or external manifestation. They are an essence. That is a fundamental basis of consciousness, thought activity. You can look at this as the creator aspect. The universe is mental. It is comprised of thought energy. Everything that we experience ultimately had to have been derived at some place in the past as a thought. For instance a fork, someone had to think about needing something to use as an eating instrument and created the fork. The thought had to arise first. Any technology we make, any series of events that we experience, had to exists first as thoughts in the minds of people who made that event occur. The second aspect of consciousness as it manifests in our reality is emotions. Our emotions are the internal aspect of our consciousness. These are the ways that we express ourselves within the body, within our own physical makeup. we express ourselves inside of us through how we feel. This is basically the thoughts coming into the body and then carrying an energy that is then expressed through the physiology, and we feel it in the physiology. This is the sacred feminine quality of our consciousness. This is the Divine mother in this divine Trinity. The emotions are the spirit in which we do things. As in the holy Trinity from Christianity we call this the Holy Spirit. The thoughts, the root, the primary essence of consciousness, that is the creator aspect. The emotions, the internal feminine aspects of consciousness, that is the spirit aspect. so we have the mind, and then we have the spirit, and the third aspect is our actions. What we do with what we know, the thought aspect, and what we carry within us in our emotional makeup, our spirit, both these two things then create a synthesis called our behavior, the actions that we take in the world with relation to others. This is the child of our thoughts and our emotions. Looking at our thoughts as the creator aspect of our consciousness, and emotion as the sacred feminine aspect quality of our consciousness, then we can look at our actions as the Divine Child or the byproduct to other qualities of consciousness that determines what we do and how we interact with others in the world. The actions are again the masculine quality of consciousness, the divine male child. This is the Trinity, the creator father, the Divine mother Holy Spirit, and the divine child. This also gives us the body, mind and spirit connection. We can associate our body with our actions, our mind with thoughts, and our spirit with emotions, the spirit in which we do things. This concept, in different mystical traditions, has been referred to as the Law of Three or the Triune aspect of human consciousness. Triune means three-in-one.

How these three qualities express inside the human physiology. This is critical to understand

how people are manipulated. The human brain is part of the discovery of self.

Many people do not understand what they carry in between their own years. They do not understand the components, they do not understand the makeup of the brain, and understand how it works, they do not understand which different components of the brain give rise to certain qualities of their personalities. This is extremely sad when considering that this is someone who does not realize the most sacred gift they have been given. To understand the human brain is really to understand ourselves and how we are a gifted species simply by possessing a brain of the order and magnitude that we do have. It is critical for our understanding of what is going on in the world to understand what is going on in our brain. We only need to understand the basic structures and functioning of our brain, not necessarily the complex neural processes.

The oldest part of the human brain, and the simplest aspects of the brain are in the lowest height wise, are in the human brain. consider this as the foundation of the house. It is the part that is laid down first. You cannot build something on top of it until you have something there to begin

