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- Navigation intranet

1. Aktuellt – <News> (same content as ”aktuellt” on the external web) (1 level)

2. Medlemmar - <Members> (1 level)
3. Resursbokning – <Resource booking> (2 levels)
- 3.1 innevarande vecka (matris) – <the current week (matrix)>
- 3.2 mina kommande bokningar – <my coming bookings>
- 3.3 mina tidigare bokningar – <my previous bookings>
4. Medlemsinformation – <member information> (3 levels)
- 4.1 förmåner och samarbeten - <membership advantages and supplier
- 4.2 praktisk information - <practical information>
* 4.2.1 allmänna villkor - <general conditions>
* 4.2.2 spelregler - <game rules>
* 4.2.3 kulturavtal - <culture agreement>
* 4.2.4 skrivardrivrutiner - <printer drivers>
* 4.2.5 internetaccess - <Internet access>
* 4.2.6 it policy - <it policy>
5. Infobrev arkiv - <Info letter archive> (1 level) -> this shall maybe be under
6. Admin - <administration>

- Resurser <Resources>:
• Conference room hours (shortest possible booking time, maximum number of seats,
shortest time for booking cancellation without debiting, share of full debiting
charged when cancelling later than the shortest time for booking cancellation, if
catering is possible to the room or not, hourly cost for various member types and
for external companies).
catering (one or many dishes, each dish with free text, price per person, minimum
time between booking and serving, possibility to add, configure, change, delete
catering dishes)
• Telephone answer service
• Mail stamps
• Envelopes
• Telephoni
• Catering
• Drinks
• Printouts
possibility to add, configure, change, delete “resurser” for admin

- Medlemskap <Membership>:
* types of memberships
- fast - <fixed>
- mobilt - <mobile>
- business center - <business center>
- nätverk - <network>
- partner - <partner>
* attribute describing each membership
- monthly rent
- resources (see below) possible to book/use
- amount of each resource that is included in the membership
possibility to add, configure, change, delete medlemskap

- Företag - <Company>:
- visible externally or not
- visible internally or not
- customer number
- company name
- logotype
- invoice address
- test period x months
- start date
- possible end date
- possible quitting period
- discounts in SEK
- contact person/company admin (one member per company is appointed as contact
person/company admin)
- business idea (visible extarnally or not, visible internally or not, invisible field if not
filled in with content)

- search words (to enable other members/companies to find matching companies as

customers, suppliers or partners) (visible extarnally or not, visible internally or not, invisible
field if not filled in with content)
possibility to add, configure, change, delete företags-attributes

- Medlem - <Member>
- visible externally or not
- visible internally or not
- name
- membership
- company name if other than the company the member belongs to. (Some members are
freelancers working under an umbrella. The freelancers wants to be displayed under the
freelancer company name AND under the umbrella name. The member is however using
umbrella companie’s contract so the extra company name is only there to enable the
freelancers double visibility.)
- e-mail
- mobile
- picture
- possible to show:
* remaining resources in the current month
* historical usage of resources (month-by-month)
- skills
possibility to add, configure, change, delete medlems-attributes

Booking rules conference rooms:

Of your included hours for the resource conference rooms are finished a question shall pop up
and show a text saying that the difference between the potential remaining hours and the
hours to be booked differ with x hours and that it is still possible to book the room and that the
member will be debited the difference in hours times the hourly member rate on the room will
be charged.

Normally a member has 16 hours to use for rooms each month. 10 minutes is the shortest time
a room can be booked.

Catering possibilities:
Upon booking of the conference rooms the member shall see if catering is possible plus the
different catering possibilities as a web form with a text description, price per person, and the
number of persons per dish. (This is the preferred alternative but if it is costing too much they
want the simplest alternative)

Cancellation rules for conference rooms:

If a cancellation is done 24 hours or more before the meeting the charge is zero.

If a cancellation is done between 24 hours and one hour before the meeting 50% of the normal
charge is deducted.

If a cancellation is done one hour or less before the meeting the room is fully charged. The
cancellation rules shall be possible to alter. Different cancellation rules shall be possible to set
for different rooms.

E-mail communication:
HTML- and plain text mails
- Internally where e-mails shall go to the selected receivers plus get posted on the intranet
under ”infobrev arkiv”
* possibility to create groups of receivers
* possibility to select members based on membership type and/or company name (at least)
- Externally to communicate with potential members
* possibility to create groups of receivers

E-mail communication is only available for administrators.

- Planning report
• A day report in matrix form where it is possible to see time in the upper row and
conference rooms in the left column.
• Visible in the matrix: company name, start- and stoptime for the room
booking, delivery time for the catering

- Resource usage (in the columns: company name, member name, resource 1-x, usage,
included in the membership, not included in the membership, money to be paid on top of the
membership fee
• Conference room hours
• Telephone answer service
• Mail stamps
• Envelopes
• Telephoni
• Catering
• Drinks
• Printouts

- Financial reporting
o Invoice report per company monthly
o With a specification on all included / not included used resources
o Turnover per month (+ graph showing month by month 12 months at the time)
o Number of members per membership type (+ graph showing month by month 12
months at the time)
o Turnover on average per member per membership type (+ graph showing month by
month 12 months at the time)
o Average contract length (+ graph showing month by month 12 months at the time)
Possibility to administrate the external site and the intranet in the same admin environment.

”Aktuellt” shall be possible to update with news from the member. The member shall also be
able to decide if they want to show the news externally or only internally.

Support for various user types (where different rights shall be possible to share for different
user types):
* superadmin (Anna)
* admin (Oskar etc)
* contact person/ company admin (a kind of member but with more rights)
* member

It shall be possible to create, change, deactivate, reactivate, erase users and user types + a
change shall apply to the members related to a changed user type.

What can be changed and by who:

- administrators (superadmin)
- membership types (admin)
- resources such as conference rooms (admin)
- company attributes (admin)
- membership attributes (admin)
- catering dishes (admin)

- ”Aktuellt” (news)
– every member shall have the right to add news about their company and decide
if they want it published internally and also externally. Potentially the admin shall approve a
news before it is published.
- Admin shall be able to publish news from United Spaces
- Admin shalle be able to send newsletters to both members (internally) and
potential members and partners (externally)

- Medlemmar (members)
- A company admin shall be able to register their members with related info
- Every member shall be able to edit his/her information

- Resource booking
- Every member shall be able to book resources
- Admin shall be able to edit resources

- Medlemsinformation (member information)

- Admin shall be able to change texts under ”medlemsinformation”. Potentially the
superadmin shall approve changes before they are published.

The intranet shall be closed from web crawlers
It shall be possible to sort members based on all registered data
Members shall have the possibility to opt out from newsletters
It shall be possible to change password, get a password reminder through e-mail, plus approve
cookies and thereby have username and password filled in for automatic login when entering
the intranet url.
Members shall have the possibility to search other members and member companies based on
registered attributes and search words.
When clicking on a member links to the related company shall appear as well as links to
members also relating to the same company.
When clicking on a company links to members relating to the company shall appear.

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