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Abstract This article Provides a summary of the results of a remarkable MOST research project With The aim of Analysing

the process of Educational integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning practices of four primary and secondary schools in the Canary Islands. The research team has Planned and Developed ethnographic methodologies in a longitudinal study Which Has Been Performed, over two years, With Participating schools in the Medusa Project (a Government Educational project to Provide digital technology to all schools, and to train teachers for ICT Educational use, in the Canary Islands). We selected four schools (three of Early Childhood and Elementary Education and one of SecondaryEducation). Data collection-through Different Qualitative WAS Conducted Techniques: interviews (with the management team, the ICT coordinator of the center and the teaching staff), via classroom observations, and by Conducting focus groups with students. The research team have tried to Identify the Most Important effects of the Medusa Project, and Specially, of ICT regarding Organisation innovation in school, teaching in the classroom, in the student learning environment and in the professional practice of teachers. The results are similar to Broadly Conducted studies in other international contexts. The Findings Indicate That an organizational Some Changes incorporated ICT Both at center and classroom level, but not Necessarily pedagogical innovation in teaching practices. Also, the figure of the teacher and ICT coordinator is an Important catalyst in the process of using digital Manner in a pedagogical technologies in every school.

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Journal of Education, 352. May-August 2010, p. 77-97 Date of entry: 10-06-2009 Date of acceptance: 05-11-2009 77 The process of integration and pedagogical use of ICT in schools. A case study 1 The process of integration and the pedagogical use of ICT in schools. Case studies Manuel Moreira Area University of La Laguna. Faculty of Education. Department of Teaching and Educational Research. Tenerife, Spain. Summary This article gives an overview of the most remarkable results of a research project tion with which we have tried to analyze the pedagogical integration of technologies information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching practices and learning education centers nursery, primary and secondary Islands. So we've planned a research methodogy in which ethnographic conducted a longitudinal study over two years, schools Project participants Medusa (Canarian Government project aimed at providing technology digital to all schools of the archipelago and train teachers for educational use). We selected four schools (three elementary and primary education, and an Education Secondary). Data collection was performed through different qualitative techniques: interviews to the management team, ICT co-ordinators from the center, teachers Through class observations, and by conducting focus groups with students. (1) Research funded by DG Research of the Canary Islands Government (call 2005), and the Project: "The integration and use of ICT in schools in the Canaries. Case Studies, "Plan National R & D of MEC (SEJ2006-12435-C05-04/EDUC).
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Area Moreira, M. and he process of integration and pedagogical use of tic in schools . Or No case study Journal of Education, 352. May-August 2010, p. 77-97 Date of entry: 10-06-2009 Date of acceptance: 05-11-2009 78 By analyzing the data we have tried to identify the most significant effects the Medusa Project, and specifically, new technologies generated at each center in relation innovations that occur in the area of school organization center in the field of classroom teaching in the area of student learning and teaching professional in the field. The results are broadly similar to studies in other contexts international. The conclusions indicate that ICTs both organizational changes center level and classroom, but not necessarily educational innovation in teaching practices. The professor also ICT coordinator is an important catalyst in the process of pedagogical use of digital technologies in each school. Keywords: educational innovation, Information Technology and Communication Technology education, computers and education, basic education, technology and education. Abstract This article Provides a summary of the results of a remarkable MOST research project With The aim of Analysing the process of Educational integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning practices of four primary and secondary schools in the Canary Islands. The research team has Planned and Developed ethnographic methodologies in a longitudinal study Which Has Been Performed, over two years, With Participating schools in the Medusa Project (a Government Educational project to Provide digital technology to all schools, and to train teachers for ICT Educational use, in the Canary Islands). We selected four schools (three of Early Childhood and Elementary

Education and one of SecondaryEducation). Data collection-through Different Qualitative WAS Conducted Techniques: interviews (with the management team, the ICT coordinator of the center and the teaching staff), via classroom observations, and by Conducting focus groups with students. The research team have tried to Identify the Most Important effects of the Medusa Project, and Specially, of ICT regarding Organisation innovation in school, teaching in the classroom, in the student learning environment and in the professional practice of teachers. The results are similar to Broadly Conducted studies in other international contexts. The Findings Indicate That an organizational Some Changes incorporated ICT Both at center and classroom level, but not Necessarily pedagogical innovation in teaching practices. Also, the figure of the teacher and ICT coordinator is an Important catalyst in the process of using digital Manner in a pedagogical technologies in every school. Key words: educational innovation, Information and Communication Technologies, educational technology, computers and education, basic education, instruction and technology
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Area Moreira, M. and he process of integration and pedagogical use of tic in schools . Or No case study Journal of Education, 352. May-August 2010, p. 77-97 Date of entry: 10-06-2009 Date of acceptance: 05-11-2009 79 Introduction What happens when they get the computers to schools? Does the technology generates changes and innovations in teaching methodology, in the activities in the classrooms on student learning? Does a school availability of sufficient ininfrastructure and technological resources change, and in what sense, modes of organization and forms of teachers' work? Guided by these initial questions, we have planning

