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Themes for Domino Designer 8.

Domino Designer moves to Eclipse
What is Eclipse? Eclipse is an open source community building an open development platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building, deploying and managing software across the lifecycle Users can extend its capabilities by installing plug-ins written for the Eclipse software framework

XPages Support
A new runtime that supports building Web 2.0 applications easily and intuitively

Themes for Notes/Domino 8.5

Notes/Domino meets Web 2.0 !!
What is Web 2.0 ? According to OReilly, Wikipedia et al: Rich internet applications AJAX, Dojo, CSS Semantically valid XHTML and HTML markup Folksonomies (in the form of tags or tagclouds, for example) Cascading Style Sheets to aid in the separation of presentation and content REST and/or XML- and/or JSON-based APIs Syndication, aggregation and notification of data in RSS or Atom feeds Mashups, merging content from different sources

How can I quickly improve the look and feel of my web application? How do I make my Notes/Domino app a 1st class Web 2.0 citizen?

The XPages Initiative

XPages in brief
A new Domino design element A runtime designed to generate modern Web applications Pure XML markup, defining: Controls, data sources, business logic, custom controls Solves age-old limitations expressed by the Domino community UI/Data separation, HTML generation control, server state, localization, extensibility Capable of targeting multiple clients Highly extensible runtime and design time Standards-based technology: JSF Full integrated into Domino Designer 8.5 Visual Design Page, Source Page, Control Palette, Outline View etc.

XPages in Domino Designer 8.5

Visual Page Designer XPage Design Element Control Palette

XPage Outline Viewer Custom Control Palette

Optional Source Pane

Property Sheets

Scripting, Simple Actions etc.

XPages Is Easy
The Simplest Web Page Ever!

Domino Web Apps since 1996

Discussion Database viewed on a browser todaywithout customization

Domino Web Apps of the future

Discussion Database rendered using XPages
Actions Domino view

Tag cloud

View View Paging Paging

DEMO II How do we get from A to B ?

From this

To that

Standard & Custom Controls

Extensive palette of pre-built controls
All the basic controls and containers expected for developing Web 2.0 applications Tabbed panel Date picker

Custom Control is like a page

Extensible palette of controls

Custom Composite controls Sub-form on steroids Made by assembling exiting control in a page Behave like native controls Define their own set of properties Rendered by Designer Java based controls Full support of the JSF API

Control added to a page

XPages Markup
Pure XML file format
No JSP tag involved No ugly syntax Easy to process using XML tools Source code available from the editor

Every property is computable

CSS Support
Look and feel is driven uniquely by CSS Enforce consistency between applications Help solving accessibility issues (Section 508 compliant) XPages feature global references to CSS files

Style classes and inline styles can be applied per Control

Data Access
XPages introduces a new data source property
A data source can return any kind of object (Pojo, bean, SDO, XML) Data binding is done through scripting languages XPages extends JSF with custom data binding, like XPath

Connection to Domino data

Done using the public Java API Exposed objects are the public Java objects (Document, View) Implicit objects pointing to the current context session & database global objects Manages all aspects of Domino data Documents, Views, Rich Text fields, Attachments

Built-in Ajax Support

Partial page refresh
Available on any event Pre-built on View Pager

Ajax Typeahead
Add behavior to any text box Content can be returned via a simple formula

JSF support for custom behaviors

Base classes for writing server services

Dojo is going to be provided as the client side library

Will share some common control with the classic web applications

XPages Summary
XPages is built on top of JSF, but simplifies JSF in several
important ways:
Removes JSP/servlet container dependency Removes tie to Java Allows use of scripting languages (JavaScript, XPath,) Built-in XML support Adds composite control model Adds other extensions (data sources, AJAX) No deployment step needed Works just like other Design Elements

Existing JSF components can be used in an XPage

XPages remains 100% compatible with JSF

XPage/XPages = a code name, subject to future change

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