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EDTE 402-Sp12 Adam Penney Social Studies Subject Content: Cooking Grade Level: 10th Grade

Curriculum Unit Plan


Title of Lesson: Influences on Traditional Southern Food Content Standard: WG-1.4 Explain how the cultural base of individuals in South Carolina has changed over time due cultural influences. WG-1.5 Understand how the influence of multiple cultures into South Carolina created the food we now consider Southern. Goal: The student will recognize the influence of other cultures among the traditional favorites of Southern cuisine. Materials/Resources: --Fire pit and Grill --Cast iron dutch oven and fry pan --wood, fire starter and fire poker --ingredients for corn pone and fried okra --notebook and writing utensil --plates and forks --recipes Procedures and Activities: --Students enter the class and begin work on a bell ringer. --We will discuss the bell ringer for a few minutes --Each student will take their notebook and a writing utensil and follow me outside to the school parking lot. --We will set up a portable fire place along with a raised grill above the fire where we will place the cast iron frying pan. --we will begin by preparing the okra for frying and set it aside --We will start to cook corn pone in a dutch oven outside of the main fire surrounded by coals --While we prepare the corn pone and during cooking the students will take notes on where this method of cooking originated and how it has been transformed to present day corn bread through a european influence. --While the corn pone is still cooking we will begin to fry okra the traditional way --Throughout this we will discuss how Native Americans and African-Americans greatly influenced what has become known as souther food. --We will also discuss where other major influences in food and cooking stlyes came from --The students will be given a few minutes to enjoy their food before heading back to class.

EDTE 402-Sp12

Curriculum Unit Plan


Evaluation: --For homework the students will be asked to pick a traditional souther food item that was not talked about in todays class and research its origins and be prepared to share their findings with the class.

EDTE 402-Sp12

Curriculum Unit Plan


Bell Ringer
List your top 5 favorite Southern Foods and tell why you picked them. Is it prepared a certain way, Have a special meaning to you, or does it just taste good?

EDTE 402-Sp12

Curriculum Unit Plan


HOMEWORK Pick one of the following and answer the questions below: Banana Pudding Frogmore stew Pecan pie What are the ingredients? Fried Chicken Shrimp and Grits Gumbo BBQ Grits Collard GreensBiscuits Hoppin John Corn Pudding

What countries had an influence in your chosen food why was that country represented in the south?

How was your dish originally prepared with time period cooking methods?

Extra Credit: Write down your grandmas best southern recipe!

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