do ethnographic research and developed, over two years, in various centers schools participating in Project Medusa (Canarian Government project aimed digital technologies to provide all schools in the archipelago and train teachers for educational use). With the case studies we sought to identify the most remarkable effects of information technologies and communication generated each center in relation to: Innovations in the "field of school organization" of the center (location of equipamientos, ways of sharing, coordination). Innovations in the "field of education" in the classroom (content being taught, activities, methodological innovations and evaluation). Innovations in the "area of student learning" (analysis of processes learning, changes in motivation and attitudes toward education, interaction between students and teacher). Innovations in the "teacher professional field" (training, collaborative work among teachers). This article is structured into five parts. In the first stage, fundamental retical line that supports the study and the research question posed. For this we reviewed the main lines of research on this problem providing a synthesis of knowledge regarding leading practices educational use of ICT in school settings. In the second describes the educational context tive in which education policy is part of the processes of incorporation and use of ICT in schools in the Canary Islands in recent years developed a special Medusa Project Care. In the third research design offer made dando realize the objectives, instruments and methodological strategies employed. In the fourth section presents the general results derived from cross-analysis of studies case and classified around the four dimensions of the study-that is, realizing
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Area Moreira, M. and he process of integration and pedagogical use of tic in schools . Or No case study Journal of Education, 352. May-August 2010, p. 77-97 Date of entry: 10-06-2009 Date of acceptance: 05-11-2009 80

the impact of ICT in relation to school organization from the center, classroom practice, to teacher professionalism, and learning and student involvement. Ends this article with some conclusions about the impact of Medusa Project, as governmental project mental in the organization of schools and the generation of educational innovation teaching practices and on the potential and limitations of such studies. Antecedentes.Investigaciones on the integration and use of ICT in the school system The study, analysis and evaluation of the impact of the so-called technology information and communication technologies (ICTs) on teaching and pedagogical innovation schools is a problem area that is being given significant attention in the educational research in recent years (Area, 2005, 2006). For a decade, the international context, have published several studies that have attempted to systematize or identify the "state of the art" on the factors and processes of integration and school use of digital technologies (Cuban, 2001; Pelgrum, 2001, Zhao et al, 2002; BECTA, 2004; European Commision, 2006, Drent and Meelissen, 2008). In such reviews has been on evidence that the process of use and integration of computers in schools is a complex process, subject to many stresses and strains from multiple inssubstances (of a political, business, social, educational) so that problems and research methods have evolved from the concern of learning invidual with computers in specific learning situations using methodologies experimental studies to more longitudinal and qualitative techniques for the case study in real teaching context. In this regard Mcmillan, Hawkings and Honey (1999) claim that the first studies in the sixties and seventies were concerned for the distribution and uses of computers in schools and the results obtained students when working with these machines. The interest was preferably measure whether the computers were more effective than other means of performance. However, mid-eighties the situation changed rapidly with the arrival of materials innovative electronic. "They began to understand the effects of technology on the teaching and learning could only be understood if analyzed as part of the interaction of multiple factors in the complex world of schools "(Macmillan, K. et al., 1999, p. 1).
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Area Moreira, M. and he process of integration and pedagogical use of tic in schools

. Or No case study Journal of Education, 352. May-August 2010, p. 77-97 Date of entry: 10-06-2009 Date of acceptance: 05-11-2009 81 In this regard we suggest that in the international academic community, coWe started to have a lot of empirical evidence obtained by studies various countries and various methodologies. We have quantitative data regarding ratios availability of resources, teacher attitudes, ways of use in contexts school, experience more or less successful from a viewpoint of innovation pedaggica ... However, we lack a sufficiently systematic body of theory that explain all phenomena and factors associated not only with the spread of Large-scale ICT in school systems, but also to explain or conceptualize how generated processes of innovation and educational improvement in working with computers schools and classrooms. That is, we have much empirical data on ICT in schools, but we need to build a theory on this particular phenomenon of school reality allows us to understand what happens when computers come into the schools, the causes of faculty resistance to integrating these technologies into their teaching, or how successfully implement integration strategies of ICT school in a given national or regional context. This body of work, studies, surveys, evaluation reports developed the last decade could be classified into four types (Area, 2005): Studies on quantitative indicators to describe and measure the situation of penetration and use of computers in school systems through ratios or specific scores of a number of dimensions. Studies on the effects of computers on learning performance and students. Studies on the views, opinions and attitudes of educators external (administrators, supervisors, support teams) and teachers to the use and integration of technology in classrooms and schools. Studies on the practices of using computers in schools and classrooms developed in real contexts.
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Area Moreira, M. and he process of integration and pedagogical use of tic

in school

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