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Threads 2.

0 09/18/08

Threads 2.0 “Are you ready to be Liberated?”

Editorial The Hurricanes of Galveston Texas
-A Note From My Desk
Page One Ike and his very deadly predecessor, the 1900 storm
-Hurricanes of Galveston.
Page Two The deadliest hurricane
-Galveston Continued Named Hurricanes of 2008
to ever hit the United
-Hurricane Photos States crashed into Atlantic, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico
Page Three Galveston Texas in the names:
-Under the Umbrella of afternoon of September Eastern Pacific Names:
Ideology Arthur Alma
8, 1900 with no
Page Four Bertha Boris
-Anarchy In Philadelphia
warning. The storm, Cristobal Cristina
-In the News estimated to be a Dolly Douglas
Category 4 roared onto Edouard Elida
A NOTE FROM MY DESK: the highly populated Fay Fausto
Gustav Hernan
island of over 42,000
Hanna Iselle

hen I move out, people early in the Ike Julio
things will evening. The highest Josephine Karina
hopefully get point in Galveston at Lowell
easier as far as trying to get the time was only 8.7
the things done that I want to feet. With estimated sustained winds of nearly 135 miles per
get done, without worrying hour, the storm pushed ahead of it a 15 foot storm surge onto the
about my parents constantly large flat sand-bar known as Galveston, before Galveston had a
breathing down my neck
sea wall. By the next day when the storm would finally pass, 8,000
people would be dead. Bodies would be littered throughout the
about something stupid.
debris of the once populous city. Rescuers going into the city by
This issue is probably the boat to help with relief efforts had to push bodies out of the way
most difficult one I’ve had to of their boats in order to get to the city.
do since all my free time is
The smell of the deceased bodies could be smelled for miles
severely limited and I’m
around. There were so many bodies that burial was not an option.
running out of energy (and
Many bodies were buried at sea but as the currents brought many
motivation) for this thing. I’d
of the bodies back, a new solution was thought of, and the bodies
like to keep it going, but I’m were burnt instead along with the piles of debris.
not sure if that will be
possible. Galveston learned a lot from this storm and built a seawall to help
protect the city, the entire island was also raised up to 17 feet
I hope you enjoy this issue; I
using sand that had been dredged. The raising of the island also
spent several late nights included the raising of over 2,100 of the surviving buildings,
trying to get this one just including a 3,100 St. Patrick's Church. These changes greatly
right. Maybe I failed. helped Galveston, because in 1915, a storm of about the same
magnitude would hit Galveston again this time only 53 people on
the island lost their lives, which was a great improvement.
Threads 2.0 09/18/08

Less than a week ago, Galveston was once surge that could wipe out the island, similar to
again hit with a large storm, Ike. Hurricane Ike the storm surge that came with the 1900 storm.
caused extensive damage to the small island,
highly reminiscent of the photos from the 1900 Hurricane Ike caused nearly $22 Billion in
hurricane. Ike however was a slightly weaker damages as it went through Galveston, then
storm than the 1900 storm, roaring in at a onto Houston. One key difference between Ike
strong category 2 storm which had sustained and the 1900 storm is that Ike lost a lot of its
winds at 105 miles per hour. Before the storm energy as it moved through Texas, the 1900
reached Galveston, the National Weather storm continued its path of destruction through
Service stated that if residents did not evacuate the United States having sustained winds of 40
from the island, they would face "certain miles per hour as it went through the Great
death". Due to the large size of the storm, Lake states, and having sustained winds of 60
almost as large as the Gulf of Mexico itself, the miles per hour as it continued through New
National Weather Service feared that the storm York before finally dissipating.
could be bringing with it nearly a 22 foot storm

Black and
white photos
from the 1900
color photos
Hurricane Ike

In the top
right photo;
the bodies of
those who
died in the
1900 storm.
Threads 2.0 09/18/08

OPINION "outsiders don't know" or the ideology has

crippled them in a way that they can no longer
see beyond the parameters of the strict
Under the Umbrella of Ideology guidelines of the ideology.

