Helps in Dealing With Souls

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Helps In Dealing With Souls By Arthur T.


Many Christians have found themselves utterly helpless in dealing with inquirers. They have not been able to meet the difficulties in the way of some, and as a result, their work has been most discouraging. The following have been found to be most helpful: * Believe that Jesus is able and willing to save NOW! Never send an inquirer away with the instruction, "Keep right on, pray, and you will soon find the Lord." That will send them away in despair, launching them on a sea of which they know nothing. They should be dealt with then and there, and led to Jesus at once. * Deal with inquirers only--not with scoffers or objectors. * Use your own Bible. Mark the passages so that you can turn to them readily. * Depend on the Holy Spirit to make the Word life and power. That is His business, not yours. You use the Word. Depend on Him, not on yourself. * Pray much while dealing with inquirers. Ask God to give you the right passage. He will! * Never argue--arguments never saved a soul--use the Word. * Gently urge immediate decision, immediate surrender to Christ! * Have the inquirer pray before you separate. * Be natural in your manner. Avoid excitement, but be very earnest. * Do not unduly emphasize your experiences. No two are alike --and it may confuse the inquirer. You may tell how you trusted, but do not hold up your conversion as the kind they must expect. What Must I Do To Be Saved? REPENT: Isaiah 55:7 BELIEVE: John 5:24 CONFESS: Romans 10:9,10 I don't know how: Receive (John 1:12); Choose (Joshua 24:15); Trust (Isaiah 26:3). But I don't feel I'm saved: It is faith, not feeling that saves. There is no passage in the Bible that says feeling is essential to salvation. But I am not born again: Show that to be "born again" is a result of faith (1 John 5:1); and that it is by the Word of God (1 Peter 1:23); and that it is God's work. Believing is man's work. How Shall I Know I'm Saved? By the Word (1 John 5:13) By witness of the Spirit (Romans 8:16) By "no condemnation" (Romans 8:1)

By obedience (1 John 2:3-5;John 8:31; John 14:23). By confession (1 John 4:15). Perhaps I haven't saving faith: Remember that faith has to do with God's Word, not with impressions, feelings or emotions. Faith is resting on God's Word; it says, "He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, HATH (not will get it, but HATH) everlasting life" (John 5:24); faith believes that God means what He says. Saving faith is clinging to the object you believe in, and when you rest and stay yourself on Christ, there follows perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). Excuses People Make Many will make excuses, though under conviction. The following may be helpful: I'm good enough: Romans 3:10-23. I can't hold out: Tell them to hold on. God will take care of the holding out (Jude 24; 1 Peter 1:5). Not now: Proverbs 27:1; 29:1. I'm as good as others: Romans 14:12,13. God is too good--I shall not be lost: John 3:36; Mark 16:16. Backsliders: Hosea 14:1-4. In many cases it may be necessary to show inquirers the awfulness of sin (Isaiah 53:6; Deuteronomy 29:18-21; Isaiah 57:20,21; Ezekiel 18:4) and show Christ as the only remedy (Acts 4:12). After you have done your part and they will not yield, leave them with God and His Word. If they give themselves to Jesus, help them with something like this: When in temptation, go to Jesus (1 Corinthians 10:13). Pray much (Matthew 6:6). Confess Him at once (Romans 10:9,10). Many converts are not happy because they neglect to confess Him. Ever watch over them. They are the souls God has given you. Never let them go or cease praying for them.

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