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63 Holiday Drive, Woodbury, NY 11797 | 516.319.3003 |

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! "#$#%&'!())*+,%!-,%./,0!Ignite Bealth, New Yoik, NY Summei 2u11
Suppoiteu Senioi Account Executive on a numbei of 0S anu global accounts to launch new
piouucts anu stiengthen existing bianus in fielus of 0ncology anu Infectious Bisease
Composeu uigital biiefs, seivice statements, anu client uecks foi upcoming meetings
Reseaicheu, composeu, anu piesenteu Pio-Bono iuea to top company executives
Paiticipateu in stiategic biainstoim sessions foi 2u12 tactical planning
! !
! (12./%#3#,$!4&'.3!-,%./,0!Funny oi Bie, New Yoik, NY Summei 2u1u
- Reseaicheu competitois anu uaily auveitisements
- 0iganizeu mastei list of upcoming ieleases to potentially be auveitiseu on website
- Besigneu mastei list of agencies anu theii iepiesentatives foi access to clients
- Attenueu auveitising sales confeience calls anu meetings with majoi clients

4*)#&'!5.1#&!-,%./,, BianuYouiself, Syiacuse, NY Fall 2u11-Piesent
- Nonitoi twittei feeus on uaily basis using the piogiam BootSuite
Engage customeis with aiticles, questions, anu auvice on peisonal bianuing
Inciease awaieness of BianuYouiself using inbounu maiketing techniques
Cieate coheient bianu image on othei social meuia foiums such as Facebook, anu uoogle+

())*+,%!6'&,,./0!LouuNouth NY, Syiacuse, NY Spiing 2u12
Created LoudMouth NY, a mock advertising agency, for campaigns class
Worked on RFP and Agency Credentials to be presented to the client Chobani
Conducted primary and secondary research on yogurt eating habits across different markets
Working on our final pitch to be presented to Chobani executives in May

Marketing Rep, 310 Rosemont, Syracuse, NY Fall 2009Present
Promote clothing sales at Syracuse University twice a semester
Use different types of social media to advertise upcoming events and sales

Media Planner, Syracuse University, NY Fall 2010
Created complete media plan for Harley Davidson brand
Utilized Simmons and MRI+ data to reach best possible target
Conducted primary research among 18-34 year olds through surveys and focus groups
Used Media Flight Plan to accurately budget media plan

Euucation: Syracuse University, S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
Bachelor of Science- Advertising- May 2012
Minors in Marketing and Psychology
Deans List

Skills & Microsoft Office Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Simmons MRI +
Inteiests: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter HootSuite Photography Dance Technology

Activities: Alpha Phi Sorority Director of Philanthropy Fall 2009-Spring 2010
Guidance Counselor, Say Yes to Education, Syracuse, NY Spring 2010Spring 2011
Junior Panhellenic Council President, Syracuse, NY Fall 2009Spring 2010
Volunteer, Make-A-Wish, Lake Success, NY Spring 2009Spring 2010
Teaching Assistant, J.Irving Baylis Elementary School, Plainview, NY Fall 2007Spring 2008

Fun Fact: I could probably be in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the most social media profiles

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