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Boones Creek Baptist Association Serving, Encouraging and Supporting Christs Churches

Bro. John Ryder-Director of Missions Angel Kane, Secretary Floyd & Gale Holbrook-Camp Manager Office (859) 744-0037 Fax (859) 744-1069 E-mail: Printed Apr. 2012, Volume 45, issue 4 Deadline for next Issue: May 15, 2012

A note to you, Camp season is near again. Boys Week, 7-14: June 18-22, Girls Week, 7-14: June 25-29, Sr. Co. Ed. Week, 14-17: July 9-13, and Jr. Co. Ed., 7-14: July 16-20. Please plan on sending your children for their appropriate week. We have Bible studies, Chapel and preaching sessions everyday plus times of swimming, canoeing and games. Spring Revivals. Many of the churches in our association will be holding revivals this month and next. Dr. A. W. Tozer wrote the following about revival: One consequence of our failure to see clearly the true nature of revival is that we wait for years for some supernatural manifestation that never comes, overlooking completely our own individual place in the desired awakening. Whatever God may do for a church must be done in the single unit, the one certain man or woman. Some things can happen only to the isolated, single person; they cannot be experienced en masse. For revival to happen in your church, you have to be a part of it and be prepared for revival thru prayer, repentance, Bible study and witnessing to the lost. Prayer Requests. 1. Praise God for all that has been accomplished and will be achieved by His power in our association. 2. Pray for the lost around us, that they will be receptive to the Gospel, be saved, and become disciples. 3. Pray for our association pastors and staff-their ministry, their vision, their health, and their spiritual protection. 4. Pray for the association DOM and staff-their ministry, their vision, their health, and their spiritual protection. 5. Pray that the Christians in our association will humble themselves, seek God, repent of their sins, be obedient to His will, and experience revival in their spiritual life. 6. Pray that the members of our churches will look at their communities with eyes of compassion, and will feel called to tell His Story. 7. Pray that our associational churches will be actively involved in missions in our community, state, nation, and our world. 8. Pray for the implementation of Gods plan in our churches and association. Food For Thought: Ray Comfort who wrote God Doesn't Believe in Atheists said, Why are those involved in the abortion industry so incredibly zealous for a womans right to choose? They have the enthusiasm of religious zealots. They pressure politicians to be pro-choice, engage celebrities to rally for the cause, and strongly advocate voters to vote for a womans right to choose. They protest, raise their angry voices, boldly hold up signs, and viciously demonize those who speak up for the rights of the unborn. Why is that? What fuels their fiery passion? Theres a good reason why those who are in the industry are so adamantly pro-abortion. They are the joyful recipients of a very successful and lucrative business. If you dont believe that abortion is a huge money-making scheme, check out your local provider for current prices. With the efficiency of a drive-through, they will expedite the killing of your baby for just $765 for up to a 16-week-old child, but the price increases if the baby is over 19 weeks. You will be shelling out three times the amount, and paying a whopping $2,165. Thats pretty good income for a few minutes of ripping off the arms, the legs, and head of a baby onto a table; checking the body parts to make sure theyre all out, and then putting them in the trash. Its just 15 to 20 minutes work for a skilled physician. And its all legal, efficient, and done behind closed doors, just like the Holocaust. The love of money is still the root of all evil. Ray Comfort mentioned the Holocaust where 6 million Jews were killed by Hitler. The United States Holocaust is 53 million babies legally aborted. 53 million babies killed in this country as a method of birth control. We need to pray that this be stopped by whatever method God may take. Yours in Christ,