By: Chadwick Heller An ideology can be introduced to a person

without that person realizing it. Cults use their
The only thing more devastating than the effects own form of ideology in order to draw in and
of guns and bombs, I've always believed, is the retain members. Often times an ideology begins
destructive force of an ideology. An ideology is with a lure, "see how bad this world is, we can
how a group of people view the world and their make it better", or "see how hard your life is, we
ideal concept of how to live in that world - and can make it easier". The lure doesn't have to be
ideology is often political, but not necessarily. vocalized necessarily, especially when the
The problem with ideology occurs when those ideology is so ingrained into the culture at large
groups of people feel that they must go out and that no matter what a person does they are
create that ideal world they envision, and they go constantly being influenced by the ideology.
about it by removing what they feel to be un-
ideal. Although there are a few forms of ideologies that
aren't necessarily dangerous,
Dangerous ideologies can these "less dangerous" forms
manifest themselves in still have their social
numerous ways through implications. Capitalism,
business, politics, and often Democracy, Liberty and Free
times religion. The four Enterprise are all ideologies,
generally accepted and so is the idea of being
characteristics of an ideology, American. On the surface
as laid out by Willard A. these all seem alright, but
Mullins are that in order for what have we done in the
something to be an ideology: name of "Capitalism",
"Democracy", "Liberty", "Free
1. It must have power over Enterprise" and "being an
cognitions; American" in order to 'protect' these ideas from
2. It must be capable of guiding one's the attacks of evil 'outsiders'?
3. It must provide guidance towards action; Often times there can be a person (or persons)
4. And it must be logically coherent. above an ideology that uses the ideology in order
to blind the people. This ideological blindness is
An ideology can change a person's way of done in order for the leader (or leaders) at the
thinking because what it does is it changes a top to take advantage, and sometimes use the
person’s worldview. When a person is told over people buried in the shroud of the ideology for
and over again "they are the enemy" or "they are their own gain. A good example, many Germans,
no more important than animals" because "they and some soldiers even, were not aware of the
don't believe the way we do", these words begin atrocities being committed by the Nazi party,
to change the way a person is. Radical Islamic sometimes in their own back yard, even though
groups at present are notorious for this type of the ideology was full of anti-Semitism.
behavior, getting children to believe that to have
an honorable death is to become a suicide The unfortunate reality is that it is nearly
bomber for Allah. impossible to completely free oneself from the
umbrella of an ideology; however it is important
Ideologies often "teaches" people how to to recognize that umbrella is there. Continuing
differentiate the "us" from the "them", and in with the umbrella metaphor, it is OK to actually
doing so either directs that the "us" stay away shake the hand holding up that ideology and see
from, convert the, or destroy the "them". The what that umbrella is protecting or hiding you
people under the influence of an ideology can from - perhaps it’s not raining like they've been
often times believe it so strongly, they will refuse saying, instead the sun is out.
to see the other side of any issue, either because
Threads 2.0 09/18/08

Anarchy In Philadelphia IN THE NEWS

By: Chadwick Heller

Looking to buy a cookbook – yes, that cookbook, well in • Google to release a cell phone to compete
the heart of Philadelphia there is just the place where you with iPhone
can get that, along with thousands of other books and • AIG asks for bail out from Government and
publications that strive for a society free of a dominating
lends AIG $85 Billion.
o The money used was the money
Less than a block off of Philadelphia's busiest street sits a from American tax payers
small non-profit bookstore that goes by the name Wooden o The Federal Government had to
Shoe Books and Records and is run by a collective of
volunteers. Wooden Shoe Books and Records is the hub of print more money for the loan
the Anarchist movement in Philadelphia and carries a wide o This will inevitably cause inflation
selection of books, 'zines, music, pamphlets and t-shirts • Piracy is a big concern on the Red Sea and
that share in the belief that a community can self govern
Indian Ocean
and sustain itself without any outside domination.
• Supreme Court’s Global Influence Waning
The bookstore has existed, at one place or another, for • Wisconsin woman stole daughters identity
nearly 30 years. In 1997 the store burned down, but the
to attend High School and join cheerleading
collective of about 35 staffers sought out a new location
for the book store and resurrected it from its ashes. squad
• US shoppers expected to cut back on
When the bookstore was restored, so was its reputation shopping this upcoming holiday season
for being the center for social movements in the
Philadelphia area. The book store sponsors many events, • Texas still cleaning up after Hurricane Ike
from concerts to speeches, including an appearance by o Crews from 31 states go to Texas
Howard Zinn. to help restore power
The bookstore gets it name from an old image of workers
• WaMu (Washington Mutual) loses 94% of
control when French peasants, tired from a long days work its stock
would throw their wooden shoes (because they were too • Bill Gates tops US wealth list 15 years in a
poor to buy leather shoes) into the gears of the factory
machines. The bookstore was originally founded by
socialists. • Housing Construction drops 6.2% this year.

Some people can't resist the lure of books. Some enjoy to

read them, some enjoy them for aesthetic reasons, but then
there are still others who go beyond just enjoying books, but
are in fact addicted to them. There are three levels of book
enthusiasts, each with their own characteristics. Suggestions?
Book addiction, also known as "bibliomania" is a person who
must have books for no other reason than to just have them.
This is an obsession that can be similar to book collecting, and
is considered a legitimate extension of Obsessive Compulsive Send them to:

People who like books for aesthetic reasons such as the books C.HELLER.RUN@GMAIL.COM
look, texture, volume or other elements of its general
appearance are what is known as "bibliophiles". These people
generally don't read books, as much as they just collect them Thank you.
to essentially look at them.

The third classes of book enthusiasts are often referred to as

[All stories written by me
"bookworms", people who enjoy reading - a lot. These people (Chadwick Heller) – pictures
do not necessarily own a multitude of books, but they do, “borrowed” from online.]
however spend much of their free time buried in one.

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