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1 Courtney Wilson Ms. Caruso English 1102 2 April 2012 Final Proposal September 11th, 2001 probably one of the most horrific days in our nations history. Peoples lives were changed that day whether they were in New York that day or had a loved one in the city. No one could have ever predicted this to happen nor could it have been stopped. The book begins with a senior girl in high school that had everything going for her until her father and best friend was killed in this tragic event. To tell the story from a inside point of view would give readers insight as to what it was like for families that lost someone that day. The story begins the day that Hailey; my main character is at softball practice with her team preparing for the state tournament. She receives a full ride scholarship to play softball for her dream school, The University of Tennessee. She has been working for that moment her entire life and it has finally come. Her father was one of the biggest reasons she had achieved her dream. He was her biggest fan and supporter. Little did she know that he would never see her play in a Tennessee uniform. Hailey is left with the decision to either take the scholarship and leave her family behind or turn down that offer and stay with her family. Haileys brother has the hardest time with her decision to move to Tennessee. He feels as though she is being selfish by leaving him and their mom behind. In a time of need they have to get over their differences and turn to each other for support.
Dillon Simpson 4/9/12 10:12 AM Comment [4]: You should give more information on your Historical Significance because it is the focal part of the story. It is the reason that the story is taking place. Dillon Simpson 4/9/12 10:01 AM Comment [3]: Try to not talk about yourself Dillon Simpson 4/9/12 10:01 AM Comment [2]: The probably is throwing me off. Try to be direct with your pitch. You could just say you sentence and just take out probably. Dillon Simpson 4/9/12 9:58 AM Comment [1]: Reviewed by Dillon Simpson

Wilson 2 Her brother, Brayden decides to stay at home and go to the local community college instead of going away to school. He feels obligated now that he is the only man in the house, he has to take care of his mom. He is jealous deep down because his sister is going away and he is stuck at home with his mom. As the story continues though he changes his thoughts and is excited for Hailey because she is following her dreams. He knows that is dad would want her to do that and he wants to be supportive like their dad was. The target audience that I want to appeal to the people that lost a loved one in the September 11th attacks or anyone that has an interest in the events. Those people can really relate and see from the inside what it was like for those people that had to go through those horrific events that day and continuing days after. The genre is a family drama with some historical events in there as well. Most of the story will be set in New York City and a small part at the end of the story will be set on the campus of The University of Tennessee. The book will be successful because there are not that many books out there that talk about families that experienced this event first hand. The book will really interest people because it contains several different emotions that will really pull at Americas heart. The element of loss and tragedy with the death of Haileys dad but she doesnt let that keep her from following her dreams. The idea that she finds hope in a desperate and grim situation will have people routing for her from the start. The book has a unique spin on it because some of the books that give inside perspectives about September 11th, 2001 are from adult point of views. With this story it is from a young girls point of view that most people dont see. Putting this point of view out there will give kids that lost a parent or loved one that day can relate and see that even though it may seem like the end of
Dillon Simpson 4/9/12 10:14 AM Comment [7]: How does the story end? It seems like you need a good conclusion to make the readers happy and finish it good. Dillon Simpson 4/9/12 10:04 AM Comment [6]: Is it possible to relate to a larger crowd to help market the book? Dillon Simpson 4/9/12 10:05 AM Comment [5]: I think it would be better to include some more information on how the story goes about. Perhaps more information on the main characters to really talk about them.

Wilson 3 the world at the time, life goes on. It will teach them that you can find hope and carry on knowing that even though that person is gone there are still with them in spirit.
Dillon Simpson 4/9/12 10:11 AM Comment [8]: Correct MLA format and grammar are used. Nothing is out of place, but as I was reading it I really wanted to know about the characters, not just what was going on in the story like their appearance and other things. She really did a good job by not including too much information about the plot of the story and talked about the other aspects of it.

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