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APHG Semester One Exam Study Guide

I. Situation- the location of a place relative to other places

II. Site- the physical character of place, what is found at the location and
why it’s important

III. Physiological Density- people per arable land area

IV. Spatial Distribution- physical location of across space

V. Population Pyramids- inverted bar graphs that show population in age,

dependency ratios, and sex ratios.

VI. Stages of Demographic Transition-populations patterns vary based on

technological development. STAGE 1, low growth=crude birth/death
rate high and fragile population, STAGE 2, high growth=lower death
rates and infant mortality rate, and high natural increase, STAGE
3,moderate/low growth=indicative of richer development countries
and higher standards of living and education

VII. World Population Trends-

VIII.Map Scales- the degree of the zoom in of an area

IX. Map Projections- Mercator-for sailing, depicts water’s distances, land

compacted and poles real large
Peterson-shows countries relative to each other, all
countries are stretched and skinny
Robinson-curvature of earth, correct the small depiction
of continents,
North Pole and Northern countries disappear, South
Pole real large
X. Azimuthal Map-

XI. Dot Density Map- represents the occurrence of population to depict the
variation of density in a given area

XII. Isoline Topographic Map- shows lines of equal elevation above sea

XIV.Proportional Symbol Map-

XV. Thomas Malthus- argued world’s rate of population was exceeding the
development of food.

XVI.Push-Pull Factor-factors that induce people to migrate and those that


XVII.Intervening Opportunity- environmental or cultural feature of

landscape, helps migration

XVIII.Intervening Obstacle- environmental or cultural feature of landscape



XXI.Dependency Rate- ratio?- the people too young or old to work

supported by the people in their reproductive years
Ex: the larger the population of dependents the greater burden
of support

XXII.Life Expectancy- years after birth a human is expected to live based

on mortality rates
Ex: those of higher developed countries can be 2x as high
XXIII.Chain Migration- when one migrates and the family follows shortly
Ex: Mexican men come to U.S., set homes and jobs, family

XXIV.Folk Cultures- customs practiced by small homogeneous groups in

isolated areas
Ex: Malaysia; loose skirts of clothe are worn

XXV.Contagious Diffusion- rapid, widespread diffusion

Ex: ideas through internet
XXVI.Hierarchical Diffusion- diffusion from authority to other persons
Ex: hip hop music

XXVII.Stimulus Diffusion- diffusion of principle though characteristic fails

Ex: PC and Apple competition
XXVIII.Relocation Diffusion- spread through physical movement

XXIX.Functional Regions- Area around node/focal point

Ex: NYC-Manhattan, San Francisco-Bay Area

XXX.Perceptual Regions- a place believed to exist as cultural identity

Ex: Little Havana

XXXI.Cultural Hearth- the region the culture originated

XXXII.The Five Themes of Geography-PLACE-human and physical

characteristics (arithmetic density), LOCATION-relative and absolute
(situation), MOVEMENT-people goods and ideas (diffusion),
depend and the environment (distance decay), REGIONS-formal
functional and vernacular (hearth)
XXXIII.Ethnic Religions-religion with concentrated distribution; principles
based on characteristics of the particular location
Ex: Judaism and Hindu

XXXIV.Universalizing Religions- Worldwide languages

Ex: Christianity, Buddhism, Islam

XXXV.Language Family- a group of languages descended from a single

earlier tongue
Ex: 30-100 language families worldwide, Romance Language

XXXVI.Language Group-

XXXVII.Language Branch-

XXXVIII.Creolized Language- created when pidgin language is the first

language spoken and native tongue is lost

XXXIX.Pidgin- a language similarly

Ex: spanglish- 28 million Hispanic in the U.S. enrich both

XL. Dialect- regional variant of standard language signified by vocabulary,

syntax, pronunciation, and conduct cadence



XLIII.Subglobal Regions-

XLV.Carrying Capacity- the population that can be supported by
infrastructure i.e. food

XLVI.Infrastructure-the landscape of a place

Ex: schools, roads, streetlights

XLVII.Rate of Natural Increase- the percentage of annual population

growth; birth rate –death rate

XLVIII.Total Fertility Rate- average number of children per woman

XLIX.Infant Mortality Rate- the annual number of deaths of infants

compared to live births

L. Crude Birth Rate- the annual number of live births for every 1,000

LI. Ernst Ravenstein- 11 laws of migration based on internal migration in

1. Distance decay, migration in short distance except step
migration, intervening opportunity
2. Long distance migration to cities
3. Counter flow follows migration, one group moves in one group
moves out
4. Families don’t internationally move, international migrants are
young males
Gravity model-measure of interaction of places- spatial interaction is
related to the size of populations and inversely related to the distance
between them

LII. Overpopulation- when consumption of natural resources outstrip the

ability of the region to replace those resources

LIII.Possibilism- physical environment has human restrictions but humans

can adapt and adjust the environment
LIV.Isogloss- lines separating features on a map

LV. Lingua Franca- the international language adopted for trade

Ex: English

LVI.Cultural Convergence- two or more cultures combine and create a new

culture that shows characteristics of the origins

LVII.Sequent Occupance-

LVIII.Nonmaterial Culture-

LIX.Cultural Trait- wearing a turban (Sikhs adopted)

LX. Cultural Complex- combination of traits

LXI.Cultural System- religions, languages

LXII.Syncretic Religions- religions that are combined and create rituals,

artwork, and beliefs
Ex: Christianity because

LXIII.Mentifact-the central elements of a culture expressing values and

beliefs including language, religion, folklore, artistic traditions.
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