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Relationship of creativity and innovation and use of right and left brain reflected in behavior in these two activities

of a person or a group.
Creativity is the ability to develop new ideas (conceptual phase) and to discover new ways of looking at problems and opportunities, whereas Innovation is the ability to apply (behavioral phase) creative solutions to those problems and opportunities to enhance or to enrich peoples lives. Creativity is thinking new things, and innovation is doing new things. As per Peter Drucker, Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service. From entrepreneurs point of view, creativity and innovation is an essential part of their success in long term or sustainability or gaining competitive edge over their rivals- by thinking and doing new things or old things in a new ways. For them, having a great idea does not work out, until that idea should be transformed into a tangible product, service, or business venture. Thus, entrepreneurs are those who connect their creative ideas with the purposeful action and structure of a business and entrepreneurship is the result of a disciplined, systematic process of applying creativity and innovation to needs and opportunity in the marketplace. For being creative, it is very important for entrepreneurs to come out of self imposed mental constraints (traditional assumption) and other paradigms that help them to remain within comfort zone. Analyzing the human brain, it is found that our brain develops asymmetrically, and each hemisphere tends to specialize in certain functions. Each hemisphere processes information differently and that one side dominates over the other. The left brain is guided by linear, vertical thinking (from one logical conclusion to the next) whereas the right-brain is relies on kaleidoscopic, lateral thinking (considering a problem from all sides and jumping into it at different points- unstructured) and intuition. The left brain handles languages, logic, and symbols; the right-brain takes care of the bodys emotional, intuitive and spatial functions. The left brain processes information in a step-by-step fashion, but the right-brain processes it intuitively-all at once, relying heavily on images. Left-brain vertical thinking is narrowly focused and systematic, proceeding in a highly logical fashion from one point to the next. Right-brain lateral thinking, on the other hand, is somewhat unconventional, unsystematic, and unstructured, much like the image of a kaleidoscope, whirling around to form one pattern after another. It is the right-brain-driven, lateral thinking that lies at the heart of the creative process. Entrepreneurship requires both left-and right-brain thinking. Right-brain thinking draws on the power of divergent reasoning, which is the ability to create a multitude or original, diverse ideas. Left-brain thinking counts on convergent reasoning, the ability to evaluate multiple ideas and choose the best solution to a given problem. Entrepreneurs need to rely on right-brain thinking to generate innovative product, service, or business ideas. Then they must use left-brain thinking to judge the market potential of the ideas they generate. Source: Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management- Zimmerer T., and Scarborough N., 4th ed. pp: 35-40

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