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Concept Idea

The Shapiro UG Library Lounge has a very fresh, cheerful and fast-paced atmosphere. There is already a lot of ambience in the area and having complex signages would make a lot of visual clutter. The design should be as simple as possible to grab the attention of the students in 15 seconds. The area also has a canteen, good lighting and patterns of fern and grass. The design should complement the same. To make the signages more cheerful, I used squirrels as the main elements of the design. Additionally, squirrels in the Diag area are very popular among students. By adding a little bit of humor it would quickly catch students attention. The reasons for selecting color scheme are explained in the next pages.

R:0 G:187 B:223

R:249 G:146 B:0

R:0 G:64 B:111

R:98 G:192 B:83

R:35 G:31 B:32

The overall ambience at Shapiro UG Library is in shades of green and brown, fresh and cheerful and patterns of ferns and grass. The atmosphere is fast-paced and also has a cafeteria. I selected a cool harmony type: shades of green and blue. Addidionaly Orange could work very well with this set up.

Typography Guide Font used: Rockwell

Rockwell is a serif type fornt. Although it is serif it displays very well on screen. The University Housing also uses the same font. Additionally, since this is for the library, I thought using this font to give an effect of textbooks and academics. Bold or italics should not be used at all.for this design. Only emphasis is to the heading 1. I do not want to use different variations of the font to reduce visual clutter.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Heading 1 Font: Rockwell, Regular Size: 61 pt Heading 2 Font: Rockwell, Regular Size: 40 pt

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789

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