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EDTE 402-002 Subject: Biology (90 minutes) Grade Levels: 9-12 Topic: Food Chain

Curriculum Unit Plan

In the Kitchen

Title of Lesson: Organisms in the Kitchen Purpose: By evaluating and exploring the origins of foods relevant to them, students will familiarize themselves with the food chain and how certain foods relate to caloric values, protein, and fats. Students will then discuss how each nutritive component is useful upon consumption. Objectives: Summarize how the structures of organic molecules (including proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) are related to their relative caloric values (B-3.4). Summarize the functions of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in the human body (B-3.5). Illustrate the flow of energy through ecosystems (including food chains, food webs, energy pyramids, number pyramids, and biomass pyramids) (B-3.6). Materials: Bell Ringer, computers with Internet access, smartboard. Procedure: Students will enter class to find a bell ringer placed upon each desk. In order to catalyze contemplation pertaining to origins and usefulness of every-day foods, they will be expected to analyze their dinners eaten the night before. This bell ringer will be expected to take 10 minutes to complete. The class as a whole will then discuss more popular mentioned items (noticed through popcorn) and consider the origins. This discussion, lead by a teacher, will be approximately 7-10 minutes long. Students will then be divided into groups of two and asked to collectively choose five main ingredients they believe to vary most from one another. Students will be given a paper containing investigative questions, which they will apply to each ingredient. Using computers, students will investigate the origins of each ingredient and discuss what it was derived from, what nutritional benefits it offers via consumption, and what predators along the food chain may have been a threat to its original source. During this investigative period, the teacher will ensure optimum usage of time by monitoring students and discussing information students happen upon. Students will be given 30 minutes to evaluate their ingredients to the best of their abilities before they will be asked to return to their seats. Each pair of students will join with a different pair and discuss their findings. For 20 minutes, the teacher will monitor discussions as students explain to one another what information they came across, and how they interpreted it. Throughout this exercise, the teacher must be sure to be proactive so that no incorrect information is spread throughout the classroom.

EDTE 402-002

Curriculum Unit Plan

In the Kitchen

The class will then spend the last fifteen minutes discussing as a group their findings. The teacher will correct any inaccurate information and go into detail about any key components of the course material not covered.

EDTE 402-002

Curriculum Unit Plan

In the Kitchen

~~Bell Ringer~~
1.) What did you eat for dinner last night? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2.) Where did each food/ingredients come from? Animals Plants Other

3.) What might be considered other? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

EDTE 402-002

Curriculum Unit Plan

In the Kitchen

Food Chain in the Kitchen

Item 1: Item 2: Item 3: Item 4: Item 5:

What organism does this food item originate from? What does the organism look like?

What defensive properties does it maintain? What offensive properties does it maintain?

What other members of the food chain does this organism pose a threat to? What other members of the food chain pose a threat to this organism? Does this food supply any protein?

EDTE 402-002 Upon ingestion, what functions do proteins serve? Does this food supply any carbohydrates?

Curriculum Unit Plan

In the Kitchen

Upon ingestion, what functions do carbohydrates serve? Does this food supply any lipids?

Upon ingestion, what functions do lipids serve? How many types of fats are there within this food? How do they differ? Considering the nutrients supplied by this food, would you consider it a healthy food?

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