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Threads 2.

3 10/23/08

Threads 2.3 “Mediocrity kills”

Contents A world beyond fuel

-A Note From My Desk There is no question that
Page One there is a dependency on
- A world beyond fuel fuel in the world. Although
Page Two gasoline prices have
-A world beyond fuel cont’d
recently been going down, some automobile
Above: The companies
Magnetic Air Car, Below: the Seatare
-The dark side of financial
making a push to eliminate Brisa

Page Three the use of the fossil fuel

-Dark side continued altogether using
-Dear Atlas renewable resources is on
Page Four the rise.
-The new space race
-In the news As large auto retailers
focus on manufacturing
A NOTE FROM MY DESK: hybrid and electric
powered cars, smaller

fter last week’s work
companies around the world are thinking out side of the standard
putting together 2.2, I
have decided that for
alternative fuels. Pretty soon, the same elements that humans
now, eight pages will be the
require to live will also power our vehicles.
exception and not the rule for
Threads. So I am reverting back Magnetic Air Cars Inc, a company based in San Jose, California is
to the standard four pages for currently developing a car that will be the first fuel-less car.
this issue. Although the exact technology behind the cars is not known, the
car will have a battery made up of "an electrolyte of silicon [that]
I personally would like my uses chemosynthesis to deliver a more environmentally friendly,
readers to feel as if they’ve high-capacity, quick-charging, [with a] 10-year life."
learned something with each
issue. But I really do encourage The car however will be powered using magnetic technology and
feedback, because without it, I compressed air. The air will be channeled through the engine,
don’t know if I’m doing according to, and the resulting air flow
something wrong.
will be [through an unknown process] converted to torque which
This issue I fear will just make
will power the axis and move the car. This process will be powered
deadline as I am simultaneously by the battery.
working on the reformatting of
Threads 2.4, so the next issue A car running on air is not a new idea however, the first air car that
will look a bit different. I’ve was conceptualized can be traced all the way back to the 1890's
decided to start with small with General Herman Haupt who seen Robert Hardie's air
changes, and focus on the larger powered locomotives that would run on the streets of New York
ones later. City and believed the same would work for cars.

But that is all for now, as always, In 1937 the first U.S. Patent (#2,030,759) was made for an air
this one is for you… Enjoy. powered engine. Bob Neal, a shoemaker from Arkadelphia
Threads 2.3 10/23/08

Beyond fuel Continued "This concept has been going nowhere for the last 10
Arkansas created the engine which worked using a series years, they make promises that are never kept. They prey
of high and low pressure valves. Neal had to fly his upon investors fantasies of owning an auto factory. Their
invention to the Patent office in order to prove that his business plan itself is flawed, but it is flawed for a reason,"
engine really worked and wasn't another perpetual motion said one commenter on the Popular Mechanics website. "
machine. The car has never traveled more than a few miles in tests,
but they are always claiming to be ready to go to
But the first working Air Car was built by Bill Truitt in 1920. production. If you take all of the information and videos
Although the initial design wasn't perfect, by the 1970's he ever disseminated by these "inventors" you will see many
had corrected his earlier mistakes and gave the rights to contradictory statements, and reasoning that defies logic,
his vehicle to NASA and the Army. Truitt released all but and performance claims that defy the natural laws of the
two aspects of his design in a disclosure, these two universe. Compressed air is a very low energy content
"aspects" of his design he kept confidential. storage medium, the size of the air tank claimed for the
car will never move the car the distances claimed."
In the 21st century however, a car powered by
compressed air still has not been successfully developed. Despite the criticism, several companies like Magnetic Air
India car maker Tata Motors was set to be release the first Cars Inc still push forward with their ideas. Another car
air powered car, called the Air Car in India this year, but it company however is developing a car that runs exclusively
hasn't happened yet. on solar energy.

"The Air Car still requires nearly two years of work, to The three wheeled Seat Brisa has an exoskeleton made
refine its technology." said Tata Motors corporate out of solar panels which is converted to energy to propel
communications leader in January of this year. the car. The car was designed exclusively for leisure driving
and in the event the sun weren't out, the Seat Brisa does
But there is a lot of skepticism behind cars powered by air. have a back up source of energy; a battery that can be
Numerous people find the concept of a car that runs on air charged beforehand.
unlikely, and perhaps even a scam.

1981 Cadilac Eldorado, shut all the windows and doors and
The Dark side of the financial Crisis let the carbon monoxide kill them and their four golden
The financial crisis that is sweeping the nation and the
world is having a horrific effect on many people. Financial
In Bay City, Michigan, David and Sharron Hetzel, both 56
troubles are causing many people to feel they have no
lost their home due to foreclosure. David sent a letter of
where to go to get out of the situation that they are in,
apology out to his family then later in the evening hit
and many across the country are resorting to desperate
Sharron who was sleeping, over the head with a golf club
measures, including suicide.
then stabbed her numerous times with a kitchen knife.
David then proceeded to start parts of his home on fire
On October 6, in a small gated community called Sorrento
and laid down next to his wife and killed himself.
Pointe in Los Angeles California, an unemployed man,
facing mounting financial issues shot and killed his wife,
And in Ohio, 90 year old widow Addie Polk shot herself in
his three sons ages 19, 12 and 7, his mother-in-law then
the chest as she was about to get evicted from the place
shot himself. The man had an advanced finance degree
she called home for the past 38 years. Polk is currently
and had recently lost his job at Pricewaterhouse Coopers
being treated in the hospital. She was losing her home
and Sony Pictures. They family had lived in the home for a
after falling prey to a lending company.
year but they did not own it.
Stories similar to these have been making head line news
In Taunton Massachusetts, 53 year old Carlene Balderrama
all across the country. The Suicide and Crisis Center of
faxed a short note to her insurance company that was
North Texas experiences 400 calls a day, a majority of
about to put her home up for auction. The note read; "by
them of people facing foreclosures, mounting debt and job
the time you foreclose on my house, I'll be dead."
loss. With no other way to turn, many desperate people
Balderrama's body was found by the police after getting
are making calls to local suicide hotlines for support. The
notified by the insurance company of the note. She had
Samaritans of New York have seen calls rise over 16
fatally shot herself with her husbands rifle.
percent due to the financial crisis and the Switchboard of
Miami has received more than 500 calls related to
In Prineville Oregon, 71 year old Raymond and 69 year old
foreclosures to date.
Deanna Donaca committed suicide after losing the battle
to keep their home. The couple started the engine on their
Threads 2.3 10/23/08

Financial Crisis Continued boats, how will they be affected by an ebbing tide?" said
"A lot of people are telling us they are losing everything. Oxford University economist Anthony Atkinson.
They're losing their homes, they're going into foreclosure,
they've lost their jobs," said Virginia Cervasio, executive The report says that the United States has the highest
director of suicide resource center in southwest Florida's poverty and inequality rates, after Mexico and Turkey, of
Lee County. the 30 countries studied.

As these stories begin to emerge throughout the country, With growing inequality among the people due to the
more bad news erupts as the Organization for Economic financial meltdown, finding a solution will inevitably
Co-operation and Development released a report stating become tougher. But Atkinson does offer a solution that
that the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing. could potentially cure this financial strain; job creation.
The report indicates that things are not getting easier for
people. "If the government can take on the role of lender of last
resort, then we should think about the government taking
"What will happen if the next decade is not one of world on the role of employer of last resort. Put bluntly,
growth but of world recession? If a rising tide didn't lift all governments have to step up. Step up to the plate as
Roosevelt did in the Great Depression," said Atkinson.

