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EDTE 402-002

Curriculum Unit Plan

In the Kitchen

Subject: Physical Science (75-107 minutes) Grade Levels: 9-12 Topic: Classifying Matter Title of Lesson: What Matters in the Kitchen Purpose: After describing characteristics of atoms, molecules, mixtures, etc., students will demonstrate the differences between homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures by use of a lab involving trail mix and Kool-Aid. Students will conclude by applying the introduced concepts, and discussing their results in pairs, then groups. Objectives: The student will compare the differences between a molecule and an atom (PS-3.3). The student will classify matter as a pure substance (either an element or a compound) or as a mixture (either homogeneous or heterogeneous) on the basis of its structure and/or composition (PS-3.4). The student will explain how temperature, particle size, and agitation affect the rate at which a solid dissolves in a liquid (PS-3.5). Materials: Lab instructions, Plastic cups, plastic spoons, plastic sandwich bags, ingredients for trail mix (small candies, pretzels, dried fruit, etc.), Kool-Aid, water, water pitcher. Procedure: Before students arrive, two stations will be set up on either side of the classroom. The first station, Mixies Snack Shack, will include containers holding common components of trail mix. The second station, Mikes Punch Pit, will include the necessary materials for the Kool-Aid portion of the lab. While each What Matters in the Kitchen packet will contain a worksheet and both labs, half will be stapled so that Mixies Snack Shack will be directly underneath the lecture worksheet, while the other half will have Mikes Punch Pit. This will easily separate the class into two smaller groups. Each station will have several containers of each ingredient in order to alleviate wasted time spent in line. Class will begin with a 5-7 minute read aloud from the book The Universe in a Single Atom by the Dalai Lama. Each student will then receive What Matters in the Kitchen and a power point presentation will commence (20-25 minute total). As the lecture portion of the lesson progresses, students will follow along with their worksheets, filling out any existing blank spaces. The differences between a molecule and an atom will be explained by the teacher, and then illustrated by a 48 second educational video/song clip, Atoms in My Life. The presentation will continue by explaining the scientific methods of classification of pure substances (including elements and compounds), and mixtures (homogeneous and heterogeneous) relative to structure and composition. The presentation will conclude with a 1:16 minute video related to classifying mixtures.

EDTE 402-002

Curriculum Unit Plan

In the Kitchen

Students will be directed to their corresponding stations and expected to complete their first lab within 10-15 minutes. Any students who complete the lab before ten minutes have passed will be asked to return to their seat and begin working on the conclusion questions. Students will then take part in the remaining lab for an additional 10-15 minutes. Any students who complete the lab before ten minutes have passed will be asked to return to their seat and will engage in casual discussion with the teacher pertaining to expected theoretical results. Upon completing both labs, students will answer conclusion questions by relating concepts discussed during the lecture to the hands-on demonstration. Students will be given 15-20 minutes to answer all questions before they are to turn their packets in to the teacher. As an assessment, students will divide into groups of two and complete an exit slip related to material covered during class. Students will be allotted 10-15 minutes in order to complete the exit slip to the best of their abilities. Once students have finished their exit slips, the entire class will discuss the answers as a group using the popcorn method. This discussion is expected to fill the remaining 5-10 minutes of class. Students will leave their exit slips upon their desks to be collected and examined by the teacher. Students will be awarded both verbal and written participation points related to the exit slip, in addition to possible bonus points for well-informed answers.

EDTE 402-002

Curriculum Unit Plan

In the Kitchen

What Matters in the Kitchen

By definition, a(n) ____________ is the smallest particle of an element that can exist either alone or in combination. This is different from a(n) ____________, is the smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties of the substance and is composed of one or more atoms. Atoms consist of one ___________, one or more ___________, and zero or more neutrons. The numbers of protons contained within the atom determine the element. There is always the same number of protons as ___________ within an atom. Elements are composed of _________ type(s) of atom(s). When two or more differing types of atoms are bonded to one another, they form a(n) _____________. _____________________ include elements and compounds. They are inseparable by methods other than chemical reactions. _______________ are able to be separated by ways of distillation, dissolving, filtering, screening, etc. Mixtures may be classified as homogenous or heterogeneous. Homogenous mixtures have components equally separated, such as _____________. Heterogeneous mixtures are easy to separate due to _____________________________________. Mixtures can occur between/ among all ______________ of matter. ______________ are homogeneous mixtures in which components are dissolved.

EDTE 402-002

Curriculum Unit Plan

In the Kitchen

Mikes Punch Pit

1.) Describe each ingredient that the Kool-Aid mixture is comprised of

Water Color

Kool-Aid Powder





2.) Use your senses to describe the Kool-Aid mixture. What traits from each ingredient prevail?

3.) Can this mixture be separated? Why or why not?

4.) What tools might you need in order to separate this mixture?

5.) Why is Kool-Aid considered a mixture? What type of mixture is it?

Mixies Snack Shack


EDTE 402-002

Curriculum Unit Plan

In the Kitchen

1.) Describe each of the components of Mixies trail mix:

Color Shape/form Texture Scent Other

2.) As a whole, what traits does the trail mix take on? Do certain traits from specific ingredients prevail?

3.) Can this mixture be separated? Why or Why not?

4.) What tools might you need in order to separate this mixture?

5.) Why is trail mix considered a mixture? What type of mixture is it? Names: _________________ Date: ___________________

EDTE 402-002

Curriculum Unit Plan

In the Kitchen

~~Exit Slip~~
1. How do atoms and molecules differ?

2. Is water a pure substance or mixture? Why?

Element Compound Homogenous Heterogeneous

3. Is lemonade a pure substance or mixture? Why?

Element Compound Homogenous Heterogeneous

4. Is lasagna a pure substance or mixture? Why?

Element Compound Homogenous Heterogeneous

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