with. This base-part of the brain is called the R-complex. The letter R stands for reptilian, this is the reptile brain. This is the controller of physical activity, motor skills are controlled by the Rcomplex of the brain. It is the brainstem that connects the spinal column, behind that near the back of the head there is a region called the cerebellum. These two components of the brain governing the motor skills. Without this part of the brain it would not be able to move. You need this part of the brain to do anything in the world. It governs some basic primitive behaviors that we all experienced at some point in our lives. This part of the brain governs fight or flight mechanisms. Given a certain dangerous situation, a decision needs to be made between standing and fighting, or having to flee in order to survive. This part of the brain, the R-complex, is all about survival. Its all about what we need to do to survive in the physical world that we live in. During the fight or flight response, the heart will pump blood quickly away from two areas of the body and toward two other areas of the body. Stress is also a fight or flight response. The Rcomplex sends instructions to the human heart saying to pump blood faster, pump it away from the torso and head. In the torso is all of our vital organs, and in the head is our brain. Why is this done? During times of making a decision about fighting or running away, you do not need blood in these areas of the body. In this situation, these parts of the body are not the top priority. Blood needs to go to the extremities. Youre not going to think about deep higher order conceptual ideas. Youre also not going to do much digestion or any other function of the internal organs related to the processing of food, nutrients, this instance the priority needs to be on either having a lot of blood in your arms because you will need a lot of energy to fight off your attackers. The arms need richly oxygenated blood so that the muscles can become hard and be wielded as weapons. Conversely, if you made the decision to run away, lots of richly oxygenated blood needs to drive the muscles of the legs so that you may flee the situation as fast as possible in order to survive. This mechanism of the brain and body makes sense when you are fending off an attacker, in a dangerous situation. However, in the modern world, where do we see this happening most frequently? We are not in many situations where physically need to make a decision to fight someone or to flee. This mechanism is being activated most frequently when we are engaged in stressful activities, and we are often engaged in stressful activities, particularly in the Western life. This is an advantageous survival adaptation technique in the brain, which has become a detriment in modern society because we are now often remaining in this construct of consciousness, living in the reptile brain for a large portion of the time. We live in the lifestyle of one thing to the next: a hectic busy lifestyle, a job, children, daily activities, traffic, other people, etc. This is what we call stress. In a construct where there is no ability to fight or run away from the situation presented, we are essentially trapped in the reptile brain, as we are not using fight or flight capability and then returning to a normal modality of thought. This does harmful things to the other structures of the brain. The mammal brain, also called the limbic system or mid-brain, governs our emotional makeup, it governs our chemical interactions through which we experience our emotions. This is the sacred feminine, internally felt quality of consciousness. Our emotional makeup is largely directed through, not derived from, the limbic mammal brain. In some occult traditions this is referred to as the middle chamber. without this part of the brain we could feel no emotions. Thinking of reptiles themselves, they do not have a mammalian brain, they act on instinct. They are based in survival, cold bloodedness. You can see mammals become sad and other emotional states, but

such physiological reactions are lacking in reptiles. We share these two aspects of the brain with other animals, but we also have a third part called the human brain. This is the gray matter part of the brain, the telencephalon. The part of the brain where most of the neural activity takes place for human thought is in the outer portion of the telencephalon, called the human neocortex. This part of the brain governs all higher order thinking of an individual. Every quality that makes us human we have as a result of having a highly developed neocortex. The neocortex is bilaterally symmetrical. We have a left brain and the right. The left brain is the male, analytical, logical, scientific, mathematical, the use of words and language. The other side of the human neocortex is called the right brain, the Yin energy, the feminine qualities. The right brain governs intuition, creativity, art and music and all other forms of creative expression, and holistic thought of us all being connected and not separate.

Our brain also has a triune nature. You have the reptile brain, the mammal brain, and the human. We are basically three beings in one, and there is a hierarchy to this, a way information should be processed according to this threefold or triune system, if it is functioning properly. To function properly, this means a balance between the left and right brain hemispheres. This is called global EEG coherence in neuroscience. This means your left and right brain hemispheres are both firing in unison and harmony. The neural and synaptic activity is fully lit up in both hemispheres of the brain. This is a lit up mind, a person who is in balance within themselves, such that they are capable of living in balance with others and their environment. The human brain is designed to be the executive command center of the whole brain complex. It is the part of the brain that deals with higher-order thought. This part of the brain governs reasoning, the way we use our actions in balance with our emotions. If we have a balanced neocortex and not one side dominates the other, then we become the person that is capable of higher-order thought, conceptual thinking, and reasonable behavior meaning behavior that is governed through the ability to reason and recognize patterns and recognize meaning with respect to patterns. This is the greatest gift that our species possesses. There is no more complex object in the known universe than the frontal portions of the human neocortex. It is the most advanced supercomputer that we will probably ever know of or discover. It is the most advanced computer that exists and is the most complex substance that we know. The mammalian midbrain is always sending data upwards to the Neo cortex. The spiritual part of the brain, the feminine part that governs our emotions is always trying to send data upwards to the reasoning functions of the brain, the logical and of political left brain and also the creative, nurturing and intuitive right brain. Then through the Neo cortex, a message is sent back down to the motor centers of the brain, the reptile brain, so that we use our actions governed by reason. This is critical information to understand, let it absorb. If we do not understand how we work, we are completely subject to manipulation and mind control. This is about becoming a being that governs ones self and is not subjected to the control of the mind through other people who are attempting to usurp and control ones mind and behavior. The best way to do this is to understand the basics of neuroscience and basic functions of the human brain. What happens when we are constantly in the reptile brain? What happens when we are imbalanced towards one hemisphere of the human brain or the other?

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