Opinion work. My other two responses I felt were quite heartless. I

do not know how encouraging a person who carries with
them such a heavy load would do any good. Personally I've
Dear Altas found receiving encouragement can be a two-edged sword
when under that sort of pressure, meanwhile simply
An excerpt from Ayn Rand's book Atlas Shrugged was on offering "nothing" seemed quite cold.
my mind this past week as I went through the work week,
the portion where Francisco d' Anconia is speaking to Hank There is no way that I could look upon the face of Atlas - or
Rearden about the martyrdom of industrialists. a friend in similar distress and simply do nothing. I
continued to ponder the question, it nagged on me,
"If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his instead of simply changing names I began to look up
shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down images of Atlas on the internet, after finding one that I
his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still liked, I began to imagine the faces of my friends in the
trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, place of his.
and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down
upon his shoulders - what would you tell him to do?" Asks I scribbled more potential responses on receipt paper at
d'Anconia. work;
"I … don't know. What … could he do? What would you tell
him?" replied Rearden. "Somehow lighten the load"
"Endure it"
I've written this quote out six different times, each time "Move it"
replacing Atlas' name with the name of one of my friends,
putting myself in Hank Rearden's place as Francisco d' As I looked over these suggestions when I got home from
Anconia spoke to me - and questioned me. What would I work I realized not one of these would actually help a
tell a friend who carries with them such a heavy burden? friend in such circumstances. It seemed I was attempting
to avoid the most plausible answer. I asked myself the
I did my best to out smart d'Anconia's answer, writing question put forth in the quote again. This time while at a
potential responses on scrap receipt paper at work, or friends apartment. "What would I tell Atlas, or a friend in
jotting down potential responses next to the quote I had the same position to do?" Then it became clear, the only
transcribed at home. way for someone to be relieved of such a burden is to rid
themselves of it, reluctantly I conceded to d'Aconias
"I'd help them with the burden" answer.
"Encourage them"
"Nothing" "To shrug" - that's what I'd tell them, get the burden off
their back, this is the only way to guarantee relief - but, I
There was something about my first set of responses that I felt this wasn't enough - I'd also have to provide them a
did not find plausible. I knew that some burdens only place of rest once the burden is gone, not to mention aid
weigh on the backs of those who possess them - so to fix the wounds the burden created.
"helping' a person - or friend with a burden doesn't always
Threads 2.3 10/23/08

Bring it on! The new space race!

In The News
Before Wednesday there had been only five • Georgia believes Russia is massing
successful lunar space launches, the United States,
troops along their borders
Russia, Europe, Japan and China, but now a sixth
launch can be added to that list, India. One year ago • Foreclosure filings spike 71%
China launched its first unmanned lunar rocket, and • Nine Somali Pirates captured by
at 6:22am Indian time, India launched their own. French Navy
• South Africa’s anti-crime unit to be
"China has gone earlier, but today we are trying to
catch them, catch that gap, bridge that gap," said disbanded
Bhaskar Norayan, a director at the Indian space • A fireworks blast in India kills 25
agency. • Atheist’s get first ad campaign on
buses in Britain.
The first Indian lunar rocket, Chandrayaan - 1
(translated means "Moon Craft - 1) will be carrying
• China arrests 6 in the role of
with it two devices from NASA, the Moon contaminated milk
Mineralogy Mapper (M3) that will collect moon • Oil rises to $69 a barrel
samples and the Mini-SAR that will look for ice • States target sex offenders before
deposits in the moons polar regions.
Chandrayaan - 1 lifted off from Satish Dhawan Space • Al Qaeda supports John McCain
Center, which is on the island of Sriharikota in • 15 California State University
southern India yesterday. The mission is expected to campuses to get solar energy
last one and a half years. • Leukemia drug may reverse the effects
"Chandrayan - 1 is India's first spacecraft mission of Multiple Sclerosis
beyond Earth's orbit. It aims to further expand our • Food allergy in children up 18% in the
knowledge about Earth's only natural satellite - the US
moon," said a spokesman for the Indian Space • Middle age suicide rate rising
Research Organization (ISRO)

One part of the mission will be an attempt to locate

deposits of Helium 3 which could be used for fuel of
the next generation of fusion reactors. The ISRO
would also like to be able to put men on the moon in
the next decade.
India is quickly becoming the world leader in science
and technology, and this launch is considered Critiques?
another breakthrough in that direction. India wants
to be considered one of the emerging technological
players in Asia.

"When completed, the mission will put India in the

Send them to:
very small group of six countries which have thus far
sent space missions to the moon. Our scientific C.HELLER.RUN@GMAIL.COM
community has once again done the country proud
and the entire nation salutes them." said India's
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Thank you.

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