Bro. John Ryder

NEWS & UPCOMING EVENTSfrom the Association and our CHURCHES - Mar. 2012 CAMP REPORT Thank you to the ones that came and helped get the camp opened. We still have a lot to do. SPRING SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT Attendance was 124 with 20 churches represented. Business: Voted and approved: 2012-13 Budget, 2012-13 officers and committees and camp child protection plan. ALLANSVILLENo Report BEECH GROVE We will be host the Associational Spring Hymn Sing April 24th at 7PM. Hope to see you there. BOONES CREEK Our Annual Mother/Child Brunch, hosted by the WMU, will take place Sat. May 12th at 10AM. Carolyn Dixon will be our speaker. Everyone is welcome to come and bring your child or your mother, and if you dont have a child or mother that you can bring, adopt one! We hope to see you there. CALVARY Savanna Townsend was baptized Easter Sunday, 41 attend Sunrise Service, 170 Easter Sunday. Planning graduates banquet, VBS plans coming together, we are hosting the I Love America Chorus, Sunday April 20, 3PM CENTRAL Family Fun Night for Preschool through Grade 5 with skating, games, pizza, pop, and a movie was at Central on March 2. Elevation Weekend with our youth was on March 23-26. Chad Varga of Inspire Now was the guest speaker on Sunday, March 25. Family Fun Night for the preschool through Grade 5 will be on Friday May 4. Central will be hosting Winchester Chorales Spring Choir Festival on Sunday May 6 at 2:30 pm. GRC Baccalaureate will be at Central on Sunday evening May 6. On Sunday, May 20, graduates will be recognized during the morning worship service. Central will hold its Annual Church Picnic on Sunday, May 27. CLAY CITYJustin & Sheila Slemp along with 5 of our youth group enjoyed an outing at Abuelos and went to Champs to play lazer tag. We are planning for our VBS. CORINTH-Community Dinner-Apr. 28-30th, 5:30-7pm at the Church. Youth led service Apr. 29th-6:30pm Fast/Pray Tues. May 1st. Work Day at the Church-Sat. May 5th, 10am-?. Church Retreat at Chapel-Boones Creek Baptist Camp 5:30pm Discovering the Spirit-Filled Life and How to be Witness for Jesus COW CREEK No Report EPHESUS Exceeded our Annie Armstrong goal of $1000 ($20 per State). Youth held fundraiser at Gatti-Town in Lexington. Celebrated the 100th birthday of Mrs. Frances Paynter. Easter events included a SONrise service and breakfast and Easter egg hunt for the kids following morning worship. TNT (Tuesday Night in Town) Mar. 17th @Puerto Grande restaurant. Spring Revival and Homecoming June 8-10 with Bro. Tony Cecil as evangelist with special music by Daniel Juberg. A big thank you to the associations disaster relief team for installing the vinyl siding on our parsonage addition!. EMMANUEL-No Report FAITH Had a inspiring Sunrise Service, wonderful fellowship and worship. Pray for one another that Gods work will be done through out our country. Faith Baptist has a Special Prayer Service on the first Sunday night each month. FRIENDSHIP Study of Baptist and Message. Love offering for tornado victims. Held special singing on 3-26. Tentative date for Spring Revival is May 6-9. Preparations for VBS. GREENBRIAR Easter egg hunt for children Sunday April 1st. May birthdays Chris Arvin 5-1, Mackenzie 5-4, Ray Abshear 5-10, Kenneth Chaney, 5-12, Arlene Arvin 5-17. May Anniversary-Paul and Arleene Arvin 5-25. HEIDELBERG No Report HERITAGE God is moving at Heritage, In March, we saw God save a man with a brain tumor, who wants to come and be baptized at Heritage. Also, our 100 chairs finally arrived and Bro. Gerald Emerson finished making our pulpit. God is Awesome! HOWARDS MILL-No Report IRVINE FIRST Had a Fish Fry, Ruben and Joyce Rose furnish the fish for this every year. It wasnt planned, however it coincided with the Final Four UK/Louisville game. Houston, we have a problem! Walter Woolsey's brother-in-law furnished two big screen TVs. Problem solved. IVORY HILL April 7, we had an egg hunt for the children at 5pm with 53 egg hunters. (Continued top of page)

IVORY HILL-April 8 we had Sunrise Service with Jason Brooks as speaker and served breakfast afterwards. We will recognized all our graduates in the church in May with a gift. We will have Friends Day on May 6th. We will be recognizing all mothers with flowers on Mothers Day. JEFFERSONVILLE-Church hosted the movie Courageous-34 present, had popcorn, snacks and drinks., like the big movie house. On the 18th Rev. Daniel Q. Smith at request of Pulpit Committee-74 present to hear him. April 1, Easter Dinner. April 8 Easter Worship Service will pass out Easter baskets to the Sunday School/Church children. Choir is presenting Special Music. April 23rd we will host the Associational Spring Hymn Sing 7 PM hope to see you there. KIDDVILLE-No Report MACEDONIA We had an organizational mtg. for the years VBS. The theme will be Babylon. We are looking forward to a great time! We took up donations for the tornado victims in Eastern KY. We had a work day at the church on Mar. 3rd. The choir will be singing at the Assoc. Hymn Sing at Jeffersonville Baptist on April 23rd. Revival May 18-20 with Bro. Darrin Thomas as guest speaker. MEANS Held Baptist Mens Day with guest music from the New Found Four, and the men of the Church gave testimonies. Making plans for participation in the local Mountain Memories Festival, and hosting an all day sports camp VBS with former UK Wildcat Roger Hardin. Revival May 20-25 with Bro. Gary Willoughby. .MT. OLIVE-No Report NEW COVENANT REFORMED-No Report NEW HOPE Participating in North America Mission-prayers-givingstudying-extending for the month. Planning VBS for the month of July. NORTHSIDE April 26th, we will host the Associational Hymn Sing at 7 PM, hope to see you there. Baptist Mens Day was March 4th. The men cooked breakfast for everyone. Our all male choir did a great job. What a wonderful day. Several adults and youth attended the Winter Jam on Mar. 10. In our regular Business Mtg. a Steering Committee was elected to design an overflow solution for our Sunday Morning Worship Service. With a vision of expanding our Sanctuary. Fri. Mar. 23rd the youth enjoyed their lock-in. Thanks to Bro. Todd Rader for sharing his testimony. We are so blessed! We surpassed our Annie Armstrong offering goal. Our total was $1351.00 PANOLA We lost 2 of our members this month, Inez Shelton & Louise Blevins have gone to be with the Lord. POWELLS VALLEYYouth went to Winter Jam. Served approx. 200 meals through our Meal Ministry. Starting a Quilt Ministry. Had Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday with special music by our Choir during the morning service. Having Revival with Bro. Jessie Kline April 15th18th . Making plans for VBS. PROVIDENCE, C.C No Report

PROVIDENCE-EC Getting our hearts and minds ready for revival during the week of April 22nd. Having cottage meetings, visiting, inviting and praying for Satan to stay away and let the Lord lead the services. Revival has already began at the church and we want it to continue. We have had several decisions being made, re-dedications, people just wanting to grow closer to the Lord, and people being saved. Praise God! The youth had a great month on Wed. nights, a time of devotions, food and games. Thanks for all who helped. Also plans are underway to purchase a van for our church.
REID VILLAGE-The children preformed their Easter musical Hallelujah Hes Alive at the evening worship service Easter Sunday. The kite flying day at Easy Walker Park was fun for everyone. The Beth Moore study James: Mercy Triumph is underway on Thursday nights. The youth had a lock-in at church on Sat. April 14th. The Assn Children Bible Drill was held at the church on Sat. 14th. Congratulations to Kassidy Blanton and Marlissa Stephens who will now complete at he state event and to all the other participants who will be moving on. Our Youth group is going to the Youth Rally at Boones Creek Baptist Church on Sat. Apr. 21st. (Continued on Next Page )

II Corinthians 8:20-21
20-Avoiding this, that no man should blame us in this abundance which is administered by us: 21-Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men.

In This Issue look for:

1-DOM (A note to you) 2-Disaster/Emergency Relief 3-To all Churches in the Association 4-Building Fund 5-Youth Directors 6-Calendar 7-Mar Birthdays and Anniversaries 8-Mission Opportunities 9-New Beginning Pregnancy Center 10-Clark County Community Center 11-Camp Dates 12-Deacons Ordination 13-Youth Hymn Sing

TO ALL CHURCHES IN THE ASSOCIATION: The Disaster Emergency Relief Committee is available to the churches for projects that require manpower. Call the Association Office 859/744-0037 if you need help.
Attention Youth Directors:

Disaster Emergency Relief Volunteers Needed

The disaster emergency relief committee needs volunteers. The vision for the committee is: An Association church has a problem that it needs help with, i.e. electrical, plumbing, etc. It needs help because it doesnt have funds or manpower to deal with the problem. This committee will utilize available resources (manpower) to correct the problem. If you would like to volunteer to help out, please contact your pastor or the association office for a volunteer sign up form.

Building Fund For The Camp You can donate to the Boones Creek Baptist Association in MEMORY or in HONOR of a Love One. Please write on your check memo: Building Fund.

Dont forget that we will have our

2nd Annual Youth Hymn Sing June, 8, 2012 at Friendship Baptist Church,

Irvine. We would like for it to be even better than last year.

NEWS & UPCOMING EVENTS from the Association and our CHURCHES (Continued) REID VILLAGE-We are also planning a trip with the youth to the Orange Leaf to enjoy frozen yogurt. Our 5th Sunday Praise Sing will be Sunday night, April 29th at 6PM. Everyone is welcome to join us. Our annual WMU Mother/Daughter/Friend banquet will be Sat. May 12th at 10AM. Sudie Banks from the Dessie Scott Childrens Center will be our guest speaker. We are planning a trip to attend the Legends game on Sat. night May 12th. Our youth will participate in the Youth Hymn sing on June 8th at Friendship Baptist Church. VBS is scheduled for Monday, June 18-Fri. June 25th from 6-8PM. Van pick up is available. The theme is Amazing Wonders We will kick off VBS with a cookout on Say June 16th. SALEM-We are collecting change for cabins to be built at Boones Creek Baptist Camp. So far we have collected $340. We would like to challenge other churches to do the same. Boones Creek Baptist Camp is one of the most fruitful ministries in the Association. Several senior adults are planning to attend the Senior Celebration in London, KY on the 26th. SPEARS MILL The month of March was a very active missions with donations to Cynthiana Family that lost everything in a house fire, also aiding the storm and tornado victims with monetary and supply donations. The youth was also very involved in helping with clean-up. Operation Christmas Child donations Monthly. Those that attended Family Fest night Mar. 7th enjoyed it very much. There are several plans for youth in April. Youth will present Easter Program Sunday night April 1st. Adult Choir will present Oh What a Savior Easter Sunday Morning. Easter Sunday Morning will begin with Sunrise Service at 7:30 followed by breakfast prepared by Deacons (thanks to our Deacons) with Sunday School, the Cantata and ends with Bro. Barrys message. Plans continue for sSpring Revival April 22nd through 25th with Bro. Patrick Butcher leading the services and special singing every night. Come worship with us. Spears Mill welcomes you!. SPRING STREETBenefit Fish fry April 29th 4-9 pm. THOMAS Communion was served during Easter Service with an egg hunt following the service for our young people. A work day is scheduled for Saturday April 14th. The youth group is planning an evening of fun and fellowship on April 14th. VALLEY VIEW No Report WM. MEMORIAL-An adult fellowship and a movie night for the children were held and enjoyed by all. Revival is planned for May 20-23. VBS will be 1st week in June.

Best Wishes to May Birthdays: 2-Sandy Sands-Pastors Wife-Calvary 2-Marion Brewer-Pastor-Beech Grove 8-Brenda Kirby-Pastors Wife-Thomas 11-Ricky Powell-Pastor-Valley View 12-Missy Ryder-Pastors Wife-Williams Memorial 13-Charles Dixon-Interim Pastor-Boones Creek 16-Connie Duvall-Retired Pastors Wife 18-Joey Rogers-Pastor-Means 21-Earl Waugh-Retired Pastor 26-Pam Strausbaugh-Pastors Wife-Macedonia Best Wishes May Anniversaries: 9-Ray and Andrea Coates-Allansville 12-Todd and Nancy Rader-Ephesus 25-Drew and Patty Martin-Retired

MISSION OPPORTUNITIES 1. Disaster Emergency Relief Volunteers Needed 2. Go Metro USA and Find It Here 2012. Contact the association office for more information
New Beginnings Pregnancy Center in Winchester has an ongoing need for baby wipes, diapers (sizes 4, 5, 6) and formula (Good Start in green and orange cans), as well as continued financial support. Churches are encouraged to support local Pregnancy Centers in honor of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, Jan. 16, as well as throughout the year. Please call 859-744-5988 with any questions or to arrange drop-offs.


God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers

FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS 3 THRIFT STORE DONATIONS 2,104 MONETARY DONATIONS 30 Community Services hosted a Step-Up Conference on March 9 at the Extension Office. Presenters included Amy Robertson (Financial Peace), B.J. Graham (Parenting), Lee Cruse (Beacon Ministries), Dickie Everman (Celebrate Recovery), Bill & Gina Camenisch (Marriage- Lets Talk), John Pichler (Way to Recovery), Terri Hudson (Responsible Fatherhood), and Guy Huguelet (Jubilee Jobs). Valuable information was shared and several Family Resource Centers, who could not attend, requested copies of the hand-outs. Community Services had two budgeting class in March with thirteen families in attendance. The local Salvation Army has partnered with Community Services and has been very helpful in buying groceries for the food pantry. There continues to be a need for toilet paper, Kleenex, dish detergent and laundry detergent to give out with the food orders. Any donations of personal care items would be appreciated. Community Services has three office spaces available for rent. Contact Jennifer Palmer at 749-0727 if you would like to see the property or have an interest in

Deacons Ordination
Providence Baptist Church-(Estill County) April 29th at 2PM

Sun Mon



3 4 WMU Annual Mtg. Heritage Baptist Church 7 PM 10
Camp Mtg. 7 pm



6 Senior Adult Sunday

Mission Board-KBB (7th-8th)

DOM Leadership Event (9th-10th-11th) TBA



13 (1)Mothers Day (2)Christian Home Week(13th18th)

14 Ex. Board Mtg. Powells ValleyClay City-7pm



Pastors Prayer Fellowship-Pizza Hut-Mt. Sterling11:30am


19 (1)Armed forces Day

(2)Workday at Camp 9 till ??? (3)State Assoc. Leadership Training-KBC (4)Assoc. Missions Emphasis (19th-25th)


(1)Encounter Women of Worth Lifestyle Evangelism Conference-(21st-22nd)TBA (2)Spring Youth Ministries RetreatTBA (21st-22nd)







28 Memorial